"Get Thee Behind Me;" That's what Hub week Bays to Inst wlmt Mny cays to April. It's b mighty good tiling that llio month jnHt past did not have much rupntntion to innn iih It will ho remembered (ihiollv for its own rrtir'lcioua weathur nnd OUIl OWN GREAT BAH ( AINS. Hor clouds lind hut ONE SILVER LIN NO anl that WE FURNISHED. . Now wo greet Mny on tlio Homorlc principle: 'Welcome the coming speed the purling guest;" mill us tlio mild eyed mnld troops over the eastern hill A quantity of Hoys' Odd Knee Punts; 19c wo saluto lior tliusly : For this Week. ages from 4 to 14 For this Week. T?nt tVllS "Wfifik A quantity of Hoys' OI llllo vvcoa.. o,lipl,BSlllt8 (BOIlie nro nlightlv damaged, including several odd suits;; nil hi.l'h ; juat tlio thing for rough wenr'. . . . 79c each A qunntity of Boys' Odd Suits' nothing In tln world to their discredit, cave tlio absence of a fow important sizes; regulnr values range from $1.51) toif.'l 00 $1.35 For this Week. kZXtZi For this Week. SrE For this Week. (VdKn5K anus 10 to 20 yenra SI.05 For this Week lisi to lay in a stock of Boys' WnarabloH at positively less than manufacturers' cost. No trouble to nhow goods. Ill SILKS... An Elegant Slock of Silks and Satins CHINAS, INDIAS, TAFFETAS, GROS GRAINS PEARE DE SOIE In all the colors of tlio rainbow. Silk Waist Patterns All the latest fads known in silks to be seen for the asking. All be low today's market value. Silk Waists Just added to stock the newest made-up waists in colors and black SATURDAY Will be our Special T)ay on Towels FOOT FORM... Is the prevailing shape for Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. Wo offer you this week the real thing in Men's brown willow calf,laco..$4.00 " black volour " " .. 4.00 " " vici " " .. 3.00 " brown " " " .. 3.00 Ladies' brown or black kid, lace, Queen Quality, specials 3.00 Ladies' kid, lace, cloth or kid top ' 2.00 Ladies' kid, lace, patent leath er tip and trimmed 1.75 Children's Rough Rider Shoes are also the Real Thing. Misses' kid, button or lace, lUj to 2's $2.00 Child's kid, button or lace, 8 J- to ll's 1.50 Special This Week! Ladies kid, button, square or coin toe $1.G5. All Goods Marked In Plnln FlguroB. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. TUESDAY - - MAY Tlnbo Oysters tcrved In every Htylu by A. KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A good bicycle (or $20 at Mays & Ml 1 .1. Out your wheel overhauled at Maye I. I . IIA 1 A . ijii wi h . ii.m.ir Hicyoli'u rented nnd repaired at Maya X. I' ..... i ... A force of men aro at work today clo.Wlilll. nil tlmuilt frrun hn Lii. mour. voir on the bluff. Juat received a large consignment of Jamei ISridgor, a native of England, ... T. 1 (, . . V il 11 1 1 "H Itnwlaliitti' , 'O" "IIIHMIIlHIi Four teams were loaded todav at tlio ""iwiiuuqw fTIIII -UUUU IIUlllllID Ul Night for Hay Creel; and Prlneville. Pease & Maye aro allowing boiuo nob- u Birun inciiiY Just the tiling lor thte ther. W. K. Waltlior has routed tlio Wuke- e III mum. r... ilw. ........ ..I ...... I .....1 .1 1 1 . .. i t i t i it was built by A. O. Guiger. Colter brakes aro the greatest lm- mi'...ii .... . .r ....... . . . "ID CHI UU UlUVl'll'l) , BllYU - in inn iiuuaiiug. nave one put un n ..... William Van Polt. tlio half-breed Willi IB ni'UIIBCII Ul IIUIOC euiiif, .Vao brought horo veBlerdar h '' IlltlUUII III 1110 COUI11V lI'. , .vMt. Hui, KHiuy mm win uo iriou -Minn; uruwniuu tomorrow nuor- onn t t..i..i. Collin liros. report an Increase of 100 nr iim. i i . . . . . iiuiii a Hinau uanu oi 17 owes, ' " vhihr-huhio aununei. rue riintiii .... "illiuur WBB IIZ. UIH Ol 11118 ""''I'd tliero wore 80 pairs of twins and -veui oi truants, uiftkinir t ho total tn..i ... "l IIIUUIH U, A nieiitlii.r of the Oreuon Wool Grow- - "'-ui:mimil villi hn liolil In I'Iih ,.11..,. ... , . ' ..." """" -mil wneii uatitaln UrniHliv III IHI preeont to mako arrangemontB or "diiiittl,,,. olieoii Into the foroat re U is Important that all members ;"u88oclation should bo present. rt Morrow countv ewos haven't a Ifnir.....!.. . ' , , '-v mo triplet Industry by a lull, says tho Honnner Times. One 1 l W. Ilrluu.' inititt mnl W1 timmi t ti r Ul'lt look8 more like n flour sack n the genulno article, It was 0 n cireumfereneoone way and 1)i H Otlini- ....... -r ...... wuy. In packing it was broken, nnd Mr. Irigt;B discovered thai the interior contained one distinct, hard Hbelied eggs and tho yolkH of two others milking triplets, if you please. It blows sonio up at Arlington. .Inn Cunninuham, a Klickitat county sheen mini, who spent a few days here lust week, after leavinc Tho DalieB drove to Arlington bv way of GoUlendale. Jus us ho touched the Oregon shore tlio wind lifted hia biiL'uy into the air nnd tipped it over, breaking the tongue, but li':ivmr' .11 in unhurt. ltobert Cooper, of Dry Hollow, in formed a representative of Ihk Uiikoxi cm: today that the peaclies are eo tliick on liis trees Unit after luiviiig thinned ut the briiuelieB he will be obliged to n nvnr (In. trttna iinnii tnni'M mill iiinnh oil a largo proportion ot tne iruu. lie Bays that one peach out of ten now on three ttees will be all that ought to bo allowed to remain. The May picnic at Dufur today at tracted thither most of the eandidatep for oflico of both parties. No political speeches will bo mado, of course, but tho candidates will have a good oppor tunity to do some quiet canvassing that may bo just ns effective. Ward & Koberton'fl wagonette took out about a dozen of thorn, with Tom Ward, him self, as euginoer in chief. O. O. Cooper came in from Shaniko last niifht where he has opened the only harness and saddlery shop at present in the town. He says he is doinir as well as he could expect uudor the circum stances. Like u number of others he occupies a shuck sided and floored with rough lumber and covered with canvas. The rails are expected to bo laid into the town by tlio end of tho week. They tire laid to the south sido of lluek Hol low, and from that point to Shaniko the grading is complete nnd everything ready for tho rails. President Harris, of tlio Paul Mohr portogo road, spout yesterday in Astoria looking for n suitable location for ware houses to handle the grain that his company expects to take down the river. He was taken around the harbor in a small steamer, and also along tho Wash ington shore. The property that ap peared to him to be tho most desirable was tho water frontage near Tonguo Point, owned bv Prosulont Hammond, of tho Astoria it Columbia Hiver ltail road. It Is understood that this prop erty has been ofl'ered for sale or lease under very favorable circumstancee. i Aetoriau. I, A farewell party was given last night at the resilience ot Mr. ami airs. a. j. Gelgor, who leavo Thursday for their now homo in Hopirtfer. Nearly every body In the neighborhood of tlio Geigor residence was present and a very pleas ant time was nil, lasting till nearly midnight. Artffiey Gtlhousen was pres ent and sana liberal nuiubor of peleii. lions to thoKfo.it delight of tho audience. It is with 'profound regret that the neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Geigor bid them good bye. During their residence here they hove won n peculiarly wrm place in the hearts of all who had the pleasure of their acquaintance. If their future iB as bright, anil prosperous as their Dalles friends wish it to be, it will be bright indeed. When a person is heard to tnnke the remark that he cannot get work here, it iniuht be announced that it ia altogether out of bis line of business, for there is a great demand for laboring men this spring and men seem to be scarce; that is, men that are familiar with the work in the timber. This is no place for those who are afraid to work. You don't hear the stereotyped phrase that you did a few years ago. "Cau you give me the price of a meal? I have been tryinp to get work, but cannot, and I huve had nothing to eat for several days." The only place you hear this remaik now is around cities by a class of men who are too lazy to ewiug an oxe or pull u saw. The wages for laboting men is increas ing and this seasou promises to be one of tlio best for several years, in the log ging camps especially. Skamania Co. Pioneer. John Piifhck, the tailor, h iving been bothered a good deal with his bees swarming and getting away while he was down town at work, set his wits to work to circumvent tlio pesky things, mid thinks he has succeeded. The hives are some distance from his house, which is up near tho end of The Dalles Lumbering Company's flume. Hither to the only way to save a swarm was to liava some one constantly on the watch. But this was too troublesome and some times cost more than tha swarm was worth. By the new Invention each hive IB suspended on a balance, which is reg ulated according to tiie estimated weight of the bees inside. When tto swarm leaves the hive the balance drops on a wire, which is connected with a battery at the house and rings a bell. When the bell rings, a telephone message is immediately sent to John, who instantly mounts a wheel nnd catches the swarm flagrante delicto, as it were, and thus saves it from getting away. The Albany arrivod hero this morning from Portland with 75 tons of rails for the Paul Mohr portage. Thov were to have been taken over Three-Milo rapids and landed at the big eddy, but for sonto reason tho Albany 6ailed pait way to tho rapids, then ciuiio bqck, and soon after steamed up tho river again nnd laudud til d rails on tho bank of the river opposite The Dalles. The boat did not go near the rapids nor make any attempt to climb thorn. Just why the attempt was abandoned at the last moment we cannot tell, but an ofliulal of the portage road says It was because an ofllcer of the government hoarded the boat as she was about to start and ordered the otlkore not to m.ke the attempt. This Is n Blrango story but we give It as we got It, direct from .the official, Tho rails will be elevated from the place they wero landed to the top of the bliilT by a donkey eugiue and trans ferrod thence by wagons, It would have cost lesB to laud theiu on the bank of the big eddy, but not enough to make tho difference very material, Hoard of Water Commissioners. The regular monthly meeting of the water commissioners waB held in the recorder's office last night. Tho re ports of the superintendent and treas urer were read and placed on file. Presideut Seufert, on behalf of Turner & Sprat, submitted a proposition to the board to bore for artesian water above the reservoir .and guarantee a flowing well for $3,500, witii the condition that in the event of failure to procure arte sian water the sum of if-00 should be paid them to pay tho expense of moving their machinery here. The matter was disposed of by a motion to meet Wednes day night and take the proposal under further consideration. The treasurer's report was as folhws: Apr 1 Bal. cash on hand .$ 447 L'O Apr 30 Cash fiotn water rent.. 1115 00 Total $150:.' 20 Warrants redeemed dur. month 371 12 Bal. cash on band $1191 14 11IU.S Al.l.OWJiU. v J B Crossen, superintendent $00 00 C A Boiders, helper 00 00 Ned Gatee, secretary 10 00 D D Oakes, hauling 1 75 P F Btirham ...... 75 Maier & Benton, mdse (5 70 Mays & Crowe, mdse 4 15 J D Hockman, repairs 1 25 L Lane, repairs 1 55 Win Morganfield, labor 15 60 A A Urquhart, labor 19 50 Mr Grey, labor 4 00 Foldon Clark, labor with team... 7 00 Clias Borders, supplies 2 50 KTnest Pattou, labor 1 00 The Husirt Will lllooni. The long-talked-of scheme of bringing water from tho Deschutes river out on what is known as the "desert" east of the Deschutes and south of Crooked river, has taken definite shape and will soon be realized, says the Crook County Journal, This will be done by the Ore gon Iirigatlou Company, of which C. C. Hutchinson is president, T. Edward Pope, treasurer, and D. D. Warner, sec retary. These gentlemen have had large experience in similar undertakings and huyc enlisted, abundant capital with which to carry on the work to a successful completion, The plan em braces the constructing of three main cauals leading from dilleieut points on the Deschutes east and northeast as far as Crooked river, with a system of lat eral ditches from these, covering the entire desert from the Bear creek hills north and bringing morn than 100,000 acres of gojd, tillable land under culti vation. Permanent surveys aro now being made, nnd us soon as these are completed actual construction of the first canal will begin. The flume where it leaves the river will be 30 feet wide and 10 feet deep, and will carry enough water to float tlu steam dredger, which will be used for excavating the main canal, ex cepte where it intersects rock ledges. This Is a work of great magnitude, but every detail has been figured out and provided for, and before our readers will have time to wake up and rub their eyes, the "desert" will be blooming and green. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought ami which has been. in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of" and has been mado under his pcr- ffij' J, sonal supervision sinco its infancy. r-CCCCL4i4 Allmv no onn to dnnnlvn vnn in fit iff. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. If; contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMMNV, TT MURRAY STRICT. NEW YORK CITY. r Special Sale! ...Steel gauges Cook Stoves... To reduce our large stock we wilL sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at Greatly Reduced Prices for a short time only. See our goods and get our prices. . . . 'a 3' JWAYS 8t GHOU1E. i-ay:iyJ;d:rrT,y,:Y?yJ:.y.lLj.t.y-2Yi.y.2y helv.Lvl'Tlirxl- tNrl'v " v oris thi NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS, I All persons usln,; city witf-r for irri gation on ami after May 1,1900, and until September let, inclusive, will bo charged tho following rates pur mouth : For every lot 50x100 feet, !fl30; for every half lot or fraction thereof, 75 cents, and no rebate will ho allowed to pereone leaving the city unless wiitten notice is served on the superintendent of the water works to turn off the water. Above the bluff water may bo used for irrigating from 6 to 8 a. in, and from ) to 8 p. in. on tho odd days of the month, and below tho blufi during tho same hours on the even days of (he month. These rules must be strictly complied with, and any deviation therefrom will subject the violator to tho penalty of having tlw. water shut off, and in older to get it turned on aualu he must pay a lee- of one dollar, Persons willfully wasting water, or allotting it to run con tinuously thiough their closets or lava tories, or allowing water to run after irrigation hours, will stiller the same penalty us ulnve stated. Hy order ol the water commission. J. H. Ciiobsux, Snpt. The l).dlee, Or , May 1, 11)00. Ot CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Biguature of Alumul Meeting. All members of The Dalles High School Alumni aro requested to attend an important business meeting in the High School Thursday, May 3d, at 8 r.v m. Gko. L. Itucii, President. Garden Hose "Wo have laid in a largo stock of Garden IToso and aro j carrying tho same brand oC 1 1 loso that wo havo boon carry- I ling for tho last fivo years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. Wo carry tho samo brand of Hose that; tho Dalles City Fire Dopart niont has boon using for the last twonty years. Tho Mal teso Cross Brand is without Girt Wuuutl, A nlrl is wanted to do general house work, Apply at this ollice. 1111-41 Subscribe for The Clirouicle. doubt tho best grado of Hoso on tho markot. Call and got i our prices before buying. JVIaier & Benton Sole Agents.