The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY MAY 1, 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS- Justice of the Supreme Court C. E. Wolverton. Tood nml Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailey. Treaidential Electors 0. F. Faston. of Multnomah ; Tillman Fonl, of Ma rion; J. C. Fullerton, of Douglas; W. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. DISTRICT OFFICERS. Congreesman The Dalles. Malcolm A. Moody, of Joint Senators J. K. Williamson, of Crook ; T. II. Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Repiesentatives A. S. Uoberts, of Wasco; R. A. Emniett, of Klamtth ; George Miller, of Gilliam; George Cattanacli, of Grant; George A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attornev Frank Menefee, of The Dalles. mind is marvclously gifted with what old Th onus Cnrlylc used to call protct natural suspicion. In Metntirlnm. COUNTY TICKET. County JuJge A. S. Blower?, of Hood luver. Commis'.ioner P. A. Kircliheiner, of Antelope. SherilT Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Suryeyor J. B. Gbit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothv Brownhill. Judge John C. Tarsney, of Kansas City, discussing the candidacy of Bryan, recently used the following language: "We will have to vote for Bryan, but it will not hurt us much. "We Democrats have been voting for isms, visions and jack-o'- lanterns so Ions that we are used to it, and it does not hurt us any. True, Bryan represents the silver question, but everybody knows that it is a settled question and no one will get scared over it. If I had the writing of the platform, opposed as I am to the silver craze, I believe that I would put that lG-to-one business in just to catch the wild-eyed fel lows who cannot understand anything else, and know but little about that." Tarsney is one or the kind that drink anything in the bottle so long as the old label appears on the outside. "We learn from the Lakeview Ex aminer that S. 1 Moss, who was nominated by the 1'usionisls for joint representative of Wasco, Crook, Klamath and Lake county, has de clined to accept the nomination. The Examiner says "Mr. Moss was not cousulted legarding the nomina 4ion, and cm, no doubt read between the lines can easily see why the nomination came to him unsolicited, and by whose fine Italian hand bis name was written on the scroll in the house" of lords. Mr. Moss has resided in Lake county a long time, and however smooth, suave and oily-tongued some people may be Ihey. can't make u cat's paw of him." The 'Democratic party is between the devil and the deep hen. If its national platform is written so as to draw back the gold Democracy it will repel the Populists. If it is written so as to please the Populists It will repel the gold Democracy. If it is written to please everybody it will please nobody and Bryanism will be like the man with the ass in the fable, who tried to pleace everybody and pleased nobody and lost his ass into the bargain. Samuel J, Vicknrs wub born at Smith's Grove, Varney Co., Ky., Dec-amber 8, 1S59, and died at The Dalles, Or., March 11, 1000, ago 40 years, II mos.nnd 8 days. The subject of this sketch spent his childhood days in the vicinity of hl9 birth, lirst moving to Texas, where he spent two years, and then moving to South Haven, Kan., where, In 18S5, he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza K, Denton, who still survives. Mr. and Mrs. Yiekers settled at Wellington, Kan., but later moved to Texas, whuro they lived several years. In 1805 they came to Oregon, lirst settling at Mosier, and then three years later moving to The Dalles, where the widow and two children still reside. Thus is brielly chronicled the life of a man whose departure is sincerely mourned by all who knew him. Pro fessing religiou in early life he lived consistently with the hope lie embraced, and was prepared for the summons to meet his Maker. He was itidustrioua and honest, faithful in every relation, conscientious and unassuming in tho performance of duty, and enjoyed in an unusual measure the confidence of his acquaintances. Though belonging to another denomination, he was a regular attendant of Calvary Baptist church, of The Dallee, and very much endeared himself to the membership ot that church. His work is ended, his suffer ings are over, and in1 feel confident that he ia at rest with the Lord. May tho Divine blessing rest upon the bereaved wife and children. W. B. Clifton. A FIL.PIHO LETTER. Funny Knr..' !i Written by n Girl After 'liirt'i- Month' of Very iiurtl Ktutly. GOING EAST. If you intend to tako a trip East, B9k your ticket agent to route you via Tho Great Wabash, a modern ami np-tO'dato railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleop ipg and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all ticketd at. Ni agara Falls. Ross C Cmnh, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Cham:, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. The ladies of tho Good Intent Society who pledged themselves to laiee a cer tain amount of money for the church debt, announce that they are ready to make their report, and will do so at a social to be given at tho Methodist church this evening, to which all are invited. An admission feu of 10 cents will be charged, those having sub scribed being admitted free. A program has been prepared and lunch will be served. Notice or Kutrny. I have taken up as an estrav a dark brown mare, aged about seven years, about fifteen bauds high and weighing about 1000 pounds; branded quarter circle u on left stifle. The animal came to my feed yard in The Dalles about two weeks ago and could not be kept away, Tho owner can have her by proving property and paying charges of feed and advertising; other .viso I shall proceed with her according to law. Cll.MlI.ES P.UT.TTK, The Dalles, Apr 28, 1000. a'JS-ow Kick For Siilc. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock egs, per setting $1.00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or address, Sandkks Bkos. Box 017. The Dallee, Or. Latest designs for 19C0 in wall paper. Elegant stock to select from at II. Glenn & Co.'s. aprlT-ln Clark & Falk'a drug fresh and complete. - stock is new For a Nice Suit of Clothes. 4 Panting, Ovcrcoatln-or Fnncj Vesting. Not long ago the girl pupils of Mrs. Wilbrn Coleman, a teacher in the pub lic schools at Sioux City, fa., wrote a letter to be delivered to the girl pu pils of a school in Manila, and the fol lowing letter has recently been re ceived in reply. The writer is a little Filipino girl who has only spent three months in the study of ICuglish, and while there are funny mistakes in the letter it is not likely that any Ameri can girl could write a better one in a foreign language after so little study: Manila, P. L, January.-, 1900. My Dear Unknown American Friend: I'm glad the to be receive your letter the day 7 and intire of the uuhat you say mi said speaking in it the seg mente. lour letter gave me the Mr. John Christensen uulint uuent me professor in the school of l'aea and is your friend what have lived before in the States Idaho but it to be finish of your service and are here of professor in pilipin. I am study with he three months from the months of July August Sep tember and the nrofesor John Cliris- ,7 I Kindly pall nntl examine rny tock of 1m ' , . , , , ...... : potlej uml jj westC woolens. A tlncMock to we the girls and bovs the love inueli 1 elcct from. beeause is very kind and now we have-j MSultMalefromtliu lowest prices to the liiBh. otner proiesor umeriean t lie proiesorj I nriiiteiisen are not more in our j;chool. Whnt a nitv! I am verv sor ry because lie is a good profesor, iie are now in a of the bcliool large nt J. A. Eberle Fino Tailoring. Manila. I nm like study your languages but is very iliflieult and tin' proiiuciation nevertheless 1 wish lcnou because is languages official here. And the o'clock milieu I nm going in the school is 8 o'clock of the morning when 1 nm go (ire 10 o'clock by the afternoon ia 2 o'clock until -1 o'clock. The play nuhiit piny is the hen blind ?nltn la t-omba and the other play more hut we the girls cannot piny with the boys because so tm lone aeustumbra the flnilk'.s hut noun I think uuhat be change line eastumbre because the government is other anil now one has a government very good. I do not understand the to be you play on tho ice anil the frost because liere in my country is liouu also what the spring of nmerica in the Xmns enjoyed quite unci! and olho in the day of new year. The government Spanish is no more and the dishonest, frillies fear now of the nmeriean. I am thank by to lie receive your letter. I wish you a happy new year. Your fllipina friend, ANOKLA AOLMLAH. I.ooban street, lo. 1 1, Munlla. TI1K IMI,t.K OliKnO.V. A boiler plate editorial, manu factured nt Democratic headquarters for the ti6o of the many Democratic alitor who cannot write, intimates that President McKinley has stirred up the trouble with Turkey in order to get an excuso for sending' Dewey to tea till alter the nominations for president are over. The Dryonltc Vt-Kullli'liin lleililliiK. Sir Isaac Pitman invented the "vege tarian bed," composed, not of feathers, but of mosxeu, ferns, flowers and hay. This bedding material, commended as healthy and health-giving by many iloetorsand others has become fiiinoiiu in vegetarian circles, and ileservea to bo more widely known. "It nmelhi Jlko ozone," is the testimony of more than one physician, and many say that sleeping upon it "given rest to hriiu ami mind," One Mil n tu tiiTVaril. Cavalry, when inarching in sections -that is, four abreast occupy as ex actly h possible, iih many ynrdfl ns there nre men Jn the force. Complete Cii?e of at M. Z. DONNELL, THEiDRUGGIST. mmm nnnrrr a I IX-CjUr U XjSl. JXXj LINE, Dalies, Portland & a a & Htenmcnini tnc UWUntor l.lntnvlli , Mp(. , J lowing ocliciliile, the C'nmnuiy reserving tho Mum V. il H'licilnlu without notice. - mti (ll'NKKAIi Hull ...AND... Horsesnoe is i i, IN Str. nogiilntor. I.v IIOWN. DallPH lit S A. M. ; TlU'Mlny 5, TimtMiiiy .. . ( Kiiititiiiiy. - Air. I'orlliiml K lit M ! if. nr. I.v. I'ortl.iiul nt 7 a. Mi Mimilny W'lilncMiiiy . . Ktlilny Arr. Pillion nl rr.VU V. it Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalloa City, down hv. Dal ts A. It. Moiiilny Wnliu'iilny l'rliliiy.. Arr. I'orlluini t fi r. m. FOR OOMFO RT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 6. Travel by the Htenniew ;l the Ucffiihilor I.lne. Tho (:imimny will .Miilcnvnr to i.t,, tons the U't netvlee powllile. Kor further liifnrmutlim mlilrwH sueK,l' laml Olllce, (UU-HttfOt pock. W. C. ALL AW AY, don. At. r TTrirfTr f ttItt I vly r-T I T I t ww w,?Tr'tiyAT?iTf'4.Tr' i rf-ri -m-i - - . . -wilj, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. Important Announcement to you. Wagon nntl Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. c, Hum aiiu juiiuiMiu, niuiuuaa i' 3 ixuaiuaxii For ISO diiVH after April lat, I will sell k I all the Dry (.iooiIs, Ulotninu', noom anil k 'ShneH, Hosiery, lllnnkuts, lints and Laps, on a cm in price oi 0 ..GHAS. FRAM.. 5 Butcher's and Farmer's ..Exchange.. KeepH on ilrnuKht the cclclirntnl i:oi.u.MniA iii:i:h, ncknow:- oinul tho U'st ter In The Ptillca, ntlhuiiMinl price. Come In. try Ithinl be conviiicoil. Aim tho Fillet brands ol Wines, U iunr niul Clicurs, Sanduiiches of nil Kliiilsiilvn) n on hum. .4 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street fin fglllKJ9ft OHE FOR A DOSE. ..Ttfraovo PlinnUi. P.....I A fn, !Jl?dj1h9."'llW. IJlli O.LLS C. F. Stephens ..Doalor In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Futnishings. nooi, Bhix-s. lints, Cip, NotloiiB. AkI. Telephone No. SS. 181 fcccoml Kt., The Dalles, Or, Jast What Yoa uuant. 25 per cent, for Cash. Now L'aina. in your opportunity to nol bar Do'n't itiitia it. S. L. BROOKS, Sueceesor to K. J. CoIIIiih it Co. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE THW I flADE m ARnu rrrw CopvniQHTB Ac. Anrono "nillnu n sVclrli nml dojcrlpllnn mv qiilcUlir nsrvrinlii on r opinion freo nliothur it luvi'iitlmi l protMibly tnti'innliio. '"ominiinlri. I Icmn nl rlcl ly i-i'ntlil.-iitlal, llunillxHikiin 1'iin-iitt lent Irvu. OMit nuency for xtirlinr pitlvnu. I'.ilt'i.u taken tiiroui.'h Jluiin A Co. rucolvt ti'ttLttt tiotUe, wlthimt. clmrito, In I ho Scientific nmeriean. A iLinilnonii'lT llhi'lrnli-il tto.IiIj-. Turim, t.) a T. BROWNHILL, JUSTIOK OF Til K PJSAOB. Notarv I'liiJliu. ColleetmnB promplly atloiided to. MoriMv to loan. O. H. Hayard'n of fice, fho Dallef, Oregon. ja y j m l) W mm I J 1 'Ja Jrj Jjlt. K. K. FKItOUNOK, PJiysieian and Surgeon, Olllce, Vogt Jilock (over I'oUofllc), .Hkpliiioqiv THK UAI.I.K9, OftKdON. u t wiuon B I HUN7IN0TOM TTIlUTIKnTnU M. Ulfrankf Jtl ATIOMNKYH AT UW, Jjow it eas in Wall Paper horo. Such wide variety aa wo are allowing novor ho. (ore graced a fiinulo etock. Heal imita tlon ereton efreets at ordinary prices. OooiJ panets at cheao paper prices. lvltKant iletlsiig, taeteful coloriuKs yourii or o small price, at our store on Thlrif atreet. Al8oh', ltl0 of Imuso paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Iff. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllco aver Krench A fo.' Hunk rtioueC, THKUAUKH.OUKUOH rul.illon of nnr rlrnllUi) 1 u ri i :il. riur: loin- month, tl. Fold by all mmrilwilur. MUNN&Co.30"1' New York Urwicli omcu. (Si V K. WuthliiKioii. U. I' We Put... ovory bit of ( twenty yoars cxporionco and drug knowlodgo with ovory J'reauription thnt's conipoundod horo. Js it any reason why our jircscription businoBs is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wo aro roliable. BLHKELEY & HOUSHTOH. Jloliablo i'rosoriptionists p. S. Gunning, C. S. Smith. THK Fresh Kkrh niul Creamery Hotter a specialty. 2d Street. J.ti. HC1IKNK, 1'reaMcat. 'Phone 270. II. M. Bill. ' CullN First national Bank, THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Buoineae trsnaitti lJup&gita roeeivea, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceed promplij remitted on dav of collection. Hieht and Telegraphic Exchange aoldci Now York, Bun Francisco mi porl land. DIRlIOTOWa D. P. Tmomphon. Jno. 8. Bchiici. Ed. M. Williams, Qko. A. Lint. H, M. lixAi.t, Mica Axle Urease hcljw tlie team. Saves wear and exense. houi everywucre. haiik lir STANDARD OIL OO. lightens the load shorttni the rod. FRENCH & 00., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNERAL RANKING BUm Letters of Credit issued available Id the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and felegTipW Transfers sold on New ork. OWagi St. Louis, San Francisco, IrtlandOfJ gon, Seattle Wasli,. and varloui paw in Oregon and Washington. Collections made ut nil pointi on UT orahle terms. . Darfrinffftl Blacksmith, Wagon Shoo. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LauHlin. 'None Wl Suhicrihe for Tug Omhoniuk. Tfio flnfnmfiiQ 111D UU1U111U1D lUUMUM'i PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFAOTUKKHBOX Pine Lard and Sausages Curersof 4r BRAND HAMS & BACON x)RlF.I) BKHF. ETC. . JERVITA Ctu-CH Imuotency, NlRlit Emll J. itinjr tllacas'ju, all '-L'"BJ lBjif uhuse, or cxcc d blood bMimor. V 'g rcatorefl m '"r ";toxH INnymallfiOcj.crhox.'w in.. HU MIi with 1L wrllW'W NERVITA MEDICJLCO' waH OWco ovi Vint Nat. ll uik.