The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 30, 1900, Image 3

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We will dovoto all this week to the
. ., little fellows
Watch this Spaec
For money-saving oppor
tunitos in
Boys' Suits,
Boys' Hats,
Boys' Underwear,
Boys' Odd Knee Pants
An Elegant Stock of Silks and
In all the colors of the rainbow.
Silk Waist Palterns
All the latest fads known in silks
to be seen for the asking. All be
low today's market value.
Silk Waists .
J.ust added to stock the newest
made-up waists in colors and black
Will be our Special Day on Towels
Is the prevailing shapo for Men's,
Women's and Children's Shoos.
Wo offer you this week the
real thing in
Men's brown willow calf,laco..$4.00
" black velour " " .. 4.00
" " vici " " .. 3.00
' brown " " " .. 3.00
Ladies' brown or black kid,
lace, Queen Quality, specials 3.00
Ladies' kid, lace, cloth or kid
top 2.00
Ladies' kid, lace, patent leath
er tip and trimmed 1.75
Children's Rough Rider Shoes
are also the Real Thing.
Misses' kid, button or lace,
'11$ to 2's .$2.00
Child's kid, button or lace,
Sh to ll's 1.50
Special This Week!
Ladies kid, button, square or coin
toe $1.65.
All Gootla Marked
In Plnln FlBiiros.
Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. 1.
AI'UII, 110, litOO
served In
style by
A good bicycle for $20 nt Mays A i
Crime's. U').i-n j
Uut your wheel overhauled ut Mays
k Crowe's. u!10-Jt
llicycles rented ami repaired ut Mays !
k Crowe's. ti30Jt j
Miiaier Republicans will organize n
liepuliliciin club ut that place tonight.
Mrs. H, Southorland, of lloyd, a ludy
oi about 70 years, ia very ill ut the resi
uencu of Hoi-ueo llice, of title city,
Mr, Ohildcre, engineer ut tho Hansen
& Thomson planing null, hnd hia left
foot t:ut to pieces in the plaurr this
uiiHiirur O. L. Phillips today a nt
Salem u draft for the full amount of
Wasco county's share of the state tux.
Tim draft culled for $19,801.04.
The wild sand atorm of vesterduy
nfti riicon ia regarded ns a precursor of
tho "Uyclone" thnt will rip the uir at
tlio lialthvln next Thursday night.
('oriHtor brakes ure tho greatest im
provement of the year on bicycles j snvo
oiiu half the pedaling. Hove one put
on your old wheol nt Maya & Crone's
"Ike shop. 30.1-41
Tho cable of the ferry bout broko Sat
urday, and In tho difllculty of making
landing the boat's rudder became dia
aided eo that Hhe wna luld up for repulra
nil yesterday forenoon,
Caputn Sampson, who tas hud charge
ot the work of the Snlvutlon Army nt
Tho Dalles for the pnHt month, leaves In
'lie morning to uttond un ofHcora' coun
cil t Portland. The captain does not
expect to return, but uuother ollleor
fill take his place.
Should tho present warm weather
lontlnne, it ia expected Tho Dalies will
"Wo ripe strawberries of her own grow
'"K in this market by tho end of tho
wok. Then id a sliort time tho price
w'll (fnt down low enough for oven n
editor to got u mess, California berries
t two hits u box are too rich for un or
dinary mortal's blood.
H. Ailaina will Joavo in the luarn
i for Portland. Ho will take with
'dm a couple of eackn of ore from tho
Iiicb:1h whieli ho ia interested on the
fcaet fork of Hood river. Tho ore will
10 (hipped to 8au Franolico for a mill
lesl and good results are expected. Tho
fo was taken from three ledgeo, known
nd recorded na Muck Jack, Blue Hoy
ftnd Ilhio Wing.
The ladioa of tj,e Good Intent Soctety
" pledged thenuelves to raise a cer
tain amount of money for the church
debt, untiounce that they ure ready to
make their report, and will do bo ut a
social to be given at the Methodist
church Tuesday evening, to which all
are invited. An admission fee of 10
cents will he charged, those having sub
scribed being admitted free. A program
has been prepared and lunch will be
served. 28-lft
Arthur Meller, u boy of 10 vears, hail
ing from Chicago, was buried today at
the canity's expense, in the city eemo
tory. Meller was taken siek hero about
three cekB ago when he put up nt an
East End lodging house. Ho was u
common tramp and accoiding to the
testimony of u companion who staid
with him till he saw him under the pod,
ho had been on the road for the pasi
live years.
A warrant was issued out of Justice
Urownhill's court this morning for the
urrest of William Van Pelt, n half breed
Indian, sou of the late Captain Van
Pelt, an old-time river bteamboat man.
The complainant is E. Curtis, who al
leges that Van I'elt first sold him a
horse and afterwards stole it from him.
John Filloon was 'deputized to make the
arrest, but I nut not brought in his man
ut the time of going to press.
The four largo bridges in Buck hollow
has retarded the construction of the
railroad considerable, says the Shnnlko
Leader, but wo are now pleased to state
they ure completed and tho raiis are
being rapidly luld on the Shaniko side
of them. By the 1st of May the road
will he into Shaniko, and by the Cth
will be ready to receive freight to and
from that place, and by the 10th or 15th
passenger coaches will bo run.
Tho Reliance will mako her first trip
to Portland tomorrow, leaving hero at 7
a. m, nnd stopping at the following
landings only, coming and going : Lyle,
Hood River, White Salmon, Sprague,
Nelson's, Stevenson, Cascade Locks,
Warrendnle, McGowan's Capo Horn,
Corbetts, Remington's Fisher's, Van
couver. On tho return trip she will
leave Portland at 0:30 a. in. She is
billed to nrrivo at Portland nnd The
Dalles nt 2 p. m. and -1 p. m. respective
The Ukiali Sentinel is responsible fori
the following: "A well-to-do. but ec
centric farmer over in Grant county,
utilizes his wife as u scarecrow
ludy, who In form and feature is certain
ly not Ill-adapted to tho singular role,
ia dif patched dally to the spot where
. - I .nI...Lnl Till.-.
lavor of the proposed movement on the
part of similar bodies in the Columbia
river valley, for a united effort in favor
of a oortnge railroad from The Dalles to
Celilo, to be built by the government,
and to be followed as epeedily as possible
by the permanent opening of the river
to navigation by means of a canal with
locks. Whatever other projects may
have been devised, there sjon will be, if
there is not already, a general ageement
that this is the best, if not the only real,
reasonable and permanent solution of
the problem.
In one of Blakeley & Houghton's
show windows i9 a very curious freak of
nature in the form of a lamb with three
bodies and one head. It was dropped
this season on the ranch of George A.
Young & Son and was sent here to be
mounted by Bert Campbell. And a very
excellent job Mr. Campbell has made of
it. The bodies ure joined together at
the shoulder, or rather merge into one
chnnlitpr. with .1 nm fmtlv natural head
ijand one pair of fore feet. The hindquart-
fers of the two outside bodies are natural,
but those of the middle body, although
.distinctly formed, are without a tail or
jiuuuameiu, unu stranger sun, mo lege,
of everything the farmer has to sell.
Wheat is quoted at 00 cents, oats 50
cents, potutoes 37 cents, butter 15 cents,
eggs 15 cents, chickenB $2.50 a dozen,
and flour $6 u barrel.
A party of eight or ten prospectors
left last Wednesday to prospect for
pluccrs in the neighborhood of tho mines
of the Mount Hood Gold and Silver
Mining Company of this city, whose
mines ate located on the east fork of
Hood river. Among them are Seth
Morgan, Jack Elton, M. D. Adams, Mr.
Davis and son, of this city, and Mr.
Kerns, of Endersby. A number of
other are going to the samo region in
the near future.
Mariu Rose, aged 8 years, says the
New York Commercial Advertiser, was
tellini: Elsie, aged 7, about the making
of the world. "And Adaui was the first
being created," she announced solemn
ly, "so it was awfully lonely for him,
and one day when he was asleep, the
Lord took a rib out of his bide and made
a woman out of it so Adam would have
a friend to plav with him." "And
wasn't Adam a'piised?" asked Elsie.
"Surprised? Why he was just tickled
in !" nniil MnriH llnse ppRtntlcnllv.
aiuiougn uangiing iroin me nips, are
Complaint is maue tliat there is Haul- I f,,ro e(,e jDBtead of hind ones,
Iv room left for another grave In theoldMr . . Pinf..iirv. Ant vnt. I hern nre num. Ilf """ i."
bers dving annually whose friends can- Paieu. " ' ,M"",U " " e .
nntnirnrH tl. Invnrv nf a i3 ariivu in lmc"u 01 ",B Own invention ttiat lie
ti... n.M fiviint m,.t..rv. but who M" proceed at once to manufactuie
uere onu put on mo mantei. me ma
chine is intended for killing weeds on
1 fl. ....,. f..lln... It ! a! ...... ctnwln
of the question. We are told that two 0,""u"" """"'. " ' ,c"'.
acres of land adjoining the cemetery construction una one w'it.i an toot
,.., l l,,l fnr on n ,.rP. Tt will nr-Lfflk WlU eW 0ny abUt 103 IOUntltl.
must bo buried nt the expense of the
coutity and for whom a $25 grave is out 1
Im-H are lii moBt request. There
dressed in a fantastic garb and armed
with nu old-faBhlonod rattle, sho per
forms her extraordinary duties until
Bitch hour as her husband in person
fotchos hor home."
Whllo removing an old stono buildlug
in Eugene tho other day to make room
for n new building, the workmen found
in tho cornor-Btone a newspaper of An
gust 15, 1808, which contolnud a murket
report of the price of farm products In
tho Willamette valley live yeara before
the crime of '73 nnd before the accursed
gold standard had cut in two tho price
to the cemetery would meet the needs
of this community for many years.
'Henry Klindt is suffering from a
eevere bruiso on the jaw and on one of
liin lei'R tlirntiL'h ffettincr tangled UD ill
lun attempted runaway a short lime ago.
mPnnhitching a high-spirited team one
tug was lorgotten, witn tne usual resuu
In such caaes. Mr. Klindt might have
escaped injury but for the fact that he
held on to the team till he was swung
round in a circle several times and the
tongno of tho wugon was wrenched into
splinters. Just what struck him he is
unablo to tell, but the bruises confined
him to hia bod for several days nnd are
yet quite painful.
Th1M!ott D. Perky, ot Worcester, Mitfiea-
ehusettfl, was the guest oi Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. llobson, of this city, yestorday,
arriving here Saturday afternoon and
leaving at noon today. The parents of
Mr. Perky aro old-time friends of Mr.
nnd Mrt". Hobson. Scot is a young man
not yet out of his teens, who, when ho
was only 17, made a tour of all Europe,
and who is now on his way to San Fran
cisco, from thence to make a two years
tour of the world. The young man's
father baa planned and urged his son's
travels ns an effective means of acquir
ing a liberal education and becoming
acquainted with the world.
The business men of Astoria, repre
sented by the Astoria chamber of com
merce, are reported to be heartily in
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought and which has liecu
in uso for over 30 years, has horno tho slgnatnro of
and has been made under his per-
rtl- sonnl supervision since its infancy.
-ccccAc Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good' are but
Experiments that trifle with nnd endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
K Knows the merits of the
Many new features for 1900 which you cannot nllbrri to oveilook
s on shoes instead of wheels, ami
is consequently of lighter draught than
any wheeled machine of the same
weight. Tho weight of the driver se
cures steadiness of motion. The depth
of cut is regulated by a lever and the
change is easily made while the ma
chine is in motion. The knives, which
constitute the weeder proper, all overlap
about three inches, and when the weeder
bus passed over a piece of giouud at the
proper depth every living vegetable sub
stance is left dead. The knives have a
lateral i' ut so that no ridges are left
as in the ease of a disk harrow or ordi
nary cultivator. Ami what is of no
small importance an eight foot machine
will only cost in the neighborhood of $30
to $33.
Munition, ltcil Molil
All Ked Men are requested to trail to
tho 'wljjwam, to tho regular paw waw,
Tuesday, May 1, 1000, us there will be
degree work, ami last but not, tur
key on toasL
For Infanti and Children.
Thy Kind You Havi Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Complete Line of "1900" Sundries, j
Win. J. Landers, resident manager of '
tho Lion and Imperial Fire Irmmtnco
Companies, wishes to announce to thel
patrons of thebj companies that owing'
to tho sickness of Mr. C. E. ISbyaul nnd
the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gouiluy,
their former agents, the aget cy for both
companies for The D.illes and vicinity
lias been placed in the hands of Mr.
Timothy Brownhill. Any business
given to Mr. Urownhill will receive
prompt attention and will ho appreciated
by the companies. Office in C. E. Ray
aril's old stand. No. 85 Washington
stieet, The Dalles. Oregon. alO-lrn
Latest designs for 1900 in wall paper.
Elegant stock to select from at II. Glenn
& Co.'d. apr!7-lw
Wo know that in modeling, draught
ing, construction and material
Shoes aro perfection. This is proven by
the pciftct fit, perhct commit and ex
cellent service expeiiencid by weaieis,
Our Street Styles
aro especially handsome and up-to-date,
shapely, stiish and easy on the feet.
All styles, one price
Oxfords $2.60.
Garden Hose
Wo have laid in a largo
stock of Claulen Hoso and aro
carrying tho samo brand of
Hoso that wo havo beon carry
ing for tho last (ivo years,
which is tho colebrated Mal
tese Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho samo brand of Hoso that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has boon using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
tei50 Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grade of Hoso
on tho market. Call and got
our prices before buying.
(WaieF & Benton
Solo Agants,
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any cafe of
coughs, cohl or croup, Should It full to
give immediate relief money refunded,
25 vts. and 50 cts. lllakeley & Houghton
i Druggists,