The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - APRIL 30, 1000 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court 0. E. Wolverton. Tood mul Dairy Commissioner J. V. Bailey. Presidential Electors O. F. Paxton, of ftlullmmmh ; Tillman Ford, of Ma rion; J. C. Fullorton, of Douglas; W. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. DISTRICT OFFICERS. Congressman Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles. Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, of Crouk; T.TI. JohnBton, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Repiesentntives A. S. Roberts, of Wasco; R. A. Emniett, of Klamttli ; 'Georue Miller, of Gilliam; George 'Cuttanneli, of Grant; Geome A. Car ;rett, of Grant; T. fl. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attorney Frank Menefee, of The Dalles. Comity Jmigi Iliver. COUNTY TICKET. A. S. Blowers, of Hood -P. A. Ktrchheiner, of Coinniisioner-Antelope. Sheriir Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wainic. Treasurer C. L. riiillips, of The Dailes. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of SchooU C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Snryeyor J. R. Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. II. Butts, of The Dalles. Tor Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. AN IIOXORABLE RECORD. of Hood River asked his nomination as commissioner nl thu lunula of the county convention. His election followed in due course mid his ser vicj in this capacity is a tunttor of public record. It is ti mutter of simple justice to say that hu brought into his conimissionorship the ripe business experience of long years of service in the same capacity else where; that no meritorious improve ment was ever discriminated against because of locality, and that every proposition for the improvement of the roads leading to the county scat received his special and cordial sup port. Captain lllowcrs will bring to the comity judgship the varied ex perience of long years of service ns commissioner in two states, added to that of a long and successful business career. Should 'he bo elected he will move his family to The Dalles and devote his entire time to the business of the county. Captain Blowers is entitled to and ought' to receive every Republican vote in the countv. Citation. lu the t'ountv Court ot the Htiitoof Orcsou fur the County of Wasco. In tho mutter of tlio cstuto of IMtrlck llrown, ilcvciiml, citation. To Delln (!. llrowu, Arum llrown. Mnry M. Ui- until. Kiithcrlnc Uooy, l'ninU llrown, Aiuni llrown. Allen llrown ntui Kthol llrown, imvtliiR. In the mime of too Statu ot OreRon, you mu hereby el toil nml tcipihetl to Appear In the County ronrtof thu ditto nf llrwm, tor the I Counivof Wasco, nt thu Mny term ol nun roun. I nt Ihe court room thereof, ut Dalles city, In said countv, on TucMlny, tho Mh ilny of Mny. t'JOO, t I 'J o'clock In tho afternoon ol llnitiliiy. then mul thcrvi .to show rouse, If any thete ho, why mi or- iler of eulo should not bo mmlo by the above en titled Court, illrectltiK Holla i' llrown, minimi tratrlx of alil estate, tn Mill at private vile tho folIowliiKite-vcrltHd rea' property ol mid .e'tnte, UMvtt; Lots A, It, C, I', V., V, II H, I, .1, K, I., In block f7, of Kurt Dalles Military Keservutlmi In Oregon. Witness the Hon. Uobert Mays, Jmlpe of tlio nid County Court, with the seal of snld Court iitllxed, tills -'ml day of April, A. 1). I'AO. sk.W.1 Attest: A. M. Kl'.l-SAY, Clrk, apitoSiv liy b. IIoi.ton. Deputy, There was a, lull in Hie octopus pulverizing business of Crook county last week. The editor of the Re view suspended operations long enough to tell Tin: Cimoxicu: we're "another" because we intimated that he had sense enough to know the difference between forty-five cents and a dollar till he was metamor phosed by a little sprig of a flower that Wandering Willie wore in his button hole he last vexed the air of the W foot metropolis. Tm: Cuitosici.r. t tt nil back and craves puititui on its knees. The Review man is the same nllfired,frce stiver lunatic he always was. There now. What more do you'want? NOTICE FOR PITULICATION. Land Officii at Tiik IUi.lkk, Oiikoos, j .March W, KW.i Notice 1m herebv siven that the followltiR nnmeil settler has illeJ notice of his Intention to mnko llnnl proof lu support of hi claim, ami that said proof will bo made beforo the mutter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday Maya, lPOD, viz.: Helnrlch Lnbbinp.of Tho D.illes.Or., H. K. No. K73, for (he NWW. section 17, town ship 1 north, range pj cmt, V. Jl. lie names the following wltnesei to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz.: John StCKmnn, Henry Klthlell, Michael Doyle, Charles Hilincrt, all of Thu Dalle-. Oregon. I AY 1. 1.U0.V3. mnrJMl Register. NOTICE FOR PHIiLICATlOX. (Isolated Tract ) Public Sale. Land Office at Tiik Dalles, Oiikroxi Apr. 10, 1500. i Notice Is hereby given that in ptnsii.iiire of Instructions from trie commissioner of the gen eral land ofllee, under nuthoilty vested In nlm by section 'JiV. L. S. Itcv. Slat., us amended by the act of congress approveil February ls'J.), we will proceed to oiler at public sale on Mon dav, the -Jsth dav of May next, at thu hour of '10 o'clock, a. in., at this otllev, Hie following tract of laud, tn-wif N W'4 NK!i Sec. VV, T. 1 N. H. l'J K., W. M. Any and all iiersous claiming the above described lands arc advised to tile tin lr cUlms In this otllce on or before thu dny abovu designated for thecommenceiiient of said sale, otherwise their rl;hts will be forfeited. JAY 1'. LUCAS, Iieghter, Complete Cine of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE:DnUGGIST. aprlS-l OTIS I'ATTI'ItHOX, Ilecelver. Captain A. S. Blowers, the Re publican nominee for county judge, is a native of the Empire state where he was born in 1845. In the latter fifties he removed to Minnesota, and when the civil war broke out and he was scarce past the age of fifteen he enlisted in the lGth U. S. Regulars Dec. 1, 18C1, and served till the following year when he was dis charged because of his youth. In the October of 18G2 lie enlisted again in the Second Minnesota cavnlr and served till April 3, 18GG, when he was mustered out with his regiment. He participated in every engagement and movement of his regiment dur ing the war and was several times commended by his 'superior olllcers for coolness and braverj in time of danger. He is an honored member j of the G. A. R. and was for a time captain of a company of a militia at Hood River. This is a record of de votion to the Union and its flag that any man may be proud of, and when such a man comes before the people for their suffrages in the full vigor of matured mental manhood and ripe and varied experience, it ought to receive due consideration from every patriotic citizen without respect to bis political affiliation. Whatever Captain lllowcrs has or is he owes to bis own energy and to no one else. Left alone at the age of eleven years be has since carved out his own fortune. In the civil walks of life bis experience has been as varied as it is lirinnrnliln A flop llm venr lw The Suuipter American has "My rum" Moody on its ticket for con gressman for this district, but the American will vote for our Malcolm A. just the same. GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip Hast, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-diite railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair care, eleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tieketb at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Aiit,, Los Armeies, Calif. C. S. Chakk, ft. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. A Testimonial from Old Kiiclutitl. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the best in the world for bron chitis," saya Mr. William Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's life, elie having been a martyr to bronchitis for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now qutto well." Sold by Blake ley & Houghton. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, a., says, "As u speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Curo is uiif qualed. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers)." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, urippo and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent con turn ption NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Vancouver, Wash.,) March 'Jl, m. I Sotlco is hereby given that the folhiwing uamed settler has tiled notice of Ids Intention to make final proof In support of hi eluim, nml that 8 lid proof will bo made before W. II. l'resby. United States Commissioner for District of Washington, at his ntiicu in lioldemlulc, Wash., on Monday, .Mny 7, PJOU, vte: John G. McDonald, II. E. No. f09-l for the northeast quarter section 16. township 3 north, range 1:1 cast, M. He names trie following wltne-ses to provo hl. continuous residence upon, and cultivation of Mid land, vl-i: Samuel L. Courtncs, Harry Pennington, I'll Ci Copeland, of Hartland I'. ()., Wash,; and Nelson It. llroolts,of Goldendale Wash. W. It. DUNIIAIl, ninrJS-I Iteglster. Itetl Hut from Win Oun Was the ball that hit G. 15. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in tho Civil War. It settled on a homestead and for a; caused horrible ulcers that no treat number of years followed the plow. I ,nent helped for twenty years. Then Subsequently ho engaged in the I BuckIcn'8 Arn'ca Salve cured him. It lumber and sawmill business, to which was added a general mer cbaneise store. For twelve vears he served as commissioner for Ueecher! t0I, druggists nnd Otter Tail counties, Minn., din ing which time he built and super intended the building of nearly nil cures cute, bruises, burns bolls, felons, corns, skin eruptions, Best pilo cure on earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by ISIakeloy & (Iough- 3 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Lind, Act June .', 1S78. t,'. S. I.ANII Otnci:, ( ;Tiie Dalles, Oit Apr. 1J, I MX). I Notice Is hereby given tluit in eompliatice with tho provisions of the act of eongresof June a, 1S7S. entitled "An act for thosaloof Um ber lands In the states ol Calltornla, Oregon, Nevada nnd Washington Territory," William K. Ketcluini, of Tho Dalles, County of Wasco, rftato of Olegon, has thiniiv tlltd In this office his sworn state ment No. IW, for the purchase of tho W' Nl'.i,' mid Nii HKkof .Section No. 33, In Tp. IN. It. No. 11 h., W. il., and -lll oiler proof to show that the land sought is mnro valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anil to establish his claim to said land before Ihe Itealster and ltecclvvr of this otlico at The Dulles, Oregon, on Saturday, tlui .1il ilny or.)ui, llino, lie names as witnesses: J. II. Unit, I). 1'. hct- chum, Joseph Ilaiiua and W'lllmn hpi-neer, all of The Dalits, Oregon. Any nnd all persons cHImluz adversely the above-ijcsetlbt'd lands ate requested ti Illo their claims lu tlii olilce on or before mld-Sid day of June, l'joo. nprH-lUiv-l JAY I'. I.L'OAS, Itegl.ter. B$OS liKNlIUAI, ...AND... Hnips jKii.iji-ujua.xuK LINE Dalles, Portland & fl a Hte.i.norHof tho llcm.lntor Uiw will tun . lowluc nehtdlilo, thu Company reservlim tho rloi.t . ' nehediilu without notice. 1,11 10 "uajt Str. Dollon City. 1 jj Str. Roirulntor. 1 1'... - J. l.V. lhCH lit S A, Mi Tuolay TIlllfMlllV . . k Satiuuiiy. . rr Purlltlltll M lit M 1 II. 1,V. rorthiud lit 7 A. M. , .Mouiluy Wcduovlny Friday Arr Dalleii iitfuai f. . Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. now m I.v. Dal nt M a. ,, Mini day Wrilin;,,!,,,. l'rlday. Arr. Potllauii t fi V. M. 'i'jAj Arr. Dtibi ! Travel by the Steamers of the ItcKitUtor l.lne. The Cnmpiuiy will endeavor to mvclt,,, ' runs llui best service pos.lhle. Kor ftitlhor liiliirmatlou ailtlress ,"M-; t ....i, Alii... l .1- UI..H.I llnnl.-. U. r. All AIAAV r.. . W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. Ant, PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this "well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every hody with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Taney Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer oer. Wngon nnd Cnrrlngo Work. Fish Brothers' Wngon. Third and Mm Plion059 ..GHfiS. FfiflUK.. Butchers and Farmers "1 T. BROWNHILL JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notnrv Public. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. C. E. Uavard'e of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. JJs. STUHDEVANT, Dentist, Ofliceover French & Co.'s Datit 1'hone C, 1 UK DAI.I.KS, OI;K(iON jyt. K. K. FKltO USII.V, PliyBicinu nnd Surgeon, OIlce, VoKt Illock (over I'ottofllcc), mtpjmodw TIIK DAI.I.KS, ODKtiON. ITH'.ED. W.WIlON, 1 .VfTOKNKY.AT LAW. , Till: lUUdiS, OI'.KflON Olliccovei Hrt Nut. il niK. Ilev. W. E. fiilzr, , C.inlon, N. Y., writec, "I luid dyflpepslu over twenty; 'ji'n re, and tried doctorH nnd rnediclneH : the roads anil bridges in his district, lVTrUtnc,,V , " PrMi,ded to uao ' I lii1tl lljnn.(.I.i f1..... .....1 1. t...l..A.l ..... ... , , I l';a)JUJiIHt Willi! Hill, lb iiL'iit;u IUV ihiuii viuuin lawn eu wiiiuuu luiiii- from the eturt fillips. hen ho was first elected the county was new and without rands, but under his management some of tho best roads in tho stale were built. Good roadj ivero nnd still are almost a hobby or Captain Blowers, nud for this icason he was kept in odlce from year tojear till be left Minnesota and en mo to Ore gon. Six years ago the Republicans I believe it to bo n panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It dineaU wliat yen eat. P, V. KiuiwleH ia inw proprietor of the Fifteen-Mile House nnd stables a Dnfur, where lie is prepnred to accomo date the traveling public in first class style, Good table, kooiI rooms, good bmJsand the best of cure for man nnd beast at rearonable rates. m24lmw Clark & Falk's drug Rtcck is mw fresh and complete. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE, J. B. Oroasen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street Keeps on ilrmmht tho celehrnted t'Ol.t'MllIA IlKKlt, iickiiov,-:-icIkwI the beer In The Dulles, atthetisiiul price. Come In. try It mul he eonvliifcil. Alio lliu Fluent Urmvh of Vltie, M inor nml CJurs. Sanduiiches of nil Kinds iilwnya on hand. C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, fihovii. Hutu, Cup,, Notion. ,for W. I.. DotiKhiH Bhoe. Telephone No. 88. j.i i second hi, j in second hi., iuu UdUU!), UI, Jusfc What You uiant. mm run UWWm, ' nffl?n,r" vJ.m'!l"j VrUa WW (III A. M New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Hwh wide vnrie y uu wo are Allowing never bo ore raced a einule stock. Real ijuita. t on creton eflecls at ordinary pr ies ( pod paperH at cheap pape? r ces' Klegant dealgns, tttto.,i coV)rin8;;S for o Hinal price, at our store on Third street. Also a full ,l0 of hoan mUS D. W. VAUSE, Third St! Important Announcement to you. For IIU dins uftur April 1st, I will sell nil the Dry "Gooile, Olotliinj;, llools nml Hhoefl, Hosiery, lllnnltets, Ilntb nnd j Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now is ynnr opportunity to pit l.'iir UtiinH. Don't mlas it. S. L. BROOKS, .Successor to K. J. Collins & Co. CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm SKW) IRACE IVIARKO BrT .1F.UIGNH rrTfT Copyhiuhtc &c. Anrnno aemlliiu n kelfh nml description ma" nulcKIr iHeurlnln our opinion fruo nliether a' Invention H prolmlily I'.iti'iilnlile. ''oiniiiiiiiief. tloiifi utrlctlr coiiTlitciil til. lliiiulljookoii I'atvntt juiit (re-!. Olik'it nir-iioy fur (cnrlinr tutviiu. I'.ttci.i.i tnUen throiiuh Jliinti I, Co. rucclrt tf(lMmtl nlllumtchnruu, 111 tin) Scientific JfiMicatu A liatidxiniply llhutr.nlcd weoklr. Ijirimt clr. rul.itloii of (hit n-lenill)" 'IVrnu. f l u irar; four liuinllii, l. liold hyall lionnlc-jiler. WUNN&Co.30'13"""1' New York lirancii tJHlco, IS., )' Kt Wiulihialoii. D. t' We Put... every bit of twenty years exporieneo and drug knowledgo with every J'roscri ption that's compounded horo. Js il any reason why our prescription businoos is incroasiiiL' so rapidly? Ask your physician if wo are reliable BLRKELEY & H0U9HT0M. lleliablo Proscriptionists F. s. Gunning, C. S. Smith. tiii: ;ir-f Fresh Ebbs and Creamery Huttur u specialty. 3d Street. 'Phone 270. J.H. HCIIKHK, II. M. But. l'retldent. Cutl First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Hanking Business trutacttd Uopofllte received, subject to bigot Draft or Check. Collections tnauo and procecdj promptly Tomittud on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange told d iew iork, ban rraucisco anz "on land. DlRltCTOKS D. P. TllOMl'IIOH. Jno. 8. fiCBMCl En. M. Wii.i.iauh, Gko. A.Lijji. H M. Ukai.l. l H WILDON B HUWTINOTON HUNTJNQTON A WILSON, OacovrKlr.tHt.jiw!k ,UUl!H. OitKU Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, nor Second & LaoililiD, Time lfi? Mica Axle Crease heliM the team. Saves vaxui cxjiensc. fcoiu everywhere. ilAiir. in STANDARD OIL 00. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. THAN8ACT A KNKHAIjIIANKINO B01S Letters of Credit isHtted avnilbl In U Eaatorn Htatee. Tranafera sold on Now YoS: 8t. Louis, 8n Francincp, PlwtWjJS Kon, Seattle ;VVHah,.and varlow P a Oregon and WnshiiiBton. . Collections made at all polnti onni oraule terroi. me coiuiDia ni0- PACKERS OF rrNniz 1 DCkH jrunianu uu MANUKAOTUttKUHOK Fine Lard and sauwg Curersof -4r BfiMO mm a mm mmA n t n m ill, M A IV1 IS rtt DAWV" JRIKD BERK. KIO aiCRVIT CMrcflla.rotency.NItgf0;. waHtlnff aUcasuu, ull ""frjtafr niiuae. or cNceta blilHlr. V! pink glow to po'ocu" lor i.50: with tt wr ffi, too to euro or roiw."r NERVITA Will WWW t mwm-m r Hubicrlbe for Tiik 0iiwmw'