m SACK SUITS Some men need a change of clothes this spring, and others need a change of clothiers. You can get the kind of clothes you want if you will come to the right store. We would like to talk it over with you and show you our new suits and prices in the Hart, Schaffncr& Marx tailor made clothing. They're the kind adver tised In the leading maga zines and worn by good dressers everywhere. Ladies' Gloves... Dent's penulne French Kid three-clasp Gloves never fail to give the wearer satisfaction. Colore brown, tan, grav. blue, while and black .$1.50 $1.00 This is the popnlar.pi ice Glove. We strive encli Eeaeon to improve qnnlitv and colore, and this spriiiK's linn ol $1.00 Gloves sur pHftt'8 our expectation in values. All the latest shades of colors in Etock. 75e This is a new price for a pair of good Gloves one of the ennps of the eeason. All sizes: in reds, browns and blacks. Fancy gibbons... New effects in laco stripes, neat checks and fancy plaids. Double-Faced Satin... Black, white and colors, especi ally for the now pulley belts. All widths and colors of purih sbt.s, piiniiN taffetas, PLiAlfJ JVI01P.E. Are you making your Shirt Waists? Look at our yoke ma terials. Embroideries, Rll-OveP Iiaees, Taekings. Fancy Parasols... Little ones for the lit'tle people, in all colors. Lidieb' fancy white or colored ; plain, ruflled or lace effects. All GockIb. Mai'kocl In Plain FlRiiros. PEASE & MAYS Danes Daily unronicia Telephone No. 1. iTl'KDAY - - - APRIL 18. 1000 served In Oysters J KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kuinoiiihcr thu danco tonight at the alilwin, Thu Observer snys Moro is ut last TIid Pioneer hujb Dny Bros, expect to miiiunci) work on their saw mill ut itculc Locks in the near future. We learn from A. W. Mohr that the lbany will eouio buck bore Monday itli n loml of rails for the portage. Two ilullnrs reward will bo paid by rs. II null Kraser for the recovery of a rk grey canary bird that escaped from B fKiim in. .17.1. ..no t. ...pu .... V.,VJ Ail fc.l. lUC'Ub W. V Hovle. a carnoiiter and builder f this city, has (lied a petition in bank- !tcy in the United States court in "mmm, i us nubilities umouiit to 2018.50 and his assets to f IL'o. Slalo Superintendent Aekormau m- iveil huro on the noon nassenner and mid iiiLLTiiiKin ii nil ltd iitiiii I'rniitsynr i i. Gilbert to Dufur to take part In the raduiitlng exorcises ut that placo to- Kilt. Mr. J. F, Ferguson, of Hood Hiver, as hi town last night attending a meet iK of thu ll)uai odd Fellows. He was ccompanled by Mrs. Ferguson arid both "lumen nome on the JJaliea Uity tills inrniin. 1'ulher HroiiBL'oeBt was a nasiemrer on In. i.n fi. . . " imi rn i.n.v linn mnrninor nr i ah. .11111 IriKlO 11.1. i.mn l.i. ...Ill l.-.l.l .. ..!.... -- -wvnc, nilOlU D Will IIUIU OCIVIUOD UUI YltBtJ u IIIU JJ.IMUH VlllM" !.. . . . - mhiiijii WU ,0 conuuuieu uy uev. iiier .Mnller, S. O. U. J- 0. MeltiB has been notified by the "oniuuer oi pensions mat .inuou u. "Si of com pan v M. Second Oreiion iifantry, (Spanish war) has been ill- fiu-.i.i ... . .... . . . .. iii'iiniuii mi ail hi- mniirii. in I 111 10 m .March 1!1, 1800. i'liH cook of the Bteamer Iraldu got on 'i'kIi lonesome" last night and in I"nu Bllit IIIU IIIKIH III lU CiWU' in nn iiueu k hub morning ii:c i w ill. i... ' " nil eiuiuv exui timer, uv in pay aim was released. A, Hunt, who nnpiioil 11 furniture fin in.. . . . ii . . ,u " "ioihu ngo. is iimiKinc up u i in. I..... -i i i i u "111111111111 oi i wiving in u tow HVu II ... u iiiiuiius ior iiiu nreacm iw - miiuiy iq uoou wiver ami may v..io vuuit) miur n uuiiuiu ui '"0'itlis rust. Tlio Oreiron l"B an tirurt to have , the old pioneer I across tho mountains iparked by a enea of permanent monuments. The overnor of Idatio has been asked to co- operute and he lias signified his willing ness to do so. -I Tho DalleB Commsion House will keep fresh milk ut all times on liund und deliver it nnywln're in the city at the following prices: One quart, i $2 per month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $4 i three quarts ifo.50; cream 20 cents per pint. Fresh butter every day. 18a lin Tho new postage stamp books have Ikiuii placed on salu ut the postofliee. The books aieof a convenient size for carrying in the ve-t pocket, and are in three ti.es, carrying twelve, twenty-four and forty-eight two-cent stamps. Leaves of translucent paper prevent the stamps from sticking together. One cent is added to the amount of stamps. .Brother Ireland, of the Sherman County Observer, baB a warm spot in his heart for tho Oregon hen. lie re cords a strong remonstrnnce against the weather clerk for sending the late cold spell and says : "It isn't treating liens right to send this cliill when thev have so much work to do." We infer that the brother's rations of hen fruit have been cut off. Hence, possibly, these tears. The ladies of the Good Intent Society who pledged themselves to raise a cer tain amount of money for the church debt, announce that they are ready to make their report, und will do so at a social to bo given at the Methodist church Tuesday evening, to which all nro invited. An admiision fee of 10 rtjiUs will be charged, those havimr sub scribed being admitted free. A program has been prepared and lunch will be served. 28 2t Willard Taylor, of Dufur, known in The Dulles as Saturday Taylor because he comes to town every Saturday with butter and other farm products, was in town today, as usual, for tho eleven hundred and nlnety-tlfth time, missing just one Saturday In tweuty-three years, In all these twenty-three yeara there was only one Saturday when the weatlr ,or was so bud that lie could not make tho round trip of 110 miles. This, Mr. Taylor thinks, eould bo said bf few countries in the world. Captain Johnston took the Albany to Portland this nlternoon, after having ac complished tho wotk for which she was chartered, namely, testing tho naviga bility of Three-Mile rapids. The Al bany or some other boat will be brought hero in the near future to transfer the construction material for tho portage road from hero to tho present terminus ut the big eddy. Captain Johnston will return here Monday on tho Dalles City and take charge of tho liellnneo, which expects to make her first trip to Portland on Tuesday. The libel suit of Jacob H. Jacobsnn et al. vs. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company was dismissed in tim United States circuit court at Port. iiin.l vfigterdav. Jaeobeen hud med thu company for iflO.000 for the death by drowning of Ills step-son, who wub in a ybkifftlmt came into, collision wiin ine Sarah Dixon, then in commission by the D. P. A A. N. Company. The skiff was apparently racing with tho Sarah Dixon and attempted to cross her bow when she was run down and capsized. It was believed the men on board were under the Influence of liquor. Tho ac cident happened some three years ago. Captain Johnston took the Albany tof! the Inn eddy today with 1200 railroad Christian Science meeting in small ties aboard. The trip was accomplished K. ot r. tiau every fcunuay morning at with ease. The captain says there is no ijH o'clock. Lutheran church Rev. W. Brenner, pastor. Services tomorrow at 11a. in. and 8 p. m. Young People's meeting lat 7 p. m. Sundav enhool al 12:lo. German services at 2:30 p. in. i Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. IJ. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. .Morning service at 11; Sunday school at 12:15: Junior Endeavor. 4 p. in.; Christian Kndeavor, 0:30. Evening tervice at 7:30 p.m. Morning 9ubjiiet, ''ITIih Aiiinifipsinpn nf Dr. Hillifl' AttiludH Toward the Westminster Confession." Methodist Episcopal church Corner 'Fifth und Washington, Rev. U. F. more danger or difficulty in crossing Three-Milu rapids at the prepent stage of water, or at a lower stage, than there is in climbing the rapids of the CaB CHdes, At n higher stage of water the trip would be difficult or perhaps im possible, pi relatively" small expendi ture of money used in blasting out a rock on the Oregonian side of tho cur rent would make the rapids navigable at any stage of water. The captain could eaBily have taken up 2000 ties had he not desired to make assurance of suc cess doubly sure. t -w The young men of the Students' Lit erary Club have finally organized them selves into a Y. M- Q: A., adopted a constitution and elected officers. The officers are T. Brownhill, president; H. Xorthtin. vice-preeiifent : Clyde Rid- dell, recording secretary and Rev. U l slxtv members have signed the roll.with the prospect of a probable increase to ono hundred ad fifty. The young men will hold a meeting in the Congregation al church tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, with Will Cross as leader. An interesting program is promised and a profitable time is expected. All persons, young or old, male or female, interested in this work are cordially invited to at tend. Complaint Is made at thi9 office by residents ol the bluff of some boys that have been in the habit of setting fire to their neighbors' burns so often that pa tience toward them haB ceased to be a virtue. L8t summer they set fire to Mrs. Hart's barn and it was burned to the ground. Last Monday they set lire to C. H. Browu's new barn but fortu nately the lire was discovered before it had made much headway. Some time before they eet lire to Charley Adams' barn and It too happily was discovered in time. These young firebugs are a terror to the neighborhood and one com plainant warns them that no future olll'iiso will go unpunished. If their natural guardians will not take care of them the law will bo invoked to do so. When thu late Bill Nyo was editor of a newspuper in Laramie he had his office over a livery stable. The direc tions at the lower entrnnco read: "Twist thu gray mule's tall and take the eleva tor." And now comes J. Nat Hadeon, a latter-day humorist, of the Granite Boulder, tells tho Ivi Grande Journal, who is triumphing smilingly over the difficulties of getting out a pioneer news paper, with the following announce ment: "Our friends should' note that the front on trance to Dlttmar's barn is tho front and only entrance to the Boulder office in the rear. Speak to the horses and they will not kick you ex cept the gray mare next to our door ; she is a holy terror, if she gets scared, and we won't be responsible for any dauinges." OUR CHURCHES ilawk,treasurerp1n Services at 11 a. m, nembership repot 'that already about P- ,Jtjf " 10 a.m.; class meeting at the close of morning service; Junior League at 3:30; Epworth League ut 0 :30. The eubjtel tomorrow morning will bo "Christ in the Midst." In the evening an address will be delivered on the "Mormon Prob lem." Notice of K&trtiy. I have taken up as an estrav a dark brown mare, aged about seven years, about fifteen bauds high and weighing about 1000 pounds; branded quarter ciicle CT on leit stifle. The animal came to my feed yard in The Dalles about two weeks ago and could not be kept away, The owner can havo her by proving property and paying charges of feed and advertising; other .vise I shall proceed with her according to law. Ciuui.ks Paykttb, The Dalles, Apr '28, 1900 1.28 6w Win. Orr, Newark, O , suje, "Wo never feel fufo without Ono Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved mv little boy's life when he had the pneu moiiia. Wu think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. Pur Sulo A four-yoar-old Jersey cow that will be fresh in about two weeks. Warranted gentle and a good milker. Apply to 28tp3tw W. Hakhnos, Boyd. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kiotf You Hivi Alwiy$ Boutf! Bears, the Biguaturo of Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought and which has ticca iu uso for over 30 years, has homo tho signatnro of and has been made under his pcr- rwyijJ7-: sonal supervision since its infancy. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but; Experiments tltat trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Costoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It; contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Bubstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fcvcrislincss. It cures Diarrhoea ami Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 9 The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMMNV. TT MUBKAY OTHCCT. NEW YORK CITV. EVERYBODY Knows the merits of the COLUMBIA xt a "DTTrn-Dn PATEE CREST) $50. $35. $2S g Many new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook. 1 BICYCLES 6 Complete Line of '1900" Sundries. - MAYS & CROttlE. Win. J. Lamlere, resident manager of the Lion and Iuineiial Fire Insurnnce Companies, withes to announce to tho patrons of these companies that owing to tho sickness of Mr. C. E. Bayard and the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourluy, their former auents, the agei.ey (or both companies for Tho Dalles ami vicinity has been placed in tho hands of Mr, Timothy Hrownhill. Any business given to Mr. Hrownhill will receive prompt attention and will be appreciated by the companies. Office in C. E. Bay ard's old stand. No. 85 Waehinton stieet, The Dalles. Oregon, nlO-lm Perfect We know that in modeling, draught ing, construction and material Queen Quality Shoed aro perfeiMbin. This is proven by the perfiei Ii', perftet comfort and ex cellent enrvieo experience ri by weareie. Our Street Styles are especially hamhome and up.todati, shapely, btylish and easy on the feet. All sty les, one pried ...$3'00... Oxfords $2.50. Garden Hose Wo have laid in a largo stoek of Cianlen Hose and aro carrying llio same brand of Hoso that wo havo beon carry ing for tho last fivo years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. Wo carry tho same brand of lloso that j tho Dalles City Fire Depart ment has been using for tho last twenty years. Tho Mal teso Cross Brand is without doubt tho host grado of J loso on'tho market. Call and got our prices lieforo buying. JVIaier & Benton Solo Agonta Subscribe for Tho Chronicle. PEASE & MAYS. Exporienco Is the best Teacher. Usa Acker's English Remedy in any eaeo of cough?, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money lefiinded, 25 cts. and 50 cte. Blnkeley & Houghton i Druggists.