The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 28, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 220
Any Amjrcjiatloti of Capital Which Has
Cmutiil of the Market to Consum
ers' Detriment for Its Object Will
Fail, iuit Trusts, Properly Con
ducted, Will Be a Benefit to All
Ni:w Vouic, April 27. Andrew Oarne
jjiu in nn essay on the May Century en
titk'il "I'opuliir Illusions About TruBtB,"
advocates urtsiit aggregations of capital
as of Imnelli both to ricli and poor. Ho
enys :
"Kwry iittoinpt to monopolize the
manufacture of a Btaplo article carries
witlnti itH bnom needs of fitilure. Long
before wt could leghluto with much
effect against trust!) there would be no
iie;ensiiy for legislation. The past
proven thin, mid the future Ib to cuuflrui
it. There hIiouUI be nothinn but en
coiiraytiinunt for these viist aggregations
of cupttttl, for the muiiufucturu of Btnplo
"Ah (or the result being an increase of
prices to tlie consumer, beyond n brief
period, there need be no four. On the
contrary, the Inevitable result of tbeee
a.'i;"'t!"tioiiB in finally nud permanently
to give the consumer cheaper articles
tliuii would huvu been otherwise possible
to obtain ; for capital Ib stimulated by
the high profits of the trust for a season,
n mill,,!.!' ....iit.,ut St 'Pl.t. runi.l, in
very soon a capacity of production be
yond the wants of the consumer, and an
the new workfi erected are of the inoht
itupruved pattern and capabloof produc
ing cheaper than the old works, the
vulnerable trusts are compelled to buy
and capitalize at two or three limes
tliuir cost. There is thus no duiker
ahead to the community from trusts nor
any cauce for fear.
"Competition in all departments of
human activity in not to be suppressed.
Already the gliosis of numerous de
parted trusts whitMi aimed at monopo
lies have marched across the Btugo of
human nll'airs, each pointing to its fatal
wound, inliiuled by that great corrective
competition. The only people who
have reason to fear trusts are those who
trust them.
"We conclude that this overpowering,
irresistublo tendency toward aggregation
ol capital and increase of bIeb in every
branch of product cannot be arrested or
even greatly impeded and that, instead
of attempting to teatrict either, wo
ehmiU! hail every increase ub something
gained, not for tho fow rich, but for the
millions uf pour, seeing that the law is
salutary, working for good and not for
"Kvery enlargement 1b an improve-
uiont, step by step, upon what has pre
ceded. It does not tend to make the
rich poorer, but it does tend to make
thu pour richer in the possession of
better tilings and greatly lessens tho
wide and deplorable gulf between the
rich and the poor.
' Superficial politicians may for u Hue
la due to nu ncid poison which gains access to the blood through failure of the proper
organs to carrv off and keen the Bvstem clear of nil morbid, effete matter. This poison
through the general
looa, itisumcieui
. t ..l
ruin the dlttou
the only safe and
1. 1 - . J " - - -
1)100(1 ill n rtiir lioaltfiv utntn
win, nir' J - Motley, "J W, isth Street, IndlanapolU, Iml,
iriili il!eil.lllntl," wan utwble to feed or drew MniMlr.
nmi lifly.twn ,r.irrl..ll,,.. ,l.n frlo.wla hnrl itIvl'II llllll. '
e'ntUm he wan nimble to feed or drew lim ueir. fS.'ryii'J relief. A few botttes of
"liy-lwonreicrlntloiiatliat frienda had u veil llllll. Wlinoiii wis ;r..iV. .Vi uf warn aorn.
. cured him permanently, and he han never had a rlieiiumuc jwn m .e. --- --
We will send free our special book on Rheuninttatn, .which should be hi the bang
o very fiufTerer from this Srturiiig disease. Our PVydctan!c "Jrite t
olseases a I f nri win Sou anv infonuation or advice wonted, so wmc luciu
8. cured 1
We will
"fe tudy, will give you any
"f aimirccly about your case. We make
d col ve the uninformed, but more and
more will all this be clearly seen by
those w ho are now led to regard aggre
gations as injurious."
Troiililis In Swaziland.
Louiienco Maihjiiks, April 27. Swaz
iland runners report that tho recent
visit to tho Queen of Swaziland by Sir
Rllis Ashmead Bartlett has not checked
the killing.
The isweiii Queen has placed tho for
mer king's brother on the throne, a boy
of 18. She argues that as she will have
to answer for the death of Sebegau, she
may as well continue killing, and she
has given the chiels'permisslon to kill
whom they please throughout the whole
of Swaziland.
The commandos ordered to the front
are obeying reluctantly. One burgher
vtho has escaped injury in a number of
battles admits that the Boers have fired
upon the Ked Cross frequently.
The sending of General Cronja to St.
Helena has greatly enraged the Doers,
who are said to be moie than ever de
termind to fieht to the death.
I.iimm of til 7,000,000.
Ottawa, Ont., Aprii 27. Over five
square miles of territorj' burned over,
more than 2000 buildings destroyed,
seven lives loBt, 7000 men, women and
children homeless, and a property loss
of $17,000,000, according to the latest
estimate, insured (or about half its
value, are the results as viewed tonight
of die destruction which swept this city
und Hull yesterday and today. Al
though under control for many hours,
the flames were not entirely extinguished
until noon today.
IIuiiKh Full ii f .Money.
San Fkancibco, April 27. According
to the teports of the savingB banks of
the state to the bank commissioners of
the condition of business on Maii.h 31st,
there lias been a material increase in
business sinco November 30th. The
gain in deposits of the forty-four banks
outside of thts city in four montliB
amounted to about $ 1 ,500,000. The gain
in the depoaitB of the city and the coun
try savings banks, fifty-three in number,
during that time waB $4,742,000.
Minify fur lh Hiiirernm.
Ottawa, April 27. Tho government,
at a cabinet meeting today, decided to
givo $100,000 to telievo the Bullerers of
the Ottawa and Hull Lire. The city
council lias decided to give $10,000.
MoN'TitKAi., April 27. Tho Bank of
Montreal has telograped $100,000 to the
Ottawa euffererB.
Uiiicaoo, April 27. Mayor Harrison
today opened a subscription for the
Ottawa, Out., fire sufferers.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
Btomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must bo purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy und we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee, Blakeley & Hough
ton'a drug store.
ear of nu morula, eiteie maucr.
circulation is deposited V tlie join s,
inav attack Willi BUCK Blumeiiucoa u kiwi.j " ""-- " ' , , '
aattered Wt-jjb. fcm
developing, Wltll BlIKM wnnucriiis pun", j"" ; ""?",,.
.1 L. nc.a V ,rmw worse, and fiuallv become chronic.
Like other blood diseases, Rheumatism is often inherited, and
Jt. 7 . l Y...i n.;..r,..1m,1ntrl In iiunalr the ll
ciuuuiik, " J "" -"" t
..r... .nf ....til ttiinrlli new or later. Ill
1U Cany ItlC, UUl more "ul -o
acquired or Mm 4ln4lv M BIOOU DS0JIS0.
ond break .
uiuiua up u ----
certain cure for K leumausu o.o. .'
- A
for elKlilecumoatlis was w terribly filcted
. i.i i, wna lionelesa. He had
infonuatton or auvi r" Aidress. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. AtlMti, U
no cuarge wnuiv.,v.
French May Score Considerable Success
in Isolating Straggling Bodies; But
It is Not Believed lie Can Inter
cept the Main Force.
London, April 27.-2 p. m. The fol
lowing dispatch has been received at the
war office from Lord Roberts :
"Bloemfontein, April 27. At the re
quest of the high commissioner, General
Warren has been appointed governor of
Griqualand West, while that part of the
country is in a disturbed condition."
TliiB curious dispatch constitutes all
the war news received up to this hour.
The country is eagerly waiting to hear
whether General rench succeeded in
cutting oh" the retreating Boers, but of
his progress there is no word.
The military critics of the afternoon
uewspapers differ as to the chances of
another Paardeberg, but they agree in
considering the Jeituation in the Free
State as being eminently satisfactory.
They aigue that even if General French
is unable to intercept the main Boer
forces, lie may score considerable success
in a series of rear-guard actions, or the
isolation ot straggling bodies.
Lord Roberts' reference to Sir Alfred
Milner, over Warren's appointment,
lends itsslf to the inference that the
commander-in-chief of the British forces
in Soutlt Africa scarcely approves of it,
and that the previous report that War
ren had been recalled was coirect, but
that he was sayed from coming home by
the action of the British high commis
sioner. The work of entrenching Pretoria is
Hpaiilfili Kuwk from Cuba,
Madkid, April 27. A commercial
house here has received a dispatch from
Cuba BBying that Jesus Rabi, the Cuban
leader, haB heuded an "insurrectionary"
movement in the Province of Santiago,
which the sender of the dispatch "be
lieves to be supported by the chief towns
of the province,"
A farm of 120 aeres, about 80 acres of
which is under cultivation, with a line
young orchard of two acres in full bear
int. - iihnniinncB of liviiiL' water andeood
! frame dwelling and barn and other farm
tnuldiugs. Twelve miles east of the
Dalles and four miles east of Boyd post
office. Farm will be sold, with or with
out the growing crop of about 80 acres.
Price without crop $1000, and terms very
easy, as owner's health compels a change
of climate. Applv to
wa7-tf M. W. Fkekman, Boyd, Or.
Special reserve old government whis
key, recognized by the highest medical
authority in the land; especially recom
mended by the board of health of San
Francisco for hospital use, also A. P.
O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon,
and Wm. I). McCarthy, major and sur
geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul
terated stimulant for convalescents, in
valids and family use. Sold by Charles
Stubliog. aplSO-dlni
Distorts Muscles,
Shatters Nerves,
Stiffens Joints.
same time rids the system of the poison i5
.j. r i,r ,o nnd barks of WOUdertU
- Jthe blood-nnd quickly neutralizes
oru-out organs, and clears tue 6ysiem
exposure to damp or coia, want oi propei
ealth. will frequently cause it to develop
whatever form, whether acute or chronic,
25f -A PAIR'
It Is Called "Clairvoyance" and
Will Mystify and En
tertain. A game that is not entirely new and
yet especially appropriate for Hallow
e'en is known as "clairvoyance." It
is especially enjoyable for an evening
of mystery, because it always' proves
mystifying to the uninitiated. Take
some particular person who under
stands tjie game to play the role of me
dium, send her from the room, an emp
ty chair being reserved for her next
to the person who is in collusion with
her. When she leaves the room some
word is determined upon by the rest of
the party, for instance "horse," and
when the medium returns her task is
to tell what the word is without any
quesions. She is summoned, sis down
next to her friend, and while all present
are seated in a circle, with joined hands,
the one who was in the room, and hence
knows the word, spells it to the me
dium by tapping with a linger upon the
palm of her hand, the number of taps
being equal to the mimber'of letters in
the alphabet. For ins'taiiee, eight tap
for II, then quite n pause; 15 taps for
O, etc. When the medium announces
the word successfully, those not know
ing the secret cannot understand i't at
all, and it is oven more mystifying
when it is explained that it is based
upon some peculiar mental action.
I'hebe Westeott Humphreys, in Wom
an's Home Companion.
fv Millinery.
Picturesque hats in Tuscan straw,
with high crowns and turned-up brims,
borrowed from the empire period, are
among the most select fashions of the
moment, which have not become gen
eral, and so the more commend them
selves to the notice of the well dressed.
Many of the brims are covered wifli
puckered black tulle, a little Jet here
and there; long ostrich plumes lying
on either side of the brim falling on the
hair at the back, starting from a paste
ornament. Two or three shades of
straw mingle in the same hats, es
pecially in greens and mauves, and
there are many new colors; n pink thnt
tones into brown, n blue with n close
nllinity to green nnd a mauve that
might be magenta. Lavender and slate
color are mingled, and wings are
placed under the brims as much as
over. Black is worked in white chen
ille and silver, nnd the wings nnd ai
grettes nrc covered with jet, but n pink
rose finds its way somewhere In most
millinery models. Washington Star.
Miu'Hi'onl wlili Million,
Uemove fnt and skin from cold roast
mutton, Out the meat into small, thin
slices, season with wilt nnd pepper. Hut
ter a dish, put in u layer of meat, then
cold boiled macaroni and moisten with
tomato sauce; so continue until nil is
1 used. Lever with crumbs and bits of
butter and brown in the oven. To be
served as soon as It is done, or it will
i be dry. French macaroni may also be
used, after it has been boiled in salted
water until tender. When it will cut
ensily it is done. It takes about SO
' minutes. Indies' World.
Mrs, Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, III,,
writes, "I never fail to relievo my
children from croup at once by using
One Minate Cough Cure, I would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cures
coughs, colds, grippe aud all throat and
Livery stable for sale at Centerville,
I Wash., $100 per month business. Will
I sell at a bargain.
I m27-lui A, R. Gbaiiam,
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
P. S. GUNNING, Agent.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
funeral Supplies
Millions Olven Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the
needy and Buffering, The proprietors
of Dr. King's New DiEcovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine ; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing it lias absolutely cured
thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, cheat and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggists, and get a free trial botlle.
Regular size 50c. and $1. Every battle
guaranteed, or price refunded. 8
llmve Men Vail
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons in
the blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired, listless, run-down feel
ing. But there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. V. Gardner, Idaville,
Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are
just the thing for a man when he is all
run down, and don't care whether lie
lives or dies. It did more to give me
new strength and good appetite than
anything I could take. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of tho Golden Eagle Mining Com
pany at the oflice of French & Co.,
bankers, on Thursday, May 31, 1000, at
7 o'clock p, m., for the purpose of elect
ing seven directors and transacting such
other business as may properly come be
fore said meeting.
By order of the president.
J. 0. HosTETLEU, Secy, and Treas.
The Dalles, Apl. 27, 1000. aST-td
Don't lei your old worn out machinery
lie In the fence corner any longer. Take
it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk
dealer, and get the cash for it. Highest
cash price paid for cast and wrought
iron, rubber boots and shoes, bicycle
tires, etc, brass, copper, zinc, leod,
pewter, old woolen rags, beer bottles
and flasks, horse maues and tails, and
bones of till descriptions. Price paid for
cast iron, -10 cents per 100 lbs, One
door west of J. H. Worsley'e, Second St.,
The Dalles. mLU-lmo.
Utttarfli Uuuuot bo Cured
witli local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease, Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
and Motors
& Barget
Burial Shoes
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifieis, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces bucIi wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O
Sold by drruggists, price 7nc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
In the neighborhood of Stadelman's,
west of town, a bunch of keys. Owner
can find them at this oflice by paying
for this notice. 2ta-ot
Cuvea Ueaduvliu Oulckly.
Baldwin's spaikling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-6w
Latest designs for 1000 in wall paper.
Elegant stock to select from at H. Glenn
& Co.'s. apr!7-lw
Clark & Falk's drug
fresh and complete.
stock is new
Notice nf First Moetlng or Creditors.
for the district of Oregon,
In tlio matter of II, II. l.nngloy, bnnkriiiit. In
To tho creditors of II. II. Uingley. oi Tho
Dalles, In tliu count) of Wnxco, unit district
tifotesiilil, u bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given Unit on tho 'JOth ilay ot
April, A. 1). UHW, tlio Mild 11, II. l.tingley was
duly ndjndli'iitcd bankrupt. iad Unit tho first
nicfllng of Ills creditors will bo held ut tho
oflleo of tho nndertliined, In Tho Dalles, Wasco
county, Oregon, on tho 30th day of April, A. D.
I'.WO, at ti o'clock ii. in., tit which tlmo the miiil
creditors sutiy attend, prove their claims, up
polut a trustee, oxiinuno tho bankrupt, and
Iriin&uct such other business us may properly
come before the meeting.
April 20, 1900, Itefereo In llunkruptcy.
..Stage Line
Stage leaves Grass Valley Monday's,
Wednesday's and Friday's at 1 p. m.
Leaves Shaniko Tuesday's, Thurs
day's and Saturday's at 0 u. in.
Douglas Allen, Prop.,