The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 27, 1900, Image 4

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    ft:il!'t.i: VM A 1.1. IS NOW.
U 0. Kiir.,mirU'k. of Tygh Valley, le
in tin1 city.
Captain Wowcr leturned home on
the Kcgnluim llii tuor uintr.
C. M-l'liirfon, .it lhiy Grot !;. Crook
comity, if in tin' cy vi-ltmi: his fainlb . 1
Hd N Iniratc was a jusfuiifor on thu!
.Ki'Uiilntiir ilu itioniinit, on u short trip
tnSknm.ikmva, Wash.
Charles" Clarke ami his young bride
For Infants nud Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
were pasneugm tin the Kecnlatiir this tnnt over was mtulo is Dr.
morninc for tlieir homo in Hood Kiver.
.1. V. Ueihlin Jlon, of tho lluppner
Vt 'Xetle, bettor known a? Watermelon
.ileddingtou, is in the city, the guest of
Otis Patterson, of the S. land otllco.
A. 1.. Hudson, of Goldendnlo, came up
.i . . . ,,.. ,
on uio noon passenger irnra tiuim uiver, j Houghton.
' he had been visiting his wife, j h
Working Night unit Day
The busiest ami mightiest little tiling
King's New
Life l'ills. Kvorv pill is a coated
gloliule of health, that ohnnges weakness
into -strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental powur. They're
wonderful in building up thu health.
Only -o cents per bon. Sold by Mnkeloy
who W under her mother's eare at ttiat
place in the lust stage of consumption, j
Mrs. Uodson is a daughter of Charles
Hunt, of this citv.
Dnllva 1'ulillr .srliuol".
Following is the report for the quar
ter H weeks) ending April '0, 15100.
itf IIIU I'rttMry. ,
Ml?.- Xnn Cooit'r ..IA.JH ami Hit' II. S3
Jll KobcU
Cbmri flrwt.
Ml Dontlill
min i: tiiwiw
.Mi Wrenii
.tcudeaip Air.
Mi rtilriunn
3Us l-'linn
Jli liuohe
itoA SAmL
Slrs.iWilitwlii ,
-Miv u Utntivil
ills T. Iliatonl
.Mis .MiohBlt
7. DtiHirtwtnl.
.JlKvs Hill
Jlr. NcK
, IA utuloA 10 Si
..1st :IT' -ts
..Sit 51
,.i:ii' w
14 1.1,
1st s; i; .
...'J!V3A! vW .V M
...4A-.M1 1, 4 42
Mil Iff S V
... .6tlJ .M'& JO
...6A-7H. 4'X 4. l!
7th! 15 It. 13
.. . th l 42 40
tOO SO. 03 9
.rmrV.fiS7 i-
Number of days of school. "0.
Tor cent of attendance on number be
longing, 05.
School holidays, none.
Average daily attendance 47 more than
corresponding qtrartc r last year.
J. M. La.viikhs.
Ail iTlUeil l.iilti'rA.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoflice at The Dalles un
called for April 27, 1000. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they wore advertised:
Andrews, Miss llena Sears, Ella
Clark. Mrs M J Collins. Mrs M E (2)
Fee, Miss Carrie Davis, Mrs Ilelle
Hanson, Mrs Annie Harper, Mrs J L
Ilulton, Mrs Klin Hanson, Miss Anna
Abbott, Joe
Cheney, P M
Harper. H W
Horn. Hub
Latsehke. Pross
McDonald, K It
Sacks, A i
tstiliwel!, Archie
leat, I 1
Brown, C J
Harris, T
Holm, R
Miller, E V
MeKinley, I5arciel
Williams. Kent
Zumwalt, L S
H. H. UinoELL, P.
Notiee is hereby given that there will
bean annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Golden Eagle Mining Com
pany at the otlice of French A Co.,
banker on Thursday, May SI, 1900, at
7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elect
ing swell directors and transacting such
other business as may properly come be
fore said meeting.
By order of the president.
J. C. Hosteti.ku, Secy, and Treag.
The Dalles, Apl. 27, IW0. 27-ld
Chance tu Kullr.iail Ttlur Cnrtt.
Special reserve old government whis
key, recognized by the highest medical
authority in the land; especially recom
mended by the board of health of San
Francisco for hospital use, also A. I
OMlrien, M. D., captain ami surgeon,
and Win. D. McCarthy, major and sur
geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul
terated stimulant for convalesccn's, in
valids and family ;:su. Sold by Charles
Stubling. npllM-dlm
Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111.,
writes, "I never fail to relievo my
children from croup at once by using
One Minute, Cough Cure. 1 would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cures
coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and
lung diseases.
Cm-en lli'ttilnclin Oulclily.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and ellective cure
j for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness.
urain nuiKiie. in ami .'o cents, ."mil
by Clarke A Falk, druggist. j.n24 0w
AIuli- for Sale.
One span of mules, o years old. for
sale. Weight, each about 101)0 pounds.
For particulars address
M. K. Mcl.Kon,
3-1-Mm Four miles east of Kingsley.
Spring Iamb at reduced price at the
Columbia Packing house. 20a-lw
Ladies' stock collars, all colors, 2o
cents at the New York Cash Store.
Wanted Any old thing, at Faulknei's
junk shop. Dalles 'phone No. 214.
A full line of ladies' neckwear just
received at the New York C.ish Store.
24 i-l w
New patent painters' and paper
bangers' suits at the New York Cash
Paint your house with paints that nre
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Ladies' bobinet ties, all full length,
25 cents, 33 cents and 03 cents, at the
New York Cash Store. 24.1-1 w
tive tnonsrinii uve-srallon oilcans at
live cents each wanted at Faulkner's
junk shop. Dalles 'phone No. 214.
pr24 lw
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
"DeW ill's Little Eariy P.isers are the
very hesi pills I ever used for costiveness,
liver and bowel troubles."
JryiiiT nreimft'MH simply dovel
oj) dry catarrh ; they dry up tho secretions,
which ndhei-o to tho membrane and decom
pose, causing a far moro ncrloiw t rouble t ban
the ordinary fortnof catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, pniokes nnd miuITh
and mo that which cleanses, booUioh and
hcnla. Jdly'a Cream Uahu is mich n remedy
nud will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
car.lly mid pleasantly. A trial nizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists noil tho
fiOo. Hlzo. KlyHrothors, 50 Warren Kt., N.Y.
Tho llalm curea without pain, does not
irritate or emiso nncoxing. It spreads itself
over nn irritated nud angry surface, reliev
ing immediately thopaiuful inflammation.
With lUy'a Oreain Halm you nro armed
against Nosal Catarrh and Hay Fovor.
Don't let your old worn out mnchinery
lie in the fence corner any longer. Take
it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk
dealer, nud get the cash for it. Highest
cash price paid for cast and wrought
iron, rubber boots and shoes, bicycle
tires, e!u., brass, copper, sine, lead,
Yellowstone Park Line.
Tin: niNiMi cut noiri: fitoii poktlasp
to tiu: i;asv.
i.k ivc.
Union Depoi.riiihanilisis
powter, old woolen rags, Iwer bottles
No. I.
i M....u- i...... i ,..:io n,.i..i
uiiu iiusNc, iiuiei' iimui-? iiim inn?, unit
bones of all desctiptions. Price paid for
cast iron, 40 cents per 100 lbs. One
door west of J. H. Worsley's, Second St.,
The Dalles. ni2l-lmo.
L'atitrrli Caniuil 1k Uurrtl
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a lilood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Core is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular piescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifier e, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two incredieuts is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggi.-ts, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
1'iKt tu till for Tm'oinn,
Sent tie, Olvmplii. (IniyV
lliitlior nun Roiiin iii'im,
points, Kpukinio. Hojk
Imul, 11. C. l'ttllmitti,
Jliwinv, U'wlNton, Unl
it. 1A A. 31. (iiliilliuii)iinlulnici'ouii
Irv, Helena, Mllinenjio
lis, st. I'mil, Oimilui,
Kimsns City. Ht. Umli.
Cliloiun niu! nil polutK
oji t inul yniitlioiist.
l'nset toniul Kxiireh
(or Tni'imiti mill i-enttlo,
mut lutormitltatu jhiIiiIs
.No. 1
fi.-vi I'. !.
:;W A.
Hist el.iNs mill tmirlit Hleoivm to
St. rmilmul .M1miiuI river iouit
without ihillici
VostltmliHl trnliii. t'ulmt ile.iit I'oimeotlmis
hi nil irilictMl I'ltlo.
lliiKKiiKo cheektil tu iliMtlimtlim of tickets,
1-nr liaiidMiiui'ly lllii'itiitiilili,i,rliitlvi,iiiiitti,r,
ticket!!, tivilii; enr tiferviitlims, etc., e.ill mi or
Asittiint tieneriil l'neiiKor Accnt, 2!W MnrrlMiu
Street, corner Tlilr . I'ortlnnil, On'KUli.
SOUTH and EAST via j
Souinern Pacific Go.
Shasta Route
Trillin lenve Tlie IMllo (or 1'nrtl.iii.S mid ivn
stntlimt- nt l:.Vi n. m. mill v. m.
if I
'S: 1
The 1
Dot,,,, ,
Job Printers.
.ititiT, iri till iiTiiTiiiTirriiittT,,iirtWfiititiilii iiiiii iViiijjVijii
Ivnvo l'liitlnml ......
" Albony
Arrive Ashlniiil
" Micmm!tltD ..
" Sun Krenei.eo
sail n m
.12:80 u in
lJtJRn in
;() it m
. 7:1 p m
j For a Nice
Suit of Clothes.
I'ur.Unc, Overwntin-or IViitcj Vesting.
The following change in time card will
tnke etfect on the O. P.. Jfc X. Co. Sun
day. April 22, 1M0:
Train No. 2, Chicago-Portland special
for Chicago and nil points east via Hunt-1
ington, will leave The Dalles nt 12:35 i
! m. This is a through train and will I
atop over only at lliggs, Grants, Arling-;
ton, Heppner Junctiou, Umatilla and j
important stations east thereof. Dalles
jiasetngtrs should take train No. 2 for,'
Heppner. Train No. d leaves Dalle? at '
10:10 p. m. fot Washington division j
points, all points Mat via Spokane end
Great Northern , also nil points between
The Da!ies and Huntington and atl
points east via Huntington also carries
through tourist sleepers to Knn'as City.
Train Nn. 1 leaves Dallrs at 12:35; p.
nt.; ftops only nt Hood Kirr, Bonne
ville, Multnomah Falls, Bridal WiUnd
Troutdale. Train No. 3 leavrs Dalle at
4 :05 a. in. for all point wett of Dalles.
Freight trains wilt not carry pissui
gore except those holding special er
ui form 20S. a2i 5t
Klnalj- rait and cisraltif mjr sti- ol tin
rxirKd and H uoilc Widens. AUnettockto
elcet from
Sulu made (rom the lowest price to tbc high -1
Clark & Falk nro never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushee.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke A Falk's sure cure for boils.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke
i Fall:.
Dt-Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is un
equalled for piles, injuries nnd skin ,
diseases. Ii is the original Witch Hazel ,
Salve. Ueware of all counterfeits. - 1
To secure the original witch hazel 1
salve, nsk for DeWitt's Witch Hize!
Salve, well known as a certain cure for'
piles and skin diseases:. Beware of worth-'
less counterfeits. They are dangerous.
Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., eays,
"DeWitt's Little Kariy Kisers always
bring certaiu relief, cure my headache
and never gripe." They gently cleanse
nnd invigorate the bowels and liver.
Arrive Ogilim tV.ttam
Ptrnvw .
Chtmuro . .
U:CO a m
7: a m
7:15 a m
Arrive Ijw AiiKelie
" Kt l'no
" Kurt Worth
" Cltj-of. Mexico .
" llun. ton.
' New OrleHiu
' Wii.ililnKtm
" New Viut
1:50 i in
n:Cr) p in
. 0:ln m
.. 0:n m am
. 6:26 n m
C.tia in
.1'.'-lap m
7-CO m
111: j ) in I
1l:X0n in '
I ,'t'l II III !
S.l.'ittm j
u in
9 ' a in i
T as n in '
U.3) ii ni
7 in n in
H.l p in
!;:)) it in
V.rA a in
I w it in
d.Vi p in
C ti a in
tap in
Wholosale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agen rthe Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour -Mash
ii iwnui
I'ullinan mill Tour I. it mx an Imth trnltiv
Clmlr mr biicrmneiitit to Oplcn mill l!l l'n.o
mid tourHtnir tnCtiktiRit, at l.iml, .New Or -Imiik
mill Wnliliij:tmi.
Ctiimei'tlns nt Han Krnuclwti with koM-ral
atmniihip linirs (or llniiiiliilii, Juuin, ( litim,
I'liiliiipino.-. l cntrnl mnl Ninth Ainciim
Sc-e Bueiit at The l.i!li atntlon or mMroi
(tfiicra. 1'itj" UK'"- AROUt. I rt.antl Or
WHISKEY from $2 76 to f li.HO jht L-alloti. 'A to 15 years old.
IMPORTED 00GNAU from fT.tK) to 1 12.00 per irnlion. . 11 to 20 ytnn old
niiiiixuitrtiA liHiHUiiH ironi f.i.-.-o 10 per gunon. (-1 to u yn old.'
0LYMPIA BEEE on druuebt,
Imported Ale ttnd I'orter.
HTin ni Kinir Ann iiirrtiTita iMr in mrr
"an in tour Check.
All conntv warrants registered prior j
to June 8, 1S9U, will be paid at my1
office. Interest ceases nfter Februarv. 2, ,
15-00. C. L. 1'iiii.ui-s,' !
('ontitv Treasurer. ';
ti p. m.
T1KK ."( It Kill Lr.
nit Ijik- . Ilcnvi-r. ht
Worth, (iirmtm. Kn-
City, nt. Louis,
crnciiRu una i.mi,
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcb25-ii
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my
family with wonc'erftil results. It gives
immediate relief, is pleasant to take and
is truly the dyspeptic's beK friend."
says E. Hartgerink, Overisel. Mich.
Digests whai you eat. Cannot f.iil to
Clarke A Falk's favoring extracts nre
the best. Ask your crocer for them.
Si-nVinir Wnlln WlU, fciokmie,
.Mull . .Mlnm-aiAiiii,, at. Paul,
nud ' iMiluth. illlniiuUv.
I.xprt ) Clilraco nd Kju.1, via
i hrnikanonl.(llluntliic-:
: ton : nlsoiill iiliil In!
10:10 p.m.; WiishitiBtoiiand Kiut-
. orn UiiTton. !
S It rn.
Fnox Pcnn-Axr..
Oroin ltnmilili.
l'or non Kranei
Aprtl 27, May S, 7, 12.
Is p in
i -.MtL. in
p. m.
Ill 111 I 1
iea.aquarters ior aeea u-ram ofautintis.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ?ii kin
Headauarters for PollfiH Ora in ail kind
TTaorlniioiinfm Clinln and all Wn
o-i.cVi.ViU.O.X LCXO XUX XI OXi, OlXUi to, 0r MILL
t & HfH our i-iirvin InuiiF ll.o., nM.. 1..,.. ,1... , atA if i-nii ilnn'tUUBI
' r " ...M., .tfs, tiuiinir iu k.iw ituc mmv. .. " " ,
uu bwi cur prices anu tje convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oftti.
6 it. m.
Kx.aundariColurotito Kr. gimcrf
.... o AfTont mid Way
re in.
I ti. m.
J. A. Eberle
WiUaaimi Ittvtn. A War Laud'..
Kx.r.und.yiOnvi... ty. .Vwic. EnS'.
,r I .,..V '
luriuLLi:) uiiKc.o.v.
Lil r Slrd
From the p.tslnre on the tAnch bsck of
ton n, a cbeatnet nmel mare, branded
with a bbtchrd brAnd on left sboolder
and weighing About lOCW pounds. She
Lis tlripon her face And was clipped
this j ear. JIaJ recent wire cut on
riftu foot. A itAsonAble reiran! will W
lAld (or her return.
H&Scw C. . Skith. The D1im.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests whit you eit.
Full blooded, barred i'lyinouth Hock
eggs, per setting $1 00 And fl.50.
particulars call on or address,
Sanw.iis Iluos
15os 017. The DhIU-s. Or.
Sick Headache absolutely and pertna- j
nently cured by using Moki Te.t. Ai
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation J
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, j
work and hnrmr .S,,t,4f,,..i,- .,...... ,
or monev liacV. ".,. ka 1 t..,. Vl-... " xrir Ktvtt :30r. m
uuci. and ar-Liidliir .h
' i a anuaj
t Ulakeley A Uoughton Droggistf.
Ta. m,
and tat.
"lUJllnrri: i.vpYiK. 8:30
and May.Jndlngt.
King up Faulkner, the junk man, W.
j fore hnuling your trash to the beach,
j He buys old worn out rubber boots and
shoos, brass, copper, sine, leAI, sacks,
J rags, etc. DillfS 'pht,ne No. 2H.
apr24 lw
Lv nimria
l.VMa. ra.
Klpisrl to UvUtun.
S:30a. ia.
$i.oo per month.
Strictly first class local and long
distance telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
vereation will be kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You get the standard Ilunuing
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night ervice.
We will accept your contract for
ten rears and allow you to caucrl
eame on giving ui thirty days writ
ten notice.
,1... . . 7-r i. i?i,; -.vriT." "'
to po i to llipi,ir or
James ii. vAut.n matirdii., . "'""" I'- ra.
ff .tai.n. . . atrictlr nnrlinnH ...t... -uA Vmu i'rr, r.'Jr"'' JnncUon
HM. ffiathelarlL2T: Tke Larati Hmm ni..r-. L" W '? O. K. A N. co.-.
ran uuinuaIi it in in..u - I '
Kch it in efficienrrit in-
ntTJtZZZ! lie Dd tock of .all
FfatuW, Sour'Sh" ' 'T' Ufore buying -he.
'a. Ait., hwtiand.
o,. ,T- . . . : SlriHliT Oro' r , where, ai .e hAte Om 1ai. ,7 . . Cah Store
U-lm I
ii being advocated by all partlei regardless of rct. wJ
vlous conditlitn of aervitude. Kemetnber we mke our
wen glad when tbev buv or Pure Prepared Pa pU. "'
tlnleb and glow to Iu work that ! admired by a'i.
Paints. Oils. Glass, Picture and Room MokW
:t ouratock of Wall PKf
ir lUjOom Diiolav. .
H. GLENN & 00
Be tore and intpect our atock of Wall PK'
Ltalgnf for IWOos Display
Waahington Street,
betweea Second and Third.