The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 27, 1900, Image 3

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Some men need a chango
of clothes this spring, and
others need a change of
You can get the kind of
clothes you want if you will
come to the right store.
We would like to talk it
over with you and show you
our new suits and prices in
the Hart, Schaffncr& Marx
tailor made clothing.
They're the kind adver
tised in the leading maga
zines and worn by good
dressers everywhere.
Dent's genuine French Kid
three-clasp Gloves never fail to
givo tho wearer satisfaction.
Colors brown, tan, grav. blup,
white and black .'$1.50
This is the popnlar-piico Glove.
We strive each eeaeon to improve
quality and colors, and this
Wiring's line ol $1.00 Gloves sur-Men-n
our expectation in values.
All the latest shades of colors in
This is a new prlco for a pair of
good Gloves ono 61 tho ennps of
the- eeason. All sizes: in reds,
browns and blacks.
New effects in laco stripes, neat
checks and fancy plaids.
Black, white anil colors, especi
ally for the now pulley belts. All
widths anil colors of
PltHIN taffetas,
PIlAIfi TrtOlRE.
Are 3011 making your Shirt
Waists? Look at our yoke ma
terials. Embroideries,
RllnOveiT Ltaees,
Fancy Parasols...
Little ones for the little people, in all colors.
Ladies' fancy white or colored ; plain, rufiiid or lace effects.
All Goods Mnrketl
In Plain FlRuros.
nrt - -Pi H H AIL . '-1-
Telephone No. 1.
- - - - Al'KIL
Hjrved In
htl I)'
Tim litHt daneinc lt'Bsoiifi to children
v nit iriv'fti iv I'rni. feiiTwitMtr iir ri.n
ililwln tomorrow afternoon at - o'clock.
Columbia Bode beer will be on draughTf
iihvi 1 1 iirti (i i if iu imiii en n r jtit'i tr no
ll... k l. I I 1 A I . .
bllU IlilSL III IU IIH- I! V r I IlIIIlIillI (111 LI1I1 III
una citv. a'Jo ot
Ooui I'aul has in tlui field four sons,
imrLv.i 1 1 r i.riifiMUfii'bi ntiii q tntia.tii.
1 i ; i.. . .. . i .. i.i...
tor n.
H, J. Maiur received a telegram today
w "i w , ..r
na iin ill. ..i ii'.. I. r i. ..
I1IIH I llr li.lil r IlitVitu " in .......(ill n.tfl
burial will take place nt I'omoim, Cal.
The Hood Itiver Glacier eayn Hon. K.
In Smith will start next Sunday on a
trip to Kusterii Oregon to inepeet the
orchards as far east as Mulheur county,
in his c.tpiiclty as prtsident of the state
Wrd of horticulture.
The ridge in the neighborhcoJ of Nan-
tern- had a mow storm yesterday which
lasted must of the day. Had it not
melted as soon as it fell, the ground
would liavu been covered with a blanket
Ihrco or four inches thick.
Horatio Fargher came In from Gheno-
wuth week today, whero he had been
marking a crop of lambs lor his brother,
Tom, the Increase of which was 100 per
cent. Horatio's own increase at home
on tin. Tygh ridge la n round 100 per
Counterfeit dollars aru in circulation!
liefe, but to what extent is not known.'
0' was pal rued off on Deputy Sheriff
Sexton HiIh mornimr. He was able to
trilL'd it to l.llH flmilllv .nil li I V f-lurL-
to seo the boat on tho upward trip
struggle with the nngry cross-currents
of tho rapids, hanging on by her teeth
as it were, and at times Etandirig appar
ently stock still Above nnd below the
rapids waB easy sailinuC The boat was
empty, but so confident is Captain
Johnston that ho cn repeat the trip
louded that an attempt may be made
this afternoon, probably before this ap
pears iu piint, to rep-nt the trip and
hind a email load of railroad ties near
the terminus of the portage road:
Justice I'rather's court had a big trial
on hanu last l nutty, when Dr. w. J...
AdauiB and wife sued A. P. Uateham for
payiimnt of $80 on notes given for rent
of land, defendant elaimini; that the
notes were annulled by the terms of a
new lease, when ten acres of clover were
traded for ten acres of straw berry hind.
Distinguished counsel was employed by
Dr. Adsuis in tho person of ex-Senator
J. II. Mitchell. W. II. Wilson, of The
Dalles, nnd Judge Kent, of Hood Kiver,
appeared for defendant. Judge I'rather
held his decision till Monday evening,
when lie decided for plaiutill'. illood
River Glacier.
The D. 1 & A.
sto.mier Keliauca
N. company's new
with a number of
stockholders and a couple of newspaper
men made a nine mile trip down the
river yesterday a'ternoon. The round
trip was made iu 50 minutes. Tho down
trip was made in 20.!;. minutes, or at the
rate of twenty miles an hour, and the
return in 32,., or a fraction over sixteen
miles. During part of the return trip
tho run was made on a quarter cut of,
perceptibly lessening the speed equal to
an estimated delay of about 3 minutes.
The little seeamer rode the water line
a duck, and it is a safe prediction that
she will be quite popular with the trav
eling public. It Is expected that eho
will be ready for business next Tuesday
According to a note received from
Belmont, a prominent citizen of that
place has tho chicken fever bad so bad
that he is broody. The note says: "M.
l Isenberg has heiitd that if you set
a white chicken's eggs under a black
hen the young chicks will have black
feathers ; so he has purchased a red h
cutmtor and a red brooder aud will try
mlalnp red i-hlckons. Ho has moved to
.8 Of
mi as him vowed begot it from one Ki0 arU) where he has set his Incubator
- -"v ".uiuu preacners no nrresis were
There were 003 tonto.mnps In 1S00-. to-
e have 75,000 that is, iu America
l"ne. It took a letter sixteen days to
Bo ho,,, Philadelphia to Lexington,
Kentucky j twenty-two days to Nash
vll'i Tennessee, Tho cheapest letter
Jiostngo was eight cents, nnd to sand a
"jttor more than a hundred miles cost a
Wiling. Three million letters at.d
Pnpors were thou sent Iu a year. At the
lrcK.nt time the poftofllce handles
"""it 30,000,000 pieces ofnail iu a sin
mo day .-May Ladles' Hcino Journal.
TIlQ AlbailV. with PaAtnln .Tnhnntnn
J the WUU1( guccesBfullf mde the trip
!h i . Onoon "P 'Arecf-Mlle rapids to
joe big eddy and returns' It wm a thrill
ni 6i",lt to close watchers on the shore
rern fat lid lie can ba found at any time of the
'.i.... i,i.,ii. iitttu hi'fore (lie machine
watching tho thermometer to keep tho
heat just right. If everything goes
right he expects to have it regulated eo
lie can trust the Urst setting of egge oy
May 15th. His family carries his meals
to htm in the barn," Glacier.
An Indian agent, who was a militia
colonel, desired to Impress tho Indiana
luttti Mm mnunitude of hie dienity. He
dressed himself in full uniform, with
his sword by his side, aud, rising iu tho
council, told them that one reason why
the Great Father hud had so much
troublo witli hie red children was that
he had Bent civilians to them. "You
are warrior," he said, "un-l when the
Great Father tftw me he Bald: 4I will,
aend this mau, who Is a great warrior,
to my red children, who are warriorp,
and they will hear his words.' " An
old chief aroae, and, surveying the
speaker from head to foot, ?aid calmly:
"Since 1 was a small boy I have heard
that white men have great warriors.
I have always wanted to see one. I
have looked upon one, and now I am
ready to die." .- ...i
The recorder's oflice is in mourning,
the city government ib temporarily sus
pended and all municipal alfaits, save
works of necessity and mercy, are tem
porarily at a stand still. Ned Gates has
lost his dog, a handsome and intelligent
spaniel who acted the part of compan
ion, counselor and friend to our bachelor
recorder. The dog followed his master
yesterday as ho mude one of the party
who went down the river on the Re
liance. To keep the animal from mis
chief, Ned shut him up in a toilet room
and somebody unwittingly let him out.
While seeking hia master, who was on
the bow, the dog fell overboard. The
boat was opposite Lyle at the time, on
the return trip, nnd it is probable tlit
beast wub able to make his way to tin
shore. Ned left on the boat this morn
ins on no etiort to una mm. jjatek i
The (Iob is found. The habiliments
mourning in the recorder's oflke h
bien torn down aud the municipal gov
eminent has resu-r.ed its normal sway,
Ned found his favorite sitting pensively
on the bank of the j-iver lwar Lyle land
ing. Ho was a very hungry dog, but
was otherwise O. K. Ned and he made
the trip back on foot. " 1
h is not always safe to bank on catch
ing old birds with chail, but it can be
done once in a while, the proverb to the
contrary notwithstanding. Three well
known business men of The Dalles met
on tho street yesterday afternoon. One
of them had been at the Passion Play
the night before and had preserved his
seat cheeka. By way of a mere j ike ho
said to the others; "Roys, If you want
to go to the Passion Pley tonight I will
let you have a couple of tickets at half
price," handing out the seat checks.
Tho "boys," who are old enough to be
grandfathers, innocently snapped at the
bargain aud handed out the money,
"Now," said tho ticket-seller, "since
you haye got such a bargain you can
afford to treat." Tho elder of the two,
a man of over 00, said: "All right.
Treat goes;" aud in they went to a
cigar store, or somewhere, "When the
"treat" hud been disposed of the other
ticket buyer said : "Lot's have another
dose." "No, thanks," said tlio ticket
seller j "that enough today. We'll see
you later." Not till tho two innocents
had presonted their checks at the door
of tho play house did they find they had
boen neatly sold, and then they had to
hunt up Foinebody to lend them tho
monev to buy tickets.
Juilgo Itcnnrtt Claim (lie Democratic
Convention Did Adopt It and That
lie Supported It, the Oreconlnn
to the Contrary Notwlth-Htandlnc;.
iated, ;
( Iwa
II I i I I ll I M
Bkw mm w a i mtW 4t v v iv h
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in uso for over 30 years has borno tho Bignatnro of
and has been made under his pcr-
sonnl supervision since its infancy.
("CCCCA4i4 Allow tin nun tnrinrwivn vnn in thfet.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" ore buff
Experiments that triiio with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fcvcrisliucss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
2 C T"AT '"JTT 'ATX rJKT3tT A" J
Many new features for 1900 which you cannot aii'ord to ovprlook.
A. A V A A AA,
Tho Dalles Coimrieion Houee will
keep freoli milk at ail timed on hand
and deliver it anywhere In the city at
tho following prices : One quart, 2 jier
month: three plute, $3; two quarts, 14;
three quarts f5,60; cream 20 cents per
pint. Fresh butter every day. 18i-lm
Euitok Chroniclk :
In your issue of yetterday is an article
attacking the labor plank in the Demo-
ratic platform, winch is being circu-
and doubting its authenticity.
waB a member of tlip committee and
eub committee on platform in the Dem
ocratic state convention, and know
whereof I speak. In the convention a
platform committee of ono from each
county in tho etato was appointed, and
this committee appointed a sub-coin-mittco
of five to prepare and submit
draft of platform. A representative of
the railroad men appeared before that
committee and submitted, on behalf of
tiie railroad men, the plank in question.
Some of the members of tho tub-committee
objected to the plank and a
substitute was prepared, which is the
short plank referred to by you. When
t ic matter was referred to the full com
mittee, tho substitute was voted down
and the original plank as prepared and
submitted by the railroad men was sub
stituted. The platform was thon re
ported to the convention. On the flo'or
of the convention an attempt was again
made to amend the platform by substi
tuting tho short plank prepared in tiie
sub-committee for the railroad plank.
iThis amendment was voted down al-
most unanimously, and the platform,
including the railroad plank as offered
by the railroad men, was adopted.
The mUunderetanding of the proceed
ings grew out of the fact that the Ore
gouian reporter, by inadvertance I as
sume, got the matter mixed up and re
ported the substitute as the original.
The reason why the Democratic press
of the state generally fell into the eaine
mistake is because we have no Demo
cratic daily paper published at Portland,
and the platform was therefore generally
copied from the Oregor.ian, with the
mittake included. The oiiiuial platform
lias only just now been published, and I
presume the mUtake will at once ho
corrected in tho D.-inocatic papers.
1 enclose to you a copy of l lie oHleial
platform under the certificate of tho
chairman aud secretary of tho conven
tion. If my word and tiie certificate of
these ofllcers are not altogether satis
factory to you, I will cheerfully furnish
any number of affidavits fiom delegates
and bystanders (including railroad men),
I did not oppose tills plank in the
convention, as stated by tho OregGiiUti, I
On tho contrary I favored it etron.'ly. in
the tub-committee, in the general coin-
mi ttee, and also in tiie open convention, , ,,0 ,att(.T of 11, H. hangU-y, bankrupt, In
as evervone knows who was there. bankruptcy. ,
Tlw nlftnlr lii fiiiiiptlon as 1 under. To the fieilltors of H. II. I.ungW'y, of I no
1IH piariK 111 a1'81101 "3 ,i" i.ii l"IKs, 111 Itio count of Wiimo, ami ilistilet
stand it, is being circulated by the rail- tlroreaaUl, a tomUruM.
road men themselves, rather than bv ! Notice U hereby kIvcii that on tliuSOth Uuy of
iinHilclnna It is the railroad men's Apiil, A. 1). 1W. tlio ni!J 11. If. I-miib ley "'
politicians, ll ih mo rmiruuu men t nUJudk'iiiod bankiuiit, mui Unit lUo llrt
own plank. If there is any tiling wrong Juiw of creultou will be held at tho
witli it, I shall not blame you for attack-. oiiu.-o of tbo iimiertlniuil. In Tho Halles, Wau i
jug it, hut 1 an, sure that now the - .J", leV.a
ter Is fully explained, your spiiit of ' iTSaitorM niuy tW itovo their cjaim. un
fairness will lead yoO to withdraw any point a trnslee, uxiudiiio he bankrupt, am;
uhariM of underhanded dea iiu In tlio iramaei ucii uuiur w
Knows the merits of the
Complete Line of "1900" Sundries.
We know that in modeling, draught
ing, construction and material
Shoes aro perfection. This is proven by
the perfect fit, perfect comfort and ex
cellent service (xperienctd by weareie.
Our Street Styles
aro especially handsome and up-to-date,
shapely, stylish and easy on the feet.
All styles, one price
, . .$3 oo.. .
Oxfords $2.50.
NoUlm) of Kil'Mt MciiMiirr f Uruilltom.
Ix tub iiisTittcTCouiiroK'nii: L'xiTitii status
fur thuilUtriet of Ore-iou,
Just arrived a new lot of neckwear
for gentlemen. Latest designs and colors.
Ho sure and see them at tlio New York
Cash Store.
Very Truly Yours.
A, S. Uknxett.
The Dalles, April 27th.
finiiiii Imffmi Mm iMwtl 111 .
April 20, W. Itefeieo in llankruptey.
Subscribe for The Chronicle,
Garden Hose
AVo havo laid in a large
'stock of (Jardoii Hoso and aro
! carrying tho sanio brand of
Uoso that wo havo beon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho colobratod Mal
tese Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho same brand of Hoso that
tho Dalles City Firo Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twonty yours. Tito Mal
Iogo Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grade of Hoso
on tho market. Call and got
our prices boforo buying.
JVIaier & Benton
Sole Agonts.