The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TBI DAY APRIL 27, 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS- Justice of the Supreme Court C. E. Wolverton. Food and Dairy Commissioner J. W. Uniley. Presidential Electors O. F. Fuxton, of AInltnomah; Tiihnnn Ford, of Ma rion ; J. C. Fullerton, of Douglas ; V. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. Democratic state convention and tb:U lie worked nntl spoke for it in the convention instead of ranking a ' speech against it, as reported by the ' Oregonian. In thut enso tho Ore gonian should have been nsked NEW TRAIN SERVICE. Tho donblo train swvle? to he estab lished between Portland and Chicago ' ...: no :.. ..I.l.l. l,nn 1) .. V Dm! J1 II ., III It tllliil V ... ' , : Union Pacific end the Oregon Short! 'Line aro interested, vill shorten thej i throned time eleven hours. Train Xo. , should be asked now to rectify thc)2i ieavjnp Portland at 9:15 n. m., ne-j error, or some one should demnnd its 'pinning on the date named, wid be! rectification in a manner ns public ns known as the Chicago-Portland special. 1 the error itself. It cannot be possible ! cqnlpment will be new, making it DISTRICT OFFICERS- Malcolm A. Moody, of Concressmau The Dalles. Joint Senntors J. X. Williamson, of Crook; T. H. Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Representatives--A. S. Roberts, of Wasco ; K. A. Emmett, of Klamith ; George Miller, of Gilliam; George Cattannc-h, of Grant: Georue A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of w asco. District Attorney Frank Menefee, of The Dalles. po: that the Oregonian would do Judge Bennett an intentional wrong by representing him as opposed to a measure which he claims to have been instrumental in having adopted. The question, however, is now up to the Oregonian. The balance of net trade iu favor of the United Slates during the last century proceeding the present ad- i fully the equal of any train now in ser vico from thu Pacific coast to the East. It will consist of a mail, hacgngu car, two chair cars, and a tourist sleeper. There will bs but one chance o( ears to all eastern points. The full tunc will be three dys through to Chicago, or four days through to Chicago, or four days and two hours to New York. The second train, known as Xo. 0, will leave Portland at 0:-0 p. m., con necting at East Portland with the South- ' crn Pacific's overland train from San COUNTY TICKET. S. Blowers, of Hood Comity Ju Iga A Biver. Commissioner P. A. Kirchhemer, of Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A, L. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. R. Goit, of The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. ' v : i ...:n .... 1 1 . .... . .n, nrr I J I IlIIUlPi; J. UUU 111 LIU I miuufcil n iiti'- ministration amounted to $31 1,000,- . . .1 tt - , ' ' ment to Chic.ieo via the Union Pacific i 000. In one hundred years that was , , .., ni,in. ,i Vn-ti,-.....r the net balance to the credit of the 1 also the equipment for the Washington United States in our trade with the division of the O. R. & N., in cuinec woild. In three years of the ad- tion wlth tlie Great Northern for St. .... , it,,. -.r I i Paul. This train will reach Spokane at ministration of Vil ham Mckinley i , , . . ... , ' ... ,, J 10 a. m. A dining car will be furnished the net balance as shown by the'for i,rekfast it0 Spokane, and for books of the United States treasury J dinner on corresponding train leaving is $1,400,000,000. It is 1,100,000,- j Spokane nt 3:45 p. m. The new selied 000 more accomplished in these three ulc 1,8 ""anged will supply the most ., , , ,. , i - complete service ever furnished on the t rv o yc f linn line hnnti nnnrmilielirM i iy i ni .1? n.i - . 1 i u mis is iul , vje9 ;n jjatern Oregon, where it is to Urynnitc ! greatly needed, and gives immediate I K" ; connection with the Washington divi- I I sion at Pendleton. At this point there's ! is a large interchange of traffic, on ac-1 x ZOOKIXG CALMLY AT PUERTO IlICO. This being a campaign 3-eir we must, of course, expect to endure a great deal of dust-throwing and gen eral muddling on the part of in terested parties, says the New York Commercial, but there is one thing about which the country should re main as clear-visioned as possible lest a great mistake be made, which once mude would be long correcting, perhaps forever. The thing we refer to is the true nature of the Puerto Ricnn bill. The hysterical frame of mind is a ver3' bad one in which to examine a measure of this kind. "We may, some of us, have been more or less affected by the wild shriek for abso lute free trade with Puerto Rico as a fulfillment of our pledges made to the Puerto Rieans through General Miles, and for a season have joined the clatter which was simply designed to put the administration in a bole in this very important matter; but now, after we have bad time to get thoroughly cool, a mere glance at this measure is sufficient to show how much a burden it will be to the Paerto Rican and how great a breach of the alleged good faith which some of the doctors laid down as our guide. Some people clamored for absolute free trade with Puerto Rico. That is just what this bill affords absolute free trade nothing short of it. The 15 per cent of the Dingley law-rates provided in the law have not the slightest margin in them of protec tion for the mainland producer, and were not intended to have. It is not even a revenue bill, tor the receipts from its operation are to go right back to the Puerto Ricans. Tho only thing saved by the bill is the principle th-it congress has power to place an important tariff on goods landed here from our tropical isluiids. That principle is fixed by it, and in it there may yet prove to be the sal ration of producers here on tho mainland who may require protec tion nguinsl competitors paying their labor 30 cents a day. Judge Bennett, in another place in this issue, claims that the "Railroad i'lank," which is being distributed among railroad men in these parts, it the plank that was adopted by the Complete of Drills at 1 1 Str. noRiilutor. I P. i " - v y vl REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Portland & 1 , Hti-NtnciM of tho ItcKUliitur Lino win lowing nchrdiilo, tho Company rwurvliiK tlio tin... m'IiciIiiIo without notice. m 10 ,lln Itrifciov DOWN, , I.V. IlllllCS lltS A. M. ' Tiiooiiiiy , TlitiiMluy . Miiuiiiiy . ' Arr. 1'iirlliiiul , nt A r. m. I.v. I'ortlillitl lit 7 A. M. Mniulny WViluoMtiiy 1-rlilny Arr. IIhIIon at fi n) c. m. Ship your Freight via Kegulator Line. Str. Dnlloa city. llOU'N I.V. Dill lit H A. tt. MlilHlny JVldiieiiliiy i-'rlfliiy. Arr. I'orllniiii at fi l m, ..BttuM.; Arr. td r r t-i-r-. -.-irT7i-T-m Tn 1.T n jrvr a . g Trnvul by the .Slomnom tit the Itci-ulittor Miic. Tho Coinmny will cmli'iiviir to rlv i rniix mi' ih.-m "fiviuti miiimiiu. rur luriucr iiiiormutlnii uiitlrrMs l-iirllnml Oilli-e, Oiik ;-9trcot Dock. W. C. ALU A WAY, Gon. Agt. M. Z. DONNELL, THEDnUCCIST. 100 years preceding, Republican response calamity howling. Do we want r. chauge ? B?OS 1 a This from the Albany -Democrat, ' count of tho various mining districts of ; an earnest suppotter of the Fusion , Bakur county, the Cteur d'Alene. thelH. .. , . . . , , . . Republic and Kootenai mining cuiips. ' C, ticket, is a Mf'tny indorsement of i . . ... . , ' t" ' ,. , rortlanil is creatly benefitHd bv this H. the Republic- . ...didate for supreme j chanB0 in ns milch a9 lncrea9Bd aorvlcc ; R judge: "J' probable that there will be no "n? placed on the union ticket for u, .-me judge. This is a compliment to Judge "Wolverton, whoie judicial record is an excellent one. He is by far the best man on the bench." tii.wi:it.Yi. Biacksmiins PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bretfd, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. At the close of the present fiscal year, June aoth, the excess of ex ports over imports will reach $550, 000,000. History has no parallel to th's. Is it conceivable that the American people desire to repeat the folly of 1S92 and vote into power a party whose success is a menace to this amazing commercial prosperity ? 'IS' Horsesnoe is given from Eastern Oregon and Idaho, 1 jj So. 2 will arrive in Chicago nt 0:110 i:' a. in.; No. C at 74" u, m., at present Tiie Westbouud train out of Chicago, corresponding with No. '2, is No. 1. i This will arrive in Portland nt 4:00n. !r m. The tram corresponding with the 1 jj enatbound No. 0 is No. 3, out of Chicago. 1 fc ti.: ...:n .1. T.-1 I ... - .or. - ! a ins n in ieni:ii luiuiuiu ut i ;,)u a. m. u ... .. , . . ... C. . estoounu :rain .o. I will leave uhicago txrxr.-KxxL r. .Qrt ... r l... ... o .nrt . ni u.uu ,i. in., iijiu vuiuiiii tit o it. in. ..AND... Important Announcement 3 1 to you. Wagon and Cnrrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aiifl Jefferson. PiioncZ159 the following day. The time will he p. reduced two hours and forty-five niiii-1 utes. No. 3 westbound train will leave ! Chicago at 10:30 p. m., and Omaha at i 1 :25 p. m. the next day. The service on the Union Pacific on all ! these trains include Bullet smoking- j library cars, and diniuz cars. No. 0 J will carry a daily ordinary sleeper to! ti, nT, TT, . , , ! Kansas City, with change en route to The Chicago platform, indorsed j ord,IIBrv cars t0 CC0KH "in w-liolc and in part, in letter and Consult the nearest ticket agent for I inspirit," by the Fusion forces of I detailed information. j this state attributes to the demoneti- W. II. Hukmickt, zation of silver a "corresponding fall General Passenger Agent, in the prices of commodities pro- Win. Orr, Newark, O., sas, "We duced by the people." A paity that j nuvur fet1 fn' without One Minute affirms that kind of nonsense in this ?0,!cl' Cl!re. tI,u ,,0,lse- II !nved n,v IITtrtt Itrkfa ila ti. 1... viu a hid n lien IIU UUU IIIW J'llCU i ..GHfis. mu.. Butchers year of grace 1900 confesses (hat its stock of common sense is exhausted. monia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures couirliH ami n!l hlTir ; diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and Lncle bam will take Porto Rico s gives immediate results. 5,000,000 worth of silver in ex- Plnrl. .T"; , , uuaMttv iui tj,uuw,uuu oi American i fresh and complete money as gocd ns gold. As the $3,000,000 will, buy more than ior 000,000 Pono Rico gets tho usual generous treatment. This is the way "imperialism" of l he Ropublicnn brand works. and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kwps mi drauKht the eololirnteil COUMIIIA 1IKEK. nokmrn-:-iiIrmI On- U-Ht Uvr In Tlio Dnllin, nt tho uiiml price. Conic In. try it niul ic cmivliicH. AIo the FiiiMt brnnas ! W ltic.i, IJ-juor mid Ciiar. Sonduiiches oi an h-iiiim iilunyn mi hand. For .10 days after April tsl, I will Bell all the Dry Goodn, Clothing, HuoIh and hocs, llonlery, Blnuketit, lints and Caps, on a cut "in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now is your opportunity to get bar gains. Don't iiiIsb it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to K. J. CollliiH it Co. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm C. S. Smith, Tin: i iji i i r i n i iir i ujor I Fresh Eggs mid Creamery Hutter u specinlty. 2d Street. J. H. BCIlBNK, 1'rcnldviit. 'Phone 270. A.M. Bui. CuUr TRACE MARKS JCOIONS CopymsHTS Ac. Anroiio smiilliiir n uliolrli mid rti'rrlr'tlon mil ntilcklv tiacnrtuln nur iikiiiIiiii frtv wliotlier u' hivi-nnoti n priiliiililr ii iii'iilulili'. ' uniiniiiilrr. T. BROWNHILL JUSTICE OF TH K PEACE. Notar v iuulic. Collections promptly uttended to. Money to loan. C. E. Iiavard's of hce, The Dalles, Oregon. US' STURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllce over French 4 Co.'n Hunt 1'hone C. TIIK V.U.Kf, OKCUO.V NOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. U.NH OmcE at Tin: Daubs, Oiieoo.v.i March lit, UCO. I By a final decision in Washington the official spelling will be Porto Rico. That saves ten per cent in spelling and at least fifty per cent in pronunciation. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must to purified in order to obtain L'ood health. i.M..t I...- r..n. .i .... . . . flill' 1 norlh. r.miri-1 i-HiiiV i .B..Cr,nruioooreocrOHllOU6i Htfimuic the "fnllowlVw Wlt.ico to nmro I or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood fltf,i,.I.,.,.,.i,'"",i,,,,f,,tu ml ciiltivmioii ! diseases. It is certainly u wonderful ! cijinniii'iieiiry'li. Jilrhaol iinvio ! remedy nud we sell everv bottle on!"" ''''"''"niwiMif.,!,, 1 .. Al ' I 11' a positive guarantee. Ulakeley & Hough- i KegiVler. ton's drng store. Nollco l hjreby Klvcn thut tho foiinwlne ninke (linn prixil in Mipportuf hU c ,. , S thatsnid proof will bo imde before t li"V"jf"ter C. F. Stephens .Dcialer In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, 'wwva r-ui'HiM rjings. ' Hoots, ShwD. lint, Cups, Notions. Act. j V W. Uliouglim Hhoe. ,1 Heinrich Lnbhing.of Tho D.dles.Or., "..K-.No-.'TJ.foriho xwi;, action it. ...u.,. Just What You umnt. JJU. U. K. risitot'Mt.v, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUWT And CAFE. J. B. Oroseen & Go., Props. 87 Seoond Street Pliyaicimi and Surgeon, I , Oilice, vogt liloclc (over I'oMonicej, J satp: ilino-dw TDK DAI.Wis, OIIKC.OK I J J 11 k IV I - W "iJ mJM ; New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such . Willi tmrliifii -. i" . wmwij i- V Good mi nn io nt k, r''1-1-''- nil i m wirfi,M;wwx,torsss ONE FOR A DOIE ( riiii"""0 T'luiplei, Pment FRED. W.W1L80N, ATTOKNKV.AT LAW. Oflloe ovei Klnt N.t. bwl UKUxb WOOX for u small nrice. at o .rrjl" street. Alw.fdlMlwolTo'affff D. W. VAUSE, Third St II S WIUON B JIUMTINOTOM HU.NT1.NUTON 4 WIIJJON. ATTOKNKYK At' lliiimntrlctlr miitliluiitl'il. lliiniUiiMikim I'ntiinU wi.t Irwi. ' IIiIimi iiuoiirr (or upctirm puttMila. I'liii'i.ii tukcu thniuuli .Muim A. Co. rvcutrt jxfbilnotlc., wUliout cliiirKO, In tlio Scientific American. A ImiiilJionii'ljr llliintrntnd wcolilr. Lnri-'iMt olr rulntlim i'f nnr n-lfiittllr Joitrnnl. 'l'linim. IJ a I.Mir iimiillji, ll. Hold l.j" ull ncwuli-ntur. fVIUNN & Co.3ci. New York llrancli liniuo. iCi I' fit Wantilnetoii, ll. t' We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Proscription that's compounded here Js it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we aro reliable. BLIKELEY & HOUGHTON. Keliablo Proscriptionists F.s. T Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Oulir in Blacksmith Susies. First national Bank. IMC. UALLL3 - m C IHP.IIllR A General Banking Businees tnuma uopOBtts roceivud, oubject to bijht Druft or Cheek. i I I j J .1. irtJiinuiiuziB maun nnu prumcue prumpi.7 remitted on dar of collection. Mtirhl sinif TnliicrrfirkMp KTrtittiMmlitri xew lork, han f rancmco an: Port land. t)l K1XCTOHS D. P. TUOMI'HON. J.VO. 6, ECHIXOi Ed. M. Williakb, Gto. A. Ltzu- H M. H KAIL, Mica 'Axle Crease helps the team. Saves irearmd expense, boia everywucre. STANDARD OIL OO. lightest the load shorten I the 1.1 TTIlTTT 0. tSC BANKERS. THANBACTA KNK HAL 11 ASKING iflilSH Letters oi Credit issued avilble In EaHteru States. Bight Enhance and TelPP" TraBfferB iold on New Yofk.CWog Bt. LouU, Ban Franciwo, FortUDdwr gon, Seattle Waal.,, and variooi P In Oregon and WaHttiuBton. Collection made at all pomU OBiw oraule termi. Us ColomDia PactinB. PACKERS OF -. w j nCCF MANOrAtTL'KEUUOr Tl T- j A Cal1R&68 Curersof -4rBBM0 HAMS & BACOli )RIKD UKMF. KTU ' nli Mm Win W I I filNOMAnn- CurenIpotcncy,KlgW EJ tif. wantliiR dlscascti, all w, cretlon. AiierteWHi featorea the fire Mi. ith 11 written w ean w NKMVITA MEDlCAt ... murium 031ceourKlrtNt,l2i1k lJAU-iJB- OUKUON Oor Second & Law 'Piione 167 BuUcrlbe for TiTe Cuosic-