The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 26, 1900, Image 4

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    pKori.n Vllt A 1.1. KNOW.
J. H. yhtriii, o( Sherur's Bridge, is in
the city.
C. M. Elkin. the l-yli' merchant, was
in tow n last tiltti t .
F. N. Jones, of Slf rnr'c Hrhlpe, ar
rived in town twltu Irom hi ranch.
P. B. l'oiiKhxiiT. tin- rrinovillu rc8
tnurunt uum, is m the Umatilla House.
Cnptnin A. S. Blow ere, Kppublican
r.indidato for county jmlife, is 111 the
X. Whealdon returned on the nutm
passenger from a business 'trip to Port
land. T. W. B.ulder, of decide Locks, was
in town Iii3t night, the guest of the
Vnmtilln House.
J. U. ISaley, n prominent Democratic
pjulicmn from IVnUieton, is regtstfred
at tin Umatilla House.
H. D. Youuj, the well known Popu
list statesman of GoMenil.ilt, is regis
tered at the Utaatiia House.
C. W. Mrore. the v.eH-known Trout
Like chtirvtxMti, if at the Umatilla
House &c?Mnp&uie.l by Mrs. Moore.
J. H. Templeton, a prominent drug
gist of PriuevHI, id at the Umatilla
House on hu way to Portland on busi
ness. Mrs. Theodore L'ulie and Mrs. F.
Hotefulir, of Portland, who have Iveen
visiting with Mr. and Mre. Geo. A. Liebe
for tiie last few days, returned home on
the noon passenger today.
Colonel and Mrs. Fred Hiitterfield,
old-time friends of Sir. and Mrs. Smith
French of litis city, aitet upendinu the
past tlireo days here, left on the Dalles
City this mornim: for Portland on their
way home to Vermont.
J. A. Henderson, of Binsen, Robert
Barker, of Glenwond, C. P.. Wade, of
Pendleton, J. A. Ellis, of Goldend de,
H. J. Sprat, of Sunnvsidc, W. II. Edick,
of Mount Hood, and .1. V. Turner, of
Sunnyside, aro registered at the Uma
tilla House.
Knock0ut Drops
" I am a saloon-keeper, and used to think
that rock and rye, or whiskey and quinine
ernes ior couusi
j 1.1., -vinf44JJ
of my acquaint
ances were of the
same opinion.
Isow 1 know
a thousand times
better. It is Acker's
English Remedy for
Coughs and Colds. A
good while ago I began
to cough and found out
then that rock and rye
was no irood. Ieotworse
and I was beginning to think that the trou
ble would run into consumption. I didn't
take any stock in patent medicines, but
somehow or other I tried Acker's English
Remedy. One bottle did the business for
me knocked that cough out completely
and it has never come back again. There is
never n day passes that I don't say a good
word about this wonderful medicine. I al
most forgot to say that I am stronger and
fleshier now, since taking the remedy, than
I was before the cough began. I write this
letter voluntarily and cheerfully and am
Klad to do it." (Signed) Cimis. Humble,
Saloon-keeper, Pocatello, Idaho.
Sold at 25c. 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United State3 and Canada ; and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you arenot
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
your druggist, and get your money back.
We authorize I!k abate guarantee.
. W. U. UQOKK fc CO., rtwrutm, Aew iufc
Blakeley & Ho-afjhton.
The Clrcnt-Rramlaon of Quppn Vic
lorln ! CU'ttlnK to lie n III
liny Now.
Drjinpr proimrntions simply devel
op dry catarrh; thoy dry up tho secretions,
. which adhere to tho incinbrano and docow
poso, causing a. far moro serious troublo than
, tho ordinary form of catnvrh. Avoid nil dry
1 iutr inhalants, funics. smokes raid snulla
The present idol of the Hritish public mul. rV''VTomnllv
! Is Prince K.hvnrd of York, eldest son of ,L,?r,"51 .."X
null Will curu ciuurru ui iumiuuiu u
j the duke of orU, pr-nudson of the CllsUy Mul ,,icnsnl,Uy. A trial nlzo will bo .
I prince of Wales, rrreat-prnndson of mnllod for 10 cents. All druncists soil tho 1
j Queen Victoria, nnd the heir in direct GUc.sizo. ElyUrothors, fil, Warrou St., N.Y. Tin: nlN'IN
line of the crown of Great Uritnln. Tho ltalm cures without pain, does not
I Prince Edward, hnvinc been born on irrilalo or causo onocxing. It spreads itself , Tn j.: o.VI.V
.lune S3, lSttl, is now well into Ills sixth imiiKui mius jnHw,
year, and regards himself as quite n big iu? uiifttu ' tho "UnTo'l,!;
,. , -, . ! With Ely s Cream Jlalui younrooriuod
boy snys out i s Companion. j t J p
His brother Albert is a year younger, , "
and the two princes have had. perhaps, ' n . . , , ........ ..... I11Bi,l,,ory
lie In tho fence cornur nny lonuer. Taku
pewter, old woolen rags, beer bottles
horse manes and tails, and
Catarrh L'liiilint lie Cured
their share, but no more, of brotherly
".r.,.c " Tl... ,1, ,.r V.,l- .V- n,
to have interfered with their small il ,0 FiotcJior Faulkner, The Dalles junk
wars, saying thut to "let them fight It. , dealer, and get the cash for it. Highest
out will make them better men." Hut! cash price paid for cast and wrought
he has interfered successfully with an- iron, rubber boots and shoes, bieyelo
other weakness of Prince Edward. I tires, etc., brass, copper, nine, lead,
it is customary tor tiie royal ctnuircn. '
1.. . it l .. 1 . ! . I i , !
Ill 11JL-1. Ul U1U llll.-L'II, ll niss iiei- llllllll . , ,1 u
1 1 ..1 1.. U..1 T-.l .l "UU 1IUSKB
ttiui iilii iii;i wiiL'cix, tun j i iiii'i: all. ill il i , ... ... t
did not like to do this, and objected bones of all desc.iptmns. Price paid for
strenuously. One day he heard some ca8t ir0. -0 cunte per 100 lbs. One
one speak of "her majesty." j door west of J. H. Worsley's, Second St.,
"I know who 'her majesty' is," said The Dalles. niLM-lmo.
he; "it s just granny!" I
"And who was the nauchtr little ,
prince who would not kiss grnnny's ' with local applications, hb they cannot
hand?" j reach the Eeat of the discasu. Catairh
"That was me," said Prince Edward, 9 n ul0od or constitutional disease, and
unabashed, "and I'm not going to kiss In orl,ur t0 curu it voll ,mjat ,nke jlur.
granny's liand:" I nnl remedies. Hall's dtarrh Cure is
l'ut when he had arrived at the age.. , . . ,, . , .. ,.
of five he felt himself quite a man, and : take" ternwlly. and acts directly on
began to do as other men did-kissed 11,0 Ul0011 nn(1 '"l,i;0U8 annaces. nan s
the queen's, hand and alwavs doffed his ' Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
cap in her presence. I It was was prescribed by ono of the best '
..i 1 '
iii)mciuiiB in mis uuiiiiii iui uiii o, itnii
: .. i... t, :....... .,.-,i
10 lllCllltll ll USUI IJtllMll. II 1 tUIII (lUftll
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
Send for testimonials,
Yellowstone Park Line.
iii.N-iNti cut itot' ii: ntoM i'okti.anh
io tim; r.Asr.
DiitiicT i.ini: to Tin; vnu.ow-
HlONi: 1'AltIC
:.k.ivi:. 'Union Deroi, rilihand I sis' .imuvi:.
No. I
Punt hi till for Tiicoiim,
Seattle, Olympln, (Iniy's
lliitnnr ami Mima ihmhi
lMilnts, Hpnkiine, Hons
liuiil, 11. C, rullimiii,
Mo-ciiw, lnhlon, lltlf
11.15 A. M, fiiliilluiiiiinliilni;eimii
try, llulriiu, Sllniuiijio
Us, Ht. 1'ntil, Uniiiliit,
Kiiiimii City. Ht. I.imli.
Clili'jiu-i) unit nil imltitK
eii't anil fDiillimnt.
ruitot Sdiiiui i.-xim-s
(or Tiuomii mul Hcattlo 7;W A. M.
nm! liitcrnieillatni"mtM
Nn. I.
11,50 1". M
..V) I'. M.
No. :!.
rullnimi i'lnia mul tonrltt nIcchi to
lma'ai'ills,.St. Paul ami Jli.-Miutl river iiolntx
wltlnmt ehaiiKO.
Wstilmliil train". I'ulou ilopot t'omteutlotiH
in nil iirluclpal rlttcr. ,
lliiimiiKe chu'knl In ile.itlnallnii of ticket.
Kor lianil'OiiiL'ly llliiHtnittilili'.urlitlve unit tor,
tickets, .ilvepltiK-eiir ieerviitlim, etc., call mi or
AssMaiit (loncral Paoiior Auciit, '.'.V MorrlMiu
Htu-ot, eorner Ttilp , Pnrtlaml, OreRiiii.
SOUTH and EAST via
Utility of the Innovation la llelnr
Fully netuonntrated nt the
City of Toledo, Ohio.
ISmitfiRrn Pacific (in
Tiie utiiitj- of the rural trollev line
as a freight road is receiving very full j curing Catarrh.
tlenionstrntion at Toledo. The mnna
gers of n suburban line there have de
vised a trolley truck on which a load
ed farm wagon can be readily placed,
the axles of the wagon setting in
sockets which hold it firmly in place.
The farmers are using this style of
transportation when teaming is bud.
Itecently, on a day when the roads
were in very bad shape, one train thnt
reached the city included S7 sacks of
clover seed and two wagon loads of
basswood lumber.
The farmers sending this shipment
lived 15 miles from Toledo and stated
that, with tho roads in the condition
they were then in. the seed wnulil
! have made at. least three nnli nnrv
wagon loads. This would have been
, equivalent to 270 miles' travel for one
driver and two horses. With the trol
ley service the haulage was accom
plished in one hour, at a cost of six
dollars per wagon from the shipping
Ioint to the delivery point. Such ad
vantages, especially in regions where
roads are usually in poor condition,
will naturally give an impetus to the
construction of rural electric lines.
The advantages of shipping the wag
ons without loading or unloading at
either end of the line are obvious.
For a Nice
Suit of Clothes.
Panting, Overcoallti-or Kncj Vesting.
Kindly rail anil examine my Htock of Im
ported iiiiu l U'ettlc Woolens. A line ntcck to
select Irom.
Hulti inutlufromllie lowest juice to the high
eiit irrudc.
J. A. Eberle
ill HAI.l-K OllKGO.N,
A Ii1hcI li'irsa wniiihlnu' about 12,10
pounds null lirandtd 25 nn the left
shoulilnr. mo stray vd from the farm
uJolin Hrniikh'juse, which la situated
six lull"- iond Dufiir. Liberal ro
wnrd ofl'i i d' for information regarding
recovi"'. Address
8. II. Winanh.
inai7 In Dufur, Or.
to k
,t Pulfc'8 quinine hair tonic
nil' from (lie bend.
A l'oiuilnr C'nntom if the 1'reNctit
liny Thnt Unit's from AiikIo
.Sii.voii TlnieM.
Xaturally some of the ancient city
customs nre connected with the art
of dining, says Good Words. Gas
tronomy nnd the Guildhall are insep
arably associated. One of the most
curious of these is the passing of the
loving cup, which takes place at nil
the guild dinners as well as nt the
banquets of the corporation.
The cup is a two-handled one with
n lid. While one guest is holding the
lid, the next sips the spiced wine; a
third, on the other side of the drink
er, stands up. Then, the brim, having
been wiped by n clean napkin, the
cup is passed to the guest holding the
lid. He drinks in his turn, while his
next neighbor takes charge of the lid.
In this way the cup rnnkes the round
of the table.
This custom dates from Anglo-Saxon
times. The holding of the lid was
not then an not merely of courtesy,
for the guest who held It was thus
prevented from drawing his dagger
nnd Htnbbing the drinker a playful
nfter-dinner practice not uncommon
in those times. Meanwhile the guest,
who wns standing guarded the drink
er from nn assault from behind.
F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggists, price 7i"iu.
Hall's Family 1'ille aro the best. 12
(Hark it Falk are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Clarke & Falk have on sale n full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
A full line of Eastman films nnd sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and fctinburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
DeAVitl'a Witch Hazel Salve is tin.
equalled for piles, injuries and akin
diseases. It is tho original Witch Hazel
Salve. Iievvare of all counterfeits.
To secure the original witch hazel
salve, ask for DuWitt'e Witch Il'izel
Salve, well known as a certain euro for
piles and ekin diseasec. Ileware of worth
less counterfeits. They nre dangerous.
Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., eays,
"DeWitt's Little Kurly ltiaers always
bring certain relief, cure my headache
nnd never gripe." Tlioy gently cleanse
and invigorate the bowels and liver.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The ll.ille.i for Portland ami way
utatioiis at !:'- a. in. mul 1! p. in.
l.eavo Portland
" Albany
Arrive Ashland
" Sacramento .
" han h'ranclco
.. 8:1 u in
. .i::w a m
..UlXl a 111
.. fi'.lXI l ill
. . 7: i m
Aulvo OkiIoii
" Denver
" Knnnit:ty
" i;hleai(i . . .
fi: I'm in
. U:U it in
7 :".' a in
7 :l u nt
Arrive Augulet l:SH ) in
" Kl Pao fi;(H i in
" Port Worth liiWiun
" City ol Mexico . .. . 0:Miim
" Ilotiiton l.w u in
" New Orleans . . ii:'i'uim
' Washington lilJani
" New York l'J:l:i p in
7:fi) p in
10:M p in
ll:cn n in
I ;.T n in
M : 15 a m
11 Pin in
'J'.diii in
7 'i' ii in
J.M u 111
7 M II 111
!',:() p in
ir.:v u in
u in
1:110 n in
n.'ji p m
ii 12 n in
l'."i:i p in
Pullman ami Timriit curs on hoth tnilno
Chainars S.imiimcnto to Oilen nnd P.l Pa.xo
and tnutiit cars to Chfcug't, rit l-oiiln, New Or
icmik nun a.niiiiKton.
C'oniicctlm: at Han I'riinclsco with everal
.ftciim-hlp lines for llonoltilii, Japan, Chum
Pnllippiuci, Central and hniith America.
See agent at The ll.ille.i station, or aihlnm
(eiiernl Pas, nger Agent, Portland, Or
Mill- fjilfiixc'l AVroiiU.
fr. Slowgait. (about to jiroposc, time
11 in 1 T nltrtii I ti Mfi V druni.tli 1 ,i tr
Miss' (hilllngton, thnt I should hnve "lakoloy & Houghton Druggistp
Citati In lour CI:oM.
All countv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1800, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 2,
T-UU. J. L. I'lllI.Ltl'H,
Countv Treasurer.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the
Wasco warehouse Finest kind of
chicken feed. nich25-it
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my
family with wonderful results. It gives
immediate relief, is pleasant to take and
is truly the dyspeptic'a best friend,"
save E. Hartueiink, Overisel. Mich.
Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the beat. ABk your grocer for thorn.
Kk Knr Hul.
Full Wooded, barred Plymouth ltock
ege, per gutting $1.00 and $1.50. For
particulars cull on or address,
Sa.nhkiw Hiioh.
IloxOl". The Dalles, Or.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Te.i. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. M cte. and 50 ets.
said some time ngo. Lok into my eyes
and tell ine if you enniiot guess what
it is.
Miss Chlllington (suppressing n
yawn) -You look ns sleepy nsl feel, o
I suppose yon must be going to say
good nigh Stray Stories.
KnvlUh Enrn I.Ktle.
Statistics Just completed bv the In
come lax commission of Great liritnin
show that out of a totnl udult popula
tion of 12,500,000 more than 10,000,000
enrn less than $800 a year. The income
tax Is collected nt the rate of 10 cents on
each 35 above $800, and the total tax,
which last year amounted to more tlinn
$100,000,000, was contributed by not
more than 2,000,000 people,
King up Faulkner, tho
fore hauling your trash to the beach.
Ho buvH old worn out rubber boots and
eboee, brnss, copper, zinc, lead, sacks,
rags, etc. DalleB 'phone No. UN.
.. apr2-i lw
Clarke & Falk hayo received a carload
of the celebrated James K. J'atton
strictly pure liquid paints
To Cure a Coin in One li.y.
Take Laxative Uroino Quinine Tab
lets. All druygistB refund the money,
Ka.t Halt Lake, Denver. Ft.'
Mall Worth, Omahu, K'an
U:up. in., nm city, tit. I-mils,,
Chicago and Hunt.
10:10 p. w.
8 p. rn.
8 p, m.
10 p. in.
c it. in.
W'nlln WhIIr, Hixikime,
MlunenpollH. Ht. Paul,
iiulntli, Jlllmikir.
Chlcairo and Kant, via
Kpokanonkil Ilillitluu-
(on; niMi an H)iiitK in
WaihiiiKton und i: int
ern OrcKon.
From Portlanii.
Ocean Htuinmhipii.
for bun Kranclfco
April '7, May Ii, 7, 12.
(.'oliunhln Itv. flttamcrs.
io AuroKu and Way
A nn. vie
l-':a) p m
lC.i press
1-.U0 a. in
t n. in.
7 . m,
and hut.
Wll.T. . II VTTV llll I ,ru
I.. '.. ..,,,.1,, , .xi ii. rn.
r.x.Biiniiuy oriwni ciiy, .Nowherff, Kx.Hunilnj
Kjiiein .v wnf ij,ifi'u
iutnroii t;ity, Dayton, unit Kil
and Hay-lwiiidliiKK.
i n.
ft II. in.
inn nai,
l.v Itlparhi
Jie sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying elio
where, as we have the latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for Inspec
tion at H. Gleuu & Co.'s. al7-lw
Portland to Cnrvnllls,
und Wuy.LniidliiK.
ItlpHflu to IxiwlnUili.
:) p. in.
Mon. Wul
mul Friday
8:2011, in.
fi.. Y' ""HI.IIUIIT,
"I'll '. At Portland, Or,
Hemember the New York Cash 8tro
is filing the latest things In ladles'
neckwear at the lowest prices. See win.
dowdlspUy. 2.,s.j
EHJ , a .-"x- ii T r ""TS
S . 'f
Hi: I
Tho Tha I
Chronicle, ' j
Job Printer. !
. in.
Wholesale and Rotall
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agen rthe Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHIBKEYJriuii ss.Tfi to lll.UO mr uiillnn. J4 to 15 years tiltl.)
IMPORTED 00GNACJ frum 7.t)0 to i!l)0 per Ballon. (11 to L'l) ytarsold.;
0ALIF0ENIA BRAUDILB Imm W-'fi lo )(l.l)0 jer irnllon. H tn 11 yetn old.'
0LYMPIA BEER on (lrauht, mul Yal libit:- nnd Olytnpiu Ilcer in bottlnj
imported Ale and i'orler.
Wasco Warehouse Compan)
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain otpiikin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, of MIUFBD
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle
ton "F'lmir ThiB Floor is manufactured expresely toW
UWAA WU1' use: every sack is Kiiaranteed to givestti;
Wa sell our poods lower than uny house in tho trade, aud if you don't wa"
can and get cur prices anu lie convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whoat. Barley and Oats.
$i.oo per month.
Ktriutly drat cIhhb local ami lout;
diHlancu telephone service within
your home.
Linen do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will bo kept a secret.
No coat fur installing.
You Ket the Htandard Iluuulng
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night ervice,
Wo will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to rnncol
Jiatnoun giving us thirty days wilt
teu notice,
is belnK advocatod by nil parties regardless o( race, col"'0'.
vloiis condition of servitude. Uninember wo i"""0 Xgrt ii
mors Klad when tlioy buy or Pure Prepared ralnU. w
iiumii anu Kiois to its work that Is adtnirou vy i'
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moli$
lie sure and Inspect our stock of Wall PMur
Designs for 1U00 on Display
Washington 8lreet,
between Second and Third.