The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 26, 1900, Image 3

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Some men need a change
of clothes this spring, and
others need a change of
You can get the kind of
clothes you want if you will
come to the right store.
We would like to talk it
over with you and show you
our new suits and prices in
the Hart, Schaffner& Marx
tailor made clothing.
They're the kind adver
tised in the leading maga
zines and worn by good
dressers everywhere.
Dent's ponuine French Kid
tliroe-clnni Gloves never full to
givo tlio wearer satisfaction.
Colors hrown, tnn, giav. blue,
while Btul black ."$1.50
This is the popular-price Glove
We strive each season to improve
quality and colors, and this
t-pri lip's lino ol $1.00 Gloves stir
pisniK our expectation in values.
All the latest shades of colors in
This is a new price for a pair of
good Gloves one of the snaps of
the season. All sizes: in rede,
browns and blacke.
New effects in luce stripes, neat
checks and fancy plaids.
Black, white and color;, especi
ally for the new pulley belts. All
widths and colors of
Are jou making your Shirt
Waists? Look at our yoke ma
terials. Embroideries,
flll-Ovep liaees,
Fancy Parasols...
Little ones for the little pople, in all colors.
Ladies' fancy white or colored ; plain, ruffled or lace effects.
All CooUb Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1,
I Oysters
nerved In
htylu by
Tlie IWion Play
At tliu Vogt opera house tonight.
That tun fhoii side at A. M. WilliauiB
k Co.'fc.
Tygh Jtulge had u lively snow storm
Tliu Passion Piny will bo repeated to-
nilllit al the Vogt opera bouse.
Tlio sewer ordinance was signed today
by Mayor Kuck and is now a law.
Smith llroe. will have for Halo a band
of liorws at Ward & Robertson!) corral
next Saturday. 25a-2tj
a nuieti nueumi wheel load tcraper
lias lit'i'ii purehared for the Kingsloy
Wool is beginning to urrive at the
warehouses. Three loads came in from
Tygli valley today.
License to marry wiib issued this
morning to William Lachte and Ethel
M.Oabom, both of Hoodlllyer.
Twenty thousand poumilH of freight
'fre loaded today at Ifie Waseo'ware
lioiise for John Day arid Canyou Citv.
Jneub Zimmerman, a uativo of Switz
erland, declared his intention today to
beeoniti a citizen of tho United States.
Columbia Bock boer will bo ou draught
next Saturday. It is guaranteed .to be
"io biMt browing ever placed on tap in
this city. u25 nt
Tlii're'd not a tiling wrong with those
tan Oxfords on sale at A. M. Williams
ACo.'s. Too largo a stock for the do
"mud accounts for it.
Final citizen papers were taken out
today before Judge Ilradshaw by Adolph
Ulrieh, a native of Germany, and Ilenry
Uljliiig, n native of Austria.
''lie Btcaiuor Albany arrived from
Portland at 2 p. m. Sh will make the
attempt t0 r,,nui, ti,0 u edily tomorrow
y Kliinbing Throoiyfle rapids.
Women's tan Oxfoida that wuro 3 n
I'idr lust ct'iiBon are now selling for if 1.05
tA. M. Williams & Co.'b, Cheaper
Kfaile t like i eductions.
Walla Wiilla hitfi u snow storm yes.
Jef(ly that lasted about ten minutes,
U might just as well have snowed here,
b,t it didn't. It was cold onougli.
Miss Anna Golden, daughter of John
Mdun, ,i ,,i0,)et,r 80lter o( Klickitat
Jou"ty, died at her home In Goldendale
morning after a protracted Illness.
'file H'.eitmer Iralda arrived here yea
jerday nfteriluo eft Ior Portland
! "o""ing at 7 o'clock. It is claimed
lind nine passengers aboard who
paid tt.e regular rates charged by the
I). P. & A. N. Co.'s boats.
Mrs. U. F. Hawk arid her little son,
who has been for some time at St.
Vincent's hospital, two expected home
nest week. Tho lad, we are pleased to
learn, continues to improve all the time.
Tni: Ciiuonici.i: acknowledges the
courtesy of an invitation to the gradu
ating exercises of the Dulur public
schools, which take place in the Ihifur
I. 0. 0. F. hall next Saturday, com
mencing at 8 o'clock p. m.
Cedar Circle will give its Greek Art
entertainment on the evening of May
8th in the Baldwin opora house. The
program, which is excellent, will bo fol
lowed (by request) with dancing. Tick
ets have been placed at "5 cents, and 10
cents for children under 12 years.
K. B. Dufur, A. A. Jayno and II. 11.
Riddell returned yesterday evening
from a fishing trip to the lakes south of
Stevenson. They certainly had fish
back with them ; that is to say Mr.
Dufur had, as this recorder of the fact
can testify from pleasant personal ac
quaintance with a uiobs ot them.
' JJ. F. Lauehlin went to Shaniko yes
terday expecting to be absent about a
week. While there he will examine
the route for n new wagon road from
Antelope creek to Shaniko that will
shorten tho distance fiom Cross Keys to
Shaniko and render it unnecessary for
Princvillo teams to go round by tho way
of Antelope.
Mrs. Sophia Palmer, of Prineville,
who came here a few weeks ago with
her son, II. J. Palmer, who Ib employed
as traveling salesman for Pease & Mays,
has been seriously ill for some time at
the residence of J. F. Markhain. At
this writing she is somewhat better and
hopes are entertained of her ultimate
N. M. Eastwood, foreman of the D.
P. & A. N. wharf boat, had the misfor
tune this morning to dielocate bis
shoulder while handling a large truck
load of heavy freight. Dr. Logan
promptly reduced the dislocation; but
it may bo two or thioo weeks before
Mr. Eastwood will be able to resume
Tho Passion Play was well attended
last night and will probably be still bet
ter attended tonight as, with the excep
tion of the Passion Play proper, an en
tlrely new set of pictures will be exhib
ited, Some of those presented last
night were beautiful beyond description.
Tho pluturos apart from the Passion
Play were worth the prko of admission.
J. F. Markhain, while working on the
new grade east of the Wasco Warehouse,
had the misfortune to got one of his
hands smashed by a large rock falling
on It and crushing it against auothor
rock. Tho accident, while quite paiu
ful, will not permanently cripple the
hand, but it will incapacitate Mr. Mark
ham from work for perhaps a month.
Tho sawmill and pUner that was
located near the Harris placo on the
Deschutes, in the hope that logs could
be driven down the Deschutes from the
MfttolB at reasonable expense, will be
moved in the near future to a point on
Jordan creek, about fifteen miles frouth
west of Dufur, where there is said to be
a line body of timber. The plant is
owned by the Johnstons of Dufur, A. L.
Like and W. L. Vanderpool.
J, D. Mann, who is said to represent
Portland capitalists, closed a deal this
week for the purchase of a block of land
on the north side of the railroad track,
opposite the Saltmarehe stock yards.
Tlio purchaser, it is said, has had an op
tion on the land for sometime. Just
what it is intended to be used for no
body seems to know ; but knowing ones
promise information in a week or so.
There is an impression that the property
will be made the site of a large flouring
William Evert, a logger from the Lit
tle White Salmon country, while loaded
with booze last night worked himself
into a fighting attitude and was, in con
sequence, placed under arrest by Night
watchman Phirman. He had concealed
ou hia person a chunk of basalt tied tip
in n handkerchief. Wfcen asked this
morning by the recorder what he in
tended to do with the rock, he said it
was a stone of rare vilue, which he
would n it part with at any prico. Evert
acts as if ho was otf his base. The re
corder fined him Jf2, which tie paid.
Articles of incorporation were tiled
with tho county cleric today of tho
Columbia River Ice and Fuel Company.
The objects and business of the corpora-
t . . i
Hon are to operate a coiu-siorago piani,
to buy and sell ice, coal, wood, produce,
wool faud livestock : to do a general
commission and real estate business; to
nurchase. hold, mortgage and dispose of
real estate and personal property as
may be necessary in carrying out tlio
objects of the corporation. The in
corporators are M. M. Mclnnis, M. J.
Manning and P. B. Stephens. The
nriuciDal office and place of business is
at The Dalles. The capital Btock Is
fixed at $2000, divided into forty shares
of the value of fifty dollar per share.
Fred lilllieen. a young Tygh Ridge
farmer and eon of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
ilillieen. of this city, if a brother to
"The Man With the Hoe," is surely a
near relatlou to tho man with tho jack
kn fe. Pease & Maya have on exhibi
tion in their Krocery window a specimen
of Fred's whittling talent that is well
worth traveling a dozen blocks to see.
It is a wooden picture, if the term Is
porutlesable, of the battleship Maine as
tho centerpiece, surrounded with Hags
and bunting and mounted on top with
the American eagle. The "picture" 1b
c irved out of Buperanuated cigar boxes,
has a back ground ol scarlet velvet unci
la inclosed in a neat frame. It was all
doiui with a common jack knife and is
really a thing of beauty.
In view of tho fact that certain young
men in this city are earnestly teektng to
organize n young men's association to
work, us far as may be possible, along
the llnoB of the Y. M. C. A., the follow
lug from the Salem Statesman will be
of Interest to all who hope tor the sue
ceea of the movement here: "The
Salem Y. M, 0. A. does a good and useful
work in this community. It provides
a place of amusement and recreation for
a large number of ,boys and young men,
and in every way its mission is a helpful
one. The institution should be sup
ported, and well supported. There will
be a mass meeting at the Methodist
church this evening to consider wavs
and means for keeping up the work.
We hope to see the big church packed,
and to witness as a result a revival of
the spirit that made this at one time
one of the liveliest and best supported
organizations of the kind on the coatt.
It can be so again and should be."
Meeting or Water Cunuiilf Kkuiors.
At a special meeting of the water com
missioners held last night a proposition
was laid before them to bore for artesian
water for city use. The commissioners
refused to entertain any proposition that
did not guarantee a flow of water.
The application of The Dalles scouring
mill for a rate on water for fire purposes
only was considered and the rate fixed
at .fl 50 a month.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the srf VAf.'
Signature of C4VV7
Tho Dalles Comaision House will
keep fresh milk at all times on hand
and deliver i' anywhere in the city ut
the following prices: One quart, $2 per
month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $4 ;
three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per
pint. Fresh butter every day. 18 j lm
Cures Headache Quickly.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jati24 0
Spring lain); at reduced price at tho
Columbia Packing house. 20a-lw
Ladies' stock collars, all colors, 25
cents at the New York Cash Store.
24:1-1 w
Wanted Any old thing, at Faulkr.ei'a
junk shop. Dalles 'phone No. 214.
apr24 lw
A full lino of ladles' neckwear just
received at tho New York Cash Stoio.
New patent painters' and paper
hangers' suite at the New York Cash
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Ladles' bobluet ties, all full length,
25 cents, 33 cents ond 03 cents, at the
New York Cash Store, 24a lw
Five thousand live-gallon nil cans at
five cents each wanted at Faulkner's
junk shop, Dalles 'phone No. 214.
npr24 lw
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich,, says,
"DeWHt'a Little Early Risers are the
very best pills I ever used for coetiveness,
liver and bowel troubles,"
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought anil which has been
in use for over 30 years, has horno tho Hignatnro of
ami has been inado under his per-
jVfyjfa sonal supervision since its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are Imt
Experiments that triflo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance; Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep,
Tho Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
3 irwpcrpcpc-c.ATpsTrp;'T3
Knows the merits of the
jet A r-Arrimm cr.
Many new features for 1000 which you cannot afford to overlook.
I Complete Line of 41900" Sundries.
We know that in inodelini?, draught
ing, construction ami material
Shoes aro perfection. This la proven ly
the perfect 111, perfect comfort and ex
cellent service experienc. d by ueareis.
Our Street Styles
are especially handsome and up-to-date,
uhnpely, stylish and easy on the feet.
All styles, one price
Oxfords $2.50.
Just arrived a new lot of neckwear
for Ki'ntlemeii. Latest deeius and colors.
Do sure ami eee them at the New York
Cash Store.
Notlco of First .Hunting of Creditor.
, IN Tim DirfT.irr Ooimr ok tub L'.sitek St.itk&
I lor tliu dUtrli't ut Orison,
Iu tliu mutter of I!. II, l.tinuk'y, bankrupt, In
To tho rrcilltors of 1). II. I.niicU'V. of Tho
i Dullcb. in tliu count ot WuKo, ami district
..... ..i.i ., ii.iiii'n..,
illi'lvailltl, IV UIIII.VI it, i,.
Notice U hereby given that oii the'JOth day of
Ajirll, A. II. 1000, tho miit 11. If. l.aiiKley was
duly adjudicated bunkriipt, mid that llic llrt
inceliiiK of Ills creditors will bo hold at tliu
olllt'U of tliu umlmltiiiol, ill Tliu lul!c, U'umm
county, Ori'k'on, on tlio iioth day of Apti!, A. 1.
1W0, at 8 o'clock ii. in., at wlileli tllilu tliu mid
crti'Iltois may intend, ltrovu their ululiuo, a"
lol nt a trustee, examine tliu bankr.iiit, and
tramaut Mieli other bmliicss an limy jTopeily
tome before tho i.ieettinr.
April SU, 1WJ. llefeiee In llauktupicy.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Garden Hose
AVo have laid in a largo
stock of Gartlon Iloso and aro
carrying tho ?anio brand of
1 loso that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho colobratod Mal
tose Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho same brand of Uoso that
tho Dulles City Firo Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
tose Cross Brand is without
doubt tho host grade of Uoso
on tho markot. Call ami got
our prices boforo buying.
JVIaieF & Benton
Sole Agents.