The Dalles Daily Chronicle. sonsciurTioN ritioK. One week $ 15 Ono mouth "0 One venr... 6 00 THURSDAY APRIL 20, 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS- Justice of the Snprrme Court O. E. Wolvertou. Toot! nnd Dairy Conimissionei J. W. Uailey, Treeident'ml Electors O. F. Pus ton. of Multnomah; Tillman Ford, of Mo rion; J. C. Fiillerton, of Douglas; W. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Congressman Malcolm A. Moody, of Ttie Dalles. Joint Senators J. X. Williamson, of Crook; T. H. Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Rem esen tali ves A. S. Roberts. .i of Wasco; K. A. iiinniett, oi iviamain; ; elect to the legislature a memncr oi Georce Miller, of Gilliam; Georgei.. T ,i Cattanacluof Grant ; George A. Bar- rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Waeco. District Attoruev Frank Menefee, of The Dalles. COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blowers, of Hood Kiver. Commissioner P. A. Kirchheiner, of Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, of The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothv Brownhill. J'EAXUT POLITICS. The Democrats ought to get to- getber again and decide just what it,CPS.0i" Ea.: "During the late severe was they agreed upon for a platform (weather I caught a dreadful cold which at their state convention. "Wo called j kept me awake at night and made me attention the other day to a card ! "nfit 10 attend ro' work dnrin ttie l5a-v-1 that is being distributed among rail road men in these parts on which is printed what is claimed to be a plank adopted by the Democratic, conven tion at the request of certain railroad men from Albina, as a substitute for 1 a pianK (trailed ty tue piaiionn com- j mittee. !Now the singular thing about this pretended plank is that it did not appear in the Oregoniau's 1 report nor in the platform ns pub lished by any paper that has come under our observation, with the single exception of the Times- Mountaineer. A Pendleton semi-1 socialist sheet printed it in separate fnrm onrl i.lnimr.r1 tlin rronnino Tilnnlf ' had been published previouslj' by mistake; and doubtless the bogus plank is being used at Pendleton for tbc same purpose it is being used here, namely, to boost a Democrat into the legislature. It is explained that this alleged railroad plank and the plank which appeared in tbc platform, as reported b' the Ore gonian, got mixed up somehow by the Oregonian reporter and the mistake was not discovered till it! " ' j .ie, did Id COr- was too late. "Why, in that case not somebody demand a publ rection? And why is it that the , railroad men down that way that ' platform, as jt appeared n the Oie I L'm. . ,i Owlckly cures Helnrich The Da lee.Or., it, , ,. ! f0"RS colds, grippe and all throat and U.K. No. 147a, tor the; swi;. lH.i,, ,, ' , gonian, is published in the Populist! lungdiseaees. j iiii 1 north, rNRKi- i-jiii.i, (v m ' 1 w"' Salem Journal under the beading:' nuc-. itatt -Union Platform Adopted by J'IT sa l Cor.terville. j "y-AMsV;;-,.,,. ItIfI)lwI1. oySw Democrats and Populists of Oregon." , ZZ. m, Is it because the Fusionists have no'iu27-lm A. H. Ghviiui i l--l'",lr they hope to deceive by pretending an interest in their affairs that they were too cowardly to own in public convention? For that is just what tho whole affair comes to. For when this bogus plnnk was before the con vention on the evening of tbe first day of the aonventioe "it was op. posed by Chairman Crawford, Hen nett of Wasco, O'Day of Multnomah and other members of the platform committee. They said it was alto gether too radical and would invoke the wrnth of the corporations upon the Democratic ticket." So reported the Oregonian the following niorii- ... .... these words: "1 do not believe in a . . , poiyRioi immonii. xm in iiu;.- ui putting things in the platform that the convention does not believe is ,tutwinntv nnd will nnt net 1 ...ill MnrWtaL-n tn .. that the substitute (meaning this bogus plank) is not wanted by the convention, but I do not believe in adopting it because some one else ' n down on this alleged "Railroad tuis alleged "uauroaii ing. Aim to mtiKe tue matter stui pru , m nu-.n inc w. more explicit tt is on record that J J" nd the Oregon Short , . . . j Line are interested, will shorten tho the morning the platform came be tirmiK time eh,mi ,10nrgi TnUn Xo fore the convention for ratification , leaving Portland at 0:15 a. m., he Holman, of Multnomah, opposed this ginning on the date named, will lie "linens" nlanlc with all his ininht ill ' known as the ChiiMgo-Portland special. Plank," and the plank drafted bj ,ent t0 Chicago via the Union Pacific the platform committee and .'lib- and the Chicago and Northwestern, and lished in the Oregonian and other al equipment for the Washington , . , ... , , . I division of the O. R. it N., in cinnee paperswas adopted without objec-, t.fln Grcat Sorljcrn for St tion. The next thing we hear of Ull This tnlin wil mu.h Spokane at 11,15 inuim ii. i a. . i "e P'auorui uoiumiiiee uw m drafting the real plank and Wioule ng nrranRed aijpp)y u nMl joined publicly with others in con- j com,,ete service ever furnished on the demning this bogus thing as alto , o. R. & X., as it provides increased ser aether too radical and impolitic for vice in Eistern Oregon, where it is a Democratic platform The Cuuos-i greatly needed, and gives immediate ,, , .. ,. ! connection with the Wuehiiigton nivi- ici.i: would not willingly write a line . . ., . . .i J j sion at Pendleton. At this point there that would wrong the meanest thing j ig a nrga imercimilge of tratlic, on ac- that ever trod the earth, but the ; count of the various mining districts of evidence before it compels the belief i Haker countv, the Ctuur d'Alene, the that there are very small pea- Republic and Kootenai mining camps. . Portland is creatlv benefited by this nut politician-a tsionc Oregon Demo- , ... . . ' change, in as much as increased service crats. Wort-n.u .Night nml Day The buEie- . .d mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessuess into energy, brain-fag iuto mental power. They're wonderful in building un the health. Only 25 cents per bos. Sold by Blakuley & Houghton. " 3 " Caught u Dreiulful Colli. ilarion Kooke, manager for T. M Thompson, a large iti,porter ot fine mil linerv at 163S Milwaukee Avenue. Chi-1 uuc ui iiiv iiiiiiiuuis us iiiMuj; unnui-j berlaiu'e Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to re-, lieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I , began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to ac- . ', knowledge its merits. For sale bv Blakeley & Houghton Special reserve old government whis- kev. recocniztd bv the hiehest medinul authority in the land ; especially recom-i mended by the board of health of San ' Francisco for hospital use, also A. I'. ; O'Rripn M F) nnnlnln nnil emmnn and Wm. I). McCarthy, major nnd nur' terated stimulant for convalescents, in- j valids and family use. sold by Charles j StubliflS. atll"0.ll I 111 I Dull Headache, Pains in various parte j of the body, Slnklne at the pit of the, stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, I Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, j oi impure uioou. o matter how it became eo It must l.e purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elesir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or nnv other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful j remedy and we Hell every bottle on I a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough-1 . i i . 1 ton s arug store. . Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111.,! writes, I never fail to relieve my j Children from croun at mien hv no Unt) nto Cough Cure. I would not OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON PjESTAUUAflT And CAFE. J. B. Orosaer& Oo., Props. 87 Seoond Street NEW TRAIN SERVICE. The double train eervico to liu i'Btab lislifd between Portland and Chicago ' . .;i o.t ! .1... t t .(. V tint i'nPnt hmv, .....king it j limy ;m cquiu oi any iram now mm- f ,fl ,t t0 tlll K;lHt ! jt wl COnslat of a mail ear, haggage car, two r.lialr ears, and a tourist sleeper There will bn hut one chance of care to j all eastern points The full tune will i be three days through to Chicago, or i (our daV8 tl;rol,pl, t0 chlwao, or four days and two hours to Xew York, j The second train, known as No. 0, will leave Portland at 0:20 p. in., con- ' . !.-.. 1 I, ,!., ...I ..III, tin. tin, llll ern Pacific's overland train from San FrAncisi.0i nml vi carry through equip- : w n. m. Auuuusrarmiiuc u,... t- i i.r.... C I . .. . ,1 f.. , ior ureaKiusi nuo niiuK.iue, uu im ' dinner on corresuondinir train leavinc , nu... new hod. is given from Eastern Oregun and Idaho. No. 2 will arrive in Chicago at 9:110 a. m. ; No. C at 7:45 a, in., iu at present. The Westbouud train out of Chicago, corresponding with No. 2, is No. 1. This will arrive in Portland at 4 :00 v. m. The tram corresponding with the eastbound No. G is No. tf, out of Ch This will reach Portland ut 7:30 Westbound train No. 1 will leave Chicago at C:30 p. m., and Omaha at 8:20 a. in. the following day. The time will be reduced two hours and fortv-five tniu- "'es. No. 3 westbound train will leave j Chicago at 10:30 p. m., and Omaha at p. m. the nest day. j The service on the Union Pacific on all e iincliide IiuUet smoking- .nu iti.u hue, .iu, u will carry a daily ordinary sleeper to Kansas City, with change en route to ordinary cars to Chicago, Consult tho nearest ticket agent for detailed information. W . H. IIukmii'iit, General I'assuuger Agent. Win. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We never feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved mv Utile boy'a life when be had the pneu onia. We think it is the best medicine made.'' It cures coughs and all lung I illlseaae8. I'letl'ailt III tllkn hnrmll.uu n,wl ! 8ive in","!d.teHUil.!l (rB8h ad complete. . ' 1 " - ! T DDAUMI III I DnU Tf ll II I LL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notarv I'linlic. Collections promptly attended J,0, Money to loan. C. E. bayard's of- iitu, iiib wanes, uregon. 1'J' STURDEVANT, Dentist. OKice over French A Co.'h llniik I'hone e, THE DALLKt, OHEOON NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Uk6 0rnCE AT Tlu: 1H .1 l? , riv( ' lllK K-? ZXWk that nald nrool will u. , imi,. w, . .... " iiayiT.V ,wrL10",0M',H,ur,1',' . IS. K. K. fKIMSUMi.v, ! Physician and .Surgeon, Oltlee, Voitt lllock (over 1'ostoillec), SOaplmo iliv tiik AIU oul:,iON. riUr wrr J " w JPUJLS :ll day i nrr, u7T7 niii m"1 l'nipli, l'r,.nt FUKO. W.WIIJiON, A'rfOHNKV'AT LAW, Ottlcc ovei Flm .S.t. ffi UJiUK' 0KOON 'rhMitii; Ti'.v.'.i.r"'i. Complete Cine of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE;DRUCCIST. ATJW A'lJk) A T A'l JkV Jkl ATJ S (lENKUAt, 1 Biacksmiins ...AND... is Wagon and Carriago Work. k" Fish Brothor8 Wagon. k I Third and Jclru, Piiouc:i59 1 Crt,TTt,T.Tt,yTi,T-tV.Tjjriy-1 r ..CHAS. FRANK.. Butehens and Farmers ..Exchange.. K.' im ilrnmilit the cok'lirnttil COl.fJIHIA llKIIlt," iicktmw: iiiKiil the bent ti.-r In The DuUck, at the uminl price. Come la. try It nml ht rtinvliici'il. Attn the Finest hmnili ui Wines, IJ iuor niiilCiKitrs. Sandrjuiehcs nf all Ktiiila nlwnj'K on hiinU. ' f" ..Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoo). Hutu, Chiu, Notions. Ant. ,lor W. U DougliM Hlioe. Telephone No. 88. I'll C1H.11111I u. The Dalies, Or, V-WWM'M M .1.1,11. Just What New lduae in Wall Paper hero. Such wide varle y uu we are allowing never be ore raced a single Block. Jteul ,nlia. Uon croton ellccte ut ordinary prices. Good papers ut cheup paper irices Elegant e8iKH, laeteful eoloiliiK. for a imal price, at our Htore on Third atreet. Alio a foil line of liouao palnff D. W. VAUSE, Third St.' U H HUWT1HOTON TJUNTINOTOM 4 WIIJiON, ' B WILkOM At lUnfiKVri AT f.W, OaMUyKlritKt.liVuk l,u'. OKKOOft Horsesnoe if?) U I T X I WM I 15 V Str. RoKiilntor. j 5, I.V. llllllCH lit S A. M. Tiieiliiy 5, TliuiMhiy . 4 Huttiriliiy . h Arr. I'ortlutul S, ut i. r. m. IIOW.N. I.v. I'ortliiiul ! ut 7 A. M. i MniKlHV .WtHlnemlNy , 1TI 1'rlilny PaniiilninTi T ina Arr. DnlleH i : FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, S, Travel hy the Strimu;rn of the ItrKiilntnr riiii" mi' in-hi nwi u i' kibbiimu. ?, IMrtlnml Ofllre, Oiik Htreet Doet. Li PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer cer. Important 2 1 Announcement :jto you. For 3D days after April 1st, I will sell all the Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots ami .Shoes, Hosiery, ItlnuketB, Hats and Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now !h your opportunity to get bar gains. Don't miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to U. .1. Collins it Co. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE BfUJ'LJ'J J'HJf1 trade iviarkb Jeoicnb Copyrights 4c. AiiTnnn imiillni; n nkclrh mill rtvHCfliitlnn nitt nulrlilr iuurtnln our npliilmi Into whrtlit'r u iiivniiuou 1 iiriiiiitiiijr imi'iiiiiiiio. ' iininiiiiiir. lloiin otrtrrly ciiiiiiiltititliil. n.iuilbook on 1'iiloiitt unit triHi. (ItilMt iiironry fur nfciirltii iiutniitn. I'.Uni.tH tiUrii tliriiiiiili .Mu 11 11 X Co. ruculTS tixtuil nmM, nlllioutclinrua, liltlid Scientific American. A lintiilKiiiiMljr Illntrnlii1 wi-nklr Lnruost dr. tiilitiliin nf nnr noii'iitllln luiiriiiil. 'IVrmii. 13 a ri'.ir; limr liiniltln, f L. hulil bjfiill lliwili.ili:r. MUNN&Cq.3C,d-. New York Uiancli (tillcn, CTi V Kt. Wiuhluutuii, U. (' We Put... every bit of twenty years experience unci drug knowlodgo with every Proscription that's compounded hero. Jk it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable BLAKELEY & HOUSHTOH Itoliablo Proscriptionists F. S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Laaeblia. Tfcooe 157 REGULATOR LINE Dalles, Portland & d Hteniiivra lit tin, ItCKUlntur l.lim win , I.iwIiib li(dulo, liu- Company rietvlnB the " I M-lieiltile without mitlre. S 11 ,0 H j Ship your Freight via Str. Dalloa City. IHIWN I.v. Dul, .Monthly Wrilnoidny l-rhlny. Arr. Pnrlhiiid "t II t; si. M .torlll'.J """i-it'l .nmraa i Arr.lwi "iu,.ir,K( 4 Line. The Comimny will emlciivnr n .i., (ll , 'j j-ur iiiiiuur iiiKirillillllin iniilroni ' 1 W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Apt. noil C. S. Smith, Tin iJp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Kbd and Creuinery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. H. HRIIKNK, I'rvRlileiit. ii.M.ntn, L'UUtl first National Baok. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking IiuBiiioBB transacted Dtipoolte received, subjuct to Bight Draft or Check. Collections tunde nnd jirocecda promptly remitted on duv of collection. Kicbt nnd Telegrunhii: Exchange toldci New York, San Francisco und port !uud. DIKBOTOHS D. P. Tiiomi'hon. Jno. H. Ecancr. Eo. M. Wii.LiAMR, Geo. A. LlIJI. H. M. Hkaii.. Mica lightens the load 'Axle eliortens Crease the road. bcliw the team Saves wenn CXJICtlSC Sold everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TMANHACT A KNKKAI.HANK1N0 flUHSM Letters of Credit iBHiied uvailable in ii Eatttern Stutee. Hlltbt Ekchanire nd TeljeripW Tranafere Bold on New York. CblcHO. St. Louis, San Franuinco, I'of"n on, Seattle Wash,, imd varlow po In Oregon and Washington. . Collections made ut dl poluU odIt orable terms. Tfio Hnfiimhin 11U UU1U1UU1Q rouiuiis PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF M AN U FACT V K I! US OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curersol 4r BfiHD HAMS & BACON Curc Impotcncy, Nlf Ut EwJKif. wa'Htlng dl8caies, all ''mxnl ibji Mhi f.l.nuo. or LWCi.'t'J uu' ,.,1 WOOU lllllHHT. -g 4nd nlnkulowtofalcclrtew rt-Htorca the lire ot jr...., HMT By man i ' I -"'. lor Hli.50 with Wf. ' ids mi cure vr NCRVITA MEDICJL CO rMan ft Kson tits., CHIC- Subiurlbelor 'fiUJ Ciibow' DiMlrinflM 3