The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 26, 1900, Image 1

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    fit it Sidles
NO 218
French and His Forty Thousand Men
Endeavoring to Capture Twenty-Five
Thousand IJoers.
t ......... Atirtl J Tin inrinrislvn nr-
JjU.M. - -' - .
tion ami slow progress of Generals Hart
and Brabant nre relatively unimportant
when compared with the progress of
General French. It is now evident that
Lord Roberts' wishes are not only to de
feat tlm Hours, but to pen them in at
Paardebnru. To this end, 40,000 British
troop? are concentrating in the south
eastern portion of tho Prnnge Free
State and ara operating according to
carefully devised plans, and the delay
may lie due as much to strategy as to
The success of this important move
ment almost entirely depends upon
General French. If he can swoop down
from tlio North with the rapidity of ex
ecution which he displayed at Kimbor
ley and Puardeburg, be will effect the
tnmc swift, sudden transformation
which followed the cavalry evolution
two mouths ago. According to last nc-
counts, he was pushing on successfully
Every day the IJoers remain at Wepe
ner improves General French's chances
of success. To put a girdle around the
25,000 Hours estimated to be in tho
southeastern part of the Orange Free
State, Lord Roberts has evidently taken
largo chances. Tbe British critics differ
regarding the result, some declaring it
ib impossible for the Boers to escape,
while others reserve their opinion until
more definite nuwB of General French's
progress is received.
i There is u general impression that the
main advance upon Pretoria will bo
taken up without any reconcentrution
at Iilomfoutciu, as witli more than half
thu liritieh army stretched in echelon
acmes thu Orango Free State, such a
change in directions would indefinitely
delay the accomplishment of Lord Rob
erts' main objective.
Mr. Alyera lift a Night inure.
Wiuiita, Kan., April 23. Allan O
Myers, of Ohio, responding to u toast at
the banquet of the tiuuflower League of
Kansas, following V. J. Bryan, created
i-viiaiHiuu ujr ma ubimuwDi wit
Bryan did not finish hie speech until
1 o'clock this morning. Mr. Myers drew
a dark picture. The country was fast
racing to destruction, he said, and Mark
Haniia, William McKluley and Great
Britain were driving it. Then, sudden
ly turning toward Mr. Bryan, the
speaker exclaimed:
"Yoi may be elected, sir, by a million
majority, but they will not permit you
to take the presidential chair. Look at
the fate of William Goebel in Kentucky I
Men whose pastime is bribery And in
murder tin amusement. Ohio was
bought In 1600; the country was bought;
it will be bought again in 1000, and
Mnrk IIhuuh's reward for it is a seat In
the United States senate."
The musses of the country would con
tinue to permit tho encroachments on
the classes, concluded Mr. Myers, until
h'ually too Into for a restoration of rights
by the ballot. Then tho sword and gun,
violence, revolution a now order of
Will Not. VonsuH Scliley.
Washington, April 25. The friends
of Iluar-Admlral Schley in Washington
ey that he has no desire whatever to
("iter politics, and that all the talk
nbout thu Democtatio leaders attempting
to secure his consent to accept the vice
presidential nomination at Kansas City
will fall. It is doubtful if tho effort will
bo mndo, It 8 not at all likely that a
messenger will bo sent to the admiral
to ask him whether or not lie would
accept the nomination, This baa been
discussed before by the Democratic
leaders. In the event that they desired
to make their ticket Bryan and Schley
Jhis year, they would do so at Kansas
wiv without any consultation whatever
with Admiral Sehloy.
KuU Last Menage,
Naw Vokk, April 25. The state de
triment at Washington has notified
Mm. Hita L. Rule, widow of Dr. Rlcardo
who wai murdered in prison at
Gnanabnco, Cuba, while a captive of the
Spaniards, that tho chair on which he
wrote Ids last message would be for
warded to her.
Tho chair came Into tho possession of
General Fitzhugh Lee soon after the
murder of Dr. Ruiz, which occurred
February 4, lB9fi. General Lee kept it
till he left Havana two years ago,
when he gave it to the British vice-con
sill, Mr. Jerome, who kent it until Gen
cral Lee's return to Havana after the
war. At the request of Mrs. Ruiz he
has forwarded it to Washinctun.
Tho message, which was written on
the hack of this chair by Dr. Ruiz, who
dipped his nails in his own blood, reads:
"Mercedes, mine, Evangeline, Ricardi-
to, good bye. My children of my life. I
give you my blessing. Be obedient to
your mother. Good-bye, Rita of my
UlirUtlatiN Without a Clirlnt.
New York, April 23. Rev. Jacob
Chamberlain, a missionary to Hindoo
stan, said in an address at the Carnegie
Hall meeting of the Ecumenical con
ference latt night :
"There is a trend in India today
toward the acceptation of our Christi
anity, but without our Christ; that is,
merely accepting the morality taught in
the bible. Ttiis is accounted for by the
fact that many today reject the incarna
tion of Brnhma, and as a natural
sequence it Ib difficult to get them to
accept, the reincarnation of Christ, A
few years ago a prominent Hindoo Baid
in my presence: 'I have read the
Bible myself, have noted its system of
morality, and I Bay unhesitatingly that
I know of nothing at all comparable to
it.' "
Mny lit' limy ami Hehley.
Vahimnoton, April 25. The friends
of Rear-Admiral Schley in Washington
say that he lias no desire whatever to
enter politics, and that all the talk
about the Democratic leaders attempting
to secure his cansont to accept the vice
presidential nomination at Kansas City
will fail. It is doubtful if the effort will
be made. It is not at all likely that a
messenger will be sent to the admiral to
ask him whether or not he would accept
thu nomination. This has been die
cussed before the Democratic lenders.
In the ovents that they desired to make
their ticket Bryan and Schley this year,
they would do so at Kansas City, with
out uny consultation whatever with Ad
miral Schley.
Uuert Withdrew Uupuriued.
London, April 20. The Times has the
following from a special correspondent,
dated Mafeting, Basutoland, April 25:
"I rodo from Jammersburg here,
skirting Wepeuer, and I met General
Brabant's advance guard four miles
south of Wepener. They report three
successful fights Saturday, Sunday and
Tuesdav, with twenty-two casualties.
The siege was raised, and 5000 of the
enemy retired along tho Ladybrand
road within our Bight and unpursued.
Colonel Dalgety's casualties are 33
killed uud 132 wounded."
Uewoy nud liryau Will Nut Sup Tucetuer
Chicago. Anril 25 Admiral Dewey
will not break bread in Chicago witli
W. J. Bryan. Tho Seven O'clock Club,
which had arranged for the pleasant
ceremonial to take place next Thursday
evening at the Lakeside Club, has
changed the date of the dinner to May
5th. Admiral Dewey will leave town
on tho evening of the 4th and Colonel
Brvan can reign supreme at the ban
quet. The officers of the Seven O'clock
Club have little to say concerning tue
sudden change of plans except that (Mr.
Bryan, the guest of honor, could not ar
range to be iu town May 1st.
French Kutera lie Wol'a I)ur.
Dk Wnr'B Dour, April 25, Evening.
General French entered this town today
with two cavalry brigades. He left
camp at daylight, and found the Boers
Im1,lln? the hills. These were shelled,
and the Boers retreated. The cavalry
pushed around the position of the Boers
above the town, where they were hold-
in Guneral Bundle In check. It la re
ported that 0000 Boers passed through
the town last night in order to ovoiu
General French's attack in the rear.
m i
Mule fur Hale.
One span of mules, 5 years old, for
We nut, each about iuw pounas.
For particulars address
r II IT Mnl.nn.
14 lin Four iniles'east of Kingsley.
A Fatal Labor Riot.
Chicago, April 25. In a labor riot to
night at Racine and Wellington avenues
Peter Miller was shot through the head
and killed and six other men were more
or less injured. Miller, together with
John McGuire, William Pottger, Louis
J nek lake, and James Gibbons, union
printers, waylaid three non-union men
who had taken their placeE in the Baker
Sawter Printing Company's office, and
attacked them. H. O. Baster, tho com
pany's superintendent, who was one of
tho men attacked, opened fire on the as
sailants with a revolver. Miller was in
stantly killed, and McGuire was shot
twice and badly hurt. Policemen
quickly surrounded them, and arrested
all except Gibbons, who escaped.
Chauge In Itullroail Tlm Card.
The following change in time card will
take effect on the O. R. & N. Co. Sun
day, April 22, 1900:
Train No. 2, Chicago-Portland special
for Chicago and all points east via Hunt
ington, will leave The Dalies at 12:35
p m. This is a through train and will
stop ovei only at Biggs, Grants, Arling
ton, Heppner Junction, Umatilla and
important stations east thereof. Dalles
passengers should take train No. 2 for
Heppner. Train No. 6 leaves Dalles at
10:10 p. m. foi Washington division
points, all points cast via Spokane and
Great Northern ; also all points between
The Dalles and Huntington and all
points east via Huntington also carries
through tourist sleepers to Kansas City.
Train No. 1 leaves Dalles at 12:35; p.
m. ; stops only at Hood River, Bonne
ville, Multnomah Fulls, Bridal Veil and
Troutdale. Train No. 3 leaves Dalles at
4 :05 a. m. for all points west of Dalles.
Freight trains will not carry passen
gers except thoEe holding special per
mits form 208. a21 5t
Million Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the
needy and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine; and have tho satisfac
tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
thousands of. hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diecaEes
of the throat, chest and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggists, and get a free trial bottle.
Regular size 50c. and $1. Every battle
guaranteed, or price refunded. 3
Uruvn Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well ns women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons in
the blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired, listless, run-down feel
ing. But there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville,
Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are
just the thing for a man when he is all
run down, and don't care whether be
lives or dies. It did moro to give me
new strength and good appetite than
anything I could take. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mileeburg,
a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs,
colds, croup and sore throat One Minute
Cough Cure is uuequaled. It is pleasant
forchildien to take. I heartily recom-
mend it to mothers." It Is the only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results. It cures bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseases. It will prevent coneuinptiOn
P. W. Knowies is now proprietor of
the Fifteen-Mile House and stables a
Dufur, where he is prepaied to accomo
date tho traveling public in first class
style. Good table, good rooms, good
beds and the best of cure for man and
beast at reasonable rates. m24-lmw
Tht) lieit Heuiedy for ItlieuiuatUm,
All who use Chamberlain Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which It affords.
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says : "Some time ago I
had a seve attack of rheumatism in my
arm and shoulder. I tried numerous
remedies, but got no relief until I waa
recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par
tons & Co., drugglsta of this place, to
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They
recotniuenned it ao highly that I bought
a bottle. I mat soon relieved of all pain.
I have since recommended this lint
ment to many of my friends, who agree
with me that it is the best remedy for
muscular rheumatism in tho market."
For sale by Bla1 eley & Houghton.
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls and every through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Ross C. Clink,
Pacific Coast Pass. Agt
Los Angeles, Calif.
C. S. Chase, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Wm. J. Landers, resident manager of
the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance
Companies, wishes to announce to the
patrons of these companies that owing
to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Bayard and
the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourlay,
their former agents, the agency for both
companies for The Dalles and vicinity
has been placed in the hands of Mr.
Timothy Brownhill. Any business
given to .Mr. Brownbill will receive
prompt attention and will be appreciated
by the companies. Office in C. E. Bay
ard's old stand. No. 85 Washington
Etieet, The Dalles, Oregon. al6-lm
Ited Hot From the Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It
cureB cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists. 3
Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Canton, N. Y
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors aud medicines
without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me
from the stort. I believe it to be a
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion. " It
digests what ycu eat.
A farm of 120 acres, about 80 acres of
which is under cultivation, with a fine
young orchard of two acres in full bear
ing ; abundance of living water and good
frame dwelling and barn and other farm
buildings. Twelve miles east of The
Dalles and four miles east of Boyd post
office. Farm will be sold, with or with
out the growing crop of nbout 80 acres.
Price without crop $1000, and terms very
easy, as owner's health compels a change
of climate. Apply to
wa7-tf M. W. Fkeeman, Boyd, Or.
Bagley Bros., have purchased a
througlibred Jersey bull, registered
stock. For particulars apply at resi
dence on Tenth street, near the fair
grounde. Phone 385. 3 0-lmo
In tho neighborhood of Stadelman's,
west of town, a bunch of keys. Owner
can find them at this office by paying
for this notice. 24a-3t
A Testimonial from Old Ungland.
"I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy the best in tbe world for bron
chitis," says Mr. William Savory, of
Warrington, England. "It has saved
my wife's life, she having been a martyr
to bronchitis for over six years, being
most of the time confined to her bed.
She is now quite well." Sold by Blake
ley & Houghton, h
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
cougliB, cold or croup, Should it fail to
glvo immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
Why pay f 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you cau buy James E.
Pat ton's sun proof paints for $1,50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
Folk, agents, ml7
For Sale.
40-acre tract, miles from The
Dalles, 4-room house, barn, all fenced,
orchard of 300 trees, running water,
good range for cattle adjacent, 10 acres
bottom land fine for berries or garden,
Price reasonable, terms easy. Call at
this office. ui21-dwlmo
Wall paper! Where? At Glenn's
paint and oil store. aprl7-lw
t f N7
is to change their heavy woolen garments for those of lighter weight.
If you wear Woolen Underwear in summer, our new summer
weight will interest you. Tbe price is
WIL - I -
7C. 7-X.
All kinds of
Tho Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
Circulars and particulars furnished 011 application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
w Union & Crown Fire insurance Co.
CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS $20,126,035.
Burping be) oud all Liabilities iu United States
In tho County Court of tho Btatoof Oregon for
tho County of Wasco.
Iu tho mutter of tho estate of Patrick llrowu,
deceased, citation,
To'Della (!, llrowu, Anna llrown, Mury M,
nurd, Katlicrlne l.Hcey, Frank llrown, Anna
llrown, Alli'o llrown and Kthel llrown, gieetlug.
In thu iiaiiiu of tue Statu of Oregon, you aro
hereby cited oud required to appear iu tho
County Court of the Hlato of Oregon, for tho
County of Wasco, at thu May term of mid court,
at tho court room thereof, at Dalles city, in bald
county, on Tuesday, thofcth day of May, l'JOO, at
a o'clock lu the afternoon of that day, then and
there '.to show caube, If any Iheru be, why uu or
der of sale should not bu made by tho above en
titled Court, directing Delia J, llrowu, adminis
tratrix of said estate, to tell at private sale tlio
following described real properly ot bald .estate,
lo wit; I.0U A, II, O. I,fc. F, (1, II, I, J, K, 1-, In
block ft7, of Fort Dalles Military Iteservatiou in
WituebS tho Hon. Ilobert Mays, Judge of tlio
(aid County Court, with the beat of ald
Court Rtllxcd, this aud day of April, A. D, luuo.
Attest! A. M. KF. MAY. Clerk, ,
apii)-6w lly . H01.TOK, Deputy,
On Tuesday, a bunch of keys, Finder
will please leave the same at this ofike,
api25 3t
Uool Jpderuear
for Te9....
An especially good value juet received.
Sjme men prefer to wear Woolen Under
wear the year 'round. The only dffference
they mnkoat the beginningof summer weather
(S Barget
Burial Shoes
and Motors
Res. Agt.
Phone 111.
The Dalles, Or.
Timber Lnud, Act June 8, 1878.
V. S. I;ANI) OrricK, (
'.Thk IHi.lkh, On., Apr. iu, l'.HX). I
Notice Is hereby given thut in compliauco
with thu provisions of the act of congress of
.luuo a, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of tim
ber lands In tho states of Cuiiloruiu, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
' II lima K. Ketoliuin,
of Tho Dalles, County of Wasco, State of Oregon,
has this day llledtn this orllco his sworn state
ment No. 1.V.I, for thu purchuso of thu WW NK
and Wi KKhof Section No. ;m,Iii Tp. I N. It.
No. 11 h., W. M.i and will oiler proof to show
that tho land nought is moro valuable for tti
timber or stouu than for agricultural purposeti,
and to establish his claim to said hind before thu
Itculster aud Receiver of this oUlcu ut Thu
Italics, Oregon, on
Huturtlay, the UUil day of Juue, 10OO,
Ho uamoa as witnesses; J. II. doit, D, P. Ket
chum, Joseph liaiinu ami William Hpeuccr, all
of Thu Dalles, Oregon,
Any aud all persons claiming adversely tho
above-described lauds aro requested to II lu their
claims In this oitlco on or before bald'.'Urd day of
Juno, luoo.
aprlS lOwl JAY P. I.UCAS, ItegUter.
Latest designs for 1000 in wall paper.
Elegant stock to select from at II, Glenn,
& Co.'e. aprl7-lw