The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 25, 1900, Image 4

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4 In Font esses the external signs ' Contagious Siood Poison are o ritght that the
JIL victim is SrsJv -withta the crasp of the xaonster before the true cattle of the diwaie
khuv n i. At V. 1 1 1. i AJh. UIWU . i II, tail? v-VtlVW 14 mm .
swollen elands, nrucus rmtcrtts is tae xaosto, sores oa scalp, tucers on tousrae, soce
throat, eruptions oa skis, corner colored snloiches. and fallisc hiir aad eyebrows,
leave ao roots for doubt, as these are sll ttrtnistakable sigss of Contagions Blood Fcnson.
Doctors still prescribe raercnrv sad potash as the oalv cure for Slood Poison. These tkkxwjobs mtn-
; Blood Pctson. a ber drive tnc cise-sse
Not ores
These rowerfsl minerals produce raercsrU!
rheirmaiism and the mrl ot?rrvarf sirt xrA Ti1rirc n-orr' tVi- v-iin? to c!i5rn ir?d S5r' Ciils to (iron o5. MordlTT and
potash make wrecks, not cores, aad those -who hare been dosed with these drags are never after free frost aches aad jwia.
S. S. S. acts in aa eattrely dinereat aaaaer, being a pertly vegetable remedy ; "it forces the poison oat of the systera. And
instead of tearing dovn, builds up aad invigorates the geaeral'health. S. S. . is the only antidote for this specific vims, aad
therefore the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison. No raatter in trhat stage or hoxf hopeless the case say appear, even
though pronounced inerrable by the doctors, S. S. S. can be relied upon to stake a rapid, perm in eat cure. S S. S. ii not a
sew untried remedy ; aa experience of nearly fifty years has proves it a sure aad unfailing cure for this disease. It is the
onh purely vegetable blood raediciae known.
Mr K 1 Vrrrv, ia Mulbrrrv S: Nrn-trt, N J bvi I ttju tSjcsei a terriNe blowJ ilxsae, tici win is at int. bat af tenrani! (
spread all over air body These "sooo broke oat into sire, aai it is eafr to ir-.ijriat tire s5eriEf I eaiurrd BrJnrr 1 t-rctar ccariutri that tfcf
tried ran.ius paiest ntdiaae. bet ther did art reach the d-..ri.vr "Wbra I bad iciOifi tj- rst
bofJ: c' S. & 6. 1 -m rreallr taprerei aad wxs delirhted the retail Tbe larire. red fplsfteie
oa rv tbr bepaa to irrow paler and Kaller. and beiort- Ibsr tuappearrJ rnurtH I rrpaiotsS tax !
Irxi wriffbt bectce Krcacer asd r appetite iiaprcrcd. I s eattrelj well, and zsv lda
clear as a piece of las."
Send for oar Home Treatment Book, which contains valaible information about
erals never yet made a complete aad permanent cure of Contagious Bio
back iato the svstera. cover it up for a while, but it breaks oat araia in
ia.a- r, srnrMtt. ttcvt
i- t VtMX liaiiis. i ox
lt faK Ui. IVmrer. IX Ft
Sail Mtt, (mata. Kan- Mall
-j.m M, Cltr. luK i m
Cbtoiiro lurd l'.ai-
,rr MtaonixB. t. raHU, flj-tst.
'.6 p. a.
i lots. Mi1aclra.i 4:Ja.n
CMeacft aad KaU
p. ra.
Vrjiw Ilam ivil
Ocean Stonsi-blj. j
Ftar VaMc I
tVwmlxtf Ti. t. Is r.
: aHC
i I p. a.
this disease, with complete directions
? k ra.
n eiar! of rlivdrisr.s who have rrde a life
hesitate to write for anv information or advice wanted. ' We make ao charre what- ?tnrtfj- lAniiiign.
ever for this. All orrespoadeace is held ia the most sacred conSdeace. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, 6A. ( "
treatment. Oar medical department is El" (abSa Kv. f uaera'.6'Sridi
life-time study of uood d:seass. Ion t To Ancui tod aj
(itai.n; on Cncil l!rrrrr.
Saptr.nteiiJrat i. Ornubr, of ihe reierv, has received from the
pea-ral land oSice instroctiorts rerard
ins the rzz'nz of siock within lh Car
cade reserve. As the department de-
dasei Ssaday
Ca-ra. Wiliacm Rtrtt. t-Ctn.m. I
. Exodj Orccau CStj. Newixrc, Ex.unday I
- ttlcin A n'y ljmdV 1
Clark & Falk are aeve;
Dan't forcet this.
Clarke & Fa!t have oa sale s fell Kne
of psiLt aad artist's bratbei.
A foil liae oIEsstmaa alms aad scp-
S.3D p a.
termiad the erasing qoeftion for the plies jas: received br Clerie & Flfc.
reserve ia V.'asl.iacSon sometime fj:o, Yoawil! no; nave b!s if -on take
Saperintendent O-tniby has bi?a anx-' Clarke & Falk'r sare core for boiis.
iou?!y fcwaiiinc instructions ree&rdinf; Fsoral iotion wi!i care wind chapMnr
and taabcra. Maaofactared bv Oatte
fa is. WstiAK tiri Ktrrn. 4.aopnj.
Tut-.Tbnr. arCsad to OervulU, inn. Wt-d
afd Sat. tod Wur-lJUidlnRK. ;and i'rlday
tbe O-Pcoa rast-rve. The letter
by him Monday Is s follows:
' Cndar department reculattoas ap
provftd April 4, 1HW, the secretary of
the interior has authorized the pastur
ing cf 21)0,000 head of sbeep within the
CsFcade ranee reserve, south cf White
river; the sheep to enter the reserve
not earlier than Jane loth. Cat'l" aad
horses may also craze in the reserve as
heretofore, except taat application- will
be reqnired.
"A.i applicants lor tae privilege o:
& Fait.
DeWitt's Witch UszA Silve is aa.
eqcalled for piles, iojories and skin
diseases. I; is the original Witch Hasei
salve. Beware of aii counterfeits.
Dryintr iircnaratioiis siswiy drrd
opdrxcatarrh; they dry ?p the secretions ; t a. n, wtiiwrrrr a Ta
waiei aiatre to tie memerarie ana aecoas- Tw,Tar. aiu. lavtas. Mon
poss, caasmr a far more wrious trouble thaa ! aadat. Urrroa Cltr, lUrttin, aud Krt,
tit. ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ' " T-inaiufr.
ing iihaiinti, fames, smokes tad ssus
ana ue thit rati cleanses, sootinx aad
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and w21 cure catarrh or cold ia the head
eaiHy aad pleasantly. A trial sis will be
aatiled for 30 cents. All dracgists sell the
oOc size. Dr Brothers, -C Warren St.. X.Y.
Ths Balm curM without pain, docs not
irritate or cause snot ring. It sjreads itself
over aa irritated atid agrr surface, rfclier
im; iramedisttly thr ptiaf al irifiammatioru
With Ely's Cream Balm yoa are armed
against Kasal Catarrh and Biy Fever.
Lt Itipsria
! J. ' a a.
NAKr. Rtvat.
illparis to I;ltun.
SO u. ia.
The Th
1 116 Dsn,,,
Job Pnintcps.
tW rru CwlriDc toco to tlcppner bould
Ur No i. leirtnc The lallt at T.OA ti. ia
roatiar dlrwet conrctlo:i tt llepputr Junrtlim
To secure the original witch
salve, a?k fjr DeWitt's Wilch
Salve, well known as b certain cere
pile; and skia disease. Br ware
less conaterfeits. They are da
i-ewi; Acterman, Uoshea, inc., savs
Dan t let vosr old worn ootmschintrv ! J.'tumincmailoRflireeiconnectiiin t Hefpncr
, '.'oiM-acm vltho. Larrlvln; at The l)allc nt
lie Ia the leoce carrier anv lonrer. Tace ;ssi in.
ts . . . " ... .carry pcnrtir, orrlru ViSO a. ra., dctxirU
oeaier, ana pet ttie casa lor it. iiirhest Ma. ia i
jomiI jnaefct, carrle inMnser, eat '
InT 1 k" ' ta::1 lorJJ. iiiriies. JS
' eath Tic tiaid far fa a-rf ! . So 1Ml' reJCfct- Carrie pawnser, i
of worth- ! ?' V wroccnt ( uraud. arrn e 4 -.. ia., djrt. .16 p. in.
'iron, robber boot? and shoe", bicvele . t Umiid thmuch freistit,
ingerou:. . ' - earry jstDKer; nrrlvct p m., dep
i tires, elc , hrarf , copper, sine, lead, v ra.
crazing sheep or other live stock in the UsHItls iJltle "-'-J iiiaers always
reserve snail agri", in their applications, ' brinS certain relief, csre my headache
that they will hereafter pay, oa demand, ' asd DtxeT Pfe." They gentlv deaase
sact. reasonable prirc per head as the and 'Bvijorate the bowels and liver.
fcecretary oi tbe interior may hereafter
require; and for faslnie to make soch
payment, ttiien called npan lo do so, ' If vou intend to take a trip Ea't. t'fc
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars,
Agen rthe Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey
pewter, o!d w!tn regs, teer
bones of al'l "ice" aidTor i SSKSSlSUSSff " ' WHISKEY frDB.ja.76 to t6.U0 r a..on. iTCTrt.,.
cast iron, .40 cents jver 100 lbs. One
t door west of J. H. Worsiey's, Second St.,
i The Dalles. mS4-lan.
w h. liritUil UT, t lMrOBTED 00GHA0 from 17.00 to fl2.(W er irallon. f 11 to 'JO vearsold.'
i . Att.. i-ortumi. or, QALIPORKIA BEAKDIES Irojn to .00 per gallon. (4 lollTwnoli'
Catarrt: C'aai:ot bt- Currd
the permit will be revoked and the ani- ' vnnr tipt r.r,t m mm. r ri. : s sPt'l'atKfflf, as they cannot
ma!s removed from the reserve. j Great Wabash, a modern and cp-to-date feach tbe "st of ",fc dirt-a- Catarrh
"Permits, when issned, will cover a ; railroad in ev-ry particular. i is a Wood or cocslitotional diteae, and
specified grazing period; eo that the ' Thronsh trains from Chica-o, Kansas 5a wrJfer t0 cnre h Toa lnun uke ial'm
period must be sta.el in tbe application. Citr, Omaha or St. Loois to 5ew York L&1 temedies. Hall's Catarrh Core is
Tbe sheep grazing forms, with such ' and 2Cew England points. All trains Ukea ,D,tr,''.v. acts directly on
cn2nges as are necBssary to cjver cattle rnn via Niagara Fa'H and t-vfrr th-nnrh ' lu wiuuu sunacee. uan e
or horse-araziac conditions, mar bt"rrinKliUi,l.'!f,in..i,.i.J.. .i, Catarrh Car-it not a quack ruedicine.
' . .... ... .ww . i.k.t. Ul, LA. C. CICTLT - . ..... ..... .. ... .
used for cattle and horses' i and dinin- car ' ll ac presented by one oi the best 1 ' ll 'f-.1 '!OM "ollTl--SI'
t.:: :.t-- . 1" in a. 1.AM. i
ju. rjtin-: iu iui- oooniry lor years, and
0LYMFIA BEEB on draught, and Val Blatz and Olyuipia Beer In botlh
iiuporteu Aie anu i'orter.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Wm. J. Landers, resident manser of1
iag and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on ail tickets at ZCi
is areolar piescription. It is composed i
tueion ana imperial rire inecrence ; " P,,rifiP n, P,., ' of the best tonies known, iil.
r Loj Arcele. Calif. the lst bioo-3 purifiers, actins directlv
C. s. Ckaxe, .4. P. A., St. Loci;, Mo. oa the innoons surfaces. The perfect
FOR SALE. combinatian of the two ingredients is
A farm of 120 acres, absnt SO ere at 1 httl prodncs such wonderfc! results in
Com panie?, wishes to announce to the
patrons of tbese companies that owing
to the eickness of Mr. C. E. Bayard and
the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gouriay,
their former acentf, the agency (or both
compani-s for The Dalles and ilcinity
has been placed in the hands of Mr.
Timothy Brownhill. Any business
given to Mr. Brownhill will receive
u:4ve. Sswb Bw, FlflHasi 1 su
which is under cuitivatioa, with a fine ( cariDP Catarrh, tend for testimonials,
; young orchard of to acres in fuii bear- free.
ing; abundance of Itvinc water and good' y j Chestey & t"V Vm Tti.,i n
frarn dwelling and barn and other farm ' m , f - " .r'f " Jo'd '
buildinss. Twelve miles east of The Id - tSrrnSz,. P'ce tc
llallf. nnli tnnr rnili. .. r! I'n. A Hall's FaniiJv Plllfc rtrt. tli. J.t to
prompt attention and will be appreciated oJSce. Faroi will be" sold, with or with- i "
by the companies. Office in C. E. Bav- ont the grow inc cron of about SO acres. "I used Kodol Drsrpsia Cure in mv
ard's old stand. No. 85 Washington I,fice wit'-"Jt crop 100J, and terms very . lataily with wonderfnl result'. It irive" !
fitieet, Tbe Dalies. Oregon. al6-lm 1 " ne'' Jf"'U KMD!h a cLan Mediate relief, is pleasant to take and !
trulv the dyswptic's best friend."
Eev. W. E. Sitzer. W. Caaton, N. T.,'
Xo 1
Fi t mall inr Tnooma.
.-iiie, i.iriiiii, ory
HfirUir at3 5iuUi llt-rid
tn:U. ejKitane, Him-'
loud. V.. C, Pullman,
!oeoir, !-tn, Bul
U:1S A. M. laloliuiaj. lallilujrcJUii- S'i p. M
try, Heli-na. Mtiinuni
lit, at. Paul, Omaha,
Kantat Clly, it. Uiul.
(Ttiicmro mid nil ixtlnln i
So. I. eat mid W)utliut.
11; '. M. lor Tacurnu BDd Shuttle ;f) A. M.
" aad intermediate jKrtnt
.1 wfcT-tf
pplv to
. rKEEiiAS, Uoyd, Or.
wriie-, i ima uyepepsia over twenty, The Dalles Comtrieion House
jeerB, anu tries uoctors ana inedicmefi ; keep fresh mi k at ail times on henr? cate.
say? h. Hartzennk. Orerit.!.
will Digests what you eat. Cannot fil to
without oenebt. 1 was persuaded to use and deliver it nnv-ti.r. in iu.r.i. n.i.. x. cn. a
Eodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me J the following prices
irom trie start. 1 believe it to be a month
Ask your trocar for them.
One quart, ?2 per i the best
E"l.'0a:H0rmfcOf,CdiKeiti0n-'' llth l-arts fo.50; cream 20 cents per ! Fuh blooded"? n,', u,,. f.otl, I. , it . " - " -Jvm
"""" ctc'-' J"- lln tigs, per setting f I 00 and 1 50
digests what yen eat.
1'aliman Crn-cUi.ii nnd tourlit le'i-r to
Vlr.nenioMK, et. Paul and MUwurl river i-jiut
irltliout ctiKDge.
VMtibuIed tralni.. I'olon dc-t counecUonk
In nil jirlr.cli! cltle.
BaCEase cbtckwl to destination o( tlcletn.
rot batidkomrljr lllontiattddtacrlptlvcmatter,
write"' ' car 'Watloiu, etc., celt on or
AaalkUnt General Pukeneer Ageut, a Morrlovc
bueet, corner Tblr , Portland, Orvsuii.
Un Un pfihmiAn Pnmnnnv
if aouu ii ai uiiuuou uumpaiij
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
(Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pUkin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
'TTnn.i. f- Cl and all kin
Headauarters for "Bvers' Best" Penclle-
t.On llmiT Thie Hoar m manufactured expressly for !umJ
WAA UM! : every Hack is guHrunteed to give MtliteW.
W sell our goods lowor than any house In the trade, and if you don't think
can auu get cur prices sua be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Bros., have purchased a! m.. n.,.i.
tbr.ugbbred Jersey bull registered j Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
f tock. For particulars apply at resi- rv god a barmless and ,fr,,M,.
dence on Tenth etreet, near the fair for hendache, nervouSneHP. eleeple
etonnds. Phone S&j. 3 6-lino brain fatigue. 10 and 20 cents
by oiarke & hulk, druggist
For a Nice
Suit of Clothes.
J'actinE.Overeoatln-or fancj Vesting.
jan24 6- I
particulars call on or address,
ir'AXlJEUb Bl:Oh.
Vox c"- The Dallee, Or. Headache absolutely and nerma-'
.nently cured by using Moki Tei. A
plea-ant herb drink. Cures constinalion -
! and indigestion, nml-w
In the ueisbborhood of Stadehnan's, ' work and happy. Salitfaciion guaranteed
west of town, a bunch of keys. Ow ner ; or money buck, i'o cts. Hnd 60 cts.
u" '',u l,le"1 aM"is .emeu by paying tJIakeley & Houghton Druggislr,
iut tine iiuiice. la-ot
Sah In uur ccckk.
.tlunt H. buld.
Kindly call and examine my ktock of Im
ported Hiid V weillc Wookiiit. A line ktock to
cluot from.
ButU made from t lie lowest nrlcek to the liieb.
et grudc.
J. A. Eberle
Mv furniture anrl!.l ..r.r.A
All county warrants registered nrior j must be sold at uhxt tv in ..;....
to June 3, 189(5, wIIHh, paid at my I leave for Spokane next Tuesday, Call
office. Interest ceases after February. , ' at my residence in the Masonic buildii.L'
'fcwwa U L. iiirr.i.riu if vnn waul,.
2I-2t W. K. GAitutTBox.
Oonntv Treasnrer.
Iiemember the
-ew i or K uasn htore ' ti.. .. lv.h .. ..
i. .... tt. I.,.., tb!t8 1 MlM.j, ra.; :zr
-11'1W ! Hlmi.t. Iirnsu r'A,.. ..!.. I i
I ---i , .int, irou, eacKS,
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinera Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Leave I'orlland . ...
Arrive Anhlnnd .
" Kaurumciito
" Kmi rrnnclM.-o
6:30 nm 7:00 j. mv
.I2:-Mam 10..V) p m
12:Sir in
. TM.'ipm
Arrive Oxdon
" Denver
" KuiiknkClty
" Clilcigo ...
h:hn in
. 0:M) a in
7:Wu m
7 :IS u ui
Jl:S0a in
b:lio m
V:U)a ui
7:'i a m
Freeh cracked Kebraska corn nt the ! raKei L'tc
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of!
chicken feed.
Ddlles 'phuieNo. 2H
apr24 lw
mch25-n ! Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
On Tuesday, a bunch of keye. Finder
will please leave the eauie at-tbis office.
api25 at
Latest designs for 1930 in wall paper.
Elegant stock to select from at II. Glenn
& Co.'d. aprl7.lw
New patent paintere and paper
hangera suita at the New York UoBb
ol the celebrated Jamea K. I'atton
strictly pure liquid paints
To Cur a Coiu lu oHfTliay,
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab
letB. All druggisn refund the money.
Be dure and examine our utock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying elee
where, ae we have the latest shipment
made to this rlty, now ready (or Jnpec
tion at Ii. Gleiiu & Co.'u. a!7.1w
Arrive AtiKvles .
" Kl I'HkO
" Fort Worth
" CUy ol Mexico .
" llOUktOIl
New Urlt-Hiik .
" Wellington .
" New York.
. . I'M in
r;oo i m
. C;tum
Mi a m
. l'.':iajim I2't. m
7 ;00 a in
fi:(Xl ji m
trM tt in
U.&la in
-I:IMH in
O-.-ii i m
$i.oo per month.
Strictly fl ret class local and long
distunce telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will be kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You get the ttaudard Ilunulng
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night, ervice.
We will accept your contract for
ten years and allow yon to cancel
same on giving ui thirty duys writ
ten notice,
I'ullioaa and Tourikt earn on both traliik.
Chair ear haerameuto to Uydeu und Kl 1'ako
1'lilllj.plnta, Central aud Bouth Amtrlt'i. uul""'
Bee agent at The Dalle utatlou, or addrtka
Growal fawenier Asent, I'ortland, Or
ia being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or PJJ(
vious condition of aervltude. K-inc inner we "ko our (
innr uluil ui...., l.., I..,.. ... !.. . ii.u., I'lilllti1. 1UC"
41..1-I. I . . . . . J I... ll
union ana giojg to us work: tlikt IB auuurea uy
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Molditt?
Be sure and inspect our atock of Wall IMpvr
Dealuns for 1900 on Dlmlav
WaBhington Street,
betwen Hecond and Third.