The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 25, 1900, Image 3

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Some men need a chango
of clothes this spring, and
others need a change of
You can get the kind of
clothes you want if you will
come to the right store.
We would like to talk it
over with you and show you
our new suits and prices in
the Hart, Schaffncr& Marx
tailor made clothing.
They're the kind adver
tised in the leading maga
zines and worn by good
dressers everywhere.
All GoocIb Mnrked
In Plain Fluuros.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. 1.
iM.-iiv n. i v a iidti o- icmn
nerved lu
htyl'j by
The Passion Play
At the Vogt operu house tonight.
Headquarters for straw hats Pease &
A 1 II V H -
I.wt you forget IVaHS & MayB are
litad iimrhTR for tni'ii'ii atiil lifivh' straw
A. M. Williams & Co. are offering
Indies' tan oxford ties ui greatly reduced
Smith liros. will haro for sale a band
cf horses at Ward & Kjbertaon'a corral
next Saturdav. 25a-2l
Tliu newest and latest products in
men's and hove' straw hats at Pease &
Culumbia Hock beer will to on draught
next Saturday. It is guaranteed to be
tlie best brewing ever placed on tap in
tills fitv. n25 5t
Koiirad riiirman today declared" bis 1
hituntlun to become a citizen of the
Ullltcil fttulfta ntnl in rnnniiiwm 11 1 IikvImii Pft
-vvohVU 4 WW IVIIVUMVW ll(5iwi"v till t
to Kmperor William of Gormanv. i1" y"r ow" cit'- Ascribed by an in-
John C. Young, Poptiist candidate for
congreta from the First district, failed to
file his cui tillcatu of nomination in time
ml can only bu placed on the ticket by
At tlio request of the- Walla Walla
Chirks' Association the business houses
of that city commenced yesterday to
close at (I p. in. The ugreoment la to
Ituttill August.
Take advantage of thu opportunity
oll'ered you by A. M. Williams & Co.'s
tale, and lay In tt (Uv extra pair of low
slioea for warm weather wear. It will
pay yun to do ho. -
Huliormen on the lower river com
1'IhIii that thu river is full ofseals and
toi lions that not only Jrfiko ull the
Pinion from the nets bl destroy, asj
"oil, the llshltig guar.
The leadora of the regular People's
l'riy have Imported twojl'op guns from
Alabama and Georgia to help in the
'Mlgii. Oue or both will explode
themselves lu The Dalles on thu LMth of
1'- S. Do Olnoy and A. Gunnison, of
" l'auilli! coast board of uuderwrltere,
uri! in tlio city arranging for tho hori
Ksiilal reduction on insurance on prop
yl' hlow tho bluff, promised on con
"ll,)" l lidding ,chemlol engine to
l,'o the apparatus of tho city.
J'nt Sunday night Bv U. F, Hawk
omioiiiuicd to his congregation that ho
would preach next Sunday night on tho
Mormon problem, Several yeare ago
Mr. Hawk spent ten months in Sail
Like City making a special study of the
Mormon religion.' He will therefore
speak from the standpoint of .personal
Ilickelbickellabarschivoize, Count of
Hallstaad, Austria, is registered at the
Umatilla House. An inojAiring public
is informed that before Hick was en-
obled on his late visit to
known hero as plain Jul
Europe, bo was
Fisher, the
Tin: CmtONioi.E is indebted to the
courtesy of Senator McBrlde for a copy
of "Thu Heport of the Island of Porto
Itico, its Population, Civil Government,
Coniuioro3, Industries, Productions,
ItoadB, Tarifl' and Currency, with Rec
ommendations" by Hnry K. Carroll,
special commissioner for tlio United
States to Porto itico."
The steamer Iralda is expected to
arrive hero tonight on her (list trip in
opposition to the D. P. & A. N. boats.
The Iralda is a twelve-mile bout, a little
smaller than the Reliance, but four
miles slower. It Is understood that tho
Reliance, as soon as she is fitted up,
will run in opposition to the Iralda, and
soino mighty cheap traveling is within
thu possibilities as long as the Iralda
holds out.
Hundreds of people spend thousands
of dollars going to Ober Ammtrgau,
Bavaria, to see the Passion Play in a
language they do not understand. Yon
can now see this gorgeouB spectacle and
greatest tutor of religion and ancient
history that the world has ever known,
tenselv interesting and absorbinz lec
turo as tho pious drama moves on. To
night and tomorrow night at the Vogt
opera house.
Referring to tho recont effort of Rev.
Sheldon to run a newspaper as Christ
would do it, Sam Jones says: "It
would bo hard to run a church or a
homo as Jesus would run it, much less
n newspaper. The truth of the matter
is, I don't know a man on earth who
can run himself as Jesus teaches him to
run himself, much less one who can
jump Into a new Held for just ono week,
and such a field as tho dally newspapers
occupy In the United States."
' Says the JJoston Herald, speaking of
thu Passion Play to be rehearsed to
night and tomotrow night at thu Vogt
opera house: "A splendid reproduc
tion of the Impressive spectacle. Not a
single suggestion of irreverence in the
whole representation. The Passion
Play entered last night at the Hoston
Mueeum upon what promises to be ono
of tho most successful fortnights evei
devoted in this city to a popular enter
tainment. Thu audience was enthusi
astic und Its applause unstinted.
H. W. Wella raturned last nght from
a protracted absence at his flheep ranch
near Prosser, Wash. Lambing season
was about over aud the yield was all
that could bo desired. Ono band of
uwes, numbering 2700, whose lambs had
feeeu marked before Mr. Welle left, hod
yielded an Increase 'of 109X percent.
To protect his sheep from the depreda
Hons of coyotes Mr. Wella lately im
ported from Colorado two dogs of the
stag hound species that are said to be
sudden death at short range to the var
mints. According to tho Liverpool Post, a
local firm, being delighted at the idea
that one of its employes was called up
to join the Reserves, at once volunteered
to pay half his wages to his wife iu his
absence. .Attheend o! the month the
woman appeared and tiie moiety was at
once given to her. "What,'' she said,
"four pound?" '-Yes," replied the
senior partner, "that is exactly half;
sorry you aro not satisfied." "It isn't
that I'm not satisfied ; why, for years he
lias told mu he only got 1G shilling?
altogether, and and If the Boers don't
kill him I will."
James Callaghan, a Chicago sheep
buyer, arrived here yesterday after buy
ing about 10,000 head of sheep in Crook
county and southern Wasco. Ho bought
11000 bend from George A. Young, of
Kuigeway, at the following prices:
0000 ewes and lambs at .$1.75 for the
ewes and $2.00 for the Iambs; 3300 year-
ling at $2.75; 1000 yearlings at $2.35;
1000 dry ewes at $1.75 and 300 two-year-old
wethers at $3; all to bo delivered at
Shaniko on the 10th of June. From the
B.ildwln Sheep aud Lanl Company Mr.
Callaghan bought 4000 head, giving
$2.50 lor yearlings and $3 for two-vear-
olds. From Tom Urogan, of Antelope,
he bought 1000 head at $2.00; these two
last purchases to be delivered at Shaniko
May 15th.
Another meeting looking to the organ
ization of a young men's association was
held last night in the Congregational
church. Tho meeting was fairly at
tended and quite a protracted discussion
was had on ways and means, the char
acter of the association, what it should
bo called, and the best way to set about
its oruanization. In the end a motion
was made to relegate the whole matter
back to tho Students' Literary Club and
allow them to organize such u society as
would meet their own aims and ticsiiea
and then submit their constitution and
bvlaws to those who michl bo willing to
give financial help to tho enterprise.
The motion met with some slight op
position but eventually prevailed. It
was 11 ndonbtedly thu best thing that
could bo done under the circumstances.
Tho young men who started tho move
ment aru intelligent and earnest. They
know precisely what they want and
will never give up till they get it. W
have no doubt, whatever, that they will
organize In such a way as to meet tho
approval of all wtio aro interested In
tho welfare of the young men o I lie
Wo mentioned ysterday that A.
Scherneckau Is hero looking over the
situ tlou with a view of establishing
direct business relations with tills city
and Astoria through a line of boats on
tho river, Mr. Scherneckau represents
the Astoria Push Club, an association
nf thu bu9inesB men of that town, aud
other members of thu club have prom
ised to j Jin til in in u uay or two. i no
movement is a purely business prop
..Lace Curtains..
No. 0009 K Ecru, medium width, varda long,
50c per pair.
No. 9000 E Ecru, extra wiile, 2 yards long, 7"c
per pair.
No. 0075 Ecru and white, -10-ineh wide, ." yards
long, no better value, $1 per pair.
No. 9158 White and ecru, -15-inch wide, yds.
long, $1.50 per pair.
Our stock is complete in every price from 50c
to the $12.00 line, each pair warranted worth thu
pi ice.
$5.00 cream or white dainty patterns, Clinch
wide, 3 yards long.
Others at $5.50, $0.00. $7.00 and $8 00.
For bedroom curtains these are the newest and
add a daintiness to a room entirely different from
any other curtain. Prices liom $1.25 up.
A Chance for Bargains
Not damaged Block nor unsalable goods, but
single- pairs of curtains which wo wish to close
out at 25 per eeut. discount.
$0 50 Curtains for $-1 8S
5 00 " " 3 75
4.00 " " 3"00
3.00 " " 2 25
2.00 " " 1 50
1.C0 " " 75
osition. Clatsop county does not raise a
pound of grain of any kind, very little
fruit, and1 only a limited quantity of
vegetables. Willi its largn fishing and
lumbering enterprises tlio county buys
annually many thousands of dollars'
worth or such products ns Tho Dalles
and Wasco county havo to sell. Astoria
business men ould undoubtedly buy
here, at rates satisfactory to both par
ties, wheat, bark-v, oat?, chopped feed,
bran, flour, wheat hay, vegetables and
uits of all kinds, pork, beef, mutton,
and possibly many other products. As
toria has not nearlv so many thing to
sell to us, but she has abundance I
cheap and excellent lumbjr and shin
gles that could be handled here ad van
tageousiy, besides oysters and several
varieties of fish that, at present are im
ported from there through middlemen
ut Portland. Wo hope the business
men of tho two cities may see their way
to this reciprocal trade. If the enter
prise was once fairly started, there is no
telling what it may crow to.
A. F. HlacUerby, of Silverton, waB iu
town last night.
A. K. Crosby, of S.ilem, is registered
at the Umatila House. ,
W. II. Wallis is registered at the
Umatilla House from Moro.
John S. Schonck returned on the
noon train from a i-l:ort business trip to
Portland. - '""
Douglas Dufur was a passenger on tho
Regulator this morning on a business
trip to Spraguo Landing.
C. M. and Mr9. Cirtwright were in
town last night on their way to their
home at Hay Creek, Crook county.
V. W. Wilson, of the Baldwin restau
rant, returned last night from a few
days' visit with his son at Poitland.
Mrs, -Thornbury, who has been visit
ing friem'a here for the past week re
turned to her home in Portland ou tl.o
Regulator this morning. ....
Miss tiertrudo Mays, granddaughter
of .Midge Mayri, and daughter of Denton
Mays, of Wallowa county, was a passen
ger'on the Regulator this morning on u
visit to menus in nmianu.
For Infants aud Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Siguature of
Spring lamb at reduced price at tho
Columbia P.ickiug house. 'J0a-lw
lidles' stock collars, all colore, 25
cents at thu New.Yorfc Cash Store.
Wanted Any old thing, at Faulknei'a
jui.k sliop. Dallia 'phonn No. 21-1.
apr21 lw
A full lino of ladle' neckwear just
received at tho New York Cieh Stoie.
ricuvui at too iw ion. vjatn
in..ti i... i.i I..- f.,ll im. .il.
Ladles' bobinet lies, ull lull len;th,
125 cents, !M cents and 03 cunts, at tho
' ' ,, , ' ,
New 1 ork Cash btoro, 'Jia-lW
, ..
rivo inuusaiiti uve-guiiuii uii uaus uv
11 vo cants each wanted tit Faulkner's
junk 6hup, Dalles 'phono No. 2H.
apr24 lw
Tlio Kind You Ilavo Always
iu use for over 30 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-os-good" aro hut
Experiments that trlflo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Costoria is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It'is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
raihstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Trouhlcs, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho .
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Cliildrcn's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
efcT,r eeflMHHHLIHHiHIEeflHbeV
The KM You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Knows the
Many new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook.
Complete Line of
We know that in modeling, draught
ing, construction aud material
Shoos aro perfection. This is proven by
wtlie perfect fH, perfect comfort and ex
cellent service expeiienciu uy wciiine.
Our Street Styles
aro especially handsome and up-to-date,
shapely, stylish and easy on tho feet.
All styles, ono prlco
Oxfords $2.6D.
I Nntliio 11 r Flrt JloothtK of Uruilllora.
I i.ntiik Disriiu r Coiiiit iiKTiiK United Status
for tliu district of (u':;om,
' lu tho mutter of II, II. I.uuyley, bankrupt, In
To tlio criilltors of 11, Jl. l.uni;U--. of The
1 D.illi-s. In tlio count) cf Wiiko. unit ilUtrlut
. ,,rKMtt
April, A. It. f'JOi, tlis hiM II, H. biuiuley wa
.tiily mljiirtlciilt-.l tt u k r u it. unit tlmt tliu llit
' nitolliiK of Ills eri'illlor will bo liolU nt tho
' olllcoof tho uiuloiiliiiiitl in Tlio liiillos, Wtitoj
, c,miity,ouw)ii,oii ihoaoilniay of Apill, A.l.
lUJO. ntSo'elo.'k . ia., iitwhleii tlmo tho uilil
erolitijrs limy nttcntt, iirovo thulr eluliiu, up-
i point a trujiif, examine ho bankrupt, ami
I IrMiibiiet huoh other butlnuns us amy properly
come ueiore mo r.iceiiiiK.
khank mi:n'i-:kkk,
April 20, 11)00.
Hcfeu-o III lluiikrtiptcy,
Subscribe for The Chronicle,
Bought, and which has heca
has homo tho Hlgiintnro of
and has heen made under his per
sonal supervision since its iu fancy.
Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
Signature of
merits of the
'1900" Sundries.
Just arrived a new lot of neckwear
for gentlemen. Latest designs and colors.
Bo sure and see them at" the New York
Cash Store.
Garden Hose
Wo havo laid in
a largo
slock of CJardon l loso and are
carrying tho santo brand of
lloso that wo havo boon carry
ing tor tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho saino brand of lloso that
tho Dalles City Firo Depart
ment has boon using for- tho
last twonty years. Tho Mal
tose Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grado of I lose
on tho markot. Call and got
our prices boforo buying.
JVIaier & Benton
Sole Agents.