ft 11 tw. rk;1a !rcd wocMdoaoretoeiUbJitb adf new tr.. j,- Tne Danes uaiiy fcnronicie.- .3Uinl0 fr: t bta; tfa !:: scBJcr.im Oae -ek Oae raoslh Oae yeir . t :U4rf ihiaxtxlt dcteu pcivitc April 22. trMc u-k. ... ?0 liilnwdi or pnvite portss aroeal ialtIid. -Ill 6 CO He DiHe scd Celfio rapid. ' tarsia eSetre bo r -. - sz T , , , t, ifivit; roc:5d at :J a. . ; WEDNESDAY APRIL 23. rd lb ner. cirljr , im ,isl j . . - - ia lone, of the big Tlepoblicirj vie- 30, u :b Cak;--P: tired ksi1.; tbe ! fyjtpc:;o! 4 a"", out is? t r of his recent vjii; to tbit sute. lady tiw.oejj;: asy irxvs w s.-i tbe Gkbt-I)ecci- He zzide ' ; Mvejal speeches 10 Oregos, aad Lis x .ifl f?w.. ' dope lbr&agboe; tbe cooatry bive ' Tbe i Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICER 5- Jostice of the Saprsae Ca:l 0. T- creii bore; oa tbti sccoast thi: tbe li eastern paisu. Tib fell "a r ojvenca. Food and Dairy CczzsAaiczt:-BaUey. .ill 2 . - . Vi J. W. v .v. fenr diTj throe ;fa :o Cbwr, a.' iw .'.heai after tbe rounc, that fjcja3d fc IDOt-. 4f x.a bsve Cil'd the t;,mmt. P-siiad a: :3! iv au, rien; J. C. Fcirtoa. & Dafii; "itibvi kr;e asj&ri'.T tb?r wil fes thit their chiniroa ii soiac i ill Sfc:i-; : PonUad iUi xt Saaiii- DISTKJCT OFFICEH5- CoarreffHSta Mcola A. Mooif, of lot Uiiies. ' bid foor veirs iga, oalj sore x -r.-. r- . T V TTSnitrta-; 7 A-l .1.70 t,u..- 'ir? ; 'ca tne Ut U?raocrstJC itite coa-!tio iie GfSA. Kt ior S. i t i 3 : . . . si - . - . 5. E-ert-, ! fK-ri. ia letter ssd ia szVJ" :ezA- W . a. A djoia; err b- lraifhi 1 ta I.tpi trcaiAlii c ... ut.v,i . . . j . i af Wmco: E. A. Eat:t,i X.s!foB0irs: -Fe are naslteriblr op- l9' - , Seorce MiIIt. of GiiRAa; Gr?o . diaatr oa oofrefpoatiiar t--ia ieinaj: Catuaub.of Grxat; Geerge A. Bir-jped to raoaosetiliiS?. (Ibit is J.e 5,8 : : a. a. Tb- a t&ed- Joiat Es-ptereatAtirer A Geo Caitxa&rii. Dirtrict AtfJraer trisi Jleceiee, ci j tbe prt?j2ntv or an mdeitriil people cob; aei atw ere.- rart.ji: cn ia Theses. in 3 psrfj of fcard ijnet." iTbu ii iissDl-r iide-spiiltiar. We w Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THErDRUCGIST. REGULATOR LINE Dalles, Portland & e d & ttmrttt ht HnniJU.f Unm,JJreaM. , tbttiu, the romtn)r rwmtnj the tZ . tvW-3 c c.iir.ttot notJcc. Str. Regulator. !? U VOet at : a. x. v,Oirt:)- Ship your Freight Str. Dalles City, j via l.T. IU1 ' tS k. ' Mx4jr SSS Regulator Line. ; S tir . ATT An. r'ri ; FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ? TrTd br lb Masr oJ tie RcsuUtor IJne. The dtajar win 4rnr to rtnibML j , mmi( Uif tct x:1cr iHj.ic. lr Intther lolorn:ac.a rw" Elrm W- ! !, IVrlUwi tSkr OnV Street IVxt W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. j . O. E. & N., i.i it f-TW-yei JECr-l rt-1 W ; J ricis Eifira Orca, !t it t t Coa aty Ja ig Eirer. COUffTY TICKET. A. S. Blowers, I 03tJ ! . j- . ..j , .11 . ... . r iiiv- ?ni!(B. A! th tans: lz-rf- i I Ter-ion, distribotfid priTiteij. Conim.rfioaer P. A. JLu chhtrz.fr, oi Antelope. Sbenff Eobert Stllj. of Tat Duller. (Xerk A. L- Lake, of 'Weraic. Tresarer C. I- Phillip?, of The DaI1. Assesror C. L. Scbrtidt, of The Dalles. Snperiafadent of Ssboolf C. L. Gil bert, of The Dillfef. Faryeror J. P.. Go:t, 0! Tbe DiH. Coroner W. H. Eat:, of The Dalies. For Jnsiice of tbe Peace of Tbe Dalles Timotbv Browahill. ikyz it PeaJi-toa. tne isnse &s tbe ;0-C ilea "lillirosa & jaitfreuisre oi traair. oa tc-1 Pkck," Kiib all this ikle-soJittiac rioi wiaiac i:ttriett of hihriir left out. I" ra,J- 'Le Cr d'.-i5f8e' ,be J ( Bepcbue and Kaateaai ouaia: taapf. Setor"CjTr.f Montana, fiyi ' Plr bentfiiwl bv tt.L- J 5 raiad to resign, . -. . t..,; --. lifee tbe Iriibain. v .rHr. tn rhiM- aa't BROS.. n r ONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and 1 21 now prepared to1 supply every, body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. 1 EEA1- Biacksmuns be bii raade brobablr be be vrocldo; - wbere be wouldn't ' s. ta. ; No. C at 7 Aa a, ta., as at pr-5eat. "A be kept. rae Wertboead traia oc: of Cblcipo, j". ' carre? poactac witti is .o. J.j. Tbti "!! arriv? ia PotUaad at 4 4)0 v. Tbe besiest a ad aii?buest little; this;: a. Tbe traja cerres ;ndiar trirb tbe tbst erer tbs raad-i Dr. Kiaz's Ne- tartboaad Xo. 5 is Ko. S, oct of Cnicaro. . Z Evcrr jell is a sc?ar-coated JTbis rill rech Porilaod at 7 :30 . ta. t .AND.. 5 Important Announcement ; to you. C. S. Smith. Horsesnoers Tin: For 3U day after April lit, I ill tell UiotJiinf, tiooii ann TToramr "tcbt nd Ir Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. f ,!! the Drr Good, Clol C Sh. Hoiierv, Bis:. J Caps, oa a rat ia prire of bet. Hate and j Life Pills. tlp-to-dateQroeer Freth Kyct n I Creamery Unttcr a tpccsaity. j globale of bealtb, tbat cbaasss eataess tVes tb?nad train Mo. I wi'.l leave Ca.cseo C Phnnp'UQ 1 UVUVilJJ .4 j k I ) I - j iato strtsrtb, liitlessaess iato eaery, 1 1 a. ai., and Omsbs r: 5 .20 a. ro. ' 1 brain-fA? tato m?ntal rnmrer. Tbev're ', tl frjio-u inc ifiv. Th iiin iti'! ! Tbere is no reason wbr every tana j ,osd4.ra5 ifl biiciaS na tbe bealth. I ' t on tbe Rermbhcan ticket of WssrO; Qalr S5 teats per br. Sold by Blatelej redcced txn tad torty.5re couDtv, from conzreisrasn to con-' & Hoazbton. 3 j .'0. S xesiboaad tram wiil leave i stable, should not be elected. We, Si-eaal reserve old coveraoeat bU-; Caicago at 10; p. m., aud Oaiaba at j . -r. . a. tev, reeoga.sed bv the higbest medical ' -oi have tbe Eepublican voles to do it, . - K -. .-o p. ia. ue aes. cay. ... . ' ,!r.ct'2CtD0rJ,-r,D tbelad; f-specisliy recota- Tbe service oa tbe Union Pci5c oa all and tbere is not a man oa tbe ticket M byththoudol health of an - lhe tra5as dodt RoS wbo U not entitled to tbe fall vote Francisco for hospital ase, al-o A.P.;jlbrsrv Mr(f aad dinIaj. rarf Vo C Of bis art-. 'Tun Cheo.vjcle has O'Brien, M. D-, captain aad scrzeon, 'jj a jj. orjinary elc-fper to! notbic bat kiDd words personsHv !8Md l)- 3IcCartby, major aad ear- Kansas Citv, with cHaage'ea .-'jote to I for tbe'Democratic candidates. .0Ce "03 F" rf -v' " the pnr,t;t unada'' ' ordinary cars to Ch;ao. I ,f ,.M -K- up fff,,M ' rled "'-"'"""-awlwctn'e.in., Consalt tbe n-areit ticket agent for', or them are iaen whom ue woain ,. .Jc ,.,:, ..i v. r.i..i,. ...... " ( , ( ueiHiaVU iuiuriaEiion 1 delight to honor in an- tvay outside ; Stabiicr apI20-dlai I of politics. Their fault lies in be., He3d6che p4in, , varIonf p&rt longing to a party to which the j oi tbe body, Sincsnc at the pit of tbe countrj" owes absolatelv noibms storaac'n, Loes of appetite, Feverishness, ave the obligation to bury an avalanche of votes at every op W. II. HcnLBCKT, General I'dssentrer Aent. . u.sr. -:- "'Sner-r feel fafe witboat y it under ( ?ies or sores all pos.Uve evidence. . 5a be , every op- 1 ?f itl;B e ,lfe shea he h portunity. It is impossible to feel became to it ascst L- parifi-d in order to obt2ta pood health. Acker's Blood IX... .. v . r ..... i.ti. neivr feel fafe witboat One Minute! It saved mr I ad bt- ;)na i mania. We think it it th l?: mniicine ' ..GHflS. FRRNK.. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Km or draacht the celetrtl COU'MH.'A 1SEEK. ncknow: yir.pi ttr tKt boer In The iMlltn, t tte usual price. Come In. try It ami U. cwrioceij Ali tbe Firn-t br:.!l oi Wiiien, Uuor anil C.'ijrcrt. Sandrxtiehes of all Kinds -Uwisyt oa band. 25 tier cent, for Cash. .Vow 1 roar opr-ortonity to get bar-, i;aiaf. lXiu't tnlss it. S. L. BROOKS, ?occeeor to K J. Collins h Co. 2d Street. J. ri. SCHtsi. I frtlect. 'Phone 270. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE r !'- First national Bank. , THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bankta; Businesi trtnscvd Deposita m-etved, eabject to biM Draft or Check. Collectioas made aad proceedi arosptlj rtsaitted oa dev of collection. Slebt a.ad Telegraphic EzcbsBgeioIdu New York, Faa Fraacisco aad porl !aau. niKHCTOKS D. P. TiioMi-uoy. Jxo. S. Ecusa Ko. M. WtixtAyt, &so. i. Li2t H .M. Bt ai 1 4. in Clark & Frtlk'e tf-ck U new l-mrlli- m n nrtf thr.t dirM-tlv V'.ir i.-.i . ,.fwi ' --" "cores conns ana innp, St.... .V.. J. r.. .....,); .s.r.t. r,, ..... o,t... .Wl - ..... aUU , . rrspuu&.uic .or iuc nicvn unu um; f.. . w.v-j civei lmtneulate recattv that followed the election of Cleve-1 ceases, u is ceru-.aly a wonderio! , , ., . , 1 .1 . ..1. ' remedy and we tell every bottle on, ,u ana mat proionueu iue j R n3raiiJee Blakelev & Hoagh-' 're"b and cosnplete. edness by tbe threat of a wretched-, drns SU(rt. j . ess still more dtie through thei - ; I DDAiMlll I triumph of Bryanism. Tbe country' ... 'Ud""1' V"". r ci 1 1 DnUWNHLL, . 1 v-f. the ball that ml G. B. Steadaian . f -as never more prosi-erous than u , of yeW8fk 31iefa in the Cjvn Wtir It : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary at this moiaenL It is tbe patriotic : caused horrible ulcere that no treat-' , 01 lc.- utj' of the voters of tbe nation to meat helped for treaty yeart. Then . ijce The Dalles, Oregon keep it so, ai far as votes can do Jt. j Bocklen-e Arnica Saive cured hita. Itj fi ST U R d'eVA NT ir.Arc itinnm Jcsigms Co)YrtiCHT 4c AnTtmeiifilne ketf i nJ decrlptkm in nol-slf ufwt.!i .rr ' a free "lirtbrr HirititKin t. vrvaM valetiUliic Cututiicnlr lKrtj .trlctlr -Misi)rii'lal. llasititxkoo I'bitoU i-tit 'ne 'Ji1w( Ktmrr for rnnie wUrcu. IVtrvj UUf3 amuli ilui-Ji & Cu. rocvlrt i;rlil nti:r, xrtf brat cin'r. In tb Scientific Ewericati. A liandMin'-'y ll'n'ra!el rrrVr Ijirr et dr. ru'ntlnu .f nnf wic'I1B' "ureal. Tcriua. fs u renr ; l.mr laotttii, L bi.ll tull iewllc. MUNN&Co.SC5E- New York l-rasct- OflVo 1' ft. rblnjtos, l. ' C. F- Stephens jj. We Put... ..Doalor In. j Dry Goods, Clothing, U Gents' JunriifiHin Wr. rf.ll(.t1nu r.rrs... .. . ..Tl t Money to loan. C. E. Brfjanl'i! of- i vote to stop the march of prosperity i rlh TKfentv.five. nt. a ir. f!n and bring back the horrors of '93 to 1 guaranteed. Sold by B.akeley & Hough-' "fJC. Wasco county Kepublicans ill ; ton, droggifet. Dentist 02it OTer French i Co.'n iJuk 3!.r Ptioue e. THK bALI.K,OhUiOy do their duty by voting tbe Ilepub-; Mre. Harriet Evane, Hinsdale, 111., 1 lican ticket and for every man on it. j write?, "I never fail to relieve my l . f 1 t . It is imnossible to think otherwise. "'''en eroup at once hv usinB NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. La so Omen A7 The Iulio, Oaeoo?, One MInate Coojjh Cure, I would not JjJV.L.'', tM, the 'i.iiowine vjaicKiy cure ; ""' I'm"! in Knpjyrioi ni clnlrn, nrnl lee) S8f without it." From an article printed elsewhere conishs cold?, wripptand ail throat and' ' $,ZilZ"J!Ui?.a-i?Ml':': twreiuier it will be seen that the Portland .longdhem ''ito.o,nn. chamber of commerce is about to; 'otic. take the lead in an effort to secure a tI.L?r,"ab!! uT , , Wash., tWJ per month government portage railroad around fefel, Bl a bs ,fli The Dalles rapids, and that in the n.i'7-lni .1. V. ... .1 - . . 1 . . .1 .. near i uiure tne .juarua v trauc auu Ute CIke & Fa.kV quinine hair tonic iuhismi otuer commercial uouies 01 ouier to keep dandruff from the bend, townb Of tlie Columbia rivi-r x-nllf-y t ... Heinrich LabMncof Tbe Illcs.Or., at CnUrvm K. ton buslne.s. Will ; Jt'toWj. -"".- J.: vrove j 0 Mia ImiS; vli" ""' niiou A. E. Gbauam. ciL iir?.JU'w,1L s,'''ll'oJ " t - iB'i-, j-jrti) , lAV I' lAVA. l:(Klter. will be asked to lend their assistance in tbc form of petitions and memori- als to congress. The movement is iu line with that advocated by Tjik Cjiuo.nicu;. The leaders in this last movement have come to tee that a boat railway is impracticable; (tbat a canal is the only permanent im- provemcnt that will meet the de-f Bands of the future; but 'that muan-t while, and for years to come, and while a canal is in course of con-1 Mructlon, a government portage' OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUHAJiT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street jji:. k. t:i:ut;K-, Physician and Surgeon, Offii-e. V6l Hiv;k (.jrer I'.rttom e : vdvr Till: l ,L1 1 . 'jL'LmOX Uoot, Sbfc Het. Cf, Nolloru. Apt. Telephone So, es, 134 cecoud bt Tie Dalles, Or. Just What Yoa uuant. New !lf:aa iu Wall Paper here. Such : wide variety we are knowing never bu rn. AlltCKQiA v. liHJiSEMftrV Ztfit lore graced a klntde Moc-k. ..iSallwIt.. Mon creton tttwlb Bt ordinary prlcee xr Goo4 :rers at ctif-m. mn ...1.,... . r w c-i. ; .i...i.... . rt '.''.w irvt uincnu 4CRiiciie. lunieiui i OWE FOR A D03E. ''i"P!, Pmnt 1 wKisi Wsib'cJ Elevant (leniitnc tatttefnl , for u kiuall price, at our utore on Third ..ww. ...SUB ,un hub m ijoubu paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St. ; pi'.EU. W.WILfeOK. KY AT LAW. . ... . .. 'J1IK UAUXH. IJHKflON- viiwv inrw 1 mr Kt, Jinuk. wiuk B HOKTIXOIOK HUNT1K0TOH dc WILSON. ATIOiiNKYK AT LA OiotOTerWmtK.Lffi 1,AUii,,' 0BEUUh every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Js it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BL0KELEY & H0D6HT0I, Reliable Prescriptionists F S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & tiim, TLone 157 Mica Axle Orease helps the tcatn. Saves weareid cxiktum:. fcoiacAcryB"6. MAX. I. STANDARD OIL CO. ligbtea the load tborteaij FRENCH & 00, BANKERS. nUXHACTA eskkalbaski.no bmub Letters of Credit ieeued available inH1 Enntera fcUtes. Bight Ekchanire and TeleiP Traasfers sold on New Vork.Ofc St. Louis. San Francisco, J'Jg icon, Seattle Waeh,. and varioM PM In Oregon and Washmftou. . Collwtloni taade at nil polnti onm orable Uirma. TUc Columbia Padtiuft PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF NANUKACTUilKKHOF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACOfl .miV.U BKKK. KTO. waKtlncr fllfieaBCU, ui ..j infllf ! abuse, or excess a.-; . , crctlon. AiterveM. blood builder. W8,i restorta the lire JJei ii Kli ncr W .-iu teo to cur op refund NERVITA MEDICJJJ OHfrtoninlackaon KubstTibe fr Tne Cuw'