C. J. STUBLING For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Wholesale and Retail Wines. Liquors and Cigars. A gen rthe Great e American Liquor Panting. CTrrr-.M'u; Fn Vetttag. I t) & 1 ! 1 Vt ImV . IVnvrr. n. UU Mvvrth, lr.m!. Kn a. us Ctty. t. tout. Chtcact nnJ Et. Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHI5ZEY lvm i- hio il wr traiiou. 4 to 15 vers id. lKFOSTED OOGXAQ frctn $7.00 to f liW per srallon. 11 to S years oid. OALIPOESIA 5SyjIIS ItcnigS-tStoifeAt-ercaLon. to 11 yrarf old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLTXrlA SEES on draught, and YaJ EUtx asd Olvtapu Br in tottle lcstKr5id Ale &ad Porter. MM! 3 tt h M " :i ! I r I A 1 i " . ' !l I ' j f I 'i i 8 li Li - y KttXtly eK ad examine ay !-tl t ! pvtsl sad I Nolens. A tnestrvl U k4VS trvci. . . Suit tnaie iria; l be Vrvss r-iris w tac litre J.A.E a Fine Tailoring. Acker's Saved Her Life'; ,- 1 5 a i i 1 f I f ! , .5 J Hi- The -'... IS Chronicle, I JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Subscribe for the Chronicle. j ad 'is f p a. 4 jv m. TO AfTWKU antS Wyj nedacrd two honri ad iortj-are saia cte. Xo. S wtiotsavl truia will leave rryLnjr prcimitioii5 sisipiT ocrei. Ctxiwgo t 10:Si p. m., a.ad Oaiba &t -o hici dhcre :o tiV ratiiVnsA sod dfccra- 4:25 p. ra. the next dar. pose. easi:sfr2orssriozitrwib!etiia Tbe ferric? on the Uaioa ?riSr oc all cfn2aKTforicr eatsrri. Arcidallcrir. ., , , . . , i-c ishsisats. fas:, metes &ad aaaUs Tlx Wiaaxrni usTa- S30p sa. Tm.Tar. Eiti Kitxes. Moa.,'tiJ ud -Kt. Urtro .ly, Prs, tad YrL ibrrT CArfs xnd tivainr ears. Cc. A u; trro iaiies trosi Tasar. Mica- " . " . 1 twp a era; s tor lives Mrs. T. iL cuaitM rva.e .o l oroiciry wrf to Cicjc. f Coafait tbe aea-ref: tieie-S tfeat for . deiii.ed iaforasition. j i . a. n t sun :;, T..Ttsur. Porunwit u trrtti. Mnn. WttJ uxl rt. tf Vf.IjuKttli(r. tod rrid; 2-a.:-: ?hi xras very aad hopeless I ra;cied i. ci.-o o-.-.h. iatervs: sficr s-if i-.-sna akiajr Acier " ragllsli Sleajecy Jr Oaa-?u.a-.-4ioia. S.v"as? Ihachssribcs nr. jver1- roc xr ; . . eves 1 sa-x ;iif trcrrisa ret trie. oa tlsat rvrat-.TV i a ttv --; t-v -cocsa s:opjed, her laars wen? .healed cp. the sreaess vnej a'srsy ar i ie besraa tit iayoaitsb. ise lierxif j-ad ' Jlr. Baltrd. 3 otc scy life toi Acier Easr.-jii Remedy. It j a certiia cure la" Jlrs Brat:" ne-Kvixod he: reeonery hi occasKiii sbptA coauatat. roa crz eoCr aad. apd. Ker ca.e rt. oae Ttre eTeryi.iy xrtiiie aaui sise troaw i ik& t-e aSasore cUu ra o-Misaaiptsoa." , dtfrtfe . It R:prt iK KtVCK. Liivc . 3) A. ia Geaenl PaKeaper Ajrfat t BUSINESS LOCALS. C'.irk A ?ik ire never cloje-i Scacsr I.at focret this. C irke tfc Fa'c hsve oa Jile s foil liae , vf paJat &ad irlift'r brarbei. A fal" liae oi Ei-sttasia alms aad rcp ; ,:ei Jo? : received tiy C3r ke i Filk. Ycj orJi' aot hsve bU; i! voa ti wrt eTeryt.xiy oa T a" htt5 j IV ftrdi: a isr r. a ths: there .? Cj.rk & Fiik'e renf core Jor bat:. F..-rl iotioa xrtil care triad chippis? tad taabara. Miaclidurvi bv O&rke PeWin'i Viteh Hel 5ihe i Bed ior p3ef. itwrief ad ikia It is the oriiriait Witch Htrel tac -a? that ra5ta cieiases. tootaes trxt iwsls. Dy's Creira Kilra is sach s reardr tad triil care citarra cr oo'd ia the head s3y aad pleastatly. A trial sire v-&! be ajiikvi :cr 10 ceats. All cracjriyts wl! th C4Vr. fre. I2y Brothers. 5C Wtrrea i1:. . X. T. Tiit Eila; cares tr:Lhaa: psxa. d.s sot im:e or caa saeea. It f prtads itf-tlf ever aa irrittifd aid jrrr farface, rehev irr; iaaraediatelr ti peuaial iaiaiaiata. ffith Ufi Creara Saias yoa &re arrae-d asaiast Kaiad Cslirrh aad Est Fever. fW" !rse rC:ir.c ! r ia Hepsoer tK ii ' uii N(v . Wiic iht HP. : ; r . . BUitii Circt MUKeaB t Htrjioer janct : 193 t et votir oid Wii'2 Oct aiichiaf rv r'.nt.iu; auiiarUve:cacetiM n: liewmrr :e i the feace cx-aer u; Jor. T'e f5?fS U t''Itrt'C ! " it to Fletcher Fto'kaer, Tbe Paiies oak sn. Urrortn lrrst, : tvsal. t5t dler, sad fet thecal far it. Hiest Sl se",r,s :;M J'1-'" eh price rsd for eait sad uroccbt tt" 1' au,: una, rsober bsot- lad ibcei, bcvde . V. t banc tfa.-ottrt trotc&t. d- j..i tiref, etc., erst.., copper, nac, Seae, . , x- p. a. wrtr unto i ii p. it . cevrt t . ru E. 4 .V The Chroniele, Job Printers. perter, c-.d Bcoita rff, terr lottiti . "".i '!,, Tv fC! trtlcc.Ur eai! on O ie of a.i df-ci:ta;. Price pad for ywr: Tat r to, t ciit iroa, 49 ceati perKOlb. Oae cost ir?5t of J. H. VTccjier't, 5rad St., K H. HI KLEl'KT, its. Art.. mrt:ia: Wasco Warehouse Compani Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaUkfofc Headquarters for Feed Grain Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kink, HoarifmQifoTe rn Hran Shnnfe and n klndi mill rati The Dalit- a.4 -la,". Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendle- Msra-i,) E.jL3ru.ua Va&far.Mjei. j SIve. Beware of ail cscaterfeiti Sold at 25f aad ?1 a beetle. thrca?bcva rare the orictaal witch iaaal the United States aad Caaada : aad ia 2a?- j salve, lira, a: is. i. .ti. atyoaareixt j:,-, vf, iS tv-t-i- - W joar druri:. sad pet yoa Catarrt I'umi trr Ccrr-d , m'Jt kcal ippliestiaa?. ts thev caaact reach the reit of the dseafe. Cttax rb U t Mcoi cr eoQititctiattal d.frae. sad ia order :o care it t asr. take iater- i&Sed titer buyia?. retara the bsttie to 1 " atl rwtiii. Ha.i"i Catarrh Cere i jrr&rlfee&e. BKa!ewB- iDe the ti ad jracr. liaT. i y. gQJES . jsnar. Lcrif Ackrraaa. Gwbsa. iavf, Catarrh Cere b aot a ecack wedicia-. i "Dewitt IriiriPii ton Flour. We nfi our ?oi lowc nad ret car price nd Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. This Flour t manufactured pretly toSe Btt : everv ek ii caaranteed to five Htidtial We nfi our ?oi lower than tinr houe in the trade, and if yon dos'tttaiil caa una ret car price and Im convtnet-d. Yellowstone Park Line. NEW Little Early Rhh ilaays : Vli wlj pfni ,j ut . THX i;:.N:. i aR Kot j ricoM fV'R7U.M rJ TBE tArT. GOING EA3T- -lOSE PAJtK eunki.fimiici TrtAIN aaRVICa. i brtay certiia rtii-rf, c.:re ai.v br-idtci? airsiais- i: thN Mu'rr W ,t Uad aev-r rripe." Tiey ttr drajr U ar-aiir ii. It ,... ; WXtT lUtTT U5i TO THE VIUW ---vie ta h -'4r-; ... . . . ... r , . ...... w ,ar iet toaics taoTa, eauaw ta the x-eu txi pcri&?i .-. acUar dirrtfv t as the SKKOQ; ertuse-. Tae irrJrc; v- . iu; i ir.; u;t, i-i wmjiibb p r mo iarSJrJtt; I i 4k. X 34dl he Txnu, " ts rte va via Tbe fa-it pcsxfoee- ;oca vod?riel rtrdti ia , ieaviaf Prtlaad t: 9:1 a. o:., be-! .1 cwkw --" .uaaoai&i, . . , , , ... railroad :a errrr particular. ir. t imauif on ta- date nsei. tri.l tf ... - . .. . . J TSe doetsie tr iiii.rd tetffrea Pvrtlsad aad Cbk-apo' April 1. ha the O. R. A the j Uaxa Pac fic and tt.e Ore-coa Shert; Liae a.re ia--)i u ii. KnrF. tk ! . , .. voar tiekei area kao-a i; the Cfaiear-Pcrtiiaic fpecatl. It? e;tparat i5I t-- srv, aiaklar it fallv the taal of any train sow ia Ser vice fnsna the Pdatfic eoait to the East. City, Oasah-s cr it- Lc&i- to Ycit , and 2Cr- Eaflaad psdalf. Aii trxls; ' rca via Xiajar Fails and everv thrvs-rh it rsti co;i:t of s taail ear, baarare . .... car, tro chair ca.-f , ad toarwt sketver. ' ... Thexr a be lot one chaase of car to ! JT" f. d! all eartern tiat. Tbe fall tsaie be thrte Ctyi ihroch to C&Jcg-., or foer day throe fh to Chtcjrs, or fr-ar dayj aid to hoar to New Yvrfc. C1 j LaJ, ice fn-i rta, aaoa a -o.v,; r:0. jj j wui irave rwriitod at 53i p. aecrtt it alii. Ey,i C. CiiSE. Patife Caa-rt Paif. ir... C 5. Cea-vi. G. P. Jl , St. Locif, o. sit & Co., Pro;:., Toledo 0. So-d by d.'r;-t?t, pric T.'.r. f iiiil'i FiaaLty PUlf are the j "i oifl Kii Ir;fii Cere is ar ' fa-al'v ih vooderfei refltf. It rfvef ja-eiiiiir rrfirf, ii pCe-a aat uk- aad f if trelT Uir djjjptic' brtt !rid." MTf E. flartretiak, Or-ril. Mich. Di-esU Ut r tat. Cisaot f ui to sail be Twaat, Ulaitatf nam )r II try. IMwat. 3Juk-j;. a. (. Pxei. Oatki. 0r. U. Loai. I- t : u Mrvi.t. v lt J. U. kx Tktvakt ii ital ZjUi x, U. 1 and Motors VAXcracTCKru isr Katies. )(. m. H.d as: MUMxtri rti i-Anu ! II"! M t (MKt TCT'Jtei-t tra. t ac tit :riMl:I dXi. cte f4t-irt to itairie OnAu. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO ridrat rsaaizrt rT'iil rtre bn-zrtzxe , . I Garke 4 FaJi'f Dtratut; ex'ract are lt,i itrit. JLk ycer tfcr; ior tfaves. roas of tbr coaspaaie that lar Feu birxA-i. htitni Piysaosth Kcrk Fraidrc and will carry taroaya eqaip-' e ir.'HSb Gecrlav" ?-rtaUri ciI. o or ad-iret tnent Cmp via tae Casoa Padac ; 4. xu, lbt - fe. : a, Ba. ioeKaac .na waters, aJ'..i., t. n n.i Bk!;. xthejeatf,.- the Wa.bia ' hlf , ef f the 0 E. A.V.moaae-. rtxby EroahilL Aav fccua ile;t eBCKYWai SUITABLE FOR DRIVING -ASSSa- AND STAMP MILLS, a. d. charlton, ! ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Clcolar and par'Icolan fgrnUhed on app'icat.vn. F. S. GUNNING, Agent na33 THE DALLES, OEEGOS A4.tt '"TMt-C VtsZTrr A erst. Ai Mfrivsc ,' .stmt, Ti- . ix-rtUiri. Orvoo s.f , ceotiy ntfi hr Bfi; Moi, xei. I0a.. A, dtais.-ear !U W f ! ?aMlWia ftT!wl ! -S. i ? .at, tioa irith the Great Northern for St JftTea to Mr. iJfOaaiiI wi'J. SOUTH and EAST via ! Kim Pacific co. Shasta Route ciaaer on crrcir train ieavia, ?f '5 n ' ""i; a,! ; de e trraared s.. thr Krt ; nLt!o! detiat for WXt ia Tali p.aper. j.t . w. " , ! Miplei rver fcraiiht-i ea the ; 5 froca at H. Gieaa ' it.r fcftitt. iJ akW.J J,ilw?t4 a O. E. A X , ai it prvridrt IfcexeaK-i fr i Ct?-''- apr!7 1 aaatt br 4d at ht thet " J"'1r S.ipi vk-i ta E trier; . - - - . . . . j M.ni.itlck I leave fw Ssti arf Ts.r r . u . A.tkit.I EtVi.ia'f ;ttrklisf 5frvc-a: C-fi- 7 rel.ie jc thr Mate bdkiiur ' rtfc coacectaoa :th the WafciCioa divi- rtr soil. A harsak-w aai .rTretite czit " Vi rant i Ka at Pead.etoa. it tfcit fiat thrre jf-wbtraiach,tioata;Iopir4fc., 2l-i. ii a la.vre iaterchare of traair. .ss : brale fitiB-. 19 aid 2 or at. Srj ' oaat of the virion ni by C4arte& F lk. drltt. jtc4 o CI araaat. W. E Gj.zirrr-y. I - ivmvts tl -V) i K ark 4 FaU hive Ttii a euts-w! ' 4 . wu I V ... . 2 . ... i M-B-Sakh, B-.tcernat.MIch., . "1" .. 'n ' mUe i Etker cocatv, the Cwir d'Asr. tb r ; wi.im uu.e r.iny r.irtir ire tae' x-aa, yreaur itvt wv thi very lrit peSt I rv cMi fcr ewtiTeavi, ciswye. fa i aiach Xi jaceai viv t Bt aa tie! tjrbV." 1 rstea froas E liters Ore-c atd Idtha. Vrt ,Sf r.t- f f : ... mm' Rev. W. EL Stti-tr. "A" Ca.ttrj- v v ss. ta.; No. 6 at 7:45 a. ta.. a. at JnZt. I ". "1 td di;pia over t-ectv . S;tid ei overc&eat KttK It tlta w a a at ' Sa is Take LaxatfTe Efocao Q-ztaice Tfe- - crcfit refctof ii cccTr. at.e -tta train cct cf Cb;av, 1 r ,--,:7""' ati tatitjciart ; . " - toii - ... . ' i uvf ie. i j . asttrtMiT j- j t1Ei : ' a-..i n , . . . oesvitd hv a r,t w.i.u . as.: o; .... ' Tti-. t...t... . .... ' a ... ... . . !Arah Ax4fa . Uhw ... . " i'.e: yrtts. ttit . Jl- a at Jftani 1 n x tx t 25aai i!ia li dpi. 4tf.a i tt am fi-stpsi coxririp:cdicj vttb the cantoaad o. i Xo. ?, out of Cfato. Thi rech K-rttard at 7c35 a. ca. Wetl:-cad train No.l wDl r-Ohlcap at 6:$ p. ut., acd Oah at SfOa. eu. the fjJofc, day. The tiair Hi be It paaa er a'l forts. U itiittvoet.n dirt lut i. c -at. Fh V,a at :U t VL 'Z Wt-t.i3 asi T-!tfU ;t-- i irtA tUlu. asi W. D. MtCt&r. .-.7... 'ia, Catra! aot 'aSSS.. - -rfF -ja r ' " O'Bfiee, M. D., eptaia rhicks feed. ft asptftl at Tb uav.a, .i!4 C. H. MARKHAM, Cof: Pai!sr Artat, hittUui. fit. $i.oo per month. Stiictljr firtt clait local and loay diitaoc telephone wvlce within roar hooie. Licet do not coM-ta!k. Yoor con rration will be kept a Hrcrtt. No t for ioaallirnf. Vori tret the tUndard Huonlc; Ic;f Duttnt Inttrcuirat. Cooticu-jy day and ntjbt errke. W a ill accept yoor contiact for t-o yean and alio yoo to ccct woie on ifiriox ni thirty dajri writ ln nk. PAOIFIC STATES TELEPHOME COS. Advertise in The