p ROCRASTI NATION ran O c I T I N I Q N You know the rest. You have heard it before. " 'Tis an old adage. TOPRHOW, APHm 24th, IS YOUH ItftST GHAJ4CE To purchase one of our $10, $12.50, $13.50 and $15 SUITS for $9.85 SEE WINDOWS.. ..Lace Curtains.. NOTTINGHAM No. 0069 E Ecru, medium width, 2) vuids long, 50c per pair. No. 9000 E Ecru, extra wide, 24 yards long, 75c per pair. No. 0075 Ecru and white, 40-inch wide, 3 yards loriR, no better vnle, $1 per pair. No. 915S White and ecru, 45-Inch wide, 3J yde. lonp, $1.50 per pair. Our stock is completo in every prico from 50c to the $12.00 line, each pair warranted worth the price. IRISH POINT $5.00 cream or white dainty pattern?, 03-inch wide. '& yards long. 'OthcrB at $5.50, $0.00, $7.00 and $8 00. POINT D'ESPRIT RUFFLED STRIPED MUSLIN For bedroom curtains these nre the newest and add a daintiness to a room entirely different from any other curtain. Prices from $1.25 up. A Chance for Bargains Not dainnged etork nor unsalable poods, hut enisle pairs of curtains which we wish to close out at 25 per cent, discount. jOoOCnrtaine for $4 8S 5.00 " " 15 75 4.00 " " 3.00 3.00 " " 2.25 2.00 " " 1.50 1.00 " " .75 All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Cnromeie, Telephone No. 1. Oysters nerved In every Mylu by A. KELLER -) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Ojti't fowl the dance at lite Baldwin Sprint! Uml) at reduced price at the pnl i.:.. i.... i.;... t.- on- -i... I.nilii'H' Flock collars, all colors, 25 24n-lw Wi'tited Anv old thing, nt Faulknei's U1IK 8110)1. wa re 'iiliune iv o. 2 4. apr24-l' A full line of ladies' neckwear just 24a-1w A liundHoine fence is being built in I'nn.l !..... I Ladies' hobinet tien, nil full length, rente, cents nnu m cents, at ttie Five thousand Qve-gallon oil cans at five rents eaeh wanted at Faulkner'B junk shop. Dulles 'phone No. 214. apr24-lw The shingle trust on the sound has been broken by several mills refusing to shut down and thus limit the supply of eliiti!k'u. The uold and eilvor product of Cali fornia for the calendar year 1899 amount ed to $15,810,043, of which $15,330,03t was gold. An n-ljnurned meeting ol the organ izers of the Y. M. O. A. will meet In the Conirrcuaional church tonight at 8 o'clock. The rock crueller has been at work 'or the past four or five days ciushing fork which ih being placed on the streets of the city. ItciniMiiber the Now York Cash Store is tolling the latest things in ladles neckwear at the lowest prices. Seo win dow display, 2-ii-lw The sprinkling wagon Is on the streets, e itH owner says, for keens for tho sum ,nor '"id it Is not necessary to say it is excoedlngly welcome. Ulnrkleg has made its appearance ftmiig ctttlo on Marlott creek, Morrow canty. About twenty-five head have lre.i.ly died from tho disease. HWit lioad of heavy drnft horses, the Property of . G. Sigwan, of Dulur, Were shipped on the Dalles City this wori,B for sale in the Portland market. The price of wire nails, barb wire and "c wire lm8 fallen $20 Ion In the last row doys. This means that the wholesale price of nails ha fallen 1 ktg, Tle Dalles City thle fnornlog carried 405 sacks of wheat, 312 sacks of Dufur flour, thirty head of work liorees, and wagons, household gocrUsand passengers to no end. ' King up Faulkner, the junk man, be fore linyling your trasli to the beach. Ho buys old worn out rubber boots and shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, sacks, rage, etc. DalleB 'phone No. 215. nnr24-lw Andrew Keller and "wife" left at three o'clock this morning oh a fishing trip. Nobody knows what direction they took, but it is expected that they will be back by tho end of the week and' will probably bring the river with them. Work on the econring mill buildingTfT going on apace. The roofing is Hearing completion and the machinery is being set in place. Two water tankB with o capacity of 5000 galloiiB each havo been placed in position outeidu the main building. . George Halvor, whose place is near Crate's Poiut, suys ho will have ripe strawberries in the course of uweek; not many perhaps, but probably enough to Btart tho market. He thinks the Dalles strawberries will be two weeks earlier this year than those of Hood Itiver "- Tho Dalles McKlnley Club inet"lasTj lii-i'rs : L night and elected the following officers President, J. M. Patterson; secretary, Max Vogt; treasurer, J. C. Hostetler. On motion the thanks of the club were . . ,1... ...!-!.... tu.,t t v Crowe. The club adjourned subject to L. me can ui uie (Jiceiucin. Now a soldier In the Philippines has been saved by a plug of tobacco in hie pocket, which stopped a .bullet that would otherwise have gne through him, While this is notan argument nents, neither does it prove that the tobacco trust is a mild and benevolent institution. Postmaster II. H. Uiddell had a letter yesterday from a resident of Hood River who lately moved to that place from Tho Dalles neighborhood, requesting Mr. Jiiddell to "please eend me all tho mail In your office." Tho request was a stunner for the postmaster, but he finally interpreted it as meaning that tha Hood River new-comer simply wanted his own mail. A. Scherneckau, of Aetoiin, arrived here from Astoria last evening expecting to remain about a week and talk over the situation with a view to having a line of boats put on tho.run between hero and ABtoria. Astoria neede a whole lot of Ftuff that tho farmers and horticulturists of tills neighborhood havo to sell and the Astorians would bo glad to buy. If the Astorianscan furnish reciprocal' freight for tho up-river trip, there ought to be) business for at least one boat to start with. It Is a gala daV at tho Dalles Kinder garten when an of the little lots has n birthday. Than all pitch In with one accord and hve a rattling good time. Yesterday was the anniversary of the sixth birthday of Winefred Douthlt, and today was tho fourth of Harold Poling. The mothers iu each case helped to make the program as pleasant as possi ble. Yesterday the chief event was the Gliding of a little doll ill eacli of the seventeen birthday cakes provided by Mrs. Douthit. Today Mrs. Poling pro vided tun twenty-fivff in attendance with soap bubble pipes, and any one who has ever seen twenty-five healthy, happy youngsters abandon themselves to this exciting pastime can imagine whether they enjoyed theuiselves or-not. Of the Pas3ion Play to be preten'ed here tomorrow and Thursday nights the Congregationalist says: "To those who are fond of sacred art, the crude and simple representotion of Bible scenes arid of the Saviour's life and deatli by Bohemian peasants in their Passion Plays is deeply interesting. Tho cine matographs, presenting moving pictures of theeo plays on the screen, bring be fore tho ejes, as it were, niedheval paintings of Scripture Bcenes without their color, and gives them life. In the Boston Musuum these scenes, as given by the Horitz peasants, are being repro duced from Adam and Kve in the gar den to the resurrection morning. They accompanied appropriate) descriptions willi Scripturequotations, and the organ music with the rendering of hymns by an excellent soloist. Entirely devoid of rroverence and free froui tediousuess, jthe entertainment carries with it also artistic anu religious elements. t vis itor was heard to remark tho other night as the crowd passed out 'they ught to have taken up a collection;' hich was his way of saying Hint he felt as though lie bad been to church. " I'Eltl'LE YOD A I.I, KNOW. A lieu Sj Dipohluni. Brother Ireland of tho .Sherman County Observer writes the following sympoeium on the hen. The careful reader will see that there is method in it : There is no better advertiser than the hen. Every time she lays an egg she announces the fact by a lively cackle and also works the rooster to assist in letting the world know that an egg lias been laid. As a consequence the good housewives and children find the nest, and tho fresli nutritious egg satisfies tho appetite of man and keeps him iu a good humor. It is not so with the goose, which, by the way, is hot bo good a layer as tho hen. This short legged siBter, in a Btlf-tufllclent sort of away, steals out into tho weeds, lay? an ei'g, and then waddles off" without Faying a word the leiolt is a nest full of spoiled eggs. The goose, on account of her failure to advertise, is very unpopular and the tribe la nearly extinct, w bile poets tings praises to tlte hen and every body is her friend. round. , Iu tho neighborhood of SUilelinan'i?, west of town, a bunch of keyB. Owner can ff'id them at this oilier by paying for this notice. 21.i-!Ji The Dalles Coinaieion House will keep fresh milk at all time on hand and deliver it nnywhtre in the city at the following prices: One quart, if 2 per month: three pints, 3; two quarts, $'4 ; three quarts f 5, 50; cream 20 cents per pint. Fresh butter every day. lSa-lni F. J. Erkort, of Trout Lake, was in town last night. Mrs. treil ioung, of Hidgewavi was in the city last evening. F. M. Coates and wife, of Trout Lake, are registered at the Umatilla House. Frank Fulton, of Biirgs, was in town last night, the guest of the Umatilla House. Willis Hendrix, a prominent farmer of the Dufur neighborhood, was in town last night. I Miss Edna Errhart left on this morn , ing s tram for California on a visit to her uncle, who is ill and not expected to live. John C. Luce, tho well-known middle- of-the-road Populist of John Day, was 1 in town today, the guest ol the Umatilla i House. I Mrs. A. E. Bevans and Mrs. Thomas I and daughter, of Stevenson, were In the i city last night, the guests of tho Uma- tilla House. Mrs. M. J. Churchill, after paying a short visit to hsr niece, Mrs. J. A. , Douthit, loft on the boat this morning for her homo at Salem. ! George A. W'ard, of Kingslev, wr3 a passenger on the boat this morning for Portland, where lie goes to spend a vveHk with ids biother, Tom. K. B. Wood, of Moeler, Chas. Powell, of Goldendale, John Karber, of Grass Valley, and Andrew Anderson, of Yon calhi, aro registered at the Umatilla House. E. B. Dufur, A. A. Javne and II. II. Hiddell left on the Dalles City Wi morning for Stevenson, intent on spend ing a short time fishing in tho lakes south of that town. ntt-ti. At the residenbo of A. Stewart, of Mosier, April 24th, at 0 a. m., Herbert Lester, eon of Oscar and Myra Depee, aged 9 months and 9 days, Funeral at 2 p. m. April 25th. The Heat lieiurily tor Ulieitinallitin, QUICK HKMKK KItOM l'AIK. All who ii bu Chamberlain Pain Balm for rheumatism aru delighted with the quick relief from pain which itaff'ordB. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, O.'iiq, says: "Some time ogo I had a 6eve attack of rheumatism In my arm uud shoulder. I tiled numerous remedies-, but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Geo, F. Par eons & Co., druggists of this place, to try Cliamberluin'd Pain Balm. They recoiiinicnncd it bo highly that I bought n bottle. tfis soon relieved of all jmin, I havo Binco recommended this lini ment to many of my friends, who agree with me that it is the best remedy for muscular rheumatism in tho market." For sale by Mia' oley k Houghton. Paint your house with paints that nre fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Kulk huvo them. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tim Kind You Have Always Bought A. Signature of LjLmfZM$ Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought ami which hn been lu use for over 30 years, has borno tho slgrnatnro of ami has been made under his pcr- Ifejy- sonal supervision since its infancy. f-CUCUi. Allow no ono to deceive you lu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric; Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. CENUBNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S3 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc ctrNTftun commnv. tt muhhav emtiT. Ktw roan crrv. EVERYBODY Knows the merits of the 1 COLUMBIA I HARTFORD I PATEE CREST BICYCLES I Many new leatures for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook. I I Complete Line of "1900" Sundries. 5 : VIAYS & CROttlE. 1 Perfect We know that in uiode'.inp, draught ing, construction and tunterial Queen Quality Shoes nro perfection. This is proven by the perfect tlK, perfect comfort nnd ex. cellent eervicu experienced by weareis. Our Street Styles nro especially Imndeoino and up-to-date, uhripely, stylish and easy on tho feet. All fctyles, one priuo ...$3.00... Oxfords $2.50. PEASE & MAYS. r Nolluo nf I'lrHt .MiiiitliiB of Oi'villlorN. n tiih UisTiuor counr or tub Unitkii Status fur iliu iiutt let 01 ort'Kim, In the imittiT o( II, II, l.:ui!;k)-, bankrupt, In Imtikriintov. To tlio cri'illtor (( II, II. I.iiniiti'). nt Tliu 1 Diilli's, lu tliu count) ol WiiMu, uml district I nfuri'.Milil, a biinkriiiit, Kollco U licri'oy el veil unit on llio.'iitn nay ol April, A. I), liliw, tho mi Id II, II, l.aiiKley win. duly iiiljiullcati'it bankrupt, ami that tho llrht imolliii; of his creditors will bo held at thu olllcooi tho uiuloriliiiivd. Iu Tho Pallcs, WauM county, Oregon, on tho 30th duy of April, A. 1. 11)10, at 8 o'clock p, in,, ut which tliuo tliu bulit crivJItom may attend, provu their claim, ap point a IriiMiv. examine tiu bankrupt, and truntaot Mich other biiMucnii as liny properly come boforo tho incctiuir. VjtANK MKNUKKK, April 20, IU0U. Itcfeico In llankruptcy, Just arrived a new lot of neckwear for Kcntlemcn. Luteal designs and colors. Be sure and see them nt tho New4York Cash Store. (iubeoribu (or Tiie Chronicle, Garden Hose Wo have laid in a largo stock of Garden lloso and aro carrying tho pamo brand of I loso that wo havo boon carry ing for tho last (ivo years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. Wo carry tho same brand of lloso that tho Dalles City Fire Depart ment has boon using for tho last twenty years. Tho Mal tose Cross Hrand is without doubt the host grade of lloso on tho market. Call and got our prices before buying. (Vlaiep & Benton