I . 1 I t iiATTTtK The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HOtlSCIUl'TIOX rillCE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 of libertj, or nnarchy, or something of nn abstract nature, though hi? auditors could wot be blamed for thinking he wns dcsciibing n Mis- ltravo Men Fall Victim? to etoninch, liter and kidney troubles as well ns women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, netvoufiiess, hend- TUESDAY AFKIL 24, 1900 suuri cocktail, says the Portland nehe and tired, listless, run-down feel- Te'egram, Republican Ticket. Justice of the Wolverton. Pood and Bailey. If you want to know the kind of men Oregon Republicans nominated for the state legislature the other day m Portland, rend the dispatch Ifroni Granite, which sppears else- : where, eivinc accouut of the rccep- STATE OFFICERS- npnr(1p(! fionreo. Snprerae Court 0. E. i nom;nec for j0jnt representative of i ', Wasco, Grant, Gilliam, Wheeler and Sherman counties, upon his return i home after the nomination. inc. lint there's no need to feel lil:e that. Listen to J. V. Gardner, Idavllle, Ind. Ke says: "Electric Hitters are jnst the thine for a man when he is all run down, and don't care w hether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and ptiod appetite than nnythiiiR 1 could take. I can now cut anything and have a new lease on life." J. Banett i 0nI.' 50 t"i at ISlakeley iv tionpntoirs drue store, krery bottle cuarantcet. ; Dairy Commissioner J. W. register Aimucuitni 4.ici.iiic v... A . iitviui jt Multnomah; Tillmau Ford, of Ma-! rion; J. C. Fnllerton, of Bonclas; W. ! Remember you cannot J. Furnish, of Umatilla. j after the 15th of May, neither for the state election tn June nor for the presidential election in Novem ber. If you put off registering till . & Houston. DISTRICT OFFICERS Congressman Malcolm A. Moody, of Th T)11m. i after the 15th of May vou can onlv Joint Senators J. 2s. Williamson, of ; . . . , , . . " Croak; T.U.Johnston, of Wasco: W. vote b getting six freeholders to W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. testifv as to your qualifications. IfJ Joint Representative? A. 8. Roberts, j you want to be spared this trouble ol Wasco; 11. A. .mmett, of lifce;, George Miller, of Gilliam; George j Working Nlelit ami Inr The busiest and mightiest little thins that ever was made is Dr. King's 2s ew Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakuess into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per bos. Sold by Blakeley register now. Cattanarh, of Grant; rtt, of Grant. George A. Bar- District Attornev The Dalles. -Frank Menefee, oi COUNTY TICKET. A. S. Blowers, of Hood A. Kuchhemer, of Connty Jndg River. Commis'ioner 1 Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wamic Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Snperintecdent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Jnetice of the Peace of The Dalles Timotbv Brownhill. An exchange suggests that a show man who could secure Grover G. Cleveland and J. P. Alteeld to discuss the question, "What would Thomas Jefferson do:' would bs certain of an audience, if not a fortune. Keel Hot From thr Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Best pile enre on earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by BlakeW & Hough ton, druggists. S Complete of Dru$s at Str. Regulator. l. IMill REQ-UIiATOR LINE, Portland I Strnnun. o! tin, ItciruUtor Unewni runtt.u low.tij Modulo, Uic Coni.iiy Trn-rvliic ti,e . ",o1 tciuttulo without notlre. m ,0 "m t S A, M. Saturday . Arr. l'orlinmt M n r. M. l.v. 1'ortl.uul HIT a. M. Momlny .Wtilwewuy rrMny Arr Uiilleo nt 5 JO r. u. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallot city, lmrx I v. Dal US k. Mtmdoy Widin-Miiir KrlflHr. Atr. t'ortUud at fi r. x. -"r,.i M. Z. DONNELL, THE-DRUCCIST. Dull Headache, Pains in various part of the body, Sinking at the pit of the t etomach, Loss of appetite, Feveriehness, ! 1 j Pimples cr Sores all positive evidences, j n BROS I- FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, J. Travel by the Stcnmm ol the Ut-RuUtor JJtie. The Cnmjmnr will rndcavor to Ur.ii,, . ' L roiiH the tt fttvlce iilble. 1 or further inlorniittlon aildrtm Te,l,fJ J, 1'ortlatul OSIre, 0l. Street DocU. W. C. ALLAWAY. Con. Art. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and cm now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. blood. Xo matter how it Xot onlv does the constitution no-. ! of ruu, "ex proprio vicore." in the ter- I Elesir has never failed to cure Scrofnlous i or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood impure ! became so it must le purified in older to 1 $ !l.t.,... 1,1. a Tl 1 4 ntones of the t utted States, but, , . , . ., . , c . , ,5 ' ' Elesir has never failed to cure Scrofnlous 1 p "ex Democr.-' vigore," it does not . nr ..m,si,h,. nninnB nr onv nn,r o.i i diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell everv bottle on i, EN ERA I, BlacRiills even run in e ?tate of Kentucky. .AND. The W 'tr riots have been withdrawn iiom circulation as a ! Democratic campaign card. There is one thing quite certain, American voters will not iio to the j polls this year with empty stomachs. j Wm. Orr, .Newark, O., ears, "We A 1IAXDSQME IXDOXSEMEXT. J never fee! fafe without One" Minute j Cough Cure in the bouse. It Eaved mv The sentiment of Eastern Oregon ; lit-Je boy's life when he had the pneu- Bepublicans towards the Republican ' monia. We think it is the best medicine! candidate for comztess for this!inaJe- It cures coughs and all lung j;nr;ni !- :. .1 ; diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and district is well espreed in the fol- cives immediate results. a positive guarantee, ton's drag store. Blakelev & Iloush- if- HorsBsnoe rs Important Announcement to you.- Wngon and Carrlago Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Mrs. Calvin ZtmiLerman, Mtlesbarg, S a., says, "As a speed v cure for conchs, 1 J colds, croup and sore throat Or.e Minute m,. , , n, .... C, Cough Cure is uuequaled. It is pleasant C TlliTQ tUIQ j6fiCrcGC. Pte-159 for childien to take. I heartilv recom For o0 davs after April 1st, 1 will sell p ail the Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoois and P .shoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Hats nnd , Caps, on a cut in pricu of C. S. Smith, THE iJp-to-date Qroeer Fresh Egg and Creamery Butter a specialty. 25 per cent, for Cash. 2d Street I- 8CHC5K, frefldvat. 'Phone 270. n.H.Eni. mend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate resnlts. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, crippe and throat and Innc diseases. It will prevent consumption Million, (iht u Attar. It is certainly gratifying to the public j to know of one concern in the land ho ' are not afraid to be penerous to tLe ! needy and mtTerinp, Trie proprietors! of Dr. Kinc's 2Cew Disoverv ior con-1 H 9 1 Saw is vour ntitmrtunilv to eet l'Rr- E"r'J " J-r-t-T-J-T-i jrt tt tr.T ttIj r. i'.tr a w J giJng. Don't tllleb it. lowicc editorial from the Harnev . -v ' Cah Its our Ctccfcu. Louutyews: : Atj coantv warrsuts recistered prior 4'For those places which concern ', to June 3. 1SS6. will be paid at mi the electors of this countv and oSce. Interest ceases after Februarr. , sumption, cooghs and colds, have given i district most closelv. we hare, fori1903- C. L. PniLurs, i layover ten million trial lottles of this ; . - ' j Conntv Trer.rer. j preat medicine ; and hare the satis fac-' lepresentative in congress, Hon. lion of knoinC it has absolutelr cured ' juaicoim a. jioocly, of Ihe Dalles, ".-. t..w thuusands of. hopeless cases. Asthma, a business man of abilitv and jpaiuts when you cah buy James E. tjuesHwuauie iniecruy: one wuo uas ! .Aan ,n. rented fr grown into manhood among the I Falk. agents. un- p ... f t, -n oruiicimi., uosrsenes? anc an diseases uJU ,,., .U4 of the threat, chest and lunps are rnrelv joro years, ciarfe ' i. !t n m,.. ,. it, an lu uintricy ct zioupu tn'' ! ton. Drni-i-icfii nH cf s r.iwtri.l Changing scenes of Eastern Oregon s j a Te.tiim,iiii from ow Ec:ind. Kegnlar size 50c and 1. Etrry battle development, und who for two years f I consider Cnamberlain's Conch puaranteed, or price refoudel. 3 painters' al paper at the Xtvr Y'ji't Cesj ..CHAS. FRANK- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. K7on clmosrbt tbe celebrated t ' Lt"MBI A BEEK, fccinow: trlrwl ll.e lt t la Tbe I'alle, t lt.t v-'itl j.rce. Cosni In.tr It ESd r.ir.viat-ol, Alo tbe nnttrnJ of Wlae, fjjuor Sanduuiehes ft tl! Klsdt tint; us bxs. I S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. Collins A Co. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm First National Bank. THE DALLES ... OREGON i A General Banking Bueineri truitcM Deposits received, subject to fcipit Uraft or Uieck. Collectioae made and proceed! promptly remitted on dav of collection. , Sicht and Telegrapjiic Ercnngio;da 'e Vork, San rranciBco tai port- and. , D3K BCTOHS D. P. Tuoyreon. Jsc. fi. BcnMtt ' En. M. Williavb, Gio. A. Ltnt. 1 II M. f'.KAM has ably represented his district in Remedy tbe best in the world for bron- of the federal consresss. Mr. Moodv ! ch5tif'" Ea-Vs Mr- Wi'a'" Savory. has leff ous of lr.nna nnri nn!i!fr-.! :Jre. C.arfc & Faik's New patent t 1 ... . - . ' . aKerr ll!IS ; tt Brnnp;on, Jinpiano. "it nas saveil friends throughout the district, is ! to'tronchitis fcr over ir rMm. thoroughly Kepublican, and bis per-jmos: of the time confined" to her bed. : lrCih Bbd complete ception of the party's true attitude j Sfae 5s aow 3cite Scld by Blake toward the questions that confront Ie-r Hoaghton- the country is far reaching, clear and Mrs. Harriet Erans, Hinsdale, III. TRACE WIARKS Copyrights 4c AtTnaifn41r. a .ttrtrh nd lcr)r!lim ns qo. Hi u.rte n tcr ot.r..in freo war.twr b' . r.- 7 c flie; al ll-MJok'n 1'j.tratf rst., tatcn fanictj Muim & Co. itttlTt rjtrut natter, t-it bout cturnm, ui tb Scientific American. A bnd?rrtrltl3trif-1 Jrn rtr. rQlt. "- t try ner'W arnaL Tcrtn tJ a jnr r tv iux. t- VJ'il brill r.rK!"llf. MUNN Go.sc,B" New York liriuct! ocVce. Cj l !-t. Wau-locun. V, t' rtct H new r l 1 i "i1 -i -mm -Li l -l nj u H C. F. Stephens i We Pllt... Mica 'Axle Crease helps the team. Saves weirad expense, bold every bctb. STANDARD OIL CO. h"gbte tie load th'xlcsl the road. I l T. BROWNHiLL, .Dealer In. rrirt Ac nn inrlr.;...Kln Writes. "I never fail tn ii. r, ; . . ' .u.ry , cnildren from croup ai once by nsicj: to for the good of the inland empire, Mr. Moody deserves the support of of all who have the best interests of this great region at heart, nnd we confidently predict that he will be Lyjliertior: fim? ril. ... t ilonev to lo&n. C. V. Prr ,A' Oae Micate Coupb Cure. I would not ! The Dilef, Oregon. ' 1 f . : . L . . ,, r i 1 . I w "uiiuuv ii. vmcjiiy cures i if couphs, cold?, grippe and all throat and IJ Insgriifreasei'. j Dry Goods, Clothing, Experience is the be: Teacher. Ue ! i l-o.' f .,K, I. T I., r .l re-tJccteu bv a handsome niaioritv. I i. . i J - Icoaghe, cold or croup, should it fail to I STURDEVANT, Dentist. 02i otvt Krencb A C.' iat Fbac THE DAlXEs. OfcEUO.V Hxita. Sbf. Hl, ( trt, Niiilozif. .lor W L. iKmcu etot 1W iecoiid et.. .in. THe Dfe Or. The Democratic state platform is 1 25 ete acd cU B!aLeIeJ. uoo' pmiy ujess. Jt "reslhrms and Druggists. maorses, in w uoje and in part, m 1 B.e!ey Bros., have parchaeed letter ond in spirit"' the Chicago thrjughhred Jersey bull, re platform of 1 89G. Now the platform . caat-d K.!tler b& tiki uoticc (if hl iniiK.n in filtered !mke fipal ,.rrf la .0j!S stoct. tor particulars apply at reti icn- .. .... tueucr vu iriiiu tireel. near tile vt ici-v utuiares mar "inp nr-r rif . i tj..i.i-v. ...i,. .... i , .. " ,5'ounu?. rr.one Usj. 3C-lmo "ing,oi lhe Ualles.Or., the knowledge or approve! of the! L:very stable for sale at Centerville, NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. JlJSt What Yoa uiant. j LAM0rricrArTBEDuj:NOnox.( ! ! Much 1. ki i l,N''Jc ,f hjtet-T, rfTcn that th fi!0lCJr - aud irirrr at The &1U. o.-:an. ;.vJ.J5.- fair . Mr liw- It- ' thlp 1 nwt. r.ng i- v . y American people, has resulted in the I Wash., $100 per month business. Will iVtL utrtjon appreci.t.on of gold and a corre- "JLV " Urs,1' Icbffi; landing fall in the prices of com-i V ,r a-R Gk,am- 'si.u UY,' LS;r Biodittes produced by the people." AVI 7 it . . . J 1 ' j to Vrtp dandruff from the .V-l But since 1 c9C prices of fratnodi ' ties have rtseu enormously, and gold, tj- every Democratic contention, has depreciated. Tbe "mess" comes from trying to fit Democratic theories icto Republican verities and the facts of historv. 'It throbs id my throat ; it surges! in By soul ; it is my very life, and without it every star in the horizon would go out forew!" exclaimed Eugene DeU in a speech tbe other da. It Is euppoted he was speaking OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUHAJ.T And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 67 Second Street Physician and Surgeon. OiT.t. V f! lS,jtc , -frlM,tjS f every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Js it any reason why our prescription business is increasing en ranidlvV Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLflKELEY & HOUGHTOM. ieliable Prescriptionists Gunning, OME FOR A OOSE. -New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such 1 ! wide variety (t 6re showing never bo , fore graced a single stock. Keal lmlta. tlOU crtton effects a. nrrlln.,. .i " awsvtE ok i.iiiM ri wm rmm i . i-'ini i. . for a etnal price, at onr store on third street. Alto a fall line of bouse paint,. I T" TXT XT A TTCiW rn, . , H WIUOK I1 4T70H'eV.aT UW. TJlT'-SGXOK WILSON. ... THE llAUXe. 0EEC0N ATlOKfiKrij AT LAW, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. rKJVSACT A KJJEK.AL BANKING BCIilB Letters of Credit ief oed srsilsbls in tbt Eatrn SUte. . KtSt Pvrhanir. and TelWP1 Tramfers Bold on New i01 St. Loaie, 6n FrAncitco, PortUnd U tron, gwttle Wib,. and vanoM pa" In flrngn n nrl Waahtnt-tOQ. . .....to t .il nointl 00 orable Urrnn. He eolamfiia paciilL PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MAX WAIT' tiEKSUK Pine Lard and Sausage Curers of BRD HAMS & BACOK xiERViTA Cc,toFotc,.2.. Dealer ii Blacksmith Supplies. Cor taULauUii Vitult) abuse, ort rink slot? tiecjetj . restore t'e nrc v . croUcn. Awn. ,i! n..nlliOC!frlI!"1!la. ior Jfis.ou; witu V t ' tee to euro or rcluuaiaw" NERVITA MEDICHCO' v. utci rim .vat, iiaak SoUt-rlbe for Tun Ck