The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 23, 1900, Image 4

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Cannot be Cut Out or
Removed with Piaster
Surgical opcviUons and flesh destroying plasters nre useless, painful and dangerous, and besides, never cure Cancer.
Iso "inattcr h w often a cancerous sore is retnoved, another comes nt or near the sanie point, and always in a worse form
Does not this pro conclusively that Cancer is a blood disease, and that it is folly to attempt to cure tins deep-seated, dangerous
"blood trouble by cutting or burning out the sore, which, after all, is only an outward sign of the disease a place of exit foi
the poison ?
Cancer runs in families through many generations, and those whose ancestors have been afSictcd with it arc liable nt an
time to be stricken with the deadly malady.'
Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another
Vast Suit ImVi, Donvor, Kt.
Mull Worth, Oinnlin, Khii
It t j. m. fity. M. l-nuK
C'lilfnso WiJ r'.nt.
r.n k
m l 111
Nothing curei
further proof that Cancer is a disease of the blood.
To cure a blood disease like this vou must cure the entire blood svstem remove even trace of the tioison.
,1 J . r. "
v.ancer eneccuaiiy ana permanently dui o. o. o.
S. S. S. enters the circulation, searches out and removes all taint, and stops the formation of cancerous cells. No mere tonic
or ordinary blood medicine can do this. S. S. S. goes down to the very roots of the disease, and forces out the deadly poicm.
.allowing the sore to heal naturally and permanently". S. S. S. at the same time purifies the blood and builds up the general health.
A little pimple, a Harmless looking wart or mole, a lump in the breast, a cut or bruise tliat rctuses tc
heil under ordinary treatment, should all be looked upon with suspicion, as this is often the beginning of
a bad form of cancer.
Mrs Sarah M KIinc, 041 Windsor Ave.. Bristol. Term, writes : I
am 41 years old, nnd for three years had suffered with a severe form of
Cancer on ray javr which the doctors in this city said was incurable, and
that I could not live more than six month. I accepted their Mntement as
true, and had Riven up all hope of ever einc well apain, when my tlriiK
cist. knowing of my condition, recommended fc. S. S. After taking a few
lwttle the sore becan to heal, much to the surj'rie of the physicians, and
in a short time made n complete cure. I have rained in Ceh.rav nppctite
is splendid, sleep is refreshing in fact, am enjoying perfect health."
Our medical department is in charre of physicians of lone
experience, who are especially skilled in treating Cancer and other blood diseases. Write for anv advic;
Spoknuc W11II11 Willi, Soknm, tikntie
Klvw ' .MIitm-HpollR. St. l'nul, VI) or.
T OJ p. in. I i it I U t li, Mlittnukiiv n
1 OiIchco mid Kii!t, I
& in. -l p. m.
r'utist i'oi:ti.ani.
Oiienu StnnlllM.
' Fur sun VrfliKtlcw-
Ikvumlxur 8, S, II. IS, Ml
i tin 11 .-.
1 1
or information wanted, we make no charge whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA.
f in. in,in.
utiila) foinmblii Kv. Steamers.' Ki.&uiuliij
10 Affront a irnu uy
.urdny Ijtndltigs.
1 ! iu.
For a Nice
Suit of Clothes.
i'natinr, Ovcrcoatin- or Fancr Vesting.
I l . f
I the steamer Kfgulntor in the Three-
Mile rnp"ids. Oa Saturday evenin: he
! told a less blood-curdlinc, but f qnaliv ,
i imaginative, story of sv:iou romp! in i
1 lions pending between the Keztilator
com pat. y and th portage ompitny be-
i cause 01 the failure of the beat company
lo fulfill its contract and land tie; need
ed for the road on the bank of the hip
eddy. The Cheonjcle hr. the word of
Man..2er Allavray for it that there never
w as anv contract oi the kind intimated
cvwx. roi:
Ely's Oream Balm
r.n m. WiuajtKTTK lttvnt!
1 x uuuy Oregon City. Niiwbwg,
Milum a.
i'liy lttid's.
K;va p. m.
o n. WlU-AMCTTl: A.Vtl AM- .1:30 ti. m.
Tti!.'!l if. Hiu.Klvr.Ks. Mon.,Vtl
ami .-i.t. Urcgoii i:ty, Dnytiia, mid Kri.
mid W'ny-Uiiidlng.-. 1
Kay r.nd pleasant try
uc Loii'ains 110 111-
janons an.g.
It i quick y alworlwl.
G;es litiicf a oai-e.
It OfM'TlM twl f ' ... Kciu 1
the N?.a! l a.-as. pf) H 'fU HFAH
I in the Telegram, and consequently no I nOTS Tl e. iFestTrcYtTe
trouoles of any kind hitve grown cut
w hat never had an existence.
As a specimen of mere inaccuracy,
where the imagination does not seem to
G it m Willamette htvr.r- ! 4 :rtn p. m
Tu. ..Thur. rortliiliil to forviill. Mini. Wnl
huJ ul. und W'Hy.ljnidliigs. jimd l'tlduy
Lv Clparin
rtiu y
1 J a. 111.
P.VAKr Idveis.
Klmrii. to Si'Hlnlun.
(-.: n. in.
Ths I
Or. 5
dob Pointers.
Kindly rail and examine ray stock of Im
ported sad D untie Woolens. A tine stock 10
Belect from.
Suits made from ; he lowest price to the high
est grade.
iieais anu i?tecu me .Memiiranc. ltetnrce tlio
uf i-en?es of Tate and bmrll. Lirge Size, M cci a:
' Uriirirtjj or by mai ; Trial Size, 10 cento by malU
fcLi BKWHElte, 56 Warren Street, New York.
have been v.otkingat its Lest, lake the
Don't let your old worn ont machinery
lie In the fence comer anv loncer. Take
CV TartleK iltKl:iiic tn co to lleiumtr fIiouM
take No. 4, leiivliiR 'I be DiiIUd at 7:0u p. 1:1
maklti): illrivt cciihiit.sIoiib tit lli'ipner Jimctlim
I.Y'.iiriiltiK niaLltiRitlrecteoiiiiLi'tliin nt llopiitier
junction with N11, 1. iirrivliif; at The Dalles at
...Vj, m.
Wasco Warehouse Compaq
No. J. tliroiicht freictit, cant Iwrniul. tlooo not TT ji oi
1 ?Vr 1,rt,vc' '-:w n- '', xieaaquariers ior oeea uram of all kinds.
t j- . 1 jsu. i. ifH'ni iriMLTiii. iiirritH insii'iifiri. imih v w . - m m,i m
Speaktns of the portage company ibe iu ?nce I,am Ior c:1" 1U,U wrouSH bnnid: urrlvc54..Vj,.'n,.,,i1.p,,ruh:i,'. p. iii. JMe&flQllRrterS IOr 660. txralll Ot fHHh
,1 iiinniRii imKUl, 11 m's noi
followinc, clipped almost at random u 10 rauiKner, 1 ne iMiies junk ;
mm h'f n .,f .ll,.,.! r,rS ! dealer, and get the cash for It. lllL'ht'St 3.n, in.
iron, rubber boots and shoes, bicycle -U et boumi tlinmRli
J, A. Eberle
re reaietered at the Umatilla House.
writer javs:
The new company proposes to baiid a tires- e!c - l,ra" copper, zinc, lead,
portMjre railroad around the big eddy at fiewter, old wooltn mps, Iwer bottles
Cehlo falls, about eisht miles above Ttie and flasks, horse tnanee and tailp, and
Dalles, in order to reacn the upp river. ; bones of a deacili.tlons. Price paid for
otk 0:1 this railroad has alreadv been , . . . ,,
commenced, and the completion of it cust ,ron' Scents per 100 lbs. One
vviil be hurried through. 1 door west of J. II. Worsley's, Second. St.,
What do you think of Ihe bic eddy 1 The Dalles. m24-l:no.
bein'' located at Ceiilo falls, eifht ; Cutarrh v.u,ut cured
miles above The Dalles? j with local applications, as they cannot
GOING EAST- reach the seat of the ditease. Catarrh
! ic n htnnrl nr pnnptitnHrmpl rlteciit. u,tl
" - " -v , - .
order to cure it you must lake inter-
Hall's Catarrh Cure in
ernutiy, and acts uirectlv on
re is not a ouacfe medicine.
carry pniuicngvrii: iirrlvei t:15 p in., depart
j.w t. III.
No. Zi, went bound lwiil frelRbt, carries )ia
Mniserr. arric 6.1ft p. in., H-purti- H.:iO a. in.
For full particular call on O. li. iV N. Vo.'t
ntrent The iiallcn. or uddrra
W. II. Iiritl.IU KT,
Gnu l'us. Act,. I'lirtlnuil, Or.
- I
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
1 If you intend to thke a trip East, ask ;
! rftnr I tr.Vi. ODiir.t tr .rrntu ,o.t ...a Tin, I
George L. Gilfrev, of Silver Lake, is - ..', . , ... nal remedies
In the city. : ""ai auasn, a mouern anu up- to-uate 1 ukfcn jn
C. A. Shurte and wife, of Arlington,' .P. . . . .' , , ' T, ' the blood and mucous surfaces
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendlfr
triTI 'H11T, This Hour ib manufactured expretsly for fimJf
urv. will , rut tp udMlulu 1" I C PaiiflUUllA 1
's fell our poode lower than any hnnoe in the trade, and if you don't trunkal
I can anu i cur prices anu imj convinced.
i Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas .
. ... , . . . , . Catarrh Cur
ty, Omaha or st. Louis to 2ev crk . ,
C. B. Darbin, of Antelooe, is in the' - , . ' . . It was was tirescrilied bv one of the best
ity, the truest of the Umatilla House. ; u"u ls' A , lram; , phvsicians in this country for veare, and
Dick Sictnan brought in a load of:.... .. ... T ,
wheat tonay from his ranch near Dufur. "as ."f rec"D,n CUBlr ca'E "Wf
1 mr. uml n:rG
Ken Wiison went on a fishing oatinu -. T. . ' the best blood purifieis, actinc directlv
The perfect
is a regular ptescritition. It is composed
, of the best tonics known, combined with
li.!; .wrt ino w iu u'iii ri, nn.r,. 1 stop over allowed on all tickets at i-1 ' , '
xui: mortiing to me inu ruer country, i ' I on the mucous surfaces.
i iihUi i ran:,
A. M. Kelsay arrived here f rom Shan-
iko yesterday and h ill return iu a day
or two. " j
Jack Donohue was a passenger on the j
Regulator this morning for St. Martin I
Host. C.,
Pacific Coatt Puss. AL't,,
Los Anceles, Calif.
C. s. Ccane, t. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. j curing Catarrh
"t T T onlurc r(ilrflaiit n -i n rn.m r. X 1 frfcfc
! combination of the two ingredients ib
I what produces such wonderful results in
it-nd for testimonials,
at the Umatilla House.
F. J. Ciie.vkv & Co., Props. , Toledo 0.
Sold by drriife'trists, price 7.rc.
Hall's Family Pilli; are the best. 12
the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance
I r .
Mr. and Mrs. M. Thornburn, Mrs. H. ! 01Inies, wisnes to announce to ti.e
M. Baxter and J. W. Cox are in town : patrons of these companies that owing
from Kingsiey. to the eicknese of Mr. C. E. Rhyard and 1 "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my
Emma Brown and Edith Friend, of resignation of Mr. Hngh Gourlay, 1 family with wonderful results. It give's
Aehwood, Crook county, are registered . their former BentF, the for both i immediate relief, iu pleasant to take ami
companies for The Dalles and lcinityjia trulv the dyspeptic's best friend."
has been placed in the hands of Mr.'eaye E. Harlgerink. Overitel. Mich
timothy Brownhill. Any business
given to Mr. Brownhill will receive
James Snipes and daughter, Mies prompt attention and will be appreciated
Bessie, went on the Piegulator this ! ,t, nm : n v i,
norninz on a short visit to friends. i by the companies. Office in C. L. Bay-
r u r-..i r u , - . ard'e old stand. No. 65 Washington
Dr. Harry Littlefield, who has been Tl. n.,,
here for werks in attendance on hlfiBtleet' The Dalies- 0rou' al-l'
WBter, the late Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw, j Latest designs for 1900 in wall paper,
left for home vesterdav noon. vu.n. .ii . i . . V-..
, i-Ieant etock to select from at II. & enn
IT. .1 r T r. . . i .
.'ii. uuu ..ire. i. onrKeani anu son, & (Jo.'d. apil7-lw
Yellowstone Park Line.
the dimno cut ttoriK nto-M 1'oi:xi..vmi
Till: ONLY WIlLCT l.IXK TO Till'. YKL1.0W
lk4 vk. OniOB D8F0t, nrtbanfi I SIS akiiivk.
No. 1
11. IS
Joe D..y, tliB well-known Portland
detective, waevin town yesterday, re
turning on the mid-day passenger.
Digests what you eat.
Cannot fail to
Clarke cc Falk'e Savoring rz'ractf are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
P. A. Sargeant, of Five-Mile, and grand
angnter, .mips Jutthryn. were nassen-1
seie on the Keg
a visit to friends in
Nasal Catarrh ouickl v viclda to treat.
ulator this morning on ! ment by Ely's Cream I) aim, which is agree
in Portland. ably aromatic. It is received through tho
nostriiii, cleanses and heals the whole sur-
Full blooded, barred Plymouth Keck
ejri-i, per getting V 00 and 1.50. For
particulars call on or addresc,
SAXUKIih Bi:os.
Box 017. The Dalles, Or.
Knkt in nil fur liiromn,
reattle, Olympln, (iruy'i.
mirunraiia noutii neim
IMiiutu, bpiiLane, ltinm-'
land, 11. C, rulhnuti,
.Moscovr, f Mttiti. Hut-1
A.M. (nluHiimpiiiIiiiiiKcouii- 5..V) 1
IT), 1IV1C1IU, .MIllllClllHH
Il, bt. l'nul, Oiniilui,,
Katias City. fet. Uml.
ChlcuRO und nil ikjIiiU
No. I. efct mid Hoiltlieimt. No. 3.
,, . ,. . 1'UKft bound Kxpros
r. si. for Tiiioma mid bcattle ";W A. SI.
! arid IntermeUIutc uutk
I'lillmHii llmt elnim uud tourlit kh-viHrrN to
J.iniKapulI,bt. I'aul and SlUnouri river liit
. i.m.ufc ('nailer.
Vusubuletl trHlnt. t'uiou dejt joiuitctloim
III all principal cltlef.
ItHKKBRe chifked to destination of tickets.
l-or timidwunely Illtmtiuteddifrlptlve:iiatU.-r,
write 1 ng v" rw'rv,ltl. etc., call oa or
Am.lstnnt General IWenpcr Agent, ZY, Slorrlkor.
btrtvt, corner Tnlr , 1'ortland, Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
3"li JteKt Itemeily Tor ItheutnatUm.
All who nee Chamberlain Pain Balm
for rhenmatistn are delighted with the
uick relief from pain which it affords.
M hen epeaking of thie Mr. D. N. Sinks,
Souinern Pacific Co.
m .
sell the- 50c. eizo; Trial size by mail, 10 . and indigestion, makes you eat. fcleep, 1 OJiaSta XLOllte
thotreator nL ' v , "orK anu n' tlion guarantee,
S:ck Headache absoIUtelv and r.ermn.
inently cured by using Moki Tet. A
face over -which it diffuses itself. Druggists 1 Peasant herb drink. Oureg constipation '
AiinnntinnniKiif Pr ,110e- ck. L'OCtS. and
To accommodate those who aro partial i l1' & Houghton Druggist"
i teed
&0 cis.
to the use of atomizers in npjdying Jiqaids
into the nabal ljassnges for catarrhal trou. (
mil: bituuiJJOIIII 1Q i
Muil H hi. Id.
furniture and houeehold good
of Troy, Ohio, eavs : "Some time ago I ' ! Jf! nabaX Vf hW 101
4 , . , , l,UJO 1 . W, the liropnetors tircpai
fcad a sevo attack of rheumatism in my liquid form, which -will ho
il. 'I-he liquid form embodies tho mod- ffl ",y reblot"c ' Masonic building
ml properties of tho solid preparation. , I want bargains.
Cure Jloaduche (lulckly. a'Jl-2t V. JJ. G Al'.IIEThO.V.
liquid form, which will ho known as Ely'a ' roust be sold at what they will bring as
1 ZnZ&.i"U ! 1 leave ,or fc"okaiil1 "t3t Tuesday. Call
" : . (id "j ni nit ruLWiu.t.iu i
unu unu enouiuer. l irieu numerous
-remedied, tint in' n. ri.i:ul n,it r
.... mail,
ittuiuiiiunucu uy .-ieeers. i.ieo. v. fur- icixin.1
eonfe cc uo., urugKislB of this place, to
Jtrv Chamberlain's Pain Riilm.
l!nl.l,.;.,'u nr.o .1.1 ..IT..... r I I ii ,
recommenned it ho highly that I bought - - ue.- i oiarKo a rail: liaye received u carload
rr ouuh. n. iiarinieBS anu etiecilve cure ol the ce obrated .1i.,m t
11 battle. wall xhtin relitrtil nf nil
. . -v-r,i, u.,i,.i... - .... .. 7
I liave since recommended this lini-' J"" -.- "'r' c-". Bieepieesneas, eirictiy pure liquid paints
, . , , , , . j brain fatitrne, 10 nnd Jo cents, Rod!
ment to many of my friendP, who Pfrec . by Clarke & Kalk, drURgiHts. janS-l-Ow T" " i"
with me that it ie the best remedy for
'muscular rheumatism in tho market."
For sale by Blateley & Houghton.
A ruwerfully Girted lteporlrr.
There ie some body rustling Items for
the Portland Telegiam whose hIkIiU of
amagluation are enough to make Old
Man Munchausen turn over In his grave.
Last week he of course it'enhe; no
women could He as this fellow Joet
wrote up a most blood-curdling tale of
the almost wreck and annihilation of
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., saye,
"DoWitt'u Little Karly Misers are the
very best pills I ever used for costlveuess,
liver and bowel troubles,"
Kev. W. E. Sitzor, W. Canton, N. Y.,
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors and medicines
without benefit. I was persuaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Gure and it helped me
from the etart. I believe it to be a
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It
digests what ycu eat.
' Hay,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
aii uruggiBts niliind the money.
Special reserve old government whie.
key, recognized by the highest medical
j authority In the bind; especially rucom-
menueci uy the hoard of health of San
Francisco for hospital use, alto A. P.
O'Brien, M. D., captain arid surgeon,
and Win. I). McCarthy, major and sur
geon U. 8. ermy, us the purest un-idul-terated
stimulant for couvalefcen's, In
valids and family ute. Sold by Charles
StuMnK. apl20.dlui
and Motors
Clrculsrs and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent.
un2G Tin.- ivtt OREGOJ
Tralin Jwivc 1 lie IiHllen for 1'ortlmid nml way
tull(.ilut 1 :2iu. in. iiurt 3 i., m. '
. ii in 7;Mi i in
lii:ao u in 10:,'m) . in
Lcaru I'ortlituil
" Albany
Arrive Ahlilnnd . .
" Kucmiii'-ii to
" Kan Krunulkco
li-Xt ii in
&:(ju in
":l,'i p iu
Arilve OKdon
" Denver
" Kiiiisiih City
" ClileuRO . . . .'m iii
. U:UU it in
::') it in
7 : 15 a m
Arrive Um Anncles ...
" Kl riuo
" Fort Worth.. ..
' .lty of Mexico.
" Houston
' New Ork'uim . .
" WunliliiKton
" New York ,
. 1 :vu p in
C;Ui in
0:;xi ii in
. 1:M it in
1 ;Ut a in
. r.r.'.'.iim
li;!.'!! in
I'.'iU i III
inrso a in
I iXi li III
H:ISu in
11: Till in
n in
'j-:mi in
7;(i0ii in
n:(x) p in
;:!0 ii in
1 :ou ii in
) in
it in
l'." U p in
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Crandallfi Burget
The Dallos, Or.
I'ullniaa nnd TourUt enrh on both trnlim
(Jliulrcam Hiieriimunto to OKden mid K K
Coiinectliic ut Kim Krauolnco with Boveral
"f P i6h for Honolulu, J,, i , uiitim.
hllljioliien, Central uud South America. '
Bee Agent at The Dulles station, or addteu
(leneral I'uwrnger Agent, fortlnnd, Or.
w Union & crown Fire 60.
CAPITAL PAID UP 7,600,O00. A8UETS 20,120,036.
Burpliu U'jond nit I.liibllltlen In United Bliitw
ARTHUR SEUFERT. Res. Atf. TiielKw-
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