p ROCRASTI NATION 0 c I T I O N You know the rest. You have heard it before. Tis an old adage. TOMORROW, APRIL 24th, IS YOUR MST GflflflCE To purchase one of our $10, $12.50, $13.50 and $15 SUITS for $9.85 SEE WINDOWS. ..Lace Curtains.. NOTTINGHAM No. 5)000 H Kcru, medium width, janla long, 00c per pair. No. 9000 E Kcru, extra whip, 2,' yards long, 75c per pair. No. 0075 Ecru and white, 40-inch wide, yards long, no bettor value, pur pair. No. 0158 White, and ecru, 15-inch wide, 0 yds. lone, $1.50 per pair. Our stock is complete in every pnno from 50c to the $12.00 line, each pair warranted worth thu price. IRISH POINT $3.00 cream or white dainty pattern?, 03-inch wide, yards long. Others at $5.50, $0.00, $7.00 and $S 00. POINT D'ESPRIT RUFFLED STRIPED MUSLIN For bedroom curtains thcae aro the newest and add a daintiness to a room entirely different from any other curtain. Prices from $1.25 up. , A Chance for Bargains Not damaged stork nor unsalable goods, but single pairs of curtains which we v. ish to close out at 25 per cent, discount. $G 50 Curtains for $4 8S 5 00 " " 3 75 4 00 " " 3 00 3.00 " " 2.25 2 00 " " 1 50 1.00 " " 75 All Coocls Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone. No. 1. .MONDAY Al'KIL 23, 1900 (0- I Oysters KTVl'J In every ktj-le by KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The MeKlnley Club meets tonight at the court house. P I r i 1 1 k Imnb at reduced pi ice ut the Columbia Packing house. 20a-lw All firemen will bear in mind that there ip a general dej artment drill next Wednesday at 7 p. m. tSlierW' Kelly's English setter, Maud K, uhs one of the pr..j winners ut the late dog show in Portlund. Tim Chronicle 1b ludebted to the courtesy of Mrs. E. Pitman, of the Mis eiou Kit Hi huntee, lor a handsome bou quet ol flowers. The McKinley Club of The Dalles meets tonight in the court house to elect officers and organise for the ap I'roachiug campaign. A. M. Williams & Co. are showing sotne decidedly pretty styleo in shirt wniEte. Enough variety to suit one and all tastes. Prices the enme. Ladies who want a good dollar kid glove should lice the "Voltaire," an en tirely new glove, having pearl clasps to match. Shown by A. M. Williams & Co. Kmll Schnnno went to Hood Elver 11 . ....... "b morning to see lor himself what damage, if any, was done to the oichards ol the valley by the frost of a couple of wteke uyo. J- M. Patterson has been appointed feretory of the Republican county cen tral committee. Ho will bo found dur lr'K the campaign at tuo committee's headquarters, in the Moody bank build- The order cf Women of Wooclcrall is three yearn old, has 13,000 member, Iroti'ct8 thousundi of homes, has erected tt moiniiiient to the memory of every deceased bcnllt member, and pnicticen. well ai preaches, fraternity. A truly excellent order. Guo. H, Kiddoll went to Portland on ' Kiuulator this morning. While there ho will purchase material for a residence he intends to build on property lie owns in the neighborhood ot Demuy Sheriff Sextou'u residence on the bluff. I the caso of Thomas Iiiorfan V. A'ex. McUartnev. Involving foreclosure d salo of property, the sheriff today "'d at public uucthtn lot 3 in block U, llalrd'e Addition to town of Antelope. 1 e property was bought in by the P'lhiliirfor t25S.U0, the amount cf the fleet ami costs. Hie Deiuocrutio county central coin lttie today filed the certificate of now- ination of John M. Filloon, of this city, ub candidate for county clerk. John's acceptance of the nomination gives proof that he has the gift of a uurvelous cour age, in addition to many other attractive personal characterittice. The Dalles Comirision House will keep fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it anywhere in the city ut the following prices: One quart, $2 per month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $-1 ; three quarts $5,50; cream 20 cents per pint. Free!) butter every day. 18i lm The Antelope Fair Association will give a spring meeting at that place on .May 17th and 18th. Five hundred dol lars in purses will bp given away. There will be a quarter dHsh and a half mile dash, weight for ages, for $75 and $100; a ?u-milo und a -milo handicay for $75 nud $100, besides special purses fcr locul saddle horse rac?s and foot races. Fifty dollars will be given for the winning base ball game. '"v. Captain Johnston, who brought up the KeHance Saturday, returned yester div by rail and will bo back tomorrow with the steamer Albany, a boat belong, IriK to the Portland & Astoria Railroad people, and with it Captain Johnston will attempt to climb Threo-Mile rapid The attempt is in the interest of tho Paul Mobr portage nud is made to see if it is possiblo to land rails, ties and other material at the big eddy. r We are reliably informed, says the Prinevillo Journal, that Sherur's "grade on The Dallcs-Prineville road has been vastly improved lately by building a new ono on tho west side with to slight u gradient that light teams may trot either way almost tho entire distance with ease. This has necessitated a large expenditure of money, for which Sherar deserves credit, the old grade being con sidered good. "- The Philadelphia Record, speaking of the Paeeion Play, to he repeated here next Wednesday and Thursday nights, says: "The moet notable und certainly the most noble use to which that mar volons invention has yet Iwen put. It Iwas a demonstration, indeed, of tho Wonderful possibilities of this magic life photography, ami proveu iu uu mi c.c.iv which will' remain ever memorable in the recollections of all who witnessed the realistic spectacle." s Louis Coniini set up Saturday, in the Moro cemetery, a handsome monument over the remains of the late Christian Uuinther and wife, tho parents of G. F Charles and August Guintlier, of this city, and Mrs. Tony Wilhelm, of Lower Fifteen Mile. Tho monument, which is tho largest In the cemetery, is of Italian marble, with base of Mill creek granite. Tho lot U fenced with stone posts and i galvanized iron and tho graves are curled with Mill creiK granite. Cedar Circle, Women of Woodcraft, wjll give a claelcal entertainment toon. The program has been under prepara tion for several weeks and will he en j yed by those who attend. The pro grum was given by tho ladles of the Presbyterian church of Spokane, and they were requested to repeat It. As excellent talent has been secured to give the entertainment here, it ehould be well patronized. Cedar Circle always raises the proceeds of their entertain ments at home, and they always give an interesting program. Tiie time and place will be published later. Somebody, writing from Cross Key?, says ho has just passed oyer the Cow Canyon toll road with seventy. tight hundred weight of freight, with six com mon liortcs, and had no trouble at nil ; but, on the contrary, ho thinks the road is iu very good condition for this time of year and that it is in as good shape a9 Sherar'a road. All of which Tin: Ciutoxicu: willingly believes, but tho communication would have had more weight if the writer had sent hiB name I,..,,. ...it!, St Captain Johnston brought up from Portland Saturday tho new steamer Re liance, to be fitted up at this place. She .1 will probably b3 ready for tho run be tween hero und Portland in tho couree of five or six days. The Relianco is a right handsome little craft. She has a net tonnage capacity of 104 tons and is licensed to carry 100 passengers all her owners ask. She is rated as a sixteen mile boat, but may do better than this when some contemplated improvements are made in her machinery. Tho meeting announced for Sunday afternoon for young men cnly was held in the Methodist churchat 4 p. in., and was well attended, between forty and fifty ol the city's brightest fads leing present. A very intereFting Christian service was held which a number of the I IT I? rooting men, ossisieu uy uov. u. c. Hawk and W. C. Allaway, inade the first of these meetings a decided success. Tho young men decided' to continue theso meetings every Sunday afternoon until the Y. M. C.A. is organized, and I., ill ntuut navt fctlimlnv nftHrnnnn ftfc 4 Will tllVH. AV .-.. w . . ... - o'clock, in theCongregational church. Tho leader selected was Willie Croes, who will be assisted by a number of good speakers and musicians, and a very enjpyablo and instructive time is promised. It is hoped tho Christian men and boys of the city will keep this meeting In mind and assist by being present themselves and bringing ull the friends they can with them. Curd of Thank. Clipping! frum tlm Sliuulko Lender. Wo desire to express our heartfelt llbanks to tho friends and neighbors who 60 kindly assisted us iu tho lute sickness and the burial of our loved one. W. L. Hiudsuaw an'i Family. foil ml. A silver watch. 0ner can havo it by calling at tho Ciihonioli: ofllce, proving property and paying for this advertise inent. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tlo Kind You Hivi Always Boughl Bears the ST? - ZLf2-j' Signature of CGsvV 4lCA4 Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought and which hns been, iu uho for over 30 yearn, lias borno tho Nignattiro of ontl lias been marto under lus per sonal Hupcrvlsion slnco its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in tlilH. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" arc Tmfc Experimcnls that trlllo with and endanger the health of! Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla ie a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fevcrlshncss. It cures Dlarrhooa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho .Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTkUR COMPANY. TT MUIMAV STREET, NEW VORK CITY. There is one admirable feature about Shauiko. There is not a Chinaman In Iowd. F. X. Jones, of Bukeoven, has finished mm King his lambs, and finds the in crease considerably over 103 per cent. Pease & Mays aro erecting a fire-proof building, 50x100 feet, to be occupied by them when finished as a general mer chandise store. The G5 horse-power boiler and engine for the water works and electric light plant arrived at the end of the track Monday and was placed in position to day. ' The Townsite Company will soon have their system of water woi ks completed, which will bo second to none outBide of Portland, and the water- is of tho heat , taken from cool pure sprint;?. W. Lord, of The Dalles, is crcctine two fire-proof buildings, and when fin ished one of tliem will he occupied by Blukeley & Houghton 8 a drug store, and the other by Chas. Cooper a9 a har ness shop. The Columbia Southern railway com pany have made arrangements for the construction of a telegraph lino from Uitrgs to Shaniko. The l!no will require 5000 poles and 178 miles of wire, and will be completed within sixty days. II. F. Ilnrchtorf has just completed a two-story building for tho Toxiaito Co., which is to be occupied as an ofllce for that company and their clerks ; also by the Shaniko Leader, and is at present erecting an immense warehouse for the Shaniko Warehouse Co. Shaniko is a rather swift town. There ie nothinir slow about it. As an illus tration : A car of lumber arrived at the front, nine miles north, Tuesday after noon, for Pease k Mats' big building. Tuesday evening tho lumber was all in the city and Wednesday evening at hit waB all in Mid building and tho carpen ters were looking nrouud fur more. Thu Y. .11. V, A. Still In Kmliryn. To run EniToit: The Idea appears to be prevalent that tho V. M. C. A., so much talked of iu this city, "lias already been launched." This Is a mistake, is misleading, and I ask space to correct It. Thu committees appointed by tho different societies took action upon this matter and will doubt less organize a Y. M, C, A. as soon as they can do so and niako thu society a permanent ono; but this will tuko time and money ami cannot he hurried. Tho meeting called for yesterday iu the interests of our young men, an I which will lm continued, was for the purpo3u of getting our boys interested in Chrlstiuii work and preparing Ilium for thn work that will naturally arise if a Young Men's Christian Association Is established iu tills city, And it may not he out of place to s.iy that the meet ings spoken of were suggested by und havo tho Indorsement of II, W. Sloue, eecretary of tho Y. M. O, A, cf Portland. Respectfully, Timothy Huowniii.i-. The Dalles, April 23, 1000, EVERYBODY Knows the merits of the COLUMBIA TTAT?TFOT?n PATEE CREST) Many new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook. 3 Complete Line of "1900" Sundries. PAYS & CROOIE. 3 3 bVJbe!tt!r:Lrlv.;.;.v'j.L Perfect . Wo know that in modeling, draught ing, construction and material Queen Quality Shoes ore pHrfection. This is proven by the perfect fl., perfect comfort and ex cellent service experiencid by weureip. Our Street Styles aro especially handsome and up-to-date, shapely, stylish and easy on tho feet. All fcty'lcs, one price ...$300... Oxford6 $2.60. PEASE & MAY Niitli'ii "f Tim Mmllng of OmlltoiN, I.ntiir PiM iiicr cottar ok tub I'.nitch htati: (or UiutllMili't (if uu'itmi, In tho matter of 11.11. Uuley, bankrupt, hi 1 Imnkriiptuy. To tiiu cicclltorii of II, II. l.ansUj-. of Tlio Dalles, in Hut eoiuit) of Wnuii, una district ii(nri'u((, 11 buiikriiiit. Nutlco U liuti'by ut vi 11 Unit nu Ilic.'Otli iliiy of ' A 1 1 1 1 . A. II. lUO'J, lliu Mild II. II, I.HIiKlcy iluly niljiulliiiitoil bankrupt, i.ml tlint tliu Hist imeltiiK of bin etodltOM will bo lu-lil ut tlio I oltleo 01 thu niidi'rl!iiid, it) Tho pullix, Wiimu county, OrcKon, on tliuUiltli day of Apt 11, A. H. 1 1'JJO, ut s o'clock p. 111., ut which time tlio mid , civifltoiH niuy atioiid, provo llii'lr idnlnu, up : point 11 trustee. e.ainuio I ho bankrupt, and irmitiiut uuch oilier biuliie!. m limy propvily cninii tiifnru thu iiiL't'tintr. KI1ANK Jir.SIXKK, April 1!0, li(M. llfffiuu hi ttnn U ru U'y. Subecribe for The Chronicle. Inst arrived a new lot of neckwoar for gentlemen. Latest designs and colors. He sure and see them at the New York Cash Store. Garden Hose largo "Wo have laid in stock of Garden Hos-e and aro carrying tho uamo brand of lloso that we havo boon carry ing tor tho last, (ivo years, which is tho colebratod Mal tese Cross Brand. Wo carry tho sanio brand of Hoso that tho Dalles City Kivo Depart ment has been using for tho last twonty years, toso Cross 13 rand doubt the best grade of lloso on the market. Call ami got our prices boibro buying. Iter & Benton Sole Agonta. Tho Mal is without.