She Soil es Chronicle, VOL. XII THE KAISER THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. APRIL 23, 1900. NO 215 WILL FIX IT The Forciiin Powers Have Not E.v clmiiRcl Views on the Subject h'tudish Press Comment. Ukiiiis. April 21. The Foreign Office guvs It ha4' information indicating that the 1'iiitt 1 States' dIHlculty- with Turkey will lm M'tlHl amicably in a few dayp. The Foreign Office does not believe it naval demonstration will become neces sarv. Queelioni'd tie to bow the Euro jii'iui powers would regard such a demon Btration, a Foreign Ollico oflicial replies that n of views had yet beui in a ilu. No (Inn Will Interfere, London, April 21. lnquiriea by the Associated Press regarding the attitude otGien' Britain and other powers toward the Aii.e:icin-Turl:ish difficulty reveals the fur' that no one bus the slightest intention of Interfering in any way. The British government officials do not dis guise their delight at the Bland taken by Was liington, and hope the Sultan's obsti nacy will for once fall to achieve its ends. Great Britain herself, during the past years, has had much trouble in extract ing payment of debts from the "sick man of the East," and appreciates the irritation displayed at Washington. Tiie British Ambassador at Constanti nople hits informed the Foreign Office of the conditions existing, but merely veri fying what lias already been published. So far, Ljrd Salisbury has sent him no instructions, but the Associated 1'rees is oflicitilly informed that Great Britain nnd ilie other powers who are now mak ing joint representations regarding the increase in the Turkish tariffs have no intention of pooling their issues upon the Ameiican claims or in any associat ing the titrill' matter with that dispute. Tt.u possibility of seriouB results attracts generul interest nnd much comment in England. The Spectator soys : "It is earnestly to be desired that Pharaoh should harden his hart. But there is little chance of such an ad vantage to the world. The Sultan will doubtless pay the money. If he does not, Dewey may go afloat again to do work rather less easy and much more im portant than the capture of Manila." The Outlook suggests that the United States might take the customs of Smyrna as a guarantee, but inclines to believe that the Sultan's new friend, Emperor William, will whisper "pay," and tho incident will be ended. tl'irur d'Alene Investigation. Washington, April 12. The morning session of the Coeur d'Alene investiga tion was very brief, owing to the ah- Her Husband's Story " My namo is E. J. Sprong, nnd my address is 16 Bondman Block, Troy, N. Y. I want to tell how thankful I am that my wife's health has been restored to f . . . 1111. A A 1 .1 J llAM HfAH. nor. About a year ago she caught a dreauiui com, wuicn buiwuu "imi nines nuu lungs, sue cer tainly had bronchitis, and I think consumption, too, and we de spaired of her life. She had n lightness and soreness in tho chest, and it was difficult for her to breathe. There wore 'darting, Rlarp, dull and heavy pains, with constant coughing and cxpectorat "!; Each day she was worse than the day before. I was ad vised to gut Acker's English Rem- and did so, but my wife only shook her head and said : 'Another wllar thrown away." Sho took the Remedy, however, and said tne effect was magical. In less than an hour there war. a remark Rule change. Sho got' better at nim in a short timo she was L ... . . entirely well and strong again. The euro was permanent and there lias been "o relapse. I don't know what Acker's English Remedy is made of, but I am o it contains something that fortifies the system against future attacks. My wlfo Is in better general health now than ever, and you can't mag it o how hPPy "lie is for her recovery. Sho tells everybody about Acker's Iv ngllsh Ke m Jty. and so do I, for I believe it to be our duty to the public to help every juf- who has throat and lung troubles. My neighbors say it Is a sure spec o croup, and has saved the lives of hundreds of little ones around in this Vcinity alone." . . . Sold Rt 25C 5oc. and $i a bottle, throughout the United States land Carada; anl in England at is. sd.'as. 3d., 4- d. 'u are not satisfied after buying, return the bottlo to your druggist, and get your money back. MV aufAorfce the ubm guarantee. W. U. JWOKJCJt CO., loprUUr$, A ft ) ork. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. sppcd of witnesses, and I ho argument went over until this afternoon. At the ofternoon nee'lon, Connor Mallot, a, rep reFetative of the. Spokesman-Review, who was at Wordner nt the time of tho trouble, dcfcrlhed the mnreh of several hundred armed and masked men on the Hunker Hill mine, the seizing of a larue quantity of dynamite, the explosion in the mill, and tho iratiy exciting events on that occasion. Tho testimony cor roborated previous witnesses on this subject, but was more vivid and circum stantial on some points. GOLD "AND SILVER OUTPUT Decrease in California, But Alaska More Than Doubled. San Fhancikco, April 21. The Super intendent of the United States Mint at San Francisco has forwarded to the Mint at Washington a report showing tho cold and silver product ol California for the calendar year 1890 amounted to $15, 840,043, of which $15,330,031 was gold and $504,012 silver. Comparing the totals of gold and sil ver with tho cot responding figures ob tained from the. same sources in the year 1808, the gold ield of the state shows a decrease of $570,447, and the silver yield an increase of $89,057, making a net de crease from the previous year of $480,- 400. Thip is attributed to the fact that owing to the dry season many mines were shut down. The returns to the mint show the employment of 18,701 miners in the gold, silver, lead and copper mines of the state. Alaska has more than doubled its bul lion product in the last year, tiie re ceipts of Alaska gold at mints, assay of fices, refineries, smelters, etc., for the calendar year 1800 were $5,002,012, and the silver $220,313, a total of $5,831,355, $3,100,844 more than in the year 1898. Of this increase, it iB estimated that $2, 400,000 came from the now placer camp at Capo Nome last season, the first year in its history, and tho rest of the in crease from the quartz mines of South eastern Alaska. The rcciepts at mints, aseay offices, private refineries und Btnelters for tLe calendar year 1800 from the Klondike wore $15,080,025 gold und $207,300 silver, a total of $10,254,107. This shows a marked advance in output for the Klondike field, since the increase over the previous year. Win. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We never feel fafo without One Minute Cough Cuie in the house. It saved my little boy's life when he had the pneu monia. Wo think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to toke harmless and gives immediate results. THE REBELS DEFEATED A Bloody Week on the Island of Luzon General Pilar's Band Again at Work, and Gave San - Miguel Garrison a Three-Hour Fight. Manila, April 22, 10:20 a. m. Last week was one of the bloodiest of the war since the first day's fighting around Manila, authentic reports, mostly of ficial, showing a total of 378 Filipinos killed, twelve officers and 244 men captured, and many more wounded. The number wounded is hardly guess able. Considering that tho Filipinos entirely lack hospital facilities, a great mnjirity of the wounded will die. Prob ably tho week's work finished 1000 in surgents. The Ameiican loss was nine killed and sixteen wounded. Two sergeantB and one private were killed in ambushes, while escorting provision trains. The insurgents have been aggressive in almost every province of Luzon. Gen eral Piodel Pilar's band, numbering 300, which was out of sight for three months, the leader being reported killed, has re appeared in its old field about San Miquel. Pilar is supposed to be again in command. He gave the, American garrison at San Miquel, consisting of three companies of the thirty-fifth in fantry, with a Gatling, three hours' fighting, during a night attack. The loss of the insurgents in this engagement iB not included in the foregoing total, as they removed their dead and wounded, but presumably it was considerable. Twenty. two Filipinos in tho province of Santagas attacked Lieutenant Wende, who, with eight men, was Ecouting near San Joee. The Lieutenant and five men were wounded, and one private was killed. Sergeant Ledonius, of the thirty-fifth infantry, was badly wounded in an am bush near Baliuag. Lieutenant Batch, of tho thirty seventh infantry, with 70 men, had a five hours' fight with 400 in surgents in the Nue'va Cacoras 'District. Twenty of the insurgents were killed. Colonel Smith, of the seventeenth in-' fantry, who captured General Montene gro, and brought him to Manila, is in the isolation hospital, suffering from smallpox. Colonel Smith's command captured 180 officers and men with Montenegro. Montenegro, who was formerly one of the most dapper officers in the Filipino army, looks worn and haggard. lie says he led a terrible life for months, and he has offered to return to the north with Colonel Smith, to endeavor to pereuade his former com rades of the uselessiiess of opposing the Americans. One hundred escaped Spanish prison ers from the Province of South Luzon have unived at Manila. The ineurgents have 400 more Spanish prisoners in that district. Recently the Filipinos destroyed several rods of the railroad lino near Panique, in an unsuccessful attempt to wreck a train. Caught a Dreutlful Vuld. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Thompson, a largo importer ol fine mil linery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi cago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept ine awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Cham, berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to re lieve her eo quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once, i am now entirely well nnd feel veiy pleased to ac knowledge its merits." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Be Bare and examine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying elee where, as we huvo the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at H. Glenn & Cq.'b. al7-lw P, W. Knowles is now proprietor of the Fifteen-Mile House and stables it Dufur, where ho is prepaied to accomo date the traveling public In first class style. Good table, good rooms, good beds und the best of cure (or man and beast at reasonable ratea. in24-lmw Made by -A.. 3VE. ltenewed Activity. London, April 22. Dispatches ar riving from the seat of war, though meager and unsatisfactory, clearly indicate renewed activity at all points where tiie British and Boer forces are in stiiking distance of each other. Interest for the moment centers ut Do Wet's Dorp and Wepener, where fighting evi dently is in progress. A dispatch re ceived from Aliwal North, dated April 21, says that there was heavy firingthe previous day between De Wet'-a Dorp and Wepener, and around Wepener Saturday, but that no particulars have been received. A special from Maseru, dated Saturday, says: "he investment of Wepener con tinues. The Boers seem determined to do their utmost to capture the garrison before relief arrives. Severe fighting ap pears imminent." The activity of the Boers at Eland's Laagte apparently has fulled to draw General Buller, if that was its object, into doing more than lepel the attack made on his advance posts. A dispatch from Warrenton, dated Saturday, says : "There has been Intermittent and inef fective sniping by Boers, who also fired u few thells, both during the day and tho night, at the ttation the past two days." A special dispatch from Zwartkop, Josfontein, dated April 2! , says : "This morning 1500 Boers made a determined attack on a convoy returning to Boehof. The British succeeded in re pulsing the attack, and their fire be came so heavy and well-sustained that the Boers fell back with considerable loss.-The British casualties were sixteen killed and wounded. The convoy reached Boshof safely," The Oxygenor gives increased vitality to every organ in the body, destroys ma, lignant germs, purifies the blood and assists nature in throwing off disease. There can be no distinction between forms of disease. The Oxygenor cures at one and the same time every form of disease witli which we may be aiilicted. All curable diseases are within its range of power. And can be applied while you sleep, No medicines; no doctors. Always ready and always reliable. Sold or rented by J. M. Filloon, The Dulles, Oregon. up7-lwd&w Cm li lu Viiur C'limiki. All couutv warrants registered prior to Juno 3, 1890, will be paid at my office, Interest ceases after February. 2, 1000. O. L. Pim.Mi's, Couutv Treusiirer. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy 'James K. Patton's sunproof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Faik, agents. mI7 l'or Sale. 40-ucre tract, 3) miles from The Dalles, 4-room house, barn, all fenced, orchard of 300 trees, running water, good range for cattle adjacent, 10 acres bottomland fine for berries or garden, Price reasonable, terms easy. Call at this office. :n21-dwlmo Mulea fur Hultt. One span of mules, 5 years old, for sale, Weight, each about 1000 pounds. For particulars address M. K. McLuoii, i 3.14-lm Four miles east of Kiugeley. ie Rral Tailors Chicago, U.S.A. Sell if, and can ihoio you evfcr5i'x jd iffgrenf A patfemsjiy 'new f Mhionablg fabric. TT .X -T A TVTB j CO, J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY" froiir$3?75 tolOtf per nou. (TToT5 vearBoUir) IMPOETED GOGNAO from $7.00 to $12.00 OALirORHIA BBANDIEB from $3.25 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMFIA BEER on draught, anl Imported Ato and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. $ i .oo per month. Strictly 11 ret class local and long distance telephone service within your home. Lilies do not cross-talk. Your con versation will bo kept a secret. No cost for installing. You iet the standard Illuming Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day anil night ervice. Wo will accept your contract for ton years and allow you to cancel same on Hiving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Fttlk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. ClaikoA Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. A full lino of Eastman films ami sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. You will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke A Falk. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Ih mi. equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It Is the original Witch Hazel Salve, Beware of all counterfeits. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DoWitt'n Witch Htzel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin disHUBHB, Beware of worth less counterfeits. Thov are dangeroUH. Lewis Ackenimii, GoIh n, lud., -nyHi "DuWitt'fl Littln Early Ri8rr always bring certain relief, iin mv headmf and never gripe." Thev gentlv elf 'iii and invigorate the IhmmU unl Iiv. i toe Every farmenf cut arJ made to jTricr niuremcnT hundred per trillion. (11 to 20 years old.) to i(6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 yearn old. Vul Blatz and Olytnpia Beer in bottles FOR SALE. A farm of 120 acres, about 80 acres of which it under cultivation, with it film young orchard of two acres in full bear ing; abundance of living water and good frutnii dwelling and barn and other farm buildings. Twelve miles east of The, Dalles and four miles east of Boyd post ollicii. Faun will bo sold, witli or with out the growing crop of about 80 acres. Price without crop $1000, and tcrui9 very easy, as owner's health compels a change of climate. Apply to wu7-W M. W. Fundus, Boyd, Or. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke & Falk have them. ( Ntruyt-ii, A black horse weighing about 1250 pouiida and branded 25 on the left shoulder. Same strayed from the farm of John Bronkhuuso, which Is situated six miles beyond Dufur, Liborul re ward oIlV red for information regarding lecovery. Address S. R, Wl.NANH, mat7-liuw Dufur, Or. Uf Olitrkfttt Falk'i quinine hair tonio to keep dandruff from the head.