WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Is It Ano'lier Snu: of Domurrallc Croofirlnc? A Otinit CoubIi Mrrtlclnp tor Clillttrrn "Ihnveuo hesitancy in recommend-1 ini; Chr-.ii.hcrlain'e Conch llcimdy." , savs 1 P. Mornn, n well known nml The Ciinoxia.E I as !roi-pcd on a caul that appear to I'uve beeu distribute frt'flv around the city, which purparts But it to be the thtr I j:nnk in the Democratic state platform. It style itself "lttil road Mank In State Democratic Plat form'' and pretends to have been adopt ad by the Democratic state conveniicn at the snpiestion of railroad mun. It is therefore evident'y for railroad-men consumption. The plank is harmless enonzh, if we accept the first sentence, which is simply a repetition of the con csion mads to free riot in the Demo cratic sational platform of four jars no. But the peculiar thin; about it is that it did not appear in any copv ot the platform that was published at ttie time of tbs convention, nor h.is it appeared in any of our eschnnjes save one, a eemi-socialiitic sheet published at Pen dleton, and then only by itself and under the same suspicious circumstances that characterize its Appearance here Catarrh is -mi- . -w 4 A have civen it to our chilitren when ut it can not be cured by sprays, troubled with bad couphs, also whoop- washes and inhnlinc mixtures which fog couch, Mid it has alwin s piven per reach only Uie surface. . The fecl ealU(aPlion. lt Was lecommended .. 1.1 J MA 1... wi.tV.fw1 throuch the blood. S. S. S. is the only to sue by u druc.Tist as the best conch remedy which can have nny effect upon medicine for children as It contained no Catarrh; it cures the disease perma- , 0p;llK1 or other harmful drup." Sold by nently and forever rids the. system of R1.kk.. & Honcuton. every trace of the vile complaint. ! llafeelt iV ""cim Miss Josle Owen, of Montpcller, Ohio, ( Win. J. Landers, resident manager ot mc.d fro. ilthcLion and Imperial Hre ln.nr.nc with Catarrh, and no Companies, wishes to announce to the one can Vuow the , patrons of these companies that owing suffering lt produces t0 tne 8ickm.i:g 0f Mr. C. E. Huvard nnd UST Jeit resignation of Mr. IJu.h Gourlay, A prescribed by the doc- their former ncents, the ncency for both tors relieved ae only companies I or me ij.iucs uim nuim.i temporarily, anUjnfts l)een p)ceJ in the hands of Mr. s thnnch T uatul tacm . .... . . .1 T,,,f.l,,. .nirtthl L -I1V 11114 IIL'St , - ... constantly for ten years, inc tusease naa a i , - ... ,, firmer hold than ever. I tried a nmnter of S'Ven to Mr. llrownh 1 mil retcive blood remedies, but their mineral lnprcdlcnts ! prompt attention and will be appreciated gettled In my bones and gave rae rheumtlsra. ( Dy jne companies. Office in C. E. Bay I was In a lamentable condition, and after ex-:ar(j,a Qd 8tBn(j 0 g0 Washilljtou haustlnc all treatment, was declared incurable, i , ,, ,. .,wi. ... ........ stippt. The Dal es. Orecon. iiltwiii ereinir a. o. o. auvereu o a cure iui tuwu IKrl:T TlK vllEl"I.K. .r.it.vi! , Kir. I i:om luu-Kb, Kpom Vnvt ?nlt Uk', IVnvrr.. Kt.; Kt Mall ' Worth, OniKtin, Khii-, Mall Jl:l5p. m.! mi! City, ft. louK; S:R m ; Chicago i.nd Ka-vt. j ' ' i Si-ofcime Wnlla Walla, Pjknnc. SlkRo i'lwt iltiii'efctHilld. St. raul, Hjer. T:t"p.tn.i tiulitth, Milwaukee, 4:LHa.m t'hteaco and Kiot. S p. m. j I l. m. KKOJt I'OCTLAKn. I occmii Steiimhl. i Kor fan Krnncl-cc tlKx-emNT 3. J, IS. IS, 3J j and Us. ,, .. . ..u i .- l,.,-:. " feeing II it. is a ne M.Uuh, ... ...... teents.l decided to try it. As soon as my , cratic nlatform? If it was in the ori-' I began to improve, and after taking lt for family with wonderful results. It Ri.es cinal platform, whv was it that another ; months 1 was cured completely. r " r4vr?fnt r1unCA rs (rrnillrfitpil from nt th "I nsed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my milv with wonderful results. It cives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and rav nnu cruoe prouueuou wasBuos.i-. andlllave had no rctum of It." ! , .'Jl-L n it, it nnoililMhilun.o' ,;v , ' Say? r.. uariKU" ink, , , pinnv nave ueen inKiim jucui ireai- , tuted for it? I tiuii'i souls have shrunk from the raw socialism of the original plank and, fearing its tflect among a most intelli gent class of voters, the railroad men of Oregon, have, without the authority of Cannot f.iil to ment for years, and fina themselves DiCts hat jon eat worse now than ever. A trial ol M. U. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, iinWWt'n T titlw Tvrlr T!ia(rH nr( th very best pills I ever used for costheuese, the convention, substituted this mild will prove it to be the right remedy liver and bowel troubles." for Catarrh. It will cure the most ot , S.S.S.rreBlood nml hnrmlpa? corrective? , The Chkoxicle cannot anon er these ' gtinate case. ... scions, but it Cravely suspects crook- j Jto jjdre- b, edness somewhere. However, it pub-, lishea both planks iu parallel columns that its readers may know what is going ' on: Alleged Uailp.oad : Orioucax. I'lakk. oppose We Wc are opno-cd to mentbyhiiunctiouBUd covernmeut by iniunc- '",","'""" rir,r, ..i Hr.llpri to lalvor ' arunniiion a a means V.nnM d strike of tettUnjr disputes be SdH'S re.1ult"pikde. ' ten corpora'uou. and SVH the ri-nt of tiuir employes, and ffiV lorS to men ; recopnislne the fact who ire charred with mat eotvoratlon U a rlminol acts. We U- ""'"""LiV".' A AA UUU A 4 1 U For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Panties, Ovcrcoatin- or Fancy Vesting. rn i l r. mi.nnies. i-imi- minef .macnincry man. to to nc fnow it, 'ctorie and railways Joic In other !Utes, Jo the end that iniury by which the doctrine ' lo employe be avoided nf f.lln- uTrviee and R!ld ufe 'endered se ?ha an employer i, : cute; we favor the nni n-hl- to one scr- ""S" 01 8 reaonuble ?antfothenUCCentc.c of an.ithe- thai! b- similar to those enact aLlhhed. And we alio . in other ifte. ijeiieve that where the j injury is caused by the ; neglisenceaf tbema-l ter. the msre fact the ' employe knew of the negligence uua contin ued In employment, fihoold not detent his recovery. And we pledge our members cf the i-giflature to favor legislation along these lines, and also repeal ing or extending the limit of recovery far the diath of an em ploye. "We further favor a reasonable superviiiun ! and limitation by the i state, of the- o(ratlon of iitllroad trmiis, and j of the number of curs ' which may be htuled ' iu a train, and a limit-1 otlon of the hours which employes shall work without rest. We further believe the leg islature should puss Uwh by which the boo :s of a railroad cor poration should be open to iuapectiou by the proper ofhclals of the stale, so that a reason able rate law may be established, and reu itonable waees be se cured for employes." OUR CHURCHES Christian Science meeting in email K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Lutheran church Rev. W. Brenner, pastor. Services tomorrow at 11a. in. and 8 p. in. Yonng People's meeting at 7 p. in. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian church Ninth and Court streets, Rev. G. Rushing, pastor. . y Kindly rail and examine my stock of Im-port-d and D iiitstic Woolens. A line stock to select from. Suits made from the lowest prices to the high est grade. i, A. Eberie Fine Tailoring. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. A full line of Eastman alms and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Ciarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your crocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chappiug and sunburn. Manufactured by Clnrke & Falk. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask fjr DeWitt's Witch llnzel , Salve, well known as a certain cure for I piles and (?kin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. Theyare dangerous. Lewis Aekertnan, Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers nlways bring certain relief, cure my headache j and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. S n, m. lIi.MindnyiColunibU Kv. Steamers. "lo A stoma and Way iiturdny landings. 10 p. in. f-T K-X.MlIldu) t". a. m. WaLAur.TTE I'.ivnR. jttnop. m. Kx.bunday Oregon City. NrwtTg,'Ex.ruiKluj snlcra A Way Ijind's.; . ra, ,Tlnt and at. '.Villa Mtrrr. amuYaj;- Tuco.Thur. kill Uivrr-s. ,Mon.,Wed Urefim City, Dnytou, and Wuy-ljmdliigs. uud f'rl. 6 a.m. WtLLAyRTTE !iivr.n. ! 4-.no p. in. TucThur, rorthmd to CorvaMin, Mon. Wed and Sat. and Wny-lAUidings. aud Krlilny Lv nijarla dally l.Wa. m. I S.wiKr ItlVCR. llljiaria to IaiuIhIku. I l.KAVK I LrwifToN dally K:3Ua. m. 132." 3r 3" as i 35; I I! i Si ! 3c 1 35 ,3K i .as-1 II at! f ! 3-j M- I Ml I Si i 3s, i 3t ? (IS Th Dalles, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printcps. I'urile dcslnne to bo to lU'imiicr should taLe.Nn. i, leaving lhe Dalies nt 7:ivt p. m making direct connections at llepptier Juiicllmi iie'.urtilug uiHkiiigdlretUcoiiueclioit at Ilepimer juneUou Kith No. 1. arriving at The Dalles at m. Ko. thrnught freight, cast bound, does not carry pm-sensers; arrives ":MJ a. iu., departs 3:c0a. m. .'o. SI, local freight, rarriin jisMngers, east bound; arrives t::) p. in., departs fl5 p.m. No. 21, ct bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrive b.16 p in., departs :no p. m. No. '3. west bound loont freight, CHrrles pns sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs a. m. For full particulars call on O. K. A N. Co.' ngent The liullea. or oJdress W. II. HUltUIL'ItT, flcn I'an. Act.. I'ortlaud. Or. Mniitliniin Dnnifin lMlMlulj b 1I1K DAIXEs OllEGO.N. o ltlgtit to UcllneH. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin i of joy. eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bit'ers is the beet medicine in lIlHiuurclc'ii Iron -Voivo Was the result of his Bplcndid heullh. Indomitable will and tremendous enerpy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only L'5c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. " Volcanic Kruptluim Are grand, but skin ernptions rob life iiucfelen'B Arnica Salve cures them; also old, running nnd fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, the world to regulate stomach, liver and , Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped kidneys and to purify the blood. It i Hands, Chilblains. Best 1'ile cure on gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, ! earth. Drives out pains and aches. velvety skin, rich complexion. It win Only 25 cts. a bos. Cure guaranteed make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley 6c Houghton's drugstore. Catarrh L'anuut be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to enre it you must take inter- Sold by Blakeley & Houghtou, drug gists. Rev. W. E. Sitzsr, W. Canton, N. Y., writes, ' I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the sturt. I believe it to be a panacea 'or all forme of indigestion." It a. in. and 7:30 p. m Christian Endeav nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on ! diKeets what ytu eat. t.r lilnn.l nrwl ..,.,o e,.f.,,. IIlll r. , , . . Preaching morning and evening, at 11 ! rZZ n Z 7Z Tl i . " . neauac"e "''.v ana perma- . r..Jn.. .. . i.. - m I Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, hent v cured bv usine- Moki W a or at 0 -45 t. m ' j U waa.waB Pre6cr,bf-d b' one ! t'e ' pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation Flto wSZlL P" ar7 ; iE a mQ"T P'"c't50"' 11 58 c08ed -ork and Um . SatisfacUou guaranteed Fifth nd Washington, Rev. U. t. 0f the best tonics known, combined with or money back. 2T, cts. nnd 50 cts. Hawk pastor. Services at 11 a. m. the best blood imrifieM!i BCllng dlrtctly B,8kB, & lJ(j , Dr0Ksiet,. . .m- ,.. i on ttio mucous suriaces. Ttie perfect aOa. m.; class meeting at the close of ;combination of the two ingredients is NaSal rn.uB ecrviuc, uu.nor A.eaCue at o:ju; wlint )roducea such wonderful results in Epworth League at 0:30. The text for ( curing Catarrh. Send for teHtimonials, the morning Bermon will be, Job 14:14, free. F. i4 Ciiksev & Co., Props., Toledo O. '"If a man die shall he live again?" The evening subject will be: "A Sermon for Plain'People." Congregational church corner Fifth ttnd Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Sold by drrnggiste, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Don't let your old worn out machinery lift In MiM funriA nnrnur a tt u Inmtoa ToLa - .., .,. .A , .U.,U, BbUI Bl U tQ Fle,djer Kau)kner Tl0 Def jonk Christian CATARRH In all Its (tages there ihould bo cleanliiien. Ely's Cream Balra clc3iueii,tof)tbeaandliealt the dlnfiJcd membrane. It cures catarrh and drlvea ay a cold Iu the head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, sprstds i' i k i l. i II t i . OTcr iuo meinuriinB ana im atMrirtitMi. Kiiirii im. Endeavor, 0:30. Evening LItl, nr! tn, JB, .. J nicdiateand a cure follows. It Is sot drying-does :30 p.m. Morning subject, rr ' u. i" .m 1 T.l,to.itull. i..w. - .. w mw. wvw.m u,,wwb. UIVJWIU l I'J lliaili 1 DUE. 1 J CEDI1 Ut BU1L tUV ItfVVIIIIDnU ml ,1, . . . uu n arreu ouaei. new I or. nfrvlce nt 7 -riie Problem of Life." Evening Turning Point of the Destiny of Young Men," The evening address will be de livered by a young man, and a quartet of young men will sing at that service. Early Rose potatoes at Maier & Benton's. tires, etc., brass, copper, sine, lead, j pewter, old woolen rags, beer bottles and flasks, horse manes and tails, and bones of all descriptions. Price paid for cast iron, 40 cents per 100 lbs. One door west of J. H. Worsley's, Second St., The Dalles. m24-lmo. Kf gs Por Sl. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock e?gs, per setting $1,00 and $1.60. For particulars call on or address, Hakdkkh Bhoh. Box 047. The Dalles, Or. Yellowstone Park Line. Tin; dining (Ait norm nioM roinuNp TO THE UAHT. THE ONLY DlUKCT LINK TO THE YELLOW MONK I'AltK Wasco Warehouse Co in pan) Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaiikmcfc Headquarters for Feed Grain otfiiiun Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds XTao rl o TinTio finr T2yovi Ql"rrt4-e nnd all klndi XXCCvU.l U.U.J. bCJL O XV 'X JfX CA.Xi.t UliUi bO, of MILL FEES Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- 1"OTl "HlmiT This Hour is manufactured expressly for fimllj Av-' use : everv sack is guaranteed to give satiiiictiA We set! our goodH lower than any homo in the trade, and if yon don't tninisl call anil gut cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. Union DeroU'iniiaod isis No. Kimt in id t lor Titcoinn, ' ('enttlo, Olriiiihi, (IniyS ' 1 Harbor mid Houtli llcnd , iMiinU, 8)i,ikuni.', KuhH IiiikI, II. C, I'ulliniiii, iloicow, U'wlhtmi, Uul 11:15 A. M. fiiloliiimji mining muim i try, Ilt'k-im, MliiueutMi- 'Hk, Kl. 1'itul, Ouinlin, i KmiMtH Clly, St. Imla, iChlCiiRO uud nil ,(iluts No. i. 'en-t uud iionilifint. , 1'ueet Kound Kxprefh 11;S0 1. M., lor Tiiconiit nnd hviittlui und Iiitcrinedliite hi1iii No. 1 6i.'iJ I'. M. No. 3. 7;00 A. M. i'lillinnn llrnt rluti und tourlit slwim to i! In in.-apotIn, tit. I'aul nnd Missouri river iiolutti without tliniiRc. Vc-stlbuled trains. Union dewtt coimcctloiih in all irinulNtt citlcr. IlnKKHKe chkckcd to dcstluallou of tickets, for handsomely llltltmtedrii'M:rlitlvu matter, tlckutB, slt'opliiK Ciir rcservutlona, etc., call ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Ahkintnnt General lWengcr Aijent, 'JJ't Morrhoc fitieet, corner Thlr' ,, I'ortlund, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trnliu leave Tlio l)nlle (or I'ortlaud nnd way Htntlonk ut l.ii u. in. und ,'! i, in. Lenve I'ortlaud ' Albany Arrive Anhlam! " Kacrauiento . .. " ban fraucisco f;'j) n m .12:OTu m 12:31 a in . .1:W) p in 7:l,'t p in 7:0n ii in 10:60 p m llittiuiii 'l ;'!') a in h:15a in Arrive Ogdou " Denver " Kinmut City. " Clilt'tiK1) . . ft: Hum 11 : IS u in . K;W) u m UMMii in 7:'J5 a in 7:'.','t h iu 7:iru iu UiSUuiu Arrive 1h Aneeleii . . " El I'llMI " fort Worth . . " City u( Mexico. IIOUDtOIl New UrleniiH . . " WimhliiKtoii " New York . 1 :m p in 0:00 p m C:;wh in i. D:Muiu . t;0U u in . r,:v.'. am K; u in . I'J: 13 p iu 7 :00 n in 0:Xl p in 0;:X) it in 0:6 ii iu 'l:ix)n in rr.M p iu 0 I- u 111 ii'li p III I'lillinnn nnd Tourlut cam on both triilnn. Clmlr corn baeiainuuto to OkUuu nnd Kl l'ao nnd tourlht nr to I'hltuBii, bt i,ul, NevvOr lenim nnd WnnliliiKton. ConncotitiK at Kan Krancinco with novcrnl tninlilp iTtKa. lor Hoiiolulii, Japan. Uh i u I'lilllppliien, Centrul uud Houtu America. bee ngent at Tlio Ualle ntutlou, or addrt C. H. MARKHAM, Oeuerul rauwiger Agent, I'ortlMiid, Or. and Motors MANl'fAt'TL'IlEl) II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent unSC THE OALLKS, OREGOX DKALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies CrandaM Bat-get UNDERTAKERS r'EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc, s5- INSURE WITH THE w Onion & crown Fire insurance fio. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1826. CAPITAL PAID UP 7.B00,000. ASSETS 120,126,035. faurplim bejond all Unbllltlew la United ritntea 021,186.28. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Res, Agt. iiiepffio"' Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicl0