The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 21, 1900, Image 3

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    It's a Fact
That tlio hardest thing to do In business
non..n.,liiyfi is to got h man to believe tho truth.
For tbo lmsl feW l,n-vs w0 'mvo lmn atlvcrti6inn
Strictly All-Wool Suits,
Made up in tho very latest style, for
One man pretty nearly nte one leg off a pair
ot punts from one of theso Etiita yesterday, trying
to fin.l cotton in them. He was so euro they must
bo part cotton that ho pretty nearly choked to
death, nrd if it hadn't been for a temperance lec
tuir from Kansas, who pulled them out of iiis
throat with a cork eciew,. which he happened to
have, we'd hnvo ono customer less. The man
eays he'll believe wiiat wo tell him hereafter.
Come In
And let us show you the greatest line of
Su'tn in Kif-tern Oregon; and remember wo give
ttitli every Man 'a Suit a pair of those justly cele-bra'i-1
'Nobayoknee Trouser Stretcl ers."
Now Spring Stock opened, mak
ing tho largest and most complete
line of
ever shown in The Dalles. Entirely
new styles of laces and embroideries,
combined with clusters and tuck
ings, makes the new spring line the
prettiest ever shown.
If you have time, when in, look
through the stock. It's a pleasure
for us to show them.
Some Raro Bargains.
121. Color, blues and grays. An
all-wool, perfect fit- AA rn
ting suit yUi Jll
loo. Gray Suits, latest stylo cut
jackets; made in all-wool gray
camel's hair; extra A-f rn
strong lined; only ... $itJU
154. Brown Covert, fancy colored
lining in jacket, strong pcrca
line lining in skirt; suit trim
med in black braid; 0 A AA
only OlU.UU
All Sizes, from 32 to 38.
These three lines of Suits, bought
as bargains, and though low in price,
are well-made, attractive and serviceable.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telepltone A'o. 1.
SATURDAY - - - APRIL 21, 1000
KTYCcl Jtl
Myle by
Spring .nmL at reduced puce at tho
Columbia Kicking bouse. UOa-lw
A marriage license was iseujd yester
day tu lTfd IJarnt'B and Etta A. Iiuell.
borne miscreant, who ought to be
strung up by the thumbs, poiwned the
tiarmitts little pug dog of JJr. lisheltnan
last Illicit.
The la lies of St. Paul's Guild wish to
extend their thanks tu ull frieuds who
so k, nil. y assisted in making their enter
tainment so creat a euceeee. '
On anJ aCter tomorrow mail trains
will mt-et twice daily at The Dalles.
The nun n for both directions will, there
fore, Cote nt 12 noon and 1) p. tn.
A. S. JJiowers, Republican candidate
(or county judge, is negotiating with W.
il. Butts for the purchase of a houee
and lot on the blulT, with the intention
of moving here in the evtnt of hie elec
tion. Col. I. C. Judeon, industrial agent of
tue 0. '. k N. Co., aud D. R. McGiunis,
a ui-nltln. .i u. i....i n.,..
-...M, ILCIUCU Ul 131. IUI WIIIU.,
came up on tho Flyer yeBlerday and are
tiie gueets of Rev. O. D. Taylor. They
left for Portland this afternoon on the
ueiayed N'o. 1.
The clerks of Walla Walla are making
an iil'jrt to have the stores closed there
very night of the week, except Satur
day () o'clock. A paoer there says
it is the rule in all progressive cities to
dose at 0 o'clock. Now what is the
I)',tlVi"' tl" PrKreefcivuci,.vof'1,lu
Judge Hebe had a telegram todav
'font A. fvherneckau announcing that
"ie Astoria delegation uppolnted recently
t0 vleit The Dulles, and look over the
situation with the view of putting a line
of boats on the run between The Dalles
"1 Astoria, will arrive here on next
Monday ' boat. .
A Afctorian fisherman, who bears an
uoinietakable Milesian patronymic,
caught a 100-pound halibut the other
"ay hi 1 fjuii.i ilH etomash loaded with
a luUcellnneous collection of herring,
'' crab?. The Irishman thinks
lias solved the problem of what If
KM bait for halibut fishing.
T'iu oung men of the city urecordl
a,y Invited to attend a popular meet
"V in tho Interests of the Y. M. O. A.
attlio Methodist ehurch Sunday after
noou at -I p. U), 'fills Is the first meet
,ul, kind and should be well at
I'ut'u I" older to get the work sturted
,u kojiI bhuue as possible.
Jl'e real property ot the estate of the
HiUs W, UavlF, concictiog of 320
4tfe of land on the divide between
hero and Mosier, and lot 4 in block 9,
Dalles City, wbb Bold today to satisfy
mortgages held by Smith Frencti. The
property waB bought in by tho mort
gagee at ?2200 for the land and $2100 for
the city property.
Qn Mr. Bryan's advent into one of our
western towns oh his recent campaign
tour a large flaming poster bearing the
following, met his gaze on every hand :
"A possible president? Nit! W.Jay
Bryan, discoverer of perpetual motion
with the tongue! Uncle Sam's jester.
Upholder of free trade, wreck, ruin end
10 to 1. Funniest thing in town. Come
and see it !''
A London clergyman tellB a moving
tale of innocence in the East End. A
frail little girl came into a public houee
with a jug to fetch her parents half a
pint. When the jug was filled, she
nervously put down two half-pennies
on the counter and made for the door.
The barman, though he hardly liked to
frighten the poor little thing, called
after lier in a gentlo voice: "You're a
half-penny 3hort." "No, you're a half
penny short," she answered, and dis
A social event which will long ua re
metnliered bv the young people of
Moeler was a party given lust Wednes
day evening at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Root in honor of Miss Mabel
Riddell, of The Dal lee.TfriTe veiling
was spent in playing game6 and other
amusements. At 11 o'clock a sumptous
repast was served, after which games
wtre resumed until a late hour, when
the young people departed, each declar
ing it to be the best of tho season.
Among thote present were Misses Mabel
Riddell, Bessie Middleswart, Elsie Mid
dleswart, Hannah Weberg, Hulda
Graudland, Adallue Bellinger, Josie,
Jessie, and Amelia McClure, Nora and
Edna Root; Messrs. Frank Middleswart,
George Chamberlain, Leo and Elmer
Root, Charlie Clark, Uennard Bellinger,
Sam Stark, Price Hunter, Willie and
Gordon Graham, Willie Rowland, Ed-
ard Duusmore.
Miss Gertrude Mays, granddaughter
Judge Mays and daughter of Benton
jays, of Wallowa county, arrived hero,
iis mornini: from Spokane where the
lias been under tho medical care of Dr.V'
Jktucs Sutherland since last October, J V
friends will be pleaeento
learn that'she Is well and hearty and
that her looks give every Indication of
her complete restoration to health. The
case of Miss Maya is full of interest.
Five years ugoshe was taken down with
typhoid fever. Before she had fully re
covered she waB stricken with the
measles, and this, in turn, was followed
with lung troubles that lasted for yeais
aud teemed to blot out all hope of re
covery. Changes of climate were under
taken and all that medical skill and
tender care could do was dono, but in
vain. It was almost without hope that
she was placed under the medical care
ef Dr. Sutherland last fallbut it Is due
to tiliu, as wf 11 as to others wIid may be
in a condition similar to that of Miss
Mays, to say that the doctor's speciwl
treatment was in her case eminently
successful. She looks strong and hearty
and weighs more than she ever did.
Miss Maya will visit friends here for
about a week.
ChanCH In llnllroail Tlnni Card.
Tiie following change in time card will
take eil'ect on the O. R. & N. Co. Sun
day, April 22, 1900:
Train No. 2, Chicago-Portland special
for Chicago and all points east via Hunt
ington, will leave The Dalles at 12:35
p' in. This is a through train and will
stop ovei only nt BiggF, Grants, Arling
ton, lieppner Junction, Umatilla and
important stations east thereof. Dalles
passengers should take train No. 2 for
Heppner. Train No. (5 leaves Dalles at
10:10 p. in. foi Washington division
points, all points east via Spokane and
Great Northern; also all points between
The Dalles and Huntington and all
points east via Huntington also carries
through tourist sleepers to Kansas City.
Train No. 1 leaves Dalles at 12:35; p.
in.; stops only nt Hood River, Bonne
ville, Multnomah Falls, Bridal Veil and
Trotitdale. Train No. 3 leaves Dallea at
4 :0b a. m. for all points west of Dalles.
Freight trainB will not curry passen
gers except those holding special per
mits form 208. a2l 5t
Ciilaltt Jnck udiI tlm 1'rraclier.
The Klamath Falls Republican eays:
"An interesting incident is related in
connection with the execution of Cap
tain Jack, who was one of tho Indians
hanged in this county for murdering
Gen. Canby In the Modoc war. The
day before his death Captain Jack was
visited by a number of the clergy and
asked to receive the ordinance of bap.
Usui and otherwise prepare himself for
u comfortable reception at the end of
his journey on the morrow, being told
of heaven's bliss and the means to attain
it. Then Jack inquired of the divine if
he were actually suiu of heaven and the
way to get there, to which an affirma
tive answer was given, with positive as
surance. Whereupon Jack replied:
"As for me, I feel a trifle uncertain
about the matter, and you being Hire,
I'll make this proposition to you. You
take my place tomorrow aud go to that
region about which you haven't a single
loubt, and in return for the favor I'll
give you all I've got ten ponies to
add to your estate. I'm not usually
very particular, hut In this instance,
feeling somewhat uneasy about the re
sult, wuiild a little rather stuy here."
'lliu I'llmlun I'luy.
Tho Topbka Cupltal says : " I'ho vita
tcopio pictures of 'Tho Passion Play
pleased the crowd. EdUon'u vltuscopu
reproduotim of 'The Passion Play,' as
produced every ten years ut Oheram
mergau, was given at Garfield park last
night to a large and appreciative
audience. All the Important scenes in
the lifu of the Savior ure shown from
His first appearance a a babe to the
ascension after the crucifixion. The
scenes are so real aud lifelike that, it is
not hard to Imagine hearing the conver
sation between those who are repre
sented in the play. One of the best is
the scene in winch Lazarus is raised
from death to life, the audience becom
ing breathlessly attentive as the large
stone falls from tho dour of tho tomb.
The death of John the Baptist, after
which his head is brought before the
king on the platter; the Savior in the
midst of the children; the last supper
with the disciples ; Christ before Pilate;
the Savior carrying the cross ; the ciuci
fixion;and, finally, the ascension, are
very vividly shown in a way that elicited
many favorable comments from those
who were present. A brief historical
description was given between scenes.
The play will be repeated tonight and
tomorrow night, as the management
think it is a very appropriate Sunday
evening sermon."
Tiie play will to given at the Vogt
opera house next Wednesday and Thurs
day nights.
Ail verllHi'il
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the poslofiice nt The Dalles un
called for April 21, 1900. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were "advertised :
Church, Earl
Bryan, R E
Davis, A J
Fotts, E T
Griffin, Ed
Hayden, Sam
Moris, C L
Nisson, Chau
Stuard, Chas
Evans, Cye
Faught. William
Hay, Thomas
Leonard, Claud
McKnight, Win v2j
Smith, M A
Taylor, George K
Ward. Chester T
Evans, Mrs Bellu Garrett, Mrs B A
Hay, Mrs Thomas Hall, Miss M
Hawthorne, MrsA T Hodgson, Sarah
McAntyre,MissCora Nelson, Mini Abble
Pearcy. Mis Jennie Roedfck, Miss Lena
Richardson, Mrs A Smith, Miss Kthel
Smith, Miss Zutta Turner. Mrs P.-riieiit
H. II. Rjdukm., P. M.
Kcliool l(viortl
Following is tho report of school
disttlct No. 24, for the term beginning
March 20 and ending A pi il 20, 1900:
Number of days taught. 20.
Number of days attendance, 382.
Average number belonging, 21.
Average daily attendance, 20.
Following ate the pupiln who have
been neither absent nor tardy: Annie
Cook, Ija Croighton, Florence Cook,
Mattlo Green, Etta Green, Edna Morgan,
Maggie icluiry, Grace Meeker, Harold
Meeker, Dan tf.ichary, Lester Morgan
and Archie Hewitt.
Anna B, Thomson, Teacher.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias hecu
in uso for over 30 years, lias borno tho sifjrnatnro of
and has hcon mado under his pcr
sonal supervision slnco Its Infancy.
tai7X Allow no ono to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" arc hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Oastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and nliays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
f vv v V V v V V v vv vvvvvvvv vvvvvv
Knows the merits of the
Mnnv new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook.
Complete Line of '1900" Sundries.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brookhoupe, of
Dufur. tre in the city tho quests of Mra.
May llix.
Mre. M. I'. Isenherir nnd daughter,
Mice Bose, of Hood River, are registered
at. the UniHtillii Houee.
Miss Ca?aio Bailey iiaa tfone to D.y
ton. Wash., tn aeelet her father, liov.
C. J. Bailey, in tho musical department
of hia evangelistic services at that place.
O. 13. Miller, who has had charge of
tho dry eoodu department in Peaee &
Mays' for tho past year, will leave early
next week with his family for Oakland,
California, after which Mr. Miller will
upend tho summer at Capo Nome,
This niorninp, April 21st, to the wife
of U. M. Duvall, of this city, a sou.
Mut ll hulil.
My furniture and household eortila
unlet bo sold at what they will brin, as
I leavo for Snokano next Tuesday. Call
! nt my residence in the Masonic building
if you W'Uit Ian villus.
a'2l Ut W. 13. Gaiiiiuthos
cuiti: j ou
Just arrived a new lot of neckwear
for gentlemen. Latest designs and colors.
Ho suro and see them at thu New York
Cash Store.
For Infants aud Children.
Thy Kind You Have Always Bought Ely's Croam Balm
Bears tho
Signature of
Hufiley Bros., have purchased a
thrjughhred Jursey bull, registered
stock. For particulars apply ut reel
deuce on Tenth street, near tho fair
grounds. Phono 385, 3 0. (mo
Vmj unit iileatmut tn
inc. Contains no In
jurious ilrue.
Jt W iilckfjr atanrlol,
(lives Itcllcf ut oiii'o,
thu Nasal l'os.ui;cs. Pfjl Q ti HEAD
Allays IiiilammatPm. WfcW ' MbftV
Ileitis and 1'rutccts the Membrane. Itteturcs thu
Hi-men ot Tutu unit Hmell. Lare Hxo, Ml ci'iita at
UniL'L'ltts or hy mull; '1'rlnl BUu, lOcviiti liy mall.
liLV UlWMllWi, tn Wamu Utrttt, Kcw Yvrk.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Garden Hose
Wo htivo laid in a largo
stock of Ciardon lloso and avo
carrying tho .amo brand of
lloso that wo hnvo boon carry
ing lor tho last (ivo years,
which is tho oolobratod Mal
tose Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho sanio brand of lloso that,
tho Dalles City Firo Popart-
, tnont has boon using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal-
lloao Cross Brand is without
doubt tho host grado of lloso
on tho niarkot. Call antl got
our prices before buying.
jVlaier & Benton
Solo Agents,