The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BCBSCKirTlON I'KICE. One wpeV . f 15 Oae month 50 One Year 6 00 SATURDAY - - APRIL 21, 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS- Justice of tbe Supreme Coart 2. E. Wolvertou. Toed and Dairv Comuiissioner Bailev. -J. W. Presidential Electors 0. F. Paxtoa. of Multnomah: Tillman Ford, of Ma rion; J. C. Fullertoa. of Douglas; V. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. DISTRICT OFFICE RS Moodv, Coarressmaa The Dalles. Malcolm A. of Joint Senators J. 2s. WtHiamsac, of i Crook; T. H. Johnston, of Wascs; W. i w . steiwer, of Heeler. ; Joint Rep,esentatIveL-A. S. I of Wa$co: K. A. ilmniett. of Like: George Miller, of Gilliam; George Cattanscn, of Grant; George A. Bar rett, of Grant. District Attornev Frank The Dalles. Menefee, of COUNTY TICKET. County Judge Biver. A. S. Blowers, of Hood Commissioner P. A. Ktrchhemer, oi Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, oi Tbe Dalies. Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of Tbe Dalles. Assessor C. L Schmidt, of Tbe Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ol Tbe Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of Tbe Dalles. The Arlington Advocate, an inde pendent paper, pajs the foiJowint; handsome compliment to one of our Republican candidates for joint rep resentative: "Geo. Miller, tbe nom- mw fnr rpnppntittvp for tlT r?ir?rt -it- a cn hUgu uiiuaui fuunii man. At tbe present be is engaged in tbe j mercantile business in this citv, ' i vhrw bnnsp is tho nlrlPit pstoWiihcrl . in Arlingtou. 3Ir. Aliller is an Ore- eon native son, born iu Benton i county in 15C3. Since attaining his 2 "a t i majoniy ne nas maue Ul aome in Morrow and Gilliam counties. As i a man of bonest3 of purpose and Jiprigbtness of heart be has never been doubted. "With all fairness to other candidates we feel obliged to say that a better man for tbe position , could not district" be found in the entire Tbe history of tbe forest reserves may eventually come out. Congress man Wilson, of Jdaho, has introduced a resolution in congress asking whether tbe request for tbe creation of tbe forest reserves came from the people residing within the states J where the reserves 3re created, or! from the land grant railroad com- . , , , ... panies, who have thus been enabled to exchange lands of little value for' forest reserve scrip worth many times tbe value of tbe lands in lieu of which it is issued. It was only a little bit of a bouquet . , ,u" uau wurB Ior ,ew j utes tn tbe button bole of andenng Willie of Nebraska, Texed tbe air of when be last j tbe Webfooti metropolis, but when once presented to tbe fat editor of tbe Prineville! Beview it had tbe magical effect of transforming him from a tnild- visioned, gold standard, Palmner and Uuckner Demociat, into a wild eyed, rip-snorting, octopus-pulveriz iag lirynnite. The man in these days who Bays "I am a Democrat," is not in it un less he adds: 'I am also a Pop, a fusiouist or any old thing for the sake of the offices, tmys tbe Albany Herald. Jsebratka'u bank deposits have in creased $3,000,000 within a year. That state may run after demagogues but it can not deny that Us prosperity dates from Republican success. Wool awl sheen are worth twice i as much as tbey were in 1S9(. The. s;oUl standard and reasonable pro tection restored a Iivin profit to American owners of sbeep. Throat Troubles " Bard well, Kj-., where I live, is in the cx temc wtera part of the State jmd only, few milts from Cairo, T' .tumi tlm Ohfp aptL into the MtZ :Linni IUvcr. It mat he thi th-oat trouble urv TOiumuii uviv: lit cause of loca 1 1 0 11 , D Ut . whatever thf rriLsnn. I find iw.rnV" Ackers Enc- hsh Remedy iS tion on hand. It is the best thing I ever ; came across I for cj,, colds and throat troubles, and ' "J ffiSSShS I It W-it-s sn T nm writin" this letter to W. ; U always, so l am wntin t le.ier k . i H. Hooker & Co.. 23) Broadway. l ., .o ." - 'fee" .vv --r- --- -r---- - order a dozen botues at a t:me. Jiy c i bothered latelv -svith sore throat and difficult breathing, but just as soon as the dozen bot - ties she my wife is cured, for I feel absoluteJy sure it , - . . , ,. , , rr. . Wottt- is what she needs, (signed) 1. A. nnx. .Cnlrt at .Vte. and SI a bottle, throughout thp nnited States and Canada : and in Enir- -1 land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. if you are not , Eatirfied after buying, return tne Dottie tc your drucpist. and pet your money back. irf ctt(Ao-.jf Mfcijw jruarcn-fe. W. B. U00KKI1 i 00., fropnitn, -Nn.- lorfc Dull Heads- - f.uns in various parts of tbe body, ug at tbe pit of the stomach, L Hppetite, Feverishness, Pimples or - all positive evidences, of impure -jd. o matter bow it became so it must Le purified in order to obtain pood health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we Sell every bottle on a jiositive guarantee. Blabeley & Houcb ton's drus store. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburc, a., says, "As a Epeedv cure for conch;, j colds, croup end sore throat Or.e Minute Conph Cure is onequalsd, T !g nlf-poirt i. is pleasant for to :ak, t Wrtilr rteom mend it to mothers." It is "the only harmlt-sf remedy that produces ira- . weuiate results. I: cures hronchm pneumonia, ETippn and throat and Junr diseases. It w ill prevent consumption Wm. Orr, .Newark. O.. tae. "We I never feel fafe w Couch Cure i Ibe little boy's life hen he had the pnm monia. We think it U th.. 1-st mwlim... made." It cures couchs and ali lunp Hlnspa MM..B. I,.,- .-a The Dllto Cnriirr i-Jfin F-Tnnsp (re6h jjk st ai! tiltit.5 on hfin3 deliver it anywhere m the citv at" the fohowing prices: One quart, 2 per j month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $4 ; three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per f pint. Fresh butter every day. lSi-lm! Mrs. Harriet Evans. Hinsdale. III.. write. I never fail to relieve mv i ' ' children from croup at once by usicp I feel Eafe without it." Quickly curee ( coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and . r,"c ' e " Te,cfcfer' Vte Acker's English Eemedy in any case ol cohe cM or cronp- ShonM ,t fal, ,0 give immediate relief money refutided. j2 -'ts. ftud 50 ctE. Biateley & Houshton Druggists. Have you teen those "swell" ehirte at ! hp Vnrlr C....") Ill I - - cii icr. i ufifT ami ir.ll T.. J iPnmp ,., nnH , ,., , tu j Oome early and get your pick. I Freeh cracked Nebra.Ka corn Wasco arebouce. Finest chicken feed. mch2.5-u j Giark & Falk'a dm; Keck i- nf?u- fresh and complete. .Nolle. L-very s tab!e for s3!e at Centerville. dih.. 10O rifer month hntini.u ll'lll sell at a bargain. in27-l in A, K. Graham. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENOON RESTAlUflJiT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street Ufa m t hp-p I wriii -nve ner a lew ooses. ana "os w mi uiru iu in i ...-n sio.c- pet ne.e, l wiu PJ"B'- Tn ! mei.t No. 1. lor the t.nreha.-e of U-e W SE' .ti-- - i a ; a. : jk : j.-rTyrjcT3 rm-n I will certamly be well ar&m. snJ - .j. ot tecSJon Nc , i Tp t s TT'TTrrxlMTK7, anotner letter in a snort time saying , o. .1 t... ji . ana u; oaer xt to ntw ; r .s itbont One Minute! "rtr.'J; """.T i1"" '"o , ... or uiuti in ?uiMin w ni nium. ana house. It saved UIV thatnid j.rool v. ill be mode twfore W.B. 1', Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. j Itartlfldallydigeststhe food and aids ; Kature in strenptheninp and rccon , structinc the exhausted dlpesttve or gans. It Is thelatet discovered dipest-, ant and tonic 2fo other preparation ; LXC"" I V."" VTi- n.riv:.." "JJWCWia, iuuikrauuu, .ucaituuiu, ' ilKKfL0 f5: I BicxxcauacutuasiraiKia v.r.iuijis,nuu :u oltier results or imperfect aipcstioa. Wnll tTipr ' YIrr. At liienn's I . . j i , ; P"at and ;1 storf- aprl lw T. BROWNHILL -J JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary - -... rti..-....- . i- .t.. . . i,. n i? ;..wr ! See. The Dalles. Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Lmd, Act Jnne 8, 1ST3. r. 5. Lixu Orncc i mil: ruixr.. On.. Air. 13. 1W0. i Notice I- hereby clven ttwt m compliance wllt tae tnovllcn rf the art of wincTf-.j of , .t Ultultd ,.An 3C, te Uln. ( .j ,an(js ln he utcs of faHinmU, Oiepj. i cveaa ana nssniucion iertjiory, j irilitatn K. Kctchnm. 1 of The Palie. Count; of Wkco, -uie rtf ( wnu, 1 thai : tae laid ousht is more y.iua ! tiutber r fume than lor ameul'ura! d t e..,,v)l..b hl5 el(ltm , ,ld ua&le I T it ' ! 5urjiO". Iwikc the t:eeificr ana j.-tvner u 7nis fiee at lie I frpciin. oil Saturday, the 23d rtar oMbiip, 190tl, He name as wjUim:. J. B. ?oit, I. l Ket- ehuin. Joe)h Haiais ad W'lliam t"lvr. all ) i Any nnd all jitidk eUltalar adrerMily the , j above-dtscriKd lands are reqaestMt to 81e their I elaim.. iu this onlce on or bvfure mid 23rd dr of June. l'.U anrivHw-i jaw. ur.i-, Eeputer STURDEVANT. Dentist. 0&ce OTer Frenci A- Co.'s Bail Phone e, THE DALLES, OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 'Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. Li"a Ornct at Twe Dalle. Oeeo.v A nr. 1G. isii. i .-.oacr u nertny Riven ;ni to pU'&nance o: in.tmcUon bom tseeommti'toner of the cen- . era! iaitd oSiee, under authority veted in him ! oy -eeoon stsa t . . tier. tai.. as amended the act of ewnrre5 f.fprmed FetimnrT a-., l-'ti. we will proeetd tu ofScr at jioblle sale 'on Mm- aay, sae nsn cty ot Hay next, at the hoor of 10 o'rloci, a. m., at tci uttiee, I lie foLlowinc i traet of land, to-wit: S NE-4 See. 2U.T.1 S. R. S2 E.. W. U. j " l-erwns etaimiiu; me above , ae-cribwl ItsCt, are :o file th ir ' cieims in imt oace on or before the dar alM e ' aotraatec lor iheeuinrneticement of aid salt, otherwise their rUht will be forfeiW. JAY . LCfAS. Resi.ter, OTIS PATTERSON. Receiver. aprtl NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. .Land OrncE at VAScorvea. tvAm ,i ilareh "1. lai Notice is hereby cier! that the (ollpwinc- i wSnt wJwU i oa ""t"r. MrT. iwir, vU: , , r v. Jbbn G. McDonald, P-A0 '."0'1' 'i!"er action He names tne follow int.- ultrit--. tn iar hli cununuon residence un, and cu:tSvttiou of trtrt land, rix: Samuel I Courtnet, Harry Iei.-.inctor., Oi o;tatna, ot liartland O . V nth und ' ,. ,. , ", , ., niatJM lpntcr NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. LA;.r OrncE at Vascocvik, Wahi.. i i March l'SA) ) ' Lr.. .1.',.r:i!.br ?.TC? ,h"1 .'"""winir i unu'vu rrAab.i linn u.m iiniirunr Kid In,.. l niatc final jrwf In scmoit of uialf Wr ?i K'?hJ' lLnUwl eSu?. Commis.loner for MUictof Waihlnston, at hU oliee-tn Oolden dale. U'ah. fin Mt.rjtav A,..! . lui LtlUIU. flliU LULL nCHI IiriMiT 5TII rnflll .alr.A 1 dale, Vah.. on 5!or.dv. Atiril irt. lw.o. vir Herman Eouelke. II. E. No hem, for tte r.ortbuett quarter of Motion E. towuthij. 3 north, of racse 11 eat, 1 V III. .er. i He Mmn the fotJovririF wltnesv to prove bl coTstlnuGui retidctice M'iu and cultiva ion ol HUUIMIln . 1Z . .."5"' ;ouer, juisra KUKinton, lietrleK H. etesrrcan, of Centrrllle K O , M ain., and Henry F. Bruhe, of The Ittliei V. O.. Oreron. Jcario - u h. It. Ill' MSA It, ItecUter. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. i.ijuuirajl7 JUE WALLE. OKr.COS.1 Las& Ornci at The Halle. Obcgov., Marph 1I. 1l i x"'c'c J? h,'th ir6n b following carted .cttier ha r.i notiee of h) intention to HeTnrich Lobbing, of Th- Dllps.0r.. of ld land, viz.: Cb.rie. limrl; X SK i.., .. .. . . .. ' 1 LtUAf. rna:;i if Iiexlter. jjk. Km k. rei',ci'Mi.v, Physician and Surgeon. edict, Vor.t Iilock i v TofctofSee), Jft.u.i-Jw THE IM1.I-1 OHE'.ijN 1 OWE FOR A OOSE. ffftll I w !. Prent I'll I V. FBKD. W.WIION, ATTOKMJV-AT IJLW. Otic , F., .Sat, 0MXi' 0I:GOi, at the that id vnxtt trill he made U-forn th of ; ".ViVi.T1' D4llw' OrtS011' oa :u"j3r .. " ',;." the NW"-i. .etion 17, town- thlt. 1 north, fuvr li ft- . ' I He name the followius tn t.rore . .""oocn retlderue ucou.'iid enltlralion M IwIdUf I: Complete of at M.Z. DONNELL, THE-DRUCCIST. LiAHE t H . n u BROS.. FAERAL BiacKsmuns tj. ..AND... is n 5 5 I Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TM Sufi Jefferson. Fiione 159 15 I j. j t I ! 4 . 5 rnteiil , I W ..chas. m- Butchers and Farmers ..Exehsmge.. Keej on draught the celebrated COLtMlllA HEEK, r.cknow-;. edged tfce bci-t Unr In The Dallea, a! the u.uul price. Cotnc In. try It and he eonvlnced. AImj 'the Flnt brnnds of Wines, Li juor and t'icars. Sandtuiches of all Kind always on hand. C. F. Stephens .Dealer In... DpV COOdS. Clothina 'U JF wwwo, ujuujiulj, ) ' 1 I. 1 r Cents' Furnishings. Koohs, Shoe. Hot. ( una, Notions, .for W. 1. UouBlas Shoe. A St. 1 Ti'Iejihone No. SH. 1!W Second feu, The Dalles, Or, Just What Yoa ixiant. New idea to Wall Paoer here. KitM, wide variety as ue are showing never be fore graced a ninglu utock. Keul Imlta. , tion creton efTecte at ordinary prlee. Good papers at cheap paper prices Elejanl de-Usns, taeteful coloriuitH, vourn , for a email price, at our store on third evriwi. wu iuil line O! uouse paint D. W. VAUSE, Third St. a a hcvtikotox TrtT.'TlVf;Tnv a u'iicvi h a wiuom H ATiOKNKYK aYmW, Boisesiioe if?) m Ptramcru lowlnR wliwliilp, m liioiilc wlthmil Str. RcErulator. Ship your Freight M.V. l.v I'allcs at a. M. Ti!,.ilar UP. ' l.v. Tottl uiJ nt 7 X. X. .Miimlnj- V1L , WitlneMiay Arr ffi Regulator Line. at a so r. M. J, ThuiMlar k Saturday . ' Arr. fjirtlatid ?.tr. m. 5' FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 5 Travel by the Steamer ol the Regulator Unc. !j roni the liet ! vice josslt)le, 1'orttand O&lcc, Oalc Strwt IKict. W. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Hi 'Important , Announcement to you. For 3U day after April let, I will fell all tha Dry Good", Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Hutu and Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. I Now is your opportunity to get bar j cains. Don't miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. Collins & Co. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRACC MARKS Jcsicns Copyrights Ac. Anyone 'ndlng a nketrli and denrrlftlon ma nulcklr u-r.iriam our oiniimi free -.netlirr a' ItiTHntuin I. probably nuteutnble. C'ommutilc tluna ntrictly cxiirJdeiirlU. lluiiil Wik on ratentt loin Irrni. oiite.t iiBiim-r lor Fi-curini; patent. rutin.' taken tnmucti Munu A Co. luctlrt tjxrlal notice, without charge, lu tha Scientific American. A liand'omcly lllnitrnled lreeklr. Ijirret rlr. rulntiuit of r.oy KPientlCi" Journal. Ternm. 13 a renr. f-mr mi)nth, th SolJ tyall rir-milenler. MUNN&Co.3C'c-. New York llrauth Ofllco. CS 1 KU Wasblnman. U. f We Put... every bit of twenty 3ears experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLHKELEY & HOUGHTON. Keliablo Prescriptionists Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Lauuii, TiioDe Wi REGULATOR LINE. Danes, Portiana & fl i ot tlm Regulator Unc w(il tun Ihe Cornjnj- lorrvtns the ilrhi in IT notice. cf Str. Dallos City. l.v. Dal tr nth a. ,. I -Moinlny ! WnltieMUr Friday, i Arr. I'ortlauit nt 5 r. m. Art. ij!ui The Compauy will endeavor to rlrnii . i for further luiurmutlon addret '":",Pi-,! C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. cer. C. S. Smith, THE Up-to-date Qroeer Freeh Egg snd Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. B. Ben kick, H. M.Bril, First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Busineee trunehd DepoeiU received, subject to Eight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds protnptlj remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange to'A a Newi'ork, San Frauchco and port land. OIRBCTOKS D. P. Tiioxpbos. S. Ecnwci. Eu. M. Wiixiavb, Geo. A. Liui. H M. Bkaiu FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNKttALBANKI.NU BCKIMS Letters of Credit issued available in tin Eastern BUtee. Bight Exchange and TeletjipW Transfers sold on New York, Cbicig, St. Louis, Kan Francisco, Portland Or gon, Seattle Wash,, and various po in Oregon and Washiot'ton. Collections made at all jkjIdU obUT orable terms. me coinmBia pacKioi ft.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAKOKACTUMKKaOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersofk BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD beef. etc. NERVITA. . . .....i....tnrliU CureB Impotency, Mtfht J-ro'", m. wantinif dlaeaaes, all cfecta ot cretion. AiiwrvoWjW liloodliuUdi-r. Brings pink glow to alecbeew restores t ie "' ior 2.50; with a wrl tU '"Zj, i to cure or reiuud tlo tee NCR VITA MEDICAL CO. Mica j i Axle Orease I I hcljn the team. Saves wearaad I exjicube. Sold c cr-where. M iLat KAHE STANOARO OIL CO. Subscribe for Tun CuitWi''