For Nearly Two Years Unable to Lay in Bed In av capacity as drugjpst. in Buffalo, X. Y I have the best opportunity to iudtrt of'tbe racnts ot many different remedies. I am in close touch with the sick, wh come into ray store for medicines, and most o them tell me how thcy -are tjet: np along:. -t tnc naa tired of preparations which I sell, cot a single one begins to give as much satisfaction as Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis. Asthma. Pleurisy and Consumption. I sell it on a dis tinct guarantee that it will cure, or the purchaser's money will be returned. This is a perfectly safe -guarantee, because the remedy dees cure. Nobody wants his money returned. Its cures are coining short of marvelous. Take lie case of Mr. A. H. Gilbert, for instance. lie lives at Xo. 5 Carey street. Buffalo. K. Y. For more than three years he had a bad case of asthma, and had been un able to lie down in bed for nearly two years. Ke came to mv store and asked me what to do. 1 said: - Take Acker's English Remedy.' He said he had tried oih;r reme dies and didn't think th:s would lieln him. But he thinks differ ently now. Three bottles rLed his asthma all right. He could sleep and eat -sifter taking them, as well as when a boy. He was cured several months ago, and is well yet. s.t I am certain his trouble is gone for good. You can write to ilr. Gi'bert h-.mself. if you doubt mv word. He will go further than me in prais ing Acker s English Remedy." (Signed) S. B. THoibcE, druggist, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold a: r;c. 30c and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in England, at is. 2d., ss. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bnitle to your druggist, and get your money back. JPf c.itj-i:i tt cJcrf jrccrcrjfj. II. II. UOOKrS i CO., JirUiort, .Vnr Jo-t For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. R.&N. j A CouRh Mrrttrlno for tlillilreu ! "1 have no hesitancy in recommend jing Chan.borlain'e Couch Renitdy." ays F. P. Moran, a well known Mid j popular bakr,of Pelersburp, Va. "We have civen it to our children when ' troubled with bat! couti, also whoop-; inp couch, Mid it has ala av s given r-' ' feet satisfaction. It was lecommcnded j :to me by a drucpist as the best congh j 9M Ukf ,Vnvcr n ' medicine for children as it contained no; mmi worth. Omaha, Kaii ., . , . . t i. ' 1115 p.m., a City, j-t. Unit, j opium or other harmful drop, soldo) ctiicaso -.nd Kast. ' Blskelev a Honchton. ! Tint M IIKM'LK. I'lUlU IUU.ES. A nr.. v k Fl'OM. Vt Mall Win. J. Landers, resident manager of the L'on and Imperial Fire Insurance Companies, wishes to annonnce to the patro(H of these companies that owing I to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Fyatd and the resignation of Mr. Uagh Gourlay, their farmer agents, the agency for both oinpanies for The Utiles and trinity has been placed in the hands ol Mr. Timothy Brownhili. Any business eiven to Mr. Brownhili will receive ' prompt attention and will be appreciated ' br the companies. Office in C. E. Bay-! ard's old stand. No. So Washington ' Etteet, The Dalles. Orecon. alG-lm "1 used Kodu! Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It elves ' immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend." says E. Hartceiink, Overisel. Mich. ' Digests what you eat. Cannot f.iil to , cure. , M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., savs, ;"DeVitt's Little Early Risers are the j very test pills I ever used for costheness, ; liver and bowel troubles." Sinoe ;Valt Walla. Spokamy Spotntic .MIIUiealHillL M. I'hUI, tlycr T-06 jv. ta. iu lut b. MUmiUiUv Chicago and Knit. I !. in. 1 I iKvan Steamshlt. 1 Fir Sn l'raiicici ivjcmnhcr 5. s, IS. in aud p. ra. r ncr Ir.Ma. in 1 p. m. 1 .1 . , ,., . I t ti. m. I Es.suuittr ColnroMn ttv. Steamer. Kx.Mindnj saturd 10 ji. in. To ArTO&tA and Wars Saturday I-aualiien. ! 1 6 a.m. WiuaKCTrc Riven. 4:30 p.m. j Ex.suuday Orreon dir. Nrw herj:, Ux-sundaj s-Ateiu A. way Land's. NEW TRAIN SERVICE. THE LOVING CUP. "The double train servlci to he estab- ', Hsbed between Portland and Chicago ' April 22, in which the O. R. & , the Union Pacific and the Orecon Short lane are interested, will shorten the ! Train Xo. j BUSINESS LO CALS. Clark & Falk are never closed undiy 1 Don't forcet this. j Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line 'of paint and artist's brushes. i WiLLAKtrrE ashYax- 3:Srtp. ra. 7 a. ra. Tu.Tbar. hill Uivzils. ami SJ.t. orcyon City. Dayton, anil Krl. and Way-ljiijdinpt. 6B.2S. WltXlVETTE ltlVES. ! 1:3) p. !3. Tue..Thur, PotUanil to Corrallis .Mini. Wrtl bjkI sat. aud Way-Lauding, iaiid Friday Lx Ri)ria dairy 1.20 a. m. ' Snace River. KijKiria ta lwikton. Leave Lew l won daily S)n. in. i '35 3? 5 it- :2 He II 1 is i "I i3E The DQI1... ' J Or. J The Chronicle, Job Printers. 1 jSjiiiAjjJlU.iiirii-iutl ain'Al-Uv'y lili .! Ul liii y I yt j U t U tlljlj I'Tu U7U tiXiXj Iiuj.iil Lilt i a x i3 through time eleven hours. 2, leaving Portland at 9:15 n. m., be ginning on the date named, wiil be' fcrtonrn n I hp ntiifLitra-PfirtJanfl snppml. I Its equipment will be new, making it j ,cur.,ous of ,he Is thf ot tb , ,, . , . . . . lovintr cup, which takes place at all fu Iv the equal of anv train now in ser-1 , . i tne guild dinners as wei! cs at the vice from the Pacific coast to the East, j banquets of the corporation. It will consist of a mail car, bacgacej The cup is a two-handled one with car, two chair cars, and a tourist sleeper. ' a lid. While one guest is holdiac the .V Tnpnlnr CnMom f th? Present Day That Ilatcx tram Anclo Minm Tlnifii. rarUe drfinnc to co to Ilciinner flmnld i , . ;aie.. 4, K-nritic me iiaii? at 7:m j. tn aturallv some of the ancient citrj L se Clarke & Fa.k squniue heir tonic raaUnk' direct connection at Horpticr junction customs are connected with the ar j to keep dandruff from the head. ifg Hffll? llS&'ll of dining, says Cood Words. Gas- i fni' rv. r,,B im. n-i th. 1 - i5- tronomy and the Guildhall are insert-1 .. . , . ,". . ". r- i . . . . . ! nliei: mt received bv Clarke it Falk. t araoiv associated. Oae of the most t r ' There wiil be but one change of cars to ' all eastern points. The fall time will ' be three days thronth to Chicago, or ' four day; through to Chicizo, or four ' days and two hours to New York. ! The second train, known as No. 6, ; will leave Portlind at C:20 p. tn., con- j aectins: at East Portland itb the South ern Pacific's overland train from San lid, the next sips the spiced wine; a third, on the other side of the driak-j er, stands up. Then, the brim, harir. 1 . . . t ueeu iwieu ut a ciean napK.'n. tUUnniU1 cup is passed to the guest holding the fjaseil lid. He drinks in his turn, while bis! next neighbor takes charge of the lid. I -5iv-In this way the cup makes the round i To T " I No. throucht Irtricht. cast bound, doc not carry tenee:k: iirrivco 2:i0 a. in., dcimrt 1 on will not nave boils if you take .No 2t. local fteisbt, cirri j-nBwii. tnt Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bails. : bound, arrive 4.; p. ci., depart :lB p. ta. I No. a, tt noniid through Ireicht. diH not Clarke & Falt's navoring extracts are J"E": arrives s.15 p in., dcj.aru the best. Ask your crocer for them. i Xol'''wcst bound local ireisht, crrK- pax ... j , I Mmjen.; arrives 5:16 p. m., dejMtrt-,::)a. in. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping t , ,. , , , ,, , . j i A, i -or 'u'l particulars (aitl on O. 11. A N. Co.'i and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke j wrtntThe Dallct. or addren & Falk. i w. h. iWRUirrtT, Gen l'a. Art.. Portland, Or. De Witt's Witch Haz-1 Salve is un ' for pile?, injuries and skin It is the original Witch Hazel Beware of all counterfeits. ecure the oricinal witch haze! of the table. j salve, ask for DeWitt'e Witch Hizel This custom dates from Anrlo-Sas- Salve, well known d a pertain pnr for l-rancise ., and will earrv through equip- i ine noiumg ot tne Jul was i pj;fc5 aa t tkindistraseE. Beware of worth -ment to Chicago via the Union Pacific L"c" ua utt mereiy 01 courtesy, , le5 and the Chicaeo and Northwestern, and : iUi lL": fJfl ":D l.was lt,u . , i prevented from drawtor his darfr : asmng.on . and s.abWna. drinker-a nlavful "Ds Witt's -cttrisioa ot the U. ri. ., in ennee- after-dinner practice not. uncommon tion with the Great Northern for St. , in those times. Meanwhile the guest Paul. This train will reach Spokane at ! who was standing guarded the drink 10 a. tn. A dmins car wiil be furnished er irom an assault from behind. i:aner on corresponding train leaving j "Spokane at 3:4-3 p. m. The new sched- IrlnPait Wacon Warohnncp Hnmnonv MWW WW Ml VIIWMWW W W III 1JUIIJ Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds :TToannQTloTe -firvn Ptqh CVi rY-f c? and all klndt ivuutuiu uuig Avi tvii, ajuwx no, of MILL FEES -Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOH FlOlir ThipFlour is manufactured expressly for fimilj iu JJ. a. iu iaj. . oefc . everv .jj je (juaranteed to pive utufictin W eeit our gonlB lower than any houee in the trade, and il you don't ttunka call and cot cur prieue and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Yellowstone Park Line. counterfeits. Tbev are daneerous. Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., sav?. Little Earlv Risers alwavs! brinz certain r-Iif-f. cnrf mv hfarlnrhf i TE IMNti C AIt ROME KKOM POUTLAND and never pripe." They gentlv cleanse I and invigorate the bowels and liver. Sbe Gnrkri Wrote. Mr. Slowgait (about to projosc. time Ki THE EAT. THE ONLY IlIKMT LINE TO THE VEUiW hi ONE J'AKK Ulfiuiarck'n Iron itk Wa5 the result of his splendid health. ale as arranced iviil supply the most i complete service ever furnished on the O. R. & N., as it provides increased ser- j xice in Eistern Oregon, where it is greatly needed, and gives immediate; connection with the Washington divi- fiion at Pendleton. At this point there j is a large interchange of traffic, on ac- count of the various mining districts of Baker county, the Coeur d'Alene, the epnblic and Kootenai mining camps. Portland is greatly benefited bv this -change, in as much 9 increased service is given from Eastern Oregon and Idaho. No. 2 will Jl p. m.) I am about to. say somethiny. j -moonmau.e win ana tremenoouB energy Miss Chillington. that I .should have i are not found where fitomach, liver, said some time aero. Lok into my eyes t kidneys and bowels are out of order. If and tell me if you cannot guess what , vou want these qualities and the success it is- I they bring, use Dr. King's New Life io (UiV.nMi "ftiis. They develop every power of yawn i uu iwii i hrKin nd hfr. LEAVE. No. DEwn D25i, nittiand I sis No 1 suppose you must be going to say ?ood nitrhr Stray Stories, E&Kllh Ecrn Little Statistics just completed by the in com si: tion &. Houghton's drugstore every jower Only 25c at Blakeley Volcanic Krujittuo Are grand, but skin ernptione rob life of joy. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve cures! I'ullmnn tirt vin and tourkt Ft mnll for Tnnomn, , toMiic, uirmpin, urur Iliulxir and suutb Ik'iid ' iKiliits, fa)okaiic. Kosit-1 land, il. C, I'ullmnn,' Momcow. lA-wlxion. Huf- 11.15 A.M. (kloiiiimii mining coun- ll.i, it. l'uut, Omniiit, Knns City. St. luln. Ctilcn;i and atl joint, eiut and Miuttivunt. I'uret nound Kim for Timn and acnttle 7;C0.V. M. and llitcrumlldte jKitnt' No. t. 11:30 I.M 6; I. SI. No. 3. r.leo;n.-r to . " - inftm en li f mnrttnr. r.n.t fr...... .Tl I U liltl IKJ11R. BL. 1 Hill I111Q .MtteXllltrl f ( llf. ime tax commission of Great Britain ,':,'"- cu'"' ! without chnnsc. ' :ov that out of a total adult popula- j ulcers Loils, Felons, Corns, Warts,! Vwtibuled triii. t uion dejot coniuttlom on of 12,500.000 mere than 10.000.000 Cut5' Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped , ni5.JwcBSi to'destinatio,, of tir-L,... earn leys- than $i00 a year. The income . Hands, Chilblains. .: u uitagu at tnx s Cj ectefl at tl-P rr!f nf lf.f.n Unrll, rrivfco r.r,t m.; No. 6 at 7:45 a. tn., as at present, each S5 above SSGO. and the n.tnl taT ' rK. o?.,. " v I V b U-J A trists. Rev. W. write?, ' me esiDouna tratn out ol Chicago, w-liich laxt year amounted to more than Sold bv Blakeley & - 1 : . t n , . - - . f.r. r,rr. r.e . , . . . turret,. uiiuing wim io. is vo. l. : ci"", ss ccniriuutea uv not This will arrive in Portland at 4 :00 r. ! mort: ,ban 2,000,000 people m. The tram corresponding with the astbound No. G is No. H, out of Chicajo. "This will reach Portland at 7:30 a. m. Westbound train No.l will leave Chicago at 6:J0 p. in., and Omaha at 8:20 a. m. in no kind o' motion. N. Y. Journal, following day. The time will be ' Tednctd two houre and forty-five min-, ates. No. 3 westbound train will leave ! Ciiicago at 10:30 p. in., and Omaha at' H :25 p. ni. the next dav. I The service on the Union Pacific on all ! Thfi Kill) YflU HaWP llwavt Rmirhi ' ple"nt herl le Butfet emoklnz- 6. Bnd lndIjettl, Best Pile cure on ?r hnndiKiiiicly IlltiKtiatwidwcrli.tiVf matter, , , , bicvjiihb tur ivM-Tvaiiou, etc., call on or pains and aches. ! write Cure guaranteed. A. D. CHARLTON, Houghton, drng-1 Aoklntant (jcncral I'mcenccr Agent, S55 .Morrison 2; street, corner Thin., i'ottlttud, Oregon. . E. Sitzr. W. Canton, N. Y., .1 Mniter of I'rincipif. write?, "i una tiyspepeia over twenty' Handout Harrv Do vou b'lieve in ' Jbari and tried doctors and medicines perptcheral motion? without benefit. I was persuaded to use ' Tiepats Tcdd.i - Nan 1 I don't b'lieve i Kodol Dvepepeia Core and il helned me . "X- X' r . . . i ' . .... I i rum me start, i tteneve it to be a - ! panacea 'or all forms of Indigestion." It digests what ycu eat. SOUTH and EAST via CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. these trains include .library carf, and dining care. No. 6 ; will carry a daily ordinary sleeper to! Kansai! City, with clause en route to , ordinary cars to Chicago. Consult the nearest ticket agent for detailed information. W. H. Hl'glhi'bt, General l'aeeenirer At'ent. . Bears the Sigoature of t S!ck Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tei. A herbdrink. Cures constipation on, makes you eat, eleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 23 ctB. and 50 cte. Blakeley k Houghton Druggist'. Min Pacific co. Nasal CATARRH In all lU rtages there tbould be clcimmeja. Elj's Cream Balm the Jt enrei catsrrh and drives tvij a coid in the tii&d Shasta Route Trin leave The Dalles for Portland und wny ttfttloim at i.ii a. in. HUd S ji. ta. Leave Portland . ... ' Albany Arrive Anhland " hucrnmi'iito " San rrancitco P. . Knowles is now proprietor of! 'the Fifteen-Mile House and stables a .,...,, Dufur, where he is prepared to accomo- " Heuver date the traveling public in first class " vh' jEtyie. uoou taoie, goou rooms, good beus ana the best of cere for man and i.'M a in . 12 :30 a in . 12:SJu in :liuii . . 6: 15 u in . a in . 7 ViZi u in .. 7: 15 u HI Iryinr preparations 6implydcvel- ejeao,ootbenaheal . i. . j it . " .... tne dixosed membrane. uu in w Tm rrii" i 1 1 1. v in mi iijn nKrTi.1 iiii . - j ? j r "vhich adhere to the membrane and decom pose, canning a fur more M-rious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all do ing innmanta, lumes, smoices anu enuiia nd tue that which cleanses, soothes and ituda, Ely's Cream Balm is Bdch a remedy Mad will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be ( mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the iOc atze. Ely Brothers, GC Warren fit., N.Y. Kfgt ror Sale. The Balm cures without pain, does not Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock Irritate or cause aneezmg. It spreads itself fc,a ,,., Cu i r.n e rer an irritiUediind angry surface, reher- J r mi fd I-50' For is immediately the painful inflamaiation. ! porticolare call on or sddrees, TWith Ely! C'reaaa Balsa yom are armed 1 b'A.vpKKis Buos. 40aiatKaHlMrrbandfiFerer. Box 647. The Dalle, Or. ' beast at reasonable rates. m24'lmw Saab lu luur ccecaa. All county warrants registered prior tn .Inni. S ISO.': uill V.. ...I.I t Cream Balm li pUced Into the nortrila, spreads - my ...v- i a i. .i i.j T,.,t.;... ofnee. Interest ceanes after Febniarr 9 fiv.a titCIMUIBUV kKli IV BUMJIilii JtCilVl M IIU I " w" lutw. c mediate and a cere fo!lowi. it la cot dryins doe cot ;rodsce rntezins. Large Size, SO centf st Drue glit .r br mall; Trial Size, 10 centa hj mall. iKV KiOTIIEES, U Warren Street, New York. L. Phillips. Conntv Treasurer. Why pay 1.75 per gallon for Inferior paints when you can bay James K. Pat ton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clsrk & Falk, agents. mI7 Early Kose potatoes at Maier A Benton'. Arrive U Angelea .. " Kl fM " Fort Worth. . " (Mtr of Mexico. " liouaUm ' New Urleuna . " Viuliliirtoii . . " New York ... l:V0m . .:( p in .. C:SUnio . . D; a in -. I AH n in . fi n in Cilia in ...UMSpin 7:U) m 10:U ji in ll:30ain I ;! n in 6:15 a in 11.1'. am 'JM)a in 7 a in 7:()0n in C:U) p in d;'M a m i:tA a in l:jnuiii 0:'J5 ji in 0 12 u in .2" 13 Ji IU '-Of and Motors M A.NL'KACTOUKl) BY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. ' F. S. GUNNING, Agent unG TjK DALLKS, OREGOS DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplied Crandallfi Burget UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. J'uIIman and Tourlat can on both traliu. Chair earif Hutrainento to Oxdcu mid Kl 1'ono, BiidtourUtcura toniicuKo, Bt toula, Hvw Ot lean and V nahltiKtou. Conntctln at Ban Krancltco with acveral atearptliij. iTnea lor Honolulu, Jaj.un. China Hilllj.jiluca, Ceutral and South America. See agent st The batlea station, or addreu C. H. MARKHAM, Ceaeral Psaaenger Agent, Portland, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. INSURE WITH THE w Union & Grown Fire insurancs Go. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1826. CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS $20,120,035. Surjlu U'jond all I.tubllltlc In Hutted dtutcn $621,100,28. ARTHUR SEUFERT. Res. At. 'I'lirinc 111. The UulUii Or, Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronic10