For a Nice Suit of Clothes. rnllnc. Ovcrcontln- or Fancy Vesting. if Kludlv rail and csnmlne ray stock of luv ported anil 1) uestic Woolens. A Hue stock to Buitu made from the lowest prices to the higli. est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE DALLES OREGON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One weak ? 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 FRIDAY ArRIL 20, 1900 The Tiroes-Mountaineer's cor responds, "Common Sense," replies -very courteously to The Chronicle's request for information as to when or by whom it has ever been decided thkt the general government has no power to build and operate a portage railroad. But "Common Sense" leaves the matter precisely where it was. No competent authority has ever made any decision on the mat' ter. The opinion of a congressman, or a government engineer, or even a secretarj- of war, is worth just a6 ranch as that of a newspaper cor respondent or editor, even, and no more. Congress rr.aj' never appropri ate money for a portnye railroad but, lo a layman, the provisiou in the constitution that gives them power to provide "for the general welfaie of the United States" seems wide enough to take in a portage road. If congress has no such power the lay mind naturally wonders where they get their power to appropriate monej' for a canal and locks. Tin: Chronicle is delighted to be.'ieve that a portage on the north side of the river will soon be a reality, but just because it is n private enterprise and, as such, liable to pass into other bands, or lo form combinations with other competing lines to maintain prices it never will give the relief that wculd be afforded by a govern ment portage. The Oregoniun is striking the enemy with Titanic force these days, even if it is at the expense of its own consistency. Here is a word from a review of the late speech of Senator Hoar that we take pleasure in re peating because we agree with it to a dot, and because it furnishes an agumentum ad hominem to those who insist that the constitution fol lowed the flag into the Philippines and in the same breath insist on the right to pull the flag down. Soys the Oregonian : "If the 'anti' contention that the constitution already extends to the islands, 'ex propro vigore,' Is correct, where is the constitutional -warrant to alienate them? Senator Hoar would regard it as a slrange j proposal if the Republican caucus brought in a bill to put Massachusetts out of the Union." Senator Hoar has made n new dc-' parturc in his admiration of Aguin aldo. Not content with classifying the Malay obicf with Kossuth and Oom Paul nnd Jubert and Ommet, with Egrnonl and Horn, with Nathan Hale and Warren and George Watii. isgton, be exalU him still higher. The senator says the stale papers of Aguinaldo are the produols of the Asiatic mind and as such are "not uawortby of the vehicle through which came to us tho scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the poetry of David, the cloqucnceo of Isaiah, the wisdom of Solomon and j tho profound philosophy' of Paul." This is ethnology and theology gone mad. What racial atlinity exists between this Tngal insurgont and that noble people to whom wore "committed the Oracles of God." The mere circumstauce of Asiatic birth . gives tho senator no more right to place Acuinaldo on a pedestal beside 1 fa ' , ' , .. David and Solomon and Isaiah and Paul than the circumstance of Amor- , , ican biith gives a Digger Indian the tn lin lnn,1 nn n rnninl ft II II I V W fltlVUl Vltl a ity with Daniel Webster or Abraham Lincoln. The senator's erotic elo quence is an insult to the Hebrew race. The Dalles people will Jearn with profound sorrow that the Columbia Valley Railroad has abandoned its project to bridge the river at The Dalles. The information comes to us through the Telegram, which ex plains the situation in this manner f "The citizens desired that tho rail-, road, in consideration of the bonus to be given, should build a double-J deck bridge for the accommodation! of wagons as weli as for the railroad track. The company did not see it that way and has decided not to! build." The crushing effect of this announcement is somewhat mitigated by the fact that there probably is not a man in Oregon who ever imagined that this imapin-ry Columbia Valle3' Railroad evr. .rl the least intention of bridging 1 river here or else where. Missouri .Middle-of-the-Road Pop ulists have contributed to the gaity of nations by denouncing Wm. J. Bryan and John Rockefeller for their alleged connection with trusts. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the etotnnch, Loas of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores nil positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became bo it must l.e purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elesir has never failed toeureScrofuloue or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we 6ell every bottle on a positive cuarantee. Blakeley & EIoub ton's drug store. Experience is the best Teacher. Use 1 Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail lo i;ive immediate relief money refunded.! 25 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley & IIouBhton DruceistS. Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We1 never feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the bouse. It saved mv little hoy's life when he had the pneu j monia. we tlunc it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and nil lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Clark & Falk's dru ptock is new fresh and complete. Nolle. Livery stable for sale at Centerville, Wash., ?100 per month business. Will sell at a bargain. ' ro27-lm A. R. Gbaiiam. jjit. v.. e. reitoustiN, Physician and Snrgeon, Office, Vogt Ulwk (over PoHtofilee), aoaplmo-dw TIIK DAI.I.IIS, OUKtiON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street ONE FO A DOt. PILLS Pan HwuUctM and McUbjrdraMuu. OR. O0SANX0 CO. PWU. W Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and olds in strengthening and rccon- rutlM the Juted : fans. ltistneiatestdlscoveretlalRcst-, ant and tonic. No other preparation , can approach it in efficiency. It in- j I Btantly relieves and permanently cures' Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, j 1 31lKXieUUuUllu, vtUflbrulff 111, Irl Hill pStUUU ai other results of Imperfect .digestion. - PTBOOred by E. C. DfWIK CO.. COICOBO- T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. JS'otary Public. Collections promptly attmided to. Money to loan. C. E. Bayard's of fice, Tho Dalles, Orceon. NOTICE FOR rUBUCATION. Timber Ltnd, Act June 15, 1S7S. I'. S. OrncK. I The IUi.lks, On., At,ir. IS, is0. j Notice Is hereby Riven ttiat In comi'lliitiec with the ipiovislons o the net of cninrri'fi of June 3, 187s, entitled "An net for tho sale of tim ber IhiuIs In the states ot Ciilltoriilii, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," Wllllnm K. Keteliuin, of The Paltes. County of Wasco, Stnte of Oregon, has this dav tiled In tills olDce hU sworn state ment No. 15!), lor the vrclme of the V., Sl'Ai and N.j SK?,4 of K'Ctlim No. I",. In Ti. I N. It. No. 11 h;, W. SI., mid IU ufler proof to show that the laud sought is c valuable f ir Its timber or stone than for iicriciilturiil purposes, uud to establish his claim to said land before the Keelster and Kecelver of this ollicu at Tho Ii.Uch, Oregon, 011 SatnnU.V, tin S.'ld day nr. June, 1001), Ho names 11s witnesses- J. It. dolt, 1). 1 Kct- clium. Joeph Hnnim and Wlliiua sieneer, alt of The Dalles, Oregon. Any and all uersons cUltnlii? iiilvorsulv the jnbove-deaeribtd lands ure requested to lllo their claims In this oillce 011 or before NildSSrd day uf SI u lie, l'.iOO. nprl-iuiv-i jay r. LUCAS, lieglster. STUHDEVANT, Dentist. i OHlcenver French & Co.'s Hani Thnno 6, Till: lUM.E-i.OKKdON NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. I.AMH OrncE at The IUlles Oheooki Apr. ifi, luo. j Notice is hereby given that In pti'smince of Instructions from the commiloiicr of the pen oral laud olliee, under authoiltv vested In him by section 2IV u. 8. l'.ev. atai.,"ns amended by the act of congress approved February ttl, lJo, we will proceed to ofl'er.'at public sale on .Mon day, tho as Hi day of Slay next, a: the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., nt this otilce, the following tract of land, to-v,-It: NWJi ::E!4S'c.2!,T.1 N. K. 12 F... W. SI. Any and all persons claiming the above described lands advlsiMl to tile th'ir claims In this olliee 011 or before the day above designated for theeominciieenieiit of stild sale, otherwise their ti. lits will lie forfeited. JAY 1'. LUCAS, lieglster, aprlP-I OTIS l'ATrKItSO.S", Itecetver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornct: at Vascocvci:, Wash.,) Slarch'JI, two. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make final proof in snpport of liN claim, and that s ild proof will be made In-fore W.I1. l'csby, United States Commissioner for District of Witshlnrrfi m. nt hfu nfllr... In iv.,.t on Slouday, slay 7, lyju! vi.: ' " John G. McDonald, ; L"",, K,C,I" He names toe following wituo scs to prove bis iwia!!rt:vi 0WICC ,"M)" """ cu,t,v",,0,! " I .s'muet I , C'nurtncs, Harry Pennington, V.U v, coeland, of llnrtlatid K O., Wash.; and 1 Nelson H. Ilrooia, of GoUlcndalu Wash. . inaiL'4-I ' itegistir. U' I' T 1 I - J 1 t I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lanu Ornci: at Tun Dalles, oi-.noo.v, Slarch l'j, HiUi Notice a1 hereby given that the following named settler has ille l notice of his intention to make filial proof in support of his claim, and thatsidd proof will he made before the reglscer nnd receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on fcaturday Slay 6, ISO), viz.: Helnricb Lubh!n(!,of The Drtlles.Or., II. i:. No. 1S73, for ttio SttV, section 17, town ship 1 north, range 12 east, w. SI. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said laud, viz.: John Rtegmon, Henry I'.lildell, Sllchncl Doyle, Charles Itlhuert, all of The Dalles, Oregon. IAV i'. I.UOA. marSl-II hegister. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Lamj Office at Vakcouvek, Wash,. I Jlarch (!, KifcO. Notice Is hereby civ-en that the following named ettltr has filed notice of intcn. tlou to make filial proof In suppoit of his claim, and that said proof will ru made before .ll. Hreliy, I'nited Htutes Coinmtsiloner for DlStllRl Of llshilllftOIl. Ut Ilia 11'lien III llnlllHll. j dale, Wiuh.. on .Monday, April SI, IW), viz; Herman Entselke, II. n. No. for the northwest quarter of section:;.', townships north, of rauxe ll east, I W ill. .Mer. I He name the followlriK Hltnessrs to prove his , continuous residence upon and cultivation of ' mild laud, viz: i Henry htacker, William Wllklnton, Dletrlek , II. htCKiiian, of Centervlllo I. O , Wash., and Henry K. lliune, of The Dollei I'. O., Orevott, ! ,., W. I!. DL'.N'I'A It, , marlOdl lU-gUter. Citation. In the County Court of t:io state of OrcKon for , the County of U'aieo. In the mutter of the estate of I'atrlck Drown, deccKstd. citation, To Delia O, llrown, Anna Jlrown, .Mary SI, leo- nurd, Katheilne I.ncey, I'ranli llrowir, Alum llrown, Alice Drown and Klhel Ilrowu, crcetliii;, In the name (if tmi KtaM of OrvKon, you are hereby cited and required to nppvar in the County Court of lha ritato of Oreon, for the t ounty of Wasco, at thu Slay term of said court. Hi the court room thereof, at Dalles City, in said county, oil 1 nesday, the rtli day of May, 1'A-O, at , a clock in tbcMfterixxiri ol Unit day, then uud , there to show cause, If any there be, why an or. .'. " h"mi ue iiihuu u)- ine nuove ei. tilled Court, directing Delia IS, Ilrowu, adminis tratrix of Mid tslate, to sell at private sain the folluwinjf descfllwd reul proiicrly o said .etle, to wit: lots A, ... I, V.. f, o'll, I, J. K, I In block M, of Fort.lalleSllllbiry Kenervntlon in Oreoii. Uues tho Hon. Itobert Slays, Judge of (he ald County Court, with tho seal of Mid Court affixed, this and day of April, A. D, luCU HJSAL Attoiti A. SI. KKL3AV, Ol'rk, Vta-bw ny a. Homok. Deputy, Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDRUCCIST. rTX-?-jnxTrjrrArrjnrA-wi-a.'rjrTT?i cram I B$OS. (iHNT.KAL BlacRsmitUs ..AND. t;' Wagon and Carrlngo Work. k Fish Brothers' Wagon. j I Third aii3 Jefferson, P1ioiid;159 I , M ..GflflS. fWl- Butchcns and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught tho celebrated COl.USIHIA HKKH, acknow;. eUacrl tho best iK-er lu The Dalles, at the usual price. Come In, try it and be convinced. Also tho Finest brands of Wlnos, I.l'juor and Clears. Sandrjuiehcs of all Kinds always on hand. C. F. Stephens ..Dealer In... Diy Goods, Clothing, uliJlO UlIJQ, Hoots, Shoes. Hats. Ciipn, Niitlons. Apt. mi 11 , l iioucias onoc. Telephone No. f8. The Dalies, Or. iji ueconu hi,, Just "What Yoa uaant. Nuw lileae in Wall Papr here. Such wide varioty aa we ar showing never bo tore urucod a ulrnrle Htok. itc-ul imita tion crcton etTectB at ordinary iirlct'H Good papejH at cheap paper prices! Elegant deaignB, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VATJSE, Third St.' B B HUNTIMOIOW u H w.l1iom HUNTINOTON it WIUON, ATlOKNEVH AT LAW, lorsesHS : 1 1 1 m-rnixiA't)A'tiJift..aa-r I I- ! Str. rtcKulntor. Ship your Freight P' IIOWN. SJa. Dalles k lit S A. M. Tuesday nr. , l.v. l' I ni7 a. m. 1 . Slouday Wednesilny 1 Tlmrsdiiy . . y.uurday . Arr. I'ortland at 6 r. . ..lEegiilator Line. at n-.:ui r. m ' FOR COMFORT BUONOMY AND PLEASURE .Travel by the Steamers of tlm ui'Riilator 1.1110. I'ortland Oillce, Oak Strtet Dock. W. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. AIbo all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer oer. Important Announcement to you.. For Jill dtivR after April 1st, I will Pell nil the Dry "Gomle, Clothing, Hools and Slioe, Hosiery, Ulntikots, Hate and Cups, on u cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now in your opportunity to get bar gnlns. Don't mist) it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. CollitiB it Co. SO YEAR8' EXPERIENCE . I RACE Wl Anna Designs CopvnicHTs Ac. AiiTnnoi,nilltiR n nkclrh nnd ilpscrlntlon rim" nulclilr lurertnlu oar oiaiilon fruu u' Invuiiiioii 11 pciitinblr pniiaitatiie. 'oniniiiiilrr ttuim t rlctl f cmllduiillnl. Ilimdtxiolcoii I'uliiiitt nmttruo. Oidrat iieoiicy for mcutUHT poti-im. I'ntin.tK taken thronuh Miiun & Co. rocclvfc H'rcUl no(i, without elm rue, lu tho Scientific ftmericam A Imii(lomol7 lllmtrntcd wii'jkly. Lament clr. fiil.nlliiM of m'liMituii ainiul. '1 eriiK. a yi'nr: lour niuntln, tL Bold ur all nnimrti-alorn. MUNK&Go.3C,D'6ad''New York llraucli Ulllcn. GZ V liu Waihliicioii, I.'. (' We Put... . every bit of. twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded hero, Is it any reason why our prescription businoss is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wo are reliable. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTOH. Iteliablo Proscriptionists F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. flor Second & LanaMin, 'Piione 157 Dalles, Portianfl & n L Men mew of tho Kcgulntor l.lno will rim ns mhi, , Inning M'lirdulP, the Coini.any teu'rvlnir tho ilcl.t 7 schedule without notice. M 10 cluJ Str. Dallos city, j IiriU'M 1 l.v. Dul at 8 A. 11, Moiidnv L .fwii'r.J ... via I Wi-dliesdny 1 Friday, . Arr. rorthmd at r r. t. Satnrdsi Arr. li.ii.. ntOMOr.i.! I no company will endenvnr to Rive lti tl. 1 AULAWAY, Oon. Art. j 1 C. S. Smith, TIIK iJp-to-date Qroecr Frueh KpuB nnd Creamery Butler a upi'clalty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. H. HCIICHK? I'rwildeiit. II. M. Dul, I'ulto First National Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Busincae trauKttd Uepoalta received, subject to bigot Draft or Check. Collections made nnd proceeds prompt!; remiueu on unv 01 noiiecuoo. Bight and Tmogrnphic LzchRtigeioIdd ftew York, han tranciaco anC "on land. D1RBCTOKS I). P. Thokphon. Jso. 8. Bchmci, Ei). M. Willi amb, Geo, A. him. H.M. Bkai.u Mica 'Axle Crease helps the tcattt. Saves wear and exjicusc. bold everywu"" STANDARD OIL OO. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. THANH ACT A. KNEKALllANKINOflClilllH Letters of Credft iBHtied nvaihble in Eantern Btates. w Bight Evcuarjice und WWVZ Transfer eold on New Yorki0".1 nt, AAJUlOi Dill jimiwiDw,.-"- -.u Kon, Seattle Wanh,. and varlow P in Oregon and Wafllnnuton. . Collectionn made at all poiut onW me coiumfiia WW PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MA.NOKACTUKKHHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRH0 HAMS & BACON Curealnipotcncy.WirlitEinlMjf waBtintr dlbeaacB, nil blood builder. By mall 50c per I f... mu Kik. it Vl'llV"," toe to cure or reluudtw,? NCRVITA MEPlCAU'aj, Subivrlbe for Tim Cunomvs-