It's a Fact Muslin Underwear, Tailor-Made Suits. Tluit tho linrdcnt thing to do In business I)0W.a.(nyH is to get n man to believe tlio truth. For ttin past few day a wo have been advertising Strictly All-Wool Suits, Miido up in tho very latest etylo, for $9.85 One man pretty nearly ato one leg off a pair of pants from one of tliceo suits yesterday, trying to find cotton in them. He was so Euro they must tm prut cotton that tie pretty nearly choked to ili'ittti, and if it hadn't been for n temperance lec tirer from Kansas, who pulled them out of his throat u 1th a cork tciew, which he happened to have, we'd have one customer less. The man says he'll huliove what wo toll him hereafter. Come In And let ua show you the greatest line of Suits in KuMern Oregon ; and remember we give with every Muii'h Suit a pair of those justly cele brated "Nobagoknee Trouser Stretclers." SEE WINDOWS. Now Spring Stock opened, mak ing the largest and most complete lino of LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ever shown in The Dalles. Entirely new styles of laces and embroideries, combined with clusters and luck ings, makes tho new spring line-the prettiest ever shown. If you have time, when in, look through the stock. It's a pleasure for us to show them. Some Rare Bargains. 121. Color, blues and grays. An all-wool, perfect fit ting suit $6.50 155. Gray Suits, t latest stylo cut jackets; made in all-wool gray camel's hair; extra Ay rtk strong lined; only.. . $JU 154. Brown Covert, fancy colored lining in jacket, strong perca line lining in skirt; suit trim med in black braid; QA ftft only OlU.UU All Sizes, from 32 to 38. These three lines of Suits, bought as bargains, and though low in price, are well-made, attractive and serviceable. All Goods Marked In Plain FlfrureB. PEASE & MAYS lib VHUJ WIUVIUVW Telephone No. 1. hTIt-DAY - - - APRIL 19. 1900 Oysters nerved hi every stylo by KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kat-ter entertainment nnd mile Tonight at Haldwin; admission 135 cts. Where, U uhere is the street ejirinkler an r Out of retptet to the memory of the In Mr. U' I T 1-1. l! 1. . in umatt inninrrnu' nr. i n t n . There will lieu ejecting of the Fire Tliu ICut hltono Sietere are requested to CL'L HL l r in nmnrrnti' at l n m JllllKP tiritin rnt mnci fnr nManiT nn liiu H(VBIU W IIV llUlllf, ! W I., liriidelmw. We nre n quested to announce that itm Mm tittxtt tt stroll If - - - r " w fiwiu vuv Ivl 111 ui wilbUiV A full attendance of the Kathbone illlHIB Q ff 1 1,.1 I ,u (njiicoioii mis cvvuiUKi no ur . VII CIElCli lUlfl. T . i. IJI UU' What Ib thought to have been tho ...... i. inuguv ill iuu u -t . t mi r J 1. 1 . I . ma - ... nl , I ... - . . . . i ...u muu n no KM f IIIUIICO 111 UKfM. r. . . Cattle are good property. The Vale L.1TU G 1 . . . . . -. uujri ui iimi Bcuiiuu it) in up . (A ... -J....-UIU. mm r0li ,or cuwb nun !' J.aughlln has tueve men at "it mo uuuniv roau liniiien aie v uiiiiirii.ii.. ... . . . . u. IU I1UW biock yaruB. a cnance .nun ui me roaa. wn e i w uo au uinrnpi......... i "...Hciii, in eeverai reBpeete. was i Aim i. it.uneiiry uy tue new varus ex- -- m ruoB uie oiu roau, T''0 D.llles ComirlHlnn Hnnnn will -. p ' ulna at nu nines on nana m .lit . . m. ,i nnvwhere in t he cltv at "U"'B prices: One nunrt. s per imeu li iitn. IX! wn niiiirtB. 4 : lllliriH II. iirn.i.i H(l mini. I.ur p,,,t v'vh butter every day. I84.I111 tiu cor nil n mwl cii, ..nM,i ...i.tnu 11,0 A N. Co. uro building east of the jaeco wnrehouee cover a space of 112 J m tm. They are Intended'' to be .in i. I0r,y C" 0f Cle or ot,,er at one time. They are wade nee "'y by the (act that the law does not permit fetock to bo on the cars longer than twenty-four hours nithout bting fed and watered. William Greenley, of Kingsley, was today examined before Judge Mays and committed to t tie intauo asvlum. He will be taken down there by Deputy Sheriff Sexton tomorrow. The old man thinks he is going on a visit to his son, who lias been an inmate of the asylum for some ten yeHre. . A meeting of the Y. M.C. A. will ba held in the basement of the M. E. church next Sunday afternoon at A o'clock for the purpose of organizing a Sunday afternoon bible class for the young men of the city. It is intended to hold these meetings In the several church buildings till the members of the Y. M. 0. A. have piocured a home of their own. Mrs. Potter, wife of John Potter who died heio about eleven yenrs ago, and mother of Mrs. C. M. Williams, also a former resident of The Dalles, died in Portland yesterday at an advanced age. TIih remains will arrive here this even ing and the funeral will tnke place from Crandall nnd Uurgett's undertaking par lors at 10 n. m. tomorrow. The deceased will be buried beside her husband in tho OJd Fellows cemetery. L. B. and W. F. I'eddicord, of Gold endale, started this morning from the Wbbco warehouse with eight lumber wagons and a spring wagon in trail bound for Goldendale, The wagons are part of a shipment consigned to Haker Bros. They were drawn by four horses. Yesterday the Peddicords took five wagonB in trail, with a ton of freight on one of them, to the top of the Klickitat mountain. K. S, Gunning has one ot the most complete blacksmith shops inthe state. He hae just rigged up a watr motor of his own invention and attached to it a trip hammer that not only saves a heap of elbow grease but it is claimed hammers out a plow share and des other similar work that cannot hi approactieu uy hand. Another attachment is a uig 'emery wheel that Xuiuld almost grinu the rough edges oira ropnnsi aim another, sets of drills, of all sizes needed T ' . . . 1- nr.. 1. iu blacksmith ani wagon worn, mm all this apparatds Fred can do better 'work and moreof it than can possimy bo done by lined. The Davidson Fruit Company at Udo Hlvor has furnished nbout 75,000 to mato plants to farmers wh6 are going Into tho business of growing tomatoes for the cannery. I', F. Bradford has the supervision of tho growing of tho plants and has visited me larmers unu given instructions about setting the plants. Tho plants are furnished free and farmers have engaged to plant nhnnt thlrtv acres for tho Davidson iv.,,1. f'mnnAnv. Next season if 100 acres of peas can he secured, the David- son Company will put in machinery to hull and can green peas. A parly consisting of Kobert Wak field, of the Portland urtuge uompm Judge Mays, K. F. Gibons, Kx-Governor Moody and T. H. Ward made a trip this forenoon to the north Ride of the Colum bin, opposite tho narrowp, with the ob ject of determining tlie practicability of building a bridge ncross the river at or near that place. The party returned be fore noon and determined on a similar trip tin's afternoon on the south side. While, of course, it is too soon to report any definite conclusion it may be men tioned that some of the visitors were surprised to find the conditions for a combination railrond and wagon bridge favorable beyond their expectations. Mr. WnkeGeld hod no hesitation in say- ng that at one point opposite Mema oose island tho conditions for a suspen lion bridge were all that could be leeired. Tonight' KulrrtHlinnciit. The following novel program will be given at the entertainment nnd Eas ter Bale this evening at the Baldwin. An admission of -5 cents will be charged : 1'luno duet-Overturn .. Suppe Mlstcs Schmidt at ltd Hmiii-.on. ,,, ., c,.,. la. "The Three WIm) Women." Character Song j,,. "An April Olrl." libther Heck. Kong "Tell Me" Ktiser MIti Myrtle Jllchell. A FAKCE "In throu ucts, with two nets left nut " (The two left out wen) awfully blmjile; the remaining one U ulmjily awful). CAhT. A Mwi&enncr Hoy, "One of the brightest ' . ltHlph KiJUon Mmule Muller ( .. . . Miss Ueortjla Summon Annie llody I Miss Myrtle Miehell (Two charming little kemlnary ijlrls, awfully btnge btruek.) Charley Van Winkle, "Just from college-.". . "MUbeU the train; can't canie." Willie Work, 0110 of the colored bons of rett. . Mr. J. K. Hampshire Time, piesent; bcene, Alutlamo Be I'icrro'H tcliool for girls, Mist Schmidt, accompanist. Notice. Out of respect to the memory of the llato Mre. W. L. Bradshaw, the business houses of this city are requested to close tomorrow between the hours of 1 :30 and 4 p. m. By request of II. L. Kuck, Mayor. Nutlet). All members of the order of the East ern Star are requested to meet at tho Masonlu hall Friday, April 20th, at 1 o'clock p. 111., to attend the funeral of Sister Bradshaw. By order of tho wor thy matron. Ai.mika Ci.iKros. Altflitlon, KlkNl A special meeting of Cascade lodge, No. :;oa, a. P.O. K., will be held In the hnll this evening at 0 o'clock. All mem bers of the order are urgently requested to he present. By order P. W. DhIIuff, Exalted Knler. Knlglitx. Attfiitlnnl The members of Friendship lodge, No. I), K. of P., are requested to meet at the CaBtlo Hall tomorrow (Friday) after noon at 1 p. m. to attend the funeral of Mre. Bradshaw. By order of the C. O, D. W. Vaubk, K. of II. and S. teen those "swell" shirts at brk Cash Store? All styles, soft bosioms, just received, Come early aud get your pick, 0 I Have you .. III... Hum V I y I I inn A. v., vtltr and Death of Mrs. V. I.. Jirnds haw. After a long nnd painful illness of many months, Sarah Eliza Bradshaw, the beloved wife of Judge V. L. Brad shaw, departed this life at 7:45 this morning at tho family residence in this city. The deceased is the daughter of Dr. H. li. Llttlefield, of Portland. She was born in Chicago May 25, 1800, and married to W. L. Bradshaw at Lafay ette,-October 9, 18S3. She leaves a hus band, a son, Clinton, aged about 10 years, and Clara Davis, a niece of Judge Bradshaw, who has grown up from childhood with her aunt and been al ways treated as a daughter. Besides these Immediate members of the family, Mrs. Bradshaw leaves a father and three brothers, H. J. LittleOeld, ol Newberg. Professor E. V. Littlefield, of McMinn ville, nnd Dr. Harry A. Littlefield, of Portland. More than a year ago Mrs. Bradshaw was attacked with consumption. She visited the Winyah Sanitarium, North Carolina, and remained there for three months. But it was too late, and about seven weeks ago she returned to her home with the full consciousness that there was no hope. A large circle of ardently attached friends and neighbors mourn the de parture of Mrs. Bradshaw as a pereoiin loss, and tho sympathy of this commu nity goes out to the surviving members ot the family. The funeral will take place from the house tomorrow (Friday) at 2 o'clock p. m. The interment will take place at the Odd Fellows cemetery and the ser vices will be conducted by Key, D. V. Poling. Dr. Harry Littlefield has been with his sister since her return from tho san itarium. Her father and two brothers from Yamhill county are expected on the evening train. 1'KUl'I.K YOU A I.I, KNOW. George T. Prather, a prominent resi dent of Hood Hiver, is at the Umatilla House. U. F. Hardwick, of Mosior, was in town today and mndu this ollice a pleas ant call. A. J. Dnfur cumo up from Portland last evening and went out to his ranch at Dufur today. Mrs. F. P. Ma 8 was a passenger on tho Dalles City this morning 011 the way to her home in Portland. Mrs. S. L. Brooks was a passenger 011 the Dalles City this morning on a short visit to friends iu Portland. Kuiiuhllviiim, At ten tiiiu I A meeting of Tho Dalles Mclvlnley Club will be held in the court house next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The meeting is called for the purpose of electing officers and lor the transaction of other business incident to the pend ing campaigns. By order 17-31 L. K. CitoWK, President. B.igley Bros., have purchased a thrjughhred Jersey bull, registered stock. For particulars apply at resi dence on Tenth street, near tho fair grounds. Phone 385, 3 0-(mo Tho Kind You Have Always Bought and wltjch has hecu iu uso for over 30 years, has horno tho signature of and has been mado under his pcr- Tr'f s so,ml supervision sinco its infancy. f'&XcA&Vt Allow tin nnn todeenivn von in tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" arc hut Experiments that trlilo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootic Mibstaiicc. Its ago is. its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S3 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURHAV STRECT. NEW YORK CITY. LVLnTDUUT Knows the merits of the COLUMBIA ) HARTFORD PATEE CREST) CYCLES.-.- $50. $35. $25. Many new features for 1900 which you cannot nfTonl to overlook. I Complete Line of '1900" Sundries. ;? PAYS & Cf0OlE. I AUDIENCE WAS AFFECTED. Many Womuti Wept When the Picture- of tho 1'iikNliiii 1-lny Worn 1'riiiluceil. The following from yestenluy even ing'ii Telegram refers to the play to he reproduced here on Wednesday and Thursday of next week : "A large nudienee gathered at the Y. M. 0. A. last evening lo witnees the Passion I'lay, as it was portrayed by a series of moving pictures. The scenes were taken from tho play ns It was ren dered at OoerainmerKau, Ilivaria, in 1890. The ino9t noteworthy events iu the life of Christ wero isiven. Tho story waa told by Mr. 1iuru Holmes. "Tho shepherdf, startled by the blus-.e of tho star of llethlehein, wero lepro sented by the first view. Tho next was Mary, presiiitini; the bubo in the tem ple. This was followed by the attempt ed assassiiintion by an emissary- of Herod, and the flight into Kgypt. "Chiist wits shown iu tho. midst of his dUcipk'R entering Jerusalem in tri umph, pii'cedi'd by h Hlioiitinu throng. Tim raiting of Lazarus from tho clend, the hut supper and the betrayal by Judas were very realistic. "The fcciiua at the condemnation of Christ fold the eruclllxion visibly u fleet ed the audience. Women wept as the .Savior was being spiked to thu erofs. The repurrectiou aud usceneion followed. "Picture taken during the Spanish Ainerictn war weiu presented as a pre liminary to the Passion Play. Pictures of the first American soldier lauding on Cuban 60II, the bombardment of the fortifications by tho dynamite-boat Ves nvliiP, und tho sinking of the Viecuya, were heartily applauded." Subscribe (or The Chronicle, Just arrived a now lot of neckwear for gentle men. Latest designs and colors. I5e sure and see them at the New York Cash Store. Garden Hose Wo havo laid in n largo stock of Cinvdoii Moso and aro carrying tho Fanio brand of Iloso that wo havo boon carry ing for tho last fivo years, which is tho celebrated jlal teso Cross Brand. Wo carry tho same brand of lloso that, tho Dalles City Fire Depart ment has boon using tor last twenty years. The Mal tose Cross Urand is without; doubt the best grado of Huso on tho market. Call and got our prices bol'oro buying. jlAaiep & Benton Sole Agents.