For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Ovcrcoiitlu" or Fancy Vesting. Klnrtly call nnd examine my stock of Ira ported nnd D lestlc Woolens. A tine stock to elect Irom. ... Butt made from the lowest prices to the high Mt grade. j. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE DALLES tUlEOOS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BCBSCKII'TION l'KICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 THUKSDAY - AFRIL 10, 1900 COURAGE OR CONSAXQUIKITY. " Who are these ' Puerto Ricans ' who are interested in the removal of the duty on tobacco (for instance), and how does the bill affect them ? " asks a writer in the Salem Statesman and then proceeds to answer as fol lows: "The Tobacco Leaf," a trade paper published in New York, devoted to the interests of the wholesale and re tail tobacco trade, contains the fol lowing advertisement in its issue of April 4th: The Cream ot the 1900 Crop is Ours. The Steadily Increasing Sale of Our Porto Rico Tobacco Has Necessitated the Securing of Two Additional racking Houses. All Our Tobaccos Are Packed in Ha vana Style Only. Levi, lilu niensteil & Co., 118-120 Maiden Lane, Now York "Warehouses in Porto Rico at Caguas and ban Juan. Consnnqumity may have had something to do with Senator Si mon's vote. " Bloo.1 is thicker than water," and it is only natural that Simon should have a friendly feeling for Levi and be easily "influenced'' to see the "justice" of the demand for free trade with those suffering Puerto Ricans of 118 120 Maiden Lane, New York, and so he towered aloft in the senate and "courageous ly voted against his Republican col leagues, and allied himself (not for the first time) with the opposition. In other words, in order to accom modate Levi he betrayed his party, just as he did in bygone days to ac commodate Barney, whose surname is Goldsmith, and bis motive was just as lofty. " Tobacco Leaf," in its editorial columns, commenting upon a section of the bill giving importers certain privileges, says: " It is not conceivable thai the house, or the committees through whose hands the bill must eventually pass, will interfere in any way with this just provision, which we believe was secured by the timely and in telligent action of one of our leading Porto Rico tobacco importing firms." i Is there any stronger testimony! needed as to the motive behind the attempt to defeat the Puerto Hi can tariff bill? And It was partially j succesful. The reduction from 2i . to 15 per cent, of the regular tariff was a present of nn immense amount of money to the Puerto Ricans of Maiden Lane, New York, who farm the tobacco farmers of the island of Puerto Rico, and did the latter no good whatever. And Senator Simon had the mag nificent " courage " to vole in favor of knocking off the other 15 per cent. Democratic aucceu, bays the Salt Lake Tribune, which was intensely Hryanile four years ago, always means depression in business, ruin to thousands, the closing of factories in this country and increased nativ ity for them in England and the con sequent filling of this country with trltn nrl tttrt n eo ti rt r4 t'net . , . .. , . ! Itartlflciallydlgcststhcfoodandntds "industrial armies;' that is, masses Haturo In strengthening nnd rccon of men who want to be industrious Btructiwr tho exhausted digestive or , , . fans. Itlsthelatestdlscovereddlgest- bnt are debarred by Democratic Bnt and tonic. No other preparation policies. So well is this understood can approach it in efficiency. It in- Qtnnf v roll nunc ntirt p.nroa that some years ago to say that a business entcrpsisc had "gone Demo cratic" was recognized as the same thing as sa3"ing that it had failed. The experience of the country with Republican prosperity following the long gloom of Democratic business depression all over the country has given emphasis to that saying. The Democratic contention is that the constitution runs in every inch of territory belonging to the United States. Be it so for the sake of ar gument. Then the constitution runs in Puerto Rico, and if it runs there it runs in the Philippines, and if it runs in the Philippines, the Philip pines arc an integral part of the United States. But if the Philip pines arc an integral part ot the United States, by what authority do Bryan and Oregon Democrats pro pose to tear down the ling and aban dou the islands? If the constitution cannot be controlled in the matter of it3 extension, who has the power to control it m ihe matter of its con traction ? Dull Head."-' , Pains in various parts of the body, .- .kine at the pit of the Btomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Eiexir has never failed to euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottleqn a positive guarantee. Blakeley& Hough ton's drag store. Experience is tiie best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to c'tve immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We never feel fafe without One .Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little boy's life when he had the pneu monia. Wc think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. For Pain. 10-acre tract, 3'i miles from The Dalles, 4 room house, barn, all fenced, j orchard of 300 trees, running water, good range for cattle adjacent, 10 acres bottom land fine for berries or garden. Price reasonable, terms easy. Call at this office. :n21-dwlmo Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Waeco warehouse. Fiuest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Latest deeiens for 19C0 in wall paper. Elegant etock to select from at U. Glenn & Co.'ii. aprl7-lw Wall paper! Where? At Glenn's paint and oil store. aprl71w Clark & Falk's drug Rtock is new fresh and complete. Notlo. Livery stable for sale at Centerville, Wash., ? 100 per month business. Will sell at a bargain. iu27-lui A. II. Gkaham. We havejust what you want in soft hats for spring. The New York Cash Store. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON EESTAURAflT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 67 Second Street fin AliailfA Xvi onk won a ooai. ems lUmoT PlmplM. PnTtBt A inoTcmtDt JrriMltti. Th nfar2ripa uoriickVn" xTcnn. fckUlvUninM.H, eoMMKb CO. Wl Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. u vm v l vilV. T M l V4 'Vl M1H iivM VI j vi a wu Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea, SickHeadache,6astralgla,Cramps,nud all other results of imperfect digestion. . Preoartd by E. C. De Witt A Co.. Chicago- T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Public Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. C. E. Iluyard's of fice, The Dalles, Orecoti. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Iuid, Act June ft, 1S7S. V. S. Uixn Omen, I Tilt: IHIJ.K;., Or.., Apr. 13, 1VC0. i Notice Is hereby Riven tlmt In eomjillmieo with the provisions nf the net nf cnncri's of June 3, lbTN entitled "An net for tho Mile of tim ber lands In the. state ot Cu'.iloruln, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," William K. K i tch tun, of The Dulles. County of Which, State of Oregon, has this dav Med In this olllce his sworn state ment No. 159, for the ptirelnix; o( the Vt NK'vi and N'.. SK . of Section Nn. Si, In Tp. I N. It. No. 11 L.. W. St., nnd will oiler iiroof to show that the lund toiiKht Is more valuable f ir Its timber or stone than for agricultural iiurjvoses, nnd to establish his claim to said land before the Kealster and lteceiver of tliU olllce nt The Halle?, Oregon, on SntimU.V. tlir -'.'til (lay nT. I nor, 1 1100. He names ns witnesses: J. II. liolt, I). 1'. Net chum. Joseph llanua nnd Wllliun spencer, all of The Dalles, Oregon. Any and all persons cUlmlns adversely the nbove-described hinds Hre requested to (lie their claims In thli otlice nn or before sald.Mrd day of , J , ?y a ,.,... nUiVlUM alY 1 It 11. V IkVKlSkVi. II.' STURDEVANT, Dentist. Otlice over French & Co.'s Hani l'hone C, THE DALLES, OKECON NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. Land Offick at Tiik, Okkhoki Apr. K, lsw. 1 Notice is hereby given that in lm'suuuce of Instructions from tne commistioner of the gen eral laud otlice, under authority vested In him by section 2I.VS V. H. llev. Htnt., as amended by the act of congress approved Fehrunrv M, wo will jiroced to oiler "nt public sale "nn Mon day, tho '.'sth (lay of May next, at the hour of 10 o'clock, n. m., at this olllce, the following tract of iHiid, to-wit: NV(.. Ni:w sec. '. T. 1 N. It. 12 E.. W. M. Any nnd all persons claiming the above- described iHiids are ndvbed tu tile thdr, claims In this oilicc on or lwfore the day nhove , designated for thecominencement of said sale, : otherwise their ri.'hts will be forfeited. ; JAY 1 LUCAS, lleglatcr, nprlS-1 Ol'Iri I'ATTKIiSON, Deceiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Va.stoi'vei:. Wash.,) March'.'), l'.no. i Notlec is hereby given that the followlng named f-ettler has rlltd notice of his Intention to make final proof in sum.ort of hi claim, mih! i that b lid proof will bo inuile before W. H. I'reaby, L nittu stnte.s commlloner for District of Washington, at his otlice in Cfoldemlale, Wash., on Monday, May 7, lwo, viz: John G. .McDonald, If. K. No. CW:! for the nortlieast quarter section :,, township :; north, rntigu 1:1 c tM, W. M. He names tne following wltne-ses to prove bis coutinuoiu residence upon, and cultivation of said laud, viz: eamuel L. Courtney , Hurry l'eunlngton, Ell (i t.'oix;land, of Hartlaud ('. O., Wasli.; nnd Nelson II. DrooX,iif Goldeiidale Wash. W. It. IH'NUAP., i:igller. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofuce at The Dalles, ()i:i:oon,) ilarch 1U, ltoO.i Notice 1 hrrcby given thut the- following tmmed ketller hns lllcJ notice of his intention to mii!e tiuitl proof in ouppnrt of his claim, and that Huh! proof will be made before the register nnd receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Haturday Jlayfl, IWjO, viz.: Heinrich Lubliini?, of The D.tlles.Or., H. h. No. IsTJ, for the XW'A, section 17, town-, hMv 1 north, range I'j east, w. M. I He names the following witnesses to prove I his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz.: John Htegman, Henry I'.Iddell, Michael Doric, i vuniis -.iiiiie(, mi oi 4 oe waiir-s, ifregou. IAV r. Ll'CAn, miir-21-ll licgister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash.,! March h, lUOo. j Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof In Mipitott of his nlalm, nnd that said proof will be made bforo V. li. I'resby, t'nlted Mates Commissioner for District of Uiishiugtou, nt hi n'Hru In Golden dale, Wash,, on Monday, April l'jorj, viz: Herman Etixelke, H, E. No. H-ui, for the tinrlhwest uunrtcr of I Vlll"l r ,0"'"ih,f'3 no,,h' ' r""KU 11 t'"at" Hu nnrncH the following wltnessts to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of i sold loud, viz: t lleniy Htackcr, Wllllnm Wilkinson, Dictrlck ) II, ritegmau, of Centerville I. () , Wiish.. mid Henry r. llrune.of The DMIei )'. O.. Orraou. W. It, DfNDAlt, raarlO-11 Ileglster. Citation. In the County Court of the Btnteof Oregon for i the County of Wuico. In the matter of the eslalo of Patrick Drown, ilecensed, ellatlou. ' To Delia C. Drown, Anna Drown, Mary M, Ito . mini, Katherlne leey, Ktunk Drown, Anna , Drown, Alice Drown and Klliol Drown, greeting. In thennnio of trio Htate of Oregon, you aiu I tereby cited and reijulrid to nppenr lu the .County Court ol tluHinle of r;rgoit,for tho ' Con Illy of Wasco, at the Mav term ol sulil rmirt at the court room thereof, at Dalles City, lu uld county, on Tuuday, thocth day of May, I'joo, nt V ochx-k lu theiifleriioon ol thut day, then and there to show cniue, If miy thcro be. why nn or der of sale should not be made by the ubovo en titled Court, directing Delia U Drown, admliils. trntrlx of said estate, to sell at private sulo tho followlriK described rcu' protierty ot suld .est4te. Jo wit: lotk A, ,!. D, K, f O. II, I, J. K. 1., in block til, of 'ort UMvh Mllltury lieservittlon In Oregon. W itness the Hon. Itobert My, Judgo of the id County Court, with the seal of said Court Httlxcd, this vml day of April, A. li, 1UC0. (HEAL Alton: A. M. KKLSAV, Olork, Pto-Sw Uy b. KOLToK, Deputy, Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THEDRUCCIST. .5 LiAf4E OENT.KAL .AND.. rs Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I Third and JefTcrnu. Phouc"159 tjju.T-Ymr.Mtj.'ir.t tit twrj.j ..GHflS. mM- Butehens and Fanmens ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COl.CMltlA DKKIt, iicknim-:. wlged the Ix.-st beer In The Dalle, nt the usual price. Come in, try It nnd be convinced. Alio the Kitust brands of Wlne.s, Ll-juor and Cigars. Sandrjuiehes of all Kinds alwnyx on hand. C. F- Stephens .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, uents' Furnishings Hoots, Shoes. Huts, Caps, Notions, .for W. L. Douglas Uhoe. Telephone No. M). 131 fcccond Ht., The Dalles, Or, Just What You umnt. New Ideas in Wall I'aper here. Such wide variety as we are hIiowIiik never be fore Braced a sinulu stock. R....I lion creton efl'ects ut ordlimry prices Opod papers at cheat. p,ip0r ,ric:B; Elegant dosiKtis, tasteful colorings vours lor a small price, at our store on third street. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St. B 8 HUNTINUTON HUHTINOTON 4 WIIJiON, ATTOKNKYK A tL S WlttOM AW, Wc orer Klr4t S.t. U,u"K lJAU'K!. OKEUOft BiacKsmiins Horsesnoe 1 VBt. ' SleitnierH lowing fchctlulo, nheilulo without , Str. notfulntor. IE" Ship your Freight via POWN. l.v. Dalles nt .s A. M, Tuesday Tliuisday . . Humidity . Arr. I'ortlnud l.v. roillund at 7 a. t. i Monday i WcdliesdHy I'rlilnv 'Dnrfiilonii I inn Arr, Dalles avd6uuvi ic. lit ft.W l M. C, atur. m. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 5 Travel by the .Steamers of the Hegulntor Lino. b rous the livst service iHiaslhlc. C, IMrtlund Olllce, Onk Htreot Dock. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. ji Important 1 1 Announcement jjito you. 3' i For IIU dityo after April 1st, 1 will sell nil the Dry Goods, Clothinc, Pools nnd Shoes, Hosiery, Blnnkets, Huts and Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now 1,'ititis, is your opportunity to pet hr Don't lulus it. S. L. BROOKS, . Successor to E. J. Collins & Co. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I FIADt. WIARKS JCSICNB COPVniCHTS Ac. Anrnno spoiling n Bkntrh anil ileaerlittlnn nm nidrklr nii-ertalii our ohiiiimii fruu whether Invent Ion Is mtjnl!r piitentalile. Coniiioinlrk tluns strictly eonililuiitlnl. IliiiiiUionkon I'nlvntr n-ut tree. Dlili-st nmaiey forsi-oirliig patents. l'ntoi.ts taken throiiuh .Mniiii & Co. rucolrt iireUit iiotkf, ttlttinul clinruo, tu the Scientific American A hnninmWy lltiitratHt Treeklr. Ijiraest rlr. 'l urinn. t:i u riilutlmi i t nor srliMitui.s lmiriiul. year. Imir rnontlia. CI. rioiu t by all ncnsilrnlers. MUNN&Co.3C1B'. New York iiraucn iinioi i;a r rc. tYasiillnilon. II. I We Put... wavy bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every i'rescription that's compounded here. Js ft any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable BLHKELEY & HOUGHTON. Jieliablo rrescriptionists F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Secoud & LancUiu. Tlione 167 REGULATOR LINE. nanus, romaim h ) ; of the ttcKtilntor l.lno will run tho Comtmny reserving tho rlcM in ' ' ! notice. M 10 "Mie'j Str. Dalles City. DOWN l.v. Dal nt H A. M, Mondny Wrdiiesdny Frldny. , Arr. I'nrthmd nt r v, . Tumi.; HtttM An. lin atJiair.K.J Thp Company will onilenvor to eIvcIUm) 'l For further Information address MU",W-.! W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. G. S. Smith. Tin: ilp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Errs nnd Creamory Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. fl. HCHRNK, i'realdent. II. M. But, Culiiti First national Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Busuiese transacts Deposit received, Bubject to Eight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promp'.lj remitted on duv of collection. Bleht and Telegraphic Exctiange aoldci New York, Han Francisco ani port land. DIHKOTOKS D. P, Thompson. Jno. H. Scbnci, En. M. Wiluakb, Gko. A. Liiii. H. M. Ukaii.. Mica 'Axle Crease bclM the team Saves wearmd CXJICUSC Sold cverywliere. STANDARD OIL CO. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. I'ltANBACT A KNEUALIIAN'KINQ BOHSM Letters of Credit issued available in to Eastern States. . Bight Exchange and TelTP Trantfen Bold on New Vork, ChicHO. Bt. Lonlfl, Ban Francisco, Forttoo IW gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioni po""1 In Oregon and Washim'ton. . Collections made at all nointi onW , orable terms. IHe GolUBDia PackiMf PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUltEl'.BOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof ir BR0 HAMS & BAC0K DRIF.D DEKF. KT0. . NEKWIIAAHooPi f inrf.H Tmnnfftir.v. waatlnp dlaeaBttf, all '-llccsn? indl ubuse, or wtar-,etM , fl cretion. AlitUVetWh! : 11 1111110 nlnb .rlnvv tl) .lalC W-"..,y ' ,1,; iirc ajn' By mall KOe per WV,, ior 2.50 with a wrl""'1, we to cure or remu -uraiiwi urnl CAL CO. , , lldnvi I m -- ,,.,1,111 ONnltwi ' CHCA,. Subscribe for Tiik Cuhosi"'