Hulks am r M ... Lai VJi-. IT I ! . . . . T . VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. 'APRIL 19, 1900. NO 212 ARE WAKING TO OFFICERS' DEFECTS Publication of Lord Roberts' Criticisms ot General Bullcr, General Warren and Colonel Thorncycroft Have Created Much Excitement in England. London', April 18. Lord ItobertB' criticism of General Bullor, Generel Warren unci Colonel Thoreycroft con tinues to bo tiio tuple of intereet. All the nftyriioon papers com in tint at length on llio strictures of fiie British Commander-in-Chief in South Africa, taking thu B.niiu lines ns the morning papers, praising Roberts for hla frnnknesp, anil speculating upon what ttio publica tion of thu dispatches ul the prcBont moiiiL'iit portends. Some of them main tain thuro is nothing left for General Diillur hut to resign. The Globe declares : "A more pitiable record of indeeiflioii iu phui, and con fusion in execution, we have seldom read," iinil iidda that what little reputa tion General Bullur hud left, has been scattered to the wind. London, April 18. Practically no de velopments hnye been reported bo far in today's South African cables. A dis patch from Wurronton, dated April 17, says: "Finding thu Boors IniBy making new trenches we exploded lyddite shell, fol lowing up these with the Maxims. The enemy'H nuihulnnee was afterwards ob served on the spot." From Wepeuer there 1b nothing later than Lord Roberts' message of yesterday, nnd presumably neither side has gained any particular advantage at any point in the theater of war since the last ofllcial dispatches were received. iVrivrniutli ut Wegener. JlAHina. April 17. Colonel Dalgety's casualties since lie Iiub been besieged at YVepcnur have been twenty killed and woumlud. The Boer louses are reporttd to have heeu coiiBiderably heavier. After the night attack ou April 1'2, the dead were left on the Held, where they still Ho unhuried. There is a conflict of opinion among tint leadera. Some want to attack again, while others refuse to do bo. Desultory cannon tiring uud "sniping" continue. The Caledou is rising, which alarms the ISuers, who are now on both (Ides of the river, and might be cut oil' if the stream were to become flooded. Five Boer guns are believed to be dis abled. imr Culling for llnlji. C.U'k Tows, April 18. The Boer gov ernments are circuiting the following manifesto among Afrikanders through out Capo Town : "We fuel that our fate and the fate of tlio whole Afnkandotn is at stake, and we appeal to you to Htaud and fight shoulder to shoulder with ue. You can not, you may not, allow the tyrant to extinguish forever your finest traits of character iib a nation. ' With you ou our fiide the Issno can not he doubtful. Wo must conquer. God Rfnt that love of your country and your liberty and the noble virtuoB of men trly free may induce you to join ub in Hie hour of our flupruine struggle. HEPBURN BILL TO BE FORCED Advocates of the Nicaragua Canal Will Take Actlou Arc Becoming Tired of Look Delay Caused by liiicmles of Canal. Nw Youk, -April 18. -A apeclat to tl e '"uniin from Washington says : Chair 1,uPhuru, of the committee on 'nierHiHtu commerce, and other repre entatlvus who favor immediate leglalo n or the construction of the Nicaragua nl, linvn become impatient became what tlmy regard us unreasonable de lay, and they are threatening to make ttie situation interesting ns well bb un pleasant for thoFe who they believe nre exorting their (fl'orts nnd influence for further dcloy because of their hostility to the project itself. The Hepburn bill was favorably re ported to the Houbo two months ago Since that time the Huy-Pauncefote treaty has been signed and is now pend ing in the senate for ratification, with little or no prospect for favorable action until next winter if ever. The preliml nary report of the Walker commission has not yet been made and submitted to congress, and probably will not be for some time to come. Vexed by the delay and untoward prospect, the advocates of the Hepburn bill nre trying to force its consideration and passage by the Houee at this session. Chairman Hepburn has already obtained an imposing array of signatures to a pa per requesting the committee on rules to bring in a special order providing for the consideration of the bill at an early date specified nnd for a vote on the bill and nil amendments thereto on a day ar.d an iiour also to be specified. He is confident that euch nn order would be adopted by an overwhelming majority, and there is every reason to believe that his confidence, is justified. Ttiere ia equally good reason to believe that the bill would puss the House ns reported by the committee by a large majority. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured with local applications, as they caunot reach the Beat of the disease. Catarrh is n blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ib taken interuully, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the host tonics known, combined with the best blood purlfieis, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces Buch wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drrnggistB, price 7e. Hull's Family Pills are the best. 12 KuHHlau Agcrliii ou Judla. New Yokk, April 18. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The vacuum created by the shrinkage of war news Ib filled with dispatches far afield, and with political rumors and gossip. Thu TimeB publishes the text of a letter from the Ameer of Afghanistan commenting upon British indifference to Russian aggression, and conveying the significant hint to the Indian gov ernment that the present ia the time for deeds, not for talk. The thoroughly en tertained opinion in diplomatic circles ia that Russia will not take advantage of the British situation iu South Africa, but will wait until the end of the war, or until the time comes for the division of Portuguese territory In South Africa between Germany and England. Rub Hia will then offset the British and Ger man gains in this territory by ordering an advance on Herat and by strengthen ing her grip upon Persiu. Berliu dispatches disclose the unwill ingness of the German government to receive tho Boer peace delegatee. Kriuarkalile Uuroa or llliMiiiiatliii. From thu Vindicator, Kutbcrfordtou, N. C. The editor of tho Vindicator has had occasion to teat tho efficacy of Chamber lain's Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results In each case. Firet, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he Biifferod excruciating pain for ten daye, which was relieved with two application of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts aflllcted and realizing Instant benefit and entire .relief iu a vory ehort time. Second, iu rheumatism in thigh joint, almoBt prostrating him with Bovere pain, which waa relioveu uy two appli cations, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at uight, and gettlifir up free from pain. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. . , Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, ill., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup ftt once by UBlng One Mlnate Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without It." . WUiCKiy euru coughs, colds, grippe and ull throat aud lungdiseases. Paint youThouse with paluts that are fully guaranteed to last. Olorke & Falk have them. GALA DAY FOR PUERTO RICO Natural Fondness of Puerto Ricans for Pomp and Display to Be Gratified Entire North Atlantic Squadron Will Be There. New Yokk, April 18. A Bpecial to the Tribune from Washington Bays: Yester day's long cabinet meeting waa chiefly devoted to considering the inauguration of the civil government in Puerto Rico on Moy 1, under the new statutes. It has been decided that the people of the island, with their natural fondness fur pomp and display, will bo erfliclently impressed with the importance of the new establishment by the visit of the entire North Atlantic squadron. On the day of the inauguration of Gen eral Davis, the tetiring military governor will assemble nearly nil the troops of his department at the capital and parade them in honor of tho occasion. Each of the ships will fire a governor's salute of seventeen guns, to be returned in kind by the forts ashore. At night there will be a brilliant illumination of the ships, with their masts lined with electric lights, and an exhibition of searchlights. The naval display will he made all the more memorable from the fact that the day will be the anniversary of the battle of Manila bay. Governor Alien will spend a week at least at San Juan before his formal in auguration, and at that time it ia ex pected that he will be able to form a cortect estimate of the qualifications of leading natives for placeB in the executive council, which constitutes the Upper House of the legislative assembly, and be in a position to make recommenda tions to the president regarding appoint ments. It is the impression among cabinet officers that most of the men now holding office iu General Davis' military cabinet, except the United States Array officers, will be continued in executive council, either iu their pre sent places or in Eimilar offices under different titles. The president and all members of his cabinet are anxious that the council s rial 1 be composed of natives as far as possible, and desire to avoid all semblance of fastening any "carpet-bag" rule on the island. It will be the effort of the president, largely on Governor Allen'a recommendation, first to com plete the executive of the island and to provide for the organization of the judiciary. Tho established courts of the island, including the supreme court of Puerto Rico, will continue to sit as now constituted. Residents of the United States will be selected as judge, district attorney and marshal of the United States, which will be established in a few weeks at San Juan. It Ib also settled that General Davis will remain in Puerto Rico that Governor Allen will have the advantage of his ex perience nnd assistance. The brigade of troops consisting of cavalry and infantry regiments of regulars, the Puerto Rican native regiment, and two batteries of artillery, will continue to conttitue Gen eral Davis' command, which will thus bo as important, so fur as number of troops Ib concerned, as any of the mili tary departments iu the United States. All military authority after Mayl, however, will be subordinated to the civil authorities, and the war depart ment will cease to exercise any moro control over Puerto Rico than H does now ovfr Arizona. Au llouelt Medicine fur I.a Urlnpe. George W. Wait, of Garduer, Me., says: "I have had tho worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lota of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's cough Remedy ia the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have ueed one bottle of it and the chills, cold and grip have all left me, 1 congratulate the manu facturers of an honett medicine." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Be sure aud examine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying else where, as we have the latest ehipmeut made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at H. Glenn & Co.'s. al7-lw No night to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friend?, but one who would bo nttractlve must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she wilL be nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bittera is the beet medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It win make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. GOING EAST- If you intend to take n trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair care, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Ci.ine, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,, Lob Angeles, Calif. C. S. Cbaxe. G. P. A.. St. Louis, Mo. The Oxygenor gives increased -vitality to every organ in the body, destroys ma lignant germs, purifies the blood and assists nature in throwing off disease. There can be no distinction between forms of disease. The Oxygenor cures at one and the same time every form of diseaee with which we may be afflicted. All curable diseases are within its range of power. And can be applied while you sleep. No medicines ; no doctors. Always ready and always reliable. Sold or rented by .1. M. Filloon, The Dalles, Oregon. ap7-lwd&v Ills Lire Was saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it lie save : "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I could'nt even Bit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gavo great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore; every bottle guaranteed. Don't let your old worn out machinery lie In the fence corner any longer. Take it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk dealer, and get the caBli for it. Highest cash price paid for cast and wrought iron, rubber boots and shoes, bicycle tiree, etc., brass, copper, zinc, lead, pewter, old woolen rage, beer bottles and llasks, horse manes nnd tails, and bones of all descriptions. Price paid for cast iron, 40 cents per 100 lbs. One door west of J. H. Woraley's, Second St., The Dalles. m24-lmo. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, a., Bays, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Miuute Cough Cure ie unequaled. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to motherH." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im- mediatu results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Cure Headache Quickly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents, Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists, jau24-Uw Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebratod James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Mules for Hale. One span of mules, 5 years old, for sale. Weight, each about 1000 pounds. For particulars address M. K. McLkod, 3-14-lm Four miles east of Kiugsley. To Cure u Cold In Oue Day Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money. New patent hangers' eulta Store, painters' at the New and paper York Cash A i I J t WE FIT THE HARD-TO-FIT laimnta toi iukk Any Style Sack or Frock. Any Cloth Caasimeres, Worstede, Tweeds, Clajs and Serges. Any Weight Light, Medium or Hoavy Materials. Any Price from $10 TO Some Suits J $ i .oo per month. Strictly first class local and long distance telephone servico within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You get the standard Hunning Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night ervice. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same ou giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ageir rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from S2J5 toMtTper'galloir. 7MPnB.TP.T) finfWAfl from 7.00 to CALIFORNIA BRANDIES from 3.26 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, and Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. FOR SALE. A farm of 120 acres, about 80 acres of which is under cultivation, with a Hue young orchard of two ucres in full bear ing; abundance of living water aud good frame dwelling and barn and oilier farm buildings. Twelve miles east of The Dalles and four miles east of Boyd post office. Farm will be sold, with or with out the growing crop of about 80 acres. Price without crop $1000, and terms very easv, as owner's health compels a change of climate. Apply to w7-tf M. W. Fhkkman, Boyd, Or. Htruyetl, A black horse weighing about 1250 pounds and branded 25 on the lelt shoulder. Same struyed from the farm of John Brookhouse, which la situated six utiles beyond Dufur Liberal re ward offered for information regarding recovery. Address 8. It. Winans, mar7-lmw Uuiur, Or. Short JVlan With n large waist, a tall man with a small waist, a man with long arms, u man with short arms, can be fitted perfectly in a ready-made suit from our new and care fully selected spring stock. The trousers nre cut with large waist and short legB, long legB and small waist. The coats come with long steeyes, short sleeves, large bodies and small bodies. To Bay that we can fit a man of ordinary build seems superfluous. as cheap as $5.00 ' (4 to 15 yeara'old.) 12.00 nor gallon. (11 to 20 years old.) to WOO per gallon. (4 to 11 yearn old.' Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottlea Tri-Weekly ..Stage Line.. -FROM- GRHSS VflLLEy 10 SHHHIKO Stage leaves Grass Valley Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's at 1 p. in. Leaves Shanlko Tuesday's, Thurs day's and Saturday's at 0 a. m. Douglas Allen, Prop., GUASS VALLEY, ORE.