The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 18, 1900, Image 3

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In our lino of Spring and Summer Shoe Specialties are here represented.
Ladies' Kid Laco, Turn Solo, new Shapes &a 50
Indies' Kid Laco, Turn Sole, vesting top 400
Udios' Kid Oxfords, Turn Sole, vesting top, patent leather tip 350
Ladies' Kid Southern Ties, vesting top 'qq
Those are all now shapes, very host material, and all women who value comfort
ou beauty and appreciate economy arc invited to inspect those Shoes, '
Ladies' Kid T urn Solo, button, square too $2.00
Shirt Waists.
Dainty combination of Insertions
and Tuckings, all-over laco yokes, etc;
all w Into. Prices $1 .25 to $3.50.
Lawns, Ginghams or Percales; fast
colors. All prices.
Shirt Waist Materials.
Percales, Dimities, Lawns, Import
ed and Domestic Ginghams.
Summer Parasols.
.lust placed in stock a complete line
of Summer Parasols.
Homo are Plain White.
Some aro Very Fancy.
All aro Good Quality.
Cotton Coverts.
dust the material fur Outing Suits.
Bicycle Skirts in popular colors at 15c
and 20c per yard.
Fancy Braided Skirts of white or
colored Pique and white or colored
Ducks, colored Coverts of Linen, per
fectly made garments. Prices from
50c up.
Suits and Skirts.
A perfect-fitting all-wool Suit as low
as $7.50. Others $10, $15, $20, etc.
Properly made; latest trimmings
and newest styles. Prices from $4.00
to $15.00.
The Everlasting Topic.
After all, there are few things quite as interesting as the question of dress.
While clothes don't make the man, the' afford a pretty good indication of their
charaetor after they aro made. Time was when they told the story of their means,
loo; but that time is past. By confining your purchases to our store you can follow
Shakespeare's advice, "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy," without bankrupting'
your exchequer, for wo have decided to continue the special during this week of a
Hue of $12, $13.50, $14 and $15 Suits for $9.85. Seo windows.
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. J.
1 turvcil In
Children's parasols, 10j and 25u nt A.
M. Williams & Co.'a.
Tim inoi chants of Albany have agreed
lo cbso their places of business nt 7 p.
'IM . . . . .
wool market ut North Yakima
oponcd t i2i,. contB n pound. A year
"K0 it vnu 7 cunts.
Sixty. ilvu cotton mills Imvo been
Hsrtud In tlio South since Jnuuury,
w'tli nlout if 15,000,000 now capital in-
'fiiero will bo it meeting of Dalles
, ' lor' Nu. 0, Koyal Arch MasoiiB, to-
"Uht for work in tho Royal Arch De-
N. i'ca,- render, tho street sprinkler
18 ""I (ku l, but he might bh well be for
B"yt iinK he is doing in tho way of lay.
"K the dust.
L''I'. UoblnEon, of Hood River, hue
wnteil tho "Palace of Sweets' store und
,.Xpe(!la to 0l'en a first dues confectionery
"re BO'o time next week.
T'' Hook nd Ladder Company will
meet nt the engine house Friduy even
ing ut 7 ;!)0 sharp for drill practice. By
order of If. Taylor, foreman.
Tho Telegram says tho steaiuer Iralda
is to start on tho run between Portland
and The Dalles in a few days, in opposi
tion to the D. I'. & A. N. Co.'s boats.
A. M. Williams & Co. have-just re
ceived another invoice of eilk waists
This time it's ribbon waists positively
tho very latest novelty. You are re
quested to call and 6ee them. -
Special attention is called to the
fauey-work table, at tho Easter sale of
St. Paul's Guild, under tho supervision
of Mrs. Sheldon, assisted by Mrs. Hal
French and Mrs. Roger SinnotU
Mrs. Dewey is encaged in a law suit
respecting her full title to some land
lots which came to hor first husband,
General Hazon. The lots are bituoted
in Wichita, Kan., and were won by tho
general in a gamo of poker.
John II. liengan, of Texas, tho sole
surviving member of tho Confederate
cabinet, Is writing his recollections of
tho Civil war. He knew Jell'erBon Davis
and other Southern leaders of 1801-05
better than any other man now alive.
Tho world-famous Passion Play will
bo put on tho boards in this city on
Wednesday and Thursday of next week.
Tho proceeds will be for tho benefit of
the Catholic church. Full particulars
W. 11. Marble, of Goldondalo, returned
on last night's boat from Portland where
he went about three weeks ago to consult
a specialist about IiIb health. He feels
so much improved that he expects to go
back to his trade of machinist and black
smith upon his arrival home.
Tho Dulles Comirieion Houee will
keep fresh milk at all times on hand
and deliver it anywhere in the city at
tho following prices: One quart, $2 per
month: throe pints, $3; two quarts, .$4 ;
three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per
pint. Fresh butter every day. 18-lm
Rev. II.- F. Hawk has returned from a
short visit witli Mrs. Hawk and their
little son at St. Vincent's Hospital. The
boy's condition is improving all the
time and there is every hope of his com
plete recovery. Tho evidence grow9
(constantly that tho last operation struck
the root of the disease.
Tho VVulltt Walla Statesman lost a
subscriber tho other day because it
omitted to record the birth of a baby in
the subscriber's family. Now It vows
it is going to watch tho "shadows of
coming events" in the future and record
tho births two or three weeks before
they occur.
It has been a question in the minds
of Dalles people whether John Hamp
shire could attempt anything in tho line
of character stage work that he could
not master perfectly, Tomorrow night
at tho ontortainment in tho Baldwin
he will appear In a now role, which, it
is said, equals, if not surpasses, his for
mer woik.
The new steamer Rellanco will be put
on the run between hero and Portland
next week. About tho same time an
opposition boat will compete for the
passenger traffic. It is within the pos
sibilities, therefore, that fares may drop
for a time so low that even editors and
preachers may be able to nITord tho
luxury of a trip to tho metropolis.
All indications point to favorable ac
tion by tho present congress on the
proposition to promote Major-General
Miles to the rank of lieutenant-general,
and Brigadier-General Corbin to tho
rank of major-general. This is to be ac
complished through an amendment to
tho army appropriation bill, which Sen
ator Lodge has offered in the senate.
Miss Nellie Brown," a well-known
young lady of Salem, and probably tho
best violinist among the young ladies,
has joined tho Salvation Army, and it
is said will prove n valuable addition to
it. She will train in Portland for tho
work sho intends to follow. Miss Brown
is a grand-daughter of the famous John
Brown. She had Intended to go to Eu
rope to perfect her education on the
violin, but has given it up for the S. A.
Ad Edgar, n former well-known state
man and resident of The Dalles, late of
Dawson City, was in town today. Mr.
Edgar will leave for Cape Nome on tho
10th of May. He left Dawson City in
January. Among the Dalles people
whom ho left behind was William Grant,
a former merchant of this place, later of
Grant, Sherman county, who is in busi
ness in Dawson and doing well. Mrs.
Millei, late of Miller's Bridge, was also
in Dawson running an hotel. 1 H
Ttie Dalles is the fifth city in popula
tion in Oregon. From a business point of
view it is eecond only to Portland. No
town in Eastern Oregon approaches it in
this regard and it does moro business
and handles more money annually than
half a dozen of the biggest towns in theg
Willamette Valley, ontMde of Portland,
put together. The business of one bank
in The Dalles laet year amounted to over
$23,000,000. And the future of the city
at the head of navigation was never I
brighter than it ib at this moment. - -I
Recorder Gates has' been correspond
ing for some time with Dr. E. L. Ste
phen, mayor of Hinkley, Minn., who,
with a number of friends and neighbors,
are thinking of em!t;rating to the Pacific
coast. The doctor Iibb just written the
recorder that lie expects to reach here
on a tour of observation eonio time in
May, and that a number of Hinkley
people, some of them with considerable
means, are looking to tho doctor's report tg
for such advice as may determine their
future action. A number of farmers
and two proprietors of large saw tnillsl
are among the number of those who are
anxious to come here.
The weather bureau report for the
week ending April lGth, says the late
froBts have seriously injured early fruit
in some sections of Southern Oreijon
and done Eome damae in several locali
ties in Eastern Oregon. Speaking of
the Hood River valley the report saye:
"The valley was visited by stinging
froets Monday and Tuesday morning,
but the damogo dune was slight. Winter
apples are unhurt. Early apples,
peeches, pears and prunes were consid
erably thinned, but they will make a
good crop if not injured further. Early
strawberry bloom was killed, which will
put the crop back about two weeks."
Deputy SheiifT Sexton went out to
Kingsley this morning to bring in Will
iam Greenley, of that place, who is re
ported as out of his mind. Greenley is
an old man of close to 70 years. He has
a son in the Salem asylum, and the
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been,
in use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of
and has been made under his pcr-
"fjy sonal supervision slnco its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" arc Imfc
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiments
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Knows the merits of the
Many new features for 1900 which you cannot, afford to overlook.
Complete Line of '1900" Sundries.
father, although Harmless, has been a I buil(lio lR'rosa tl,e nlle' 60Uth of tl,e Just arrived-a new lot of neckwear
lit canoiuato lor that place lor some
time. Greenley has lately fallen into
the habit of wandering aimlessly around
the country of nights and spending
most of Ills tiino in tho Kinsley ceme
tery. He has an aged wife who, in
spite of his mental aberration, has
hitherto refused to abandon him, not
withstanding tiiat she had been offered
a comfortable home for the rest of her
days with a brother in the Willamette
At the meeting of those interested in
organizing a Dalles branch of tho Y. M.
C. A., held in the Congregational church
last night, after an address from Secre
tary Stoii", of the Portland V. M. O. A.,
and protracted discussion by citizens of
The Dalle?, it was definitely resolved to
organize and committees weie appoint-
ou 10 carry mo resolution intoeiiect.i
A committee on membership will seo I Washington on lomo land matters, the
how many members can be obtained; a Kueats of General .Mile. Tho artist is
committee on finance will look after tho " ex-Indian agent of the Umatllhis anil
ways and means, and a third committee now !erk of the tupreme court, ffo is
will confer with the directors of the " mnateur photographer and claims to
Commercial Club and ascertain definite-! 'avo a thousand Indian neiratives. ilie
ly under what conditions the now or- famous "Ciyu-o Twins" havo brought
ganlzation would bo allowed the pi ivi- j enough to build a $5000 house,
leges ot tho lower floor of tho club room ' Somu time ago tho pioprletors of Mel
and tho use of tho athletic and other i O-1 'H"red him iflOOO for the
appliances. These committees will re-! copywright of tho "twins." The Wan
port to another meetliiir to bo held in, munaker department store of I'hlhulel-
the Congregational church next Tuesday , llu lately oidered 10,000 copies of the
evening wplcturef. 5.000 of, each. .Mr. Mooie has
Garden Hose
Columbia hotel. Ihero will Le n mat . for eentlnmpn. f.-.t.i!,.i.s uml ,.,.l,,ru
inee in the afternoon nnd an entertain- ( Ue sure and see them at I lie New York
m?nt in the'oveniiig. The price of ail-1 Cash Store.
mission is live cents and about ;() wortli j
of tickets have been already sold. The
proceeds will be given to the Catholic
Orphans' Home at Portland. Patrons
aro promised the usual program of songs,
dances, cake-walks and original gage,
and tiiere is not a doubt in tho world
that tlfoy will get the full worth of the
live cents admisMoti fee. m.amm
Martin Donnell has one of his shops
windows decorated with a lot of Indian l'
pictures that have m,le the i artist, an-ying tllO SIU1U? bnilld of
Moorehouse, of Pendleton, fani')US.'(- To t
those on exhibition for some lime have 1 HoSO thai VG llilVO 1)0011 CiUTy
been added a picture of Chief Peo, chief
of tho UmatilUe, and Paul Showaway, . illg for tho last flVO years,
an educated high muck-a-muck of the! .... , . .
same tribe, both of whom aie now In , WllllMl IS HlO COloliratocl .Mai-
teso Cross Brand. Wo carry
AVo havo laid in
jtock of liardon lloso and aro
Tho Dalles has a new company of local
minstrels that are deserving of a little
free advertising. The company is com
posed of about teu Dalles youngsters and
Ilia fitnr artists, nr nrnnrlnlnra. nr linllir
, -ru
tho same brand of lloso that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twenty years. The Mal
tese Cross Brand is without
doubt the best grade of lloso
on tho market. Call and get
Inado a little forlnnii out nf his iiinntHiii-
r i . i i
hihotography. Mr. Donneil claims to Olir pi'lCOS DOiOrO DUyillg
havo sold hero between 500 and 000 ;
copies of tho "twins" alone.
Have you seen those "swell" tdiirts at
are Katy Nolan and Percy Long, TEy tho New York Cash Store? All styles, j ."
aro onieu to give two entertainments suit ami sou boseouis, just received,
here next Saturday in the vacant store Come early aud get your pick.
jVIaier & Benton
Solo Agents.