For a Nice Suit of Clothes. 1'antlng, Overcoatln-or Fiuicj Vesting. Kindly rail nntl examine my stock of Im ported and 1) iestic Woolens. A tine stock to elect from. , , , , Bults made fromthe lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE UliEOON, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BCBBCKII'TION PKICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 WEDNESDAY APRIL IS, 1900 TT7ZT "IDIOTICALLY PltEPOSTER OVSV A writer in the Times-Mountain eer, over the signature of "Common Sense," passes some very severe strictures on the two Washington congressmen, Messrs. Cushman and Jones, because, forsooth, "the- re cently stepped over into Oregon with a doubly nonsensical effort to ac complish an impossible and prepos terous absurdity by introducing n bill or bills to appropriate ever so many hundreds of thousands of dol lars" for n portage railway from The Dalles to Celilo. "Common Sense" wonder if "these fellows are fools or knaves," and asks if they do not know that "what they are professedly working for is not only absolutely impossible but idiotically preposter ous." "Common Sense" then oracu larly aflirms that "it has been decided over and over again twice in this same Dalles portage case that without an amendment to the con stitution of the United States, con gress cannot appropriate money to build and operate a mile of railroad for commercial purposes anywhere upon the continent or the globe." The Chiiomcle has no desire for controversy but it would like to know, nnd thousands of people in me inland Empire woultl tike to know, upon what historical or legal basis this opinion of "Common Sense" rests. ',We are well aware that the government has never here tofore attempted such a work. But this is surely not the same as saying that the government is inhibited by tho constitution from attempting ,it. If this question has been "decided over and over again" by any compe tent authority, "Common Sense" would confer n favor upon a large number of people by letting us know when the decisions were made and by whom. This is not written in any spirit of captious criticism. Far; from it. Tin: Ciiitoxici.K is in favor ! of any measure Hint will open the river and open it soonest. It is de lighted to learn that "trains will be running on a Dalles-Celilo portage j within less than ninety days" on the ' Washington side. It would be still more delighted to think that another portage on the Oregon side was j among the near possibilities. And why not? The right of way has; been procured by tho government! nnd over two hundred thousand! dollars, already appropriated, remain unexpended and available for the work the moment action is taken by congress. Instead, therefore, of "so winy hundreds of thousands of dol lars," as "Common Sense speaks of, small appropriation of about $200,. 000 would suffice to construct and equip the road. More than this. A tnilro.itl of some kind will bnvc to be built to facilitate the construction of whatever nornmiient improve ments the government may ultimate- ly (Ictorminc upon. "Why could not such a road be built and devoted to tlm nsn nf tho iiiililic. ns nii the 1UUKS UU1UW, UIUU Rfc lU.lSlr Mil! m i . crnmcnt is rendv to undertake permanent improvements. .iVIHl 111 .. i .in these nrc completed the road might be used jointly as was part of the little portage road at the locks. Where is there anything "absolutely impossible" or "idiotically preposter ous" in all this? The truth is the letter of "Common Sense" voices sentiments foreign to these parts. Our wishes may be "absolutely im possible of realization and our opin ions may be "idiotically preposter ous," but all of us who arc not under the control of some transportation company are in favor of competition around the dalles obstructions, and the more of it the. better. We feel indebted, therefore, to Messrs. Ctish man nnd Jones for their efforts to serve us, nn:l we shall not believe that these efforts arc "idiotically preposterous" till we know better. "The universal defense of the Porto Ricau tariff bill made by He publican papers," says the La Grande Chronicle, "is that it is only of a temporary nature, the law expiring of its own force within two years." The Chronicle i.- mistaken. The bill is never defiudrd on that ground. If it is wronr m principal, it is wrong if it shoul i in; in force only two minutes, le' 'lune two years. The bill is defended on the ground of its absolute necessity. No other means of raising needed revenue was prac ticable. Taking the constitution there and enforcing our revenue laws would have been confiscation. The masses of the islanders are in the very depths of poverty nnd wholly unable at this time to bear the burdens of a direct tax. These are some of the grounds on which the bill is defended. The temporay nature of the bill is only mentioned when Democrats and recreant Re publicans lyingly insist that it was ever intended as a permanent meas ure. Sow that the campaign is on, Dem-! ocratic editors who have not the' ability to write their own editorials are ranking generous use of those of the Oregonian. And they have rll the bitterness and disingenuousness of the Simon pure Democratic article. Wm. J. Landers, resident manager of the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance Companies, wishes to announce to the patrons of these companies that owing, to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Hhyard nnd the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gou.luv,' TT T, , ,7 T , " ' their former agents, the agency for 183! companies for The Dalles and vicinity limothy lirownhill. Anv business given to .Mr. lirownhill will receive .prompt attention and will be appreciated by the companies. Office in C. E. Hay aril's old stand. No. 0 Washington stieet, The Dalles. Orepon. al-lm Nollo . Livery stable for sale at Centerville, Wash., $100 per month business. Will sell at a bargain. '2"-l A. It. GliAIIAM. We havelufnTTyvant in soft ! ,,at9 ,or spring The Xew York Cash Store. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON SESTAUHAflT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Oo,, Props. 67 Second Street ONE FOR A OOap. Pll I S 19aaM.Purffr ifknafa x W iV iV ' Nnsnl Cntmrh quickly yields to trent mont by Ely's Crenm llahu, which in skc nlily nronmtio. It is received through tho nostrils, cleanses nnd heula tho wholo sur face over which it diffuses itself. Drugnisls Ki.ll tho TiOu. size: 'l'rinl size- by ntiiil, 10 ! cents. Test it nud yon tiro euro to continue Uio treatment. A ....nll..ntimif To npoommodiito those who nro partial to tno uso ot mniuizers m i ipiyiim in . , , ... ,..!.. r;. nun , -I ;,,s,l n... 1nl... 1ri..n ilw.lllllillir tllrt j .unbuilt uiuiui .ui.ii... . 'u BtiniyinR tuuo is Vo cents. Druggists or uy ninil. Tho liquid form embodies tho Jiicd icinal proporties of tho solid preparation. L Dull Uo.ulnche, Pains in various parts of tho body, Sinking nt the pit of the stomach, Loss of npputitu, Fcvt'riehnrss, l'i tuples or Sores nil positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became go it must bo purified m order to obtain Rood health. Acker's Mood Elejcir has nevor failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy nnd wo sell every buttlu on a positive guarantee. Hlakeley& Hough ton's drug store. Experience is the best Tuachor. Use Acker's English Kutnedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cts. Makeley & Houghton Druggists. 1'iir Snlt. lO-acro tract, 55 miles from The Dalles, 4 room house, bam, all fenced, orchard of tlOO trees, runtiinu' witter, good range for cattle adjacent, 10 acres : bottom land line for berries or garden. l'rit: reasonable, terms easy. dull at this otlke. :n21-ihvltno Win, Orr, Newark. O., says, "We never feel fafo without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little boy's hfo when he had the pneu monin. Wo think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and nil lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. K'K Fur HiiIk. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Hock esgs, per setting $1 .00 Htid $1.50. For particulars call on or address, Sanukks linos. Box 047. The Dalles, Or. Fresh cracked Nebrasku corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcl)25-ti j Latest designs for 1900 111 wall paper. I Elegant stock to select from at If. Glenn ' & Co.'s. nprl7-lw i Wall paper! Where? paint nnd oil store. At Glenn's npr!7 Iw Clark A Falk'a dru' stock fresh and complete. is new CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought j Signature of (W ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I uigests wnat you eat. Btructinff the exhausted digestive or- iu,'HUU ionic, sso otner preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In Btantlv relieves and mm. Dyspepsia, IndlRestion, Ileartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, NauBea I SlckHeadache,Ga8tralgla Cramps.and all other re8ultsof ImperfectdlKestlon. 1 - rregunu oy c. u. umr.'. CO., CljICaaO- T. BR0WNHILL JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notarv I'unlin. Collections promnllv attended . UnV' "f" iNOriCE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 Timber Lind, Act June .'!, 1S78. 1 r. 8. Unii Ofkick, ' v.i T.",! ''AUKMIii.t Apr. 1.1, lf). with ' ti?.. .sll.V,rt',,y kW?". ,""t compliance tho provljlons of . ,.t r.f conurrak of , Juno .J, 1-B. entitled "An et r tho 1 tie of tin", ber l..nd 11 th;5 ute of V.i!mr, V, o"c ; , . .Sevada mill Wmhlmttoii Territory," Wllllitin IC, K.eliuiu, Unit tbo land nonuht l vjiuiihlo Its !lif;r."r, ?'i'iT.! ''"'wifiK'm.i i.iipo.ii, ; ai d to fc.talil li iU nlidm to t..ilct bind 1 efoiu thJ linlk, Oregon, mi I rtutnriliy, i ad lny of.liiiif, IIJOO, .,M!!.,",.,"f ? Jv,"""'h: J. II. (iolt, 1). p. hd. o t '.'"""" 'lllm, all Mbni' ilttcflbul liimlH arc wiiunUi to tllu thulr June!" V ""'CU "" "r bu'"'0 MaWlfi JUl'L"1?1 ...JAV '.JfWAS, IlcKUter. Iff, 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French it Vo.'u linnk ,b0c - 1 UK PALI.E9, uhfcUON i . . . t -. ii.. to tho uso of atomizers m applying iiuuhw into tho nasal tuissagcs for catarrhal trou thc 1 bits, tho proprietors prepare Crenm linlm in in lorm. which -urn uu i.uuwu .i a.i n of The Dulles, Crmutj- of Wmxco, .St.ite of Oreiron hu th.K dv UK. I,, mu ii:-o hi r u ""-it .So. l.'j for thv pil.ehme of , ".. .s j; V . , Complete Cipe of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDRUCCIST. BROS (1K.VEUAL BiacKsmlins ...AND... rs Wngon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. ST Third aufl Mcr'ou. FM159 .3 Leu ..chas. m- Butehers and pQPmePs ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilnniKht the cek-brnteil COM'MlltA ilKKIt, iicknmvi iU! the best bier In The Dalles, nt the iimihI irlee. Come la. try It unit be convinced. Alto the Vluvt brands of Wlnei, Lliuur mill Clears, Sandrjuiehes of u II KIihIh iihwiyt, 011 linnd. C. F. Stephens ..Donlor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishings. Hoots, Shoen. Huts, CnpK, Notiuim, Act. .for W. I DoiiKlut Hhog. Telephone No. S8, Ttie Dalles, Or, 1 cecomi tit,, Just What Yoa uuaiifc. Now ideas in Wnll Paper hero. Such wide variety s wo ureBhowini; never be fore Braced a slniflo stock. Jtenl itnltii tlon creton etteetH ut ordinary prices. Ciood pnnuis at cheap paper prices. EleKttiit desiKiiH, tastuful colorlnus vours for H aiual price, at our atore on third street. Aleo a full line of house painte. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. B HUNTINGTON XIUNTJNOTON it W1L80N. 11 s wason M.-M. AllOltNEYH A'l LAW. THtt I. , 1 t . '. ttloouv.r Klr.t N.t. tUak u"M- UJA Horsesnoe 1 1 1 (I II rQ iV . r 1 y ,l Str. Flotfiilntor. s. lit Ship your Freight via now'N. , l.v. lllllllH III S A. l. Tuo'iiny , ThiilMliiy . PHtmdiiy . . ' Arr. I'orlliiml . ut ii r. m. l.v. l'ortlmid j nt 7 a. M. , . .Miiudny Wi'dmitHy 1 m Arrn.K;RegTilator Line. nt0:W V. M. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Triivul by tho Htoium-rs of tho llcRllhitor t.lliu. runs tin- licst xervleo lumalblu. I'ortliiiul Olllco, Ouk-Stri'ot lock. 3 fiTJi.Ti.TiyjYATI,tlTAT,I.T.tTJitTWTIiVI.TW,TIY,liT PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every bod' with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Important Announcement to you. For :iU days after April lut, I will Hell all tlm Dry Gondii, Olothinc Hoots nnd Shot'-, IIoHiery, Itlnnkets, HatB and L'apH, on a out in prieu of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now is your opportunity to tut bur tuiiiH. Don't iniaa it. S. L. BROOKS, SiiecegBor to E. J. Collins & Co. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm TRADE MARKS 1)CBIQNS Copyrights ic. Aiirnno fpiiiltni: a nlirtrh nnit itoncrlntlon inn" nnlcklr atriirtiiln our ontnlou fruo wlipthur n' lilvfiitlon It liriltintily l.ntriitiihl.i. 'otiliiinnlrik Hunt utrlctlTcoiilliloiitlal. llniidbookoii I'nlcnUr XMit fri'o. (Illicit nuLMirv fur AMciirlnif imlonta. I'.ili-MH tnken ttiniuuh Jlunn A Co. rvcolra tvrtltlt witter, nltliout clinruo. In tho Scientific American, A hmiil'imioly llltntr.iteil treoklr. IJireiMt fir. rnliitliiii of iiny cli'ittltlt Jnuriinl. Turiiu, .1 a hold liy nil tiiwiilciilr. MUNN & Co.3C,B- New York llranch tltrco, ctl r PL, Wmliluutoii. 1). f We Put... ovory bit of twenty years experience and drug knowlodgo with every Prescription that's com pounded hove. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Auk your physician if we are reliable BLflKELEY & H0U&HT0H Jleliablo l'rescriptionists F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. dor Second & Laneblin. 'PHone ui tJuijA.TUK LINE Dime, Portland 4 n Htwimem of tlib HcKUlntor Line will runm . limine dchi'tlulo, the Cumimny Kvervltir the ,1-1,, , M'hcilulo without notice. ' " chnrt Str. Dnllos city, down l.v. Dal lit K A. ,, Wvilnwdiiy .. Ti"''l Arr. I'lirtlHim nt fi : m. !),Um ., tuny ' - 'TnchliTil Thu (.'ompiiiiy will oiidfiivor to tor further liifornnitlon iiiidrcni f,Te,MW- W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. Act cer. C. S. Smith, Tin: dp-to-dateQrdeer Freah Ekrb nnd Crcomorj ilutter a Rpucialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. H. HCIIKNK, rrcaidont. II. M.Bul, Cutin fll'DL 41QUUUQ1 DQUfi. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A ftnnnrKl Itiinklnc ilnntrinfM inntirtti JJepoaite received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections mudu and nroceeui oromttli ronmieu on uuv 01 collection. Mieiit ana reiouriipiiii! f.xcnsnpeo.aci Iew York, Han iruneisco an: "on land. DI HKOTOKS D. P. TllOMPBOK. Jno. 6. Bcbijci Eu. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lim H M. Hi: am.. Mica 'Axle Crease hcljH the team Saves wear and sxjieusc Kold rywlicrc STANDARD OIL 00. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. I'KaNHACT A KNKltAl.HANKINO DOWSM t n... ..i o.,lli Iuumi.i1 nvnllttble in 'tl 01..1.1 T.-. i ,. ,) TrImTIPU Kon. Kenttle Waslt,. aim vanum 1 ub. ...... wm. ... , ;.m lu uregon and waaniiiui""-, . UOIieCllOIIH UIH'JU V I'-- orahlo terms. me coiumDia PACKERS OF MANUKACTCHKIIHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof-T BRANO JRIED HKICI-. - XERVITAscuS1! CureH Impotency, wik111"", "0 tU waatlnir dlscaacn, all 0 uhtiHf, or leam crctlon. A-vojKtM Iiloodliiilulft SBytnnU5tM'5'?.X:,V kill A mgm .ulfl fL IITIWBP mmj to cure or rcx NEftVITA mm Subicrlle for Tub Uuuosm i