The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 17, 1900, Image 3

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hi our lino of Spring antl Summer Shoo Specialties arc hero represented.
Ladies' Kid Laco, Turn Solo, now Shapes 5q
Indies' Kid Laco, Turn Sole, vesting top ..... 4 00
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, Turn Solo, vesting lop, patent leather tip " 350
Ladies' Kid Southern Ties, vesting top 3 00
Those aro all now shapes, very best material, and all women who value comfort
love boauty and appreciato oconomy are invited to inspect those Shoos. '
Ladies' Kid Turn Sole, button, square too $2.00
Shirt Waists.
Dainty combination of Insertions
and Tuckings, all-over laco yokes, etc;
all white. Trices $1.25 to 3.50.
Lawns, Ginghams or Percales; fast
colors. All prices.
Shirt Waist Materials.
Percales, Dimities, Lawns, Import
ed and Domestic Ginghams.
Summer Parasols.
Just placed in slock a complete line
of Summer Parasols.
Some aro Plain While.
Some "are Very Fancy.
All aro Good Quality.
Cotton Coverts.
Just the material for Outing Suits.
Bicycle Skirts in popular colors at 15c
and 20c per yard.
Fancy Braided Skirts of white or
colored Pique and white or colored
Ducks, colored Coverts of Linen, per
fectly made garments. Prices from
50c up.
Suits and Skirts.
A perfect-fitting all-wool Suit as low
as $7.50. Others $10, $15, $20, etc.
Properly made; latest trimmings
and newest styles. Prices from $4 00
to $15.00.
The Everlasting Topic.
After all, there are few things quite as interesting as the question of dress.
While clothes don't make the- man, they afford a pretty good indication of their
character after they aro made. Time was when they told the story of their means,
loo; but that time is. past. By confining your purchases to our store you can follow
Shakespeare's advice, "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy" without bankrupting
your exchequer, for we have decided to continue the special during this week of a
line of $12, $13.50, $1J and $15 Suits for $9.85. See windows.
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Figures.
The Dalles Daily Citfoniele.
Telephone No. J.
fUKSDAV - - APRfLT7,"ionO
. -
mm a Mil-veil In
Oysters r
Wall paper! Where? At Glenn's
Paint nml oil store. uprl7-tw
H. Weiulmrd's celebrated Dock beer
'nsw on draught m the Columbia hotel
J. h. Kully has lot u contract to Mr.
Anderson to build handsome cottogo
the corner ol Clay and Federal
itreot. tm0
Wlion il0 uoorH Biptti 500 of the
"rltiali at a time the new verb begins to
Mo mi important place in the military
f"0liKlit tho last dance of the season
J H bo Riven by tho Columbia Dancing
inu ami all members mo requested to
Mo O. it. & n. havo a force of mon nt
uulianK extensive stock yards
S.W", trBck e' ' "e foed
house. m,i'JlniK tu Wasco ware-
A" editor who on first Impulse was go
"K 10 discharge a proofreader wh6 al
'wU a quotation to read, "You cannot
ye bol God and woman," concluded,
on qecond thought, to let it go, and say
nothing about it. It Is needless to add
that ho is not a married inau.
Tito British government, it is reported,
is about to contract for 50,000 more
American horses. Ne further inquiry
need be made for the horseless era man.
He has retired from business.
Dr. Meyers it Co., of San Francisco,
will begin a series of lectures to men
only, in connection with their museum
of autttomy. Free to nil. Don't forget
to see them. See ad. in today's issue.
The ladios having the Easter entertain
ment and sale at the Batdwln on Thurs
day feel happy in ottering their friends
a good program. Miss Myrtle Michel
always a favorite, will appear in choice
vocal selections. .--w
Within six months the pileo of com
has advanced one-third. Four years
ago an army of orators was insisting
khat corn would Boon lie a worthleua
Incumbrance unices tho moiioy of the
country was degraded to the free silver
Yestorday afternoon J. C. Hawthorn
was urralgned before Recorder Gates for
biting the ringleador of the party that
ribbed tho brewery till last week. He
pleaded guilty and was sentenced to
thlrtv davs in lull. Thero was no evi
dence sufllciont to Inculpate Hawthorn's
(three companions, so they were dis
Souio anthems seem ludicrous to out
siders not familiar with the pieco. Take
this one as occasionally heard iu our
churches and elsewhere: It storts out
thus: Soprano: "Oh, take this pill-"
Tenor: "Oh, t-a-oke this pill." Con
tralto: "O oh take this pill." Barso:
"Oo-oh, take this pill." All together:
"Oh, take this pilgrim home."
The peaches and other early fruit on
the divide between here and Mosier
have not been materially injured by the
Into frost. At least so said James Miler
of that country to the Ciiuoniclk man
today. Mr. Miler says the peach trees
are loaded with fruit, and as to wheat,
the crop bailies all description. Some
of it, not yet in the boot, stands between
two and n half and three feet high.
Tho well nt the scouring mill is 110
feet iu depth. At 114 feet water was
struck which rose to within nine feet of
)tho top. 'I hen a test was made and the
I well was balled out at the rate of 1200
gallons au hour, without reducing the
water in any perceptible degree. As
the well-borer puts it: The scouring
mill would havo no more water if it
pumped from a hose in the Columbia
.Some of the newspapers in Manila are
evidently trying to ineito strife between
the people, the military authorities and
tho religious orders. They aro reprint
ing pamphlets supposed to havo been
leaned by a friar, and which are said to
have been widely distributed. These
pamphlets condemn Masonry, civil mar
riage and the libeity of the press, They
also defy the authorities to interfere
with the religious orders.
A Socialist paper that appears to have
some circulation iu this neighborhood
seriously claims that with government
ownership of the shoe factories a work
man, producing, by the aid of modem
machinery, 48 tunes more shoes than
were formerly produced by band, would
be entitled to 48 times the wage, or
something in tho neighborhood of $5000
a year! That is the sort of stufl' these
Cro?ars of Socialism feed their dupes
Chicago's milk trust has gone to
pieces and milk is now selling in the
Windy" City cheaper than before the
combination. All the leading retailers
were in the combination. Thopromotcie
counted upon freezing out tho email
dealers during-tho winter, but tho re
volt of patrons from the big concerns
operating scores of wagons each was so
great that tho small dealers found an
erpaiision'of trade that incited them to
keep up tho fight and to stay outside
the combination.
Poultrymen in Mnvion county recent
ly reported to the Agricultural College
serious fatality among young chickenf ,
relates the Corvallis Times. In nil in
stances the chicks were the product of
incubators and brooders. Several of the
dead chicks were dissected bv Professor
Pernot, and in each instance thero was
found in the .lungs either pneumonia or
congestion. The facts thus developed
indicated that the temperature in the
brooders had been allowed to rise and
fall with more or less carelessness, and
that colds and consequent pneumonia
and other lung demoralization had re
sulted, producing the death of the
The committees appointed from the
several religious bodies, the W. C. T. U.
and the Commercial Club to organize n
young men's club along the lines of the
Y. M. C. A., will meet in tho Congrega
tional church at S this evening. Sec
retary Stone, of the Y. M. C. A. of
Portland, has telegraphed the secretary
that he will bo here and will give the
committees the benefit of his experience.
All members of the' several committees
are requested to be present. The pub
lic also, and all interested in the object
of the movement, will be cordially wel
comed. It is requested that members
of committees who cannot attend to
night shall give their proxies to persons
who will attend.
The meeting to be held in the Congre
gational church tonight for the purpose
of organizing a club or societv for the
benefit of the young men of the city is
one that appeals to every man and
woman who takes any interest in the
physical, moral and intellectual weltare
of our young men. It is to he noted
that this movement took its rise among
the young men themselves. This makes
it doubly entitled to consideration, and
far more certain of permanency and suc
cess than if it had originated among
outsiders without consulting the wishes
of those intended to be benefited.
Fathers and mothers of The Dalles, at
tend the meeting at the Congregational
church tonight and learn that you have
a chance to do something for the boys
of t hid town such as may not happen
again in a lifetime.
The intelligence of the elephant is well
known and is illustrated in an interest
ing incident, as follows, says the Chicago
Tiines-IIerald. A young baby elephant
had received a severe wound in its head,
the pain of which rendered it so frantic
and ungovernable that it was found im
possible to persuade the animnl to have
the part dreseed. Whenever any one
approached it ran off with fury and would
sutler no person to come within several
yards of it. Tho man who had charge of
it at length hit upon a contrivance for
securing it. By a few signs and words he
made the mother know what was wanted.
The sensible creature seized her young
ono with her trunk and held it (irmly
down, through groaning with agony,
while the surgeon completely dressed
the wound, and she continued to per
form this service every day until tho
animal was peifectly recovered.
Yesterday afternoon, Apiil 16th, at
tho residenco of the bridegroom's father,
Mr. O. W. llaight, of this city, John J.
Haight, of Cow Canyon, to Ella Calla-
ghan, of Clackamas county.
, Tun CiiiiOXin.K has not the pleasure
of the acquaintance, of the bride, but we
havo no doubt shois worthy of ono of
the best young men in Southeastern
Wasco, which is precisely the deserved
reputation of her young husband.
The young couple will make thoir
future homo at the Cow Canyon toll
liev. D. V. Poling performed tho mar
riage ceremony.
lli'liulillcmm, AtU'Utliilil
A meeting of The Dalles McKlnley
Club will be held In tho court house
next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock,
The meeting in called for the purpose of
electing officers and lor the transaction
of other business incident to the pend
ing campaigns:, liy order
17-31 I,. E. Ckowk, President.
Latest designs for 1930 in wall paper,
Elegant etock to select from at II, Glenn
& Co.'s. apr!7-lw
TIio Kind You fiavo Always Bought, ami which has been,
in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho sljrnatnro of
and has been made under his pcr-
fflji J., sonal supervision since its infancy.
(C4CCLtvZ' Allow no rniA in tlooo vn vnn In flit a.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" aro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health oC
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
o Miss E. L. Siusher at the bride's
jother's reeidi-nee,near Dufur last Sun
lice wrieeler arrived in th
Hon. Chas. Hilton, of Portland, is in
the city.
Elder Jenkins, of Hood River, was in
town today.
Miss Mamie Schoelharner, of Prine-
ville, is at the Umatiiia House.
J. H. Smith, a prominent hardware
merchant of Grass Valley, is in the ci y.
Dr. Ray Logan came up on the boat
last night to spend a few davs in the
Otis L, Patterson returned last even
ing from attending the Republican state
Miss BeEsie Lanes' left on the Dallca
City this inorninjr on a short visit to
friends in Portland.
J. E. Nesmith, eldest son of tho late
Senator Nesmith, is in theeitv the truest
of Mrs. E. M. Wilson.
William Fricker and J. H. Putnam,
ol Wheeler county, left on tho boat this
morning witti twenty-two beau of work
horses which they expect to dispose of
in Portland.
J. Nelson Patterson, a pioneer resident
of Rauney precinct, was a passenger on
the Dalles City this morning for Port
land, where he goes to consult specialists
regarding his health.
Mrs. L. Clarke, of Hooil River, is in
the city on her way home from attend
ing tho wedding of hor son, Charles N.,
Miss Alice Wheeler arrivedn the city
last evening to pay a thort'visit to her
friend, Miss Liura Thompson, and at
tend the dancing party tonight, ishe
will return to her home'in Portland to
morrow. The following namps appear on the
register of the Umatilla House: J. Daf
feron, Lyle; 8, H. Kiutzer. Arlington;
torn Fields, Win. lUuken, E. L. Morse,
C. P. Odell, Austin Wilson and W. A.
Slingerland, of Hood River; R. Vander
vert, Ridgeway; A. R. Uyrkett, Bingen;
A. A. Gilhousen, Clackamas; Frank C.
Wilson and J. I. West, Wupinitia; W.
A. Doyle, Endersby; T. 13. Randall,
Cow Canyon.
ScliiMil Iteport.
Report of Fair View schoil, district
No. 48, for the month eniinz April 13,
No. of days taught, 20,
No. of pupils enrolled, 'do.
No. dayB attendance, 5S1.
Average daily attendance, U9,
Tho following named pupils were nei
ther tardy nor absent: Alice Brown,
Mabel Iirown, Flora Brown, Mammie
Drown, Lottie Crabtreo, Ednn Kaylor,
Linnio Kaylor, Minnie Kaylor, Lena
Snodgrass and Tina Snodgrass.
T. M. II. Ciiastain, Teacher.
Wm, J. Landers, resident manager of
the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance
Companies, wishes to announce to the
patrons of these companies that owing
to the sickness of Mr, C, E. liayurd and
tho resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourlay,
their former agents, the agency (or both
companies for Tho Dalles and vicinity
has been placed iu the bauds of Mr.
Timothy Drownhill. Any buslnefi
given to Mr, lirowuhill will receive
prompt attention and will be appreciated
by the companies. Oflice iu C, E, Bay
ard's old stand. No. 85 Washington
sheet, The Dalles, Oregon. alO-lm
Have you seen those $9.83 suits in
Pease & Mays' window. They are record
We have just what yon want in soft
hats for spring. The New York Cash
Great dhcount salf in pattern hats
and bonnets at Mrs. Phillips' millinery
parlors. 10a-2t
.fust arrived a new lot of neckwear
for gentlemen. Latest designs and colors.
Be sure and see them at the New York
Cash Store.
Mrs. Phillips is closing out tho entire
line of children's head wear at less than
2j cents on the dollar. The greatest
bargains ever known. 10.i-2t
Have yon teen those "swell" shirts at
the New York Cash Store? All styles,
stiff and soft boseoms, just received.
Come early and get your pick.
Yiitir Opportunity.
Any of those !1'J.14 or $15 suits r.t
Pease & Mays' for .fU 85 this week.
Nobagoknee trousers stretchers fiee
with any suit at Puase it Muvs.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Garden Hose
Wo havo laid in a largo
stock of Garden Hoso and aro
carrying tho same brand of
Hoso that wo havo been carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Brand. Yq carry
tho same brand of Hoso that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twonty years. The Mal
tese Cross Brand is without
doubt tho boat grado of Hoso
on tho market. Call and got
our prices before buying.
JVIaier & Benton
Sole Agents.