, , - - . - . " ' - u For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Fantlng, OTcreonttn- or Fancy Vesting. ITInrttr pnll nnrt pnmlll( mv fttOCk of IlU- Toitot nnd D nestle Woolens." A line stock to elect from. , ... BnttK made Iromthe lowest piiecs to the high ft gnutc. Fine Tailoring. J. A. Eberle TUK DAI.LK3 OltEGON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SDHSCKirTION I'KICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 TUESDAY - - - - APRIL 17, 1900 TOM FITCH ON EXPASSIOX. Torn Fitch, who will be remem bered by old -timers ns the "silver tongued" orator of the Pacific coast, but who is hardly known to the younger generation, delivered n siKech in Snlt Lake Cily n short time ago on expansion that was characterized by all the Ore and wealth of diction that distinguished the author a quarter of a century ago. The closing appeal to the young men in the audience will bear repetition. Mr. Fitch said : "I have little hope that what I have said tonight will influence the votes of the stubborn grevbeards who have turned their faces away from the light for lo! these many years. 'Ephraim is joined to his idols; let him alone.' But nmony this vast audience are man who are standing upon the threshold of man hood, and to them I appeal. Young men, do you think it wise to link your future with this record of past blunders and promise of future mis takes which calls itself the Democratic party? Will you be content to ride in their ramshackle wagon with your feet hanging over the tailboard and your face forever turned toward the rear? Will you fasten the young, bright-eyed, strong-limbed trotting borsc of ambition nnd hope in double harness with a spavined and broken kneed relic of the palczoic age of politics? Will you accept the retro gressive doctrines of the butternut breeched 8aleratus-saturaled ague eboken statesmen of the swamps? Will you turn from the smooth high way to stumble among the rocks and brambles? Will you deny yourselves the music and lights and shelter of the cathedral to ekulk among the cold and gloomy gravestones of the churchyard ?" lliynnism must be annihilated by patriotic American ballots. The salvation of the nation is in the balance Who the Republican nom inee is, is a matter of small concern. On the first day of the present month the volume of money in circu lation in the United States was Trvitifr nrmmrut Ions simply devel op dry catarrh; thoy dry up tho Becrotions, which adhcro to tho nionibmno ami decom pose, causing n far nioro sorioua troublo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and Biniirs and uio that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or coldintbo head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho C0o. stzo. Ely Jlrothors, fill Warren St., N.. M'ltn llnlm nuwa without 1111111. llOGS Hot found, for the first time in our, irritato or cnuso onoozing. It Bprcada itself history, to exceed two billions an estimated population of fc77,:J9f, 000 tho per capita circulation is $2G.12. Four years ago, when Bryan and his cohorts verc screech ing that money would become scarcer and dearer unless Bryan was elected president, tho per capita was 21.53 or $4.59 less than it is today. This marvelous exhibit should satisfy would satisfy anybody except a Populist, who wants paper money to trundle around by the wagon load. With! vor an irritated and angry surface., reliev ing immetllately ttio pamnu inuaninmuon. With Ely's Cream llalui you nro armod against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovcr. The low estimate placed by Ad miral Dewej' upon the duties devolv ing upon the president ought to encourage some of the Multnomah Democrats Judge O'Day, or Gen eral Kellfeather or Pnt Powers, for example to aspire to the office. IlKPAtlT FOK T1HK SCltSnULS. FHOU UALLK9. Aim:vK Fhom. Fast Mall 11:45 p.m. Spokane Flyer 7:03 p. ni, Portland Fusionists have not yet agreed upon a ticket, and when they do it is doubtful if nnj can be named that will command the support of all the. incongruous elements it is hoped to unite. The official Republican majorities in Cincinnati i v.uo from 9oSI3 to 32G0. As t'" Democrats carried the city last ill the straw indicates that Ohio is t-dy for tho presidential year. Notto. Livery stable for sale at Centerville, Wash., $100 per month business. Will sail at a bargain. m27-lm A. R. Gk.uiam. Money savers. Those $9.83 suits. See l;ase & Mava' window. iSJNN'S ONE FOR A DOSE. Ttennvre Pirooln, Prvtnt fiilloniacci, I'urlijr thjBlood. .S2If.'2c,,ii.of th,,,' each d7 la ntcefjar7 riLJieJrl,h' Tl"7titbersnp)nori!ic!ten. To con. fcc SoiUby druifguts. OR. 3CSANK0 CO. PhMa. a PILLS The Oregoniun, a short time ago, said "Bryan is a far more dangerous man this year than in 189G," and Democratic papers all over the coun try have been frothing at the mouth over it ever since. It is n sad and solemn truth, notwithstanding. rfil verism is no longer a menace to the country and no one dreaJs Bryan's election on account of it. But Bryan ism caters to something infi nitely worso than free silver. It bids for the vote of every man who imagines he has a grievance against society, of every disciple of unrest and revolution, of every socialist, swum,, communist, anarchist, or by whatever name the forces of rev olution nnd the enemies of law and order may be known. Tim triumph ofBryanlsm means the triumph of these force, fa a war of this nature there U no choice left to tho man who loves his country and its flag. Snlt Lnki'. Denver. Ft. Knt worth, omalirt, h-an- -Man ms City, St. uuls, !!:5o p m UlilCflgo anu f.nsi. Walla Walln, Spokane,! Spokane .Minneapolis, s-t. I'mil.i Flyer, j) u 1 n t li, Milwaukee,! 1:31 a. m Chicago and East, i S p. m. S p. m. Kx.suniiay Saturday 10 p. in. From l'or.TLANr). Ocean Kteamshtps. For Sun Francisco December 3. S, IS. IS, 23 ami 4 p. m. ' 4 p. m. Columbia Uv. Steamers. F.x.ijiinilaj To AMoniA nnd Way l-illl'llllgs. fin. m. Wiluhsttk r.tvnr.. :4:00p.m. Ex.isimdayjOrcKon City. Nt-wU-rc, ns.sumlnj fc'aiem A way Land'. 7r. m, WtLLAMETTE and Yam- 3:30 p.m. Tues.Tlmr., kill Kivers. ilon.AVed and cat. I Oregon City, Dayton, and Frl. I and Wny-IjinilliiK'a. 6a.m. I Willamette Kiver. '4:30 p.m. Tuc.Thur, I'ortlarid to Corvnllls, Jlon.Wcd and Sat. j and Way-Landings, land Friday I.v R I pari a daily 1 .2 a. m. Snake IlIVEtt. Kipnria to I-ewiiton. I.EAVK Lewiston dally S:ZQ a. m. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street Parties deslrine to iro to llpnniipr limi lit taku No. 4, leaving 'Hie Dalles at 7.0.'i p. m making direct connections atlleppncr Junction Itcturniiiff liiakiiigdirwitconuectHm at lleppuer uuctlou with No. 1, arriving at The Dulk-sat .:?' , m. So. S.', throucht freight, cast bound, does not carry pdssenxcra: arrives u:i0 a. m., departs 3:50 a. m. No. 21, local frcleht, carries passenger", cast bound: arrives l:jjp. m., deparu s:15 p. in. No. 'Jl, west bound tlirouijh freight, does not carry passcriKvrs; urrlves b:l5 p m., departs 0:S0p.m. So. ZS, west bound local freight, carries pas fenstrs; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs s:C0 a. in. For full particulars call on O. It. & N. Co.' j nKeut The Dalles, or addrcs I W. U. HUP.UIL'RT, j Gen Pas. Ast., Portland, Or, Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUOGIST. Bt?OS (il'.M.UAIi jj Biacksmiins Korsesnoers I I - . V i -rt-ri "trr..i.i.1.,..,.i - - m . . - ) EVERYBODY Knows the merits of the COLUMBIA ; PATEE CREST) BICYCLES V Ml 1 i Wagon and Carriage Work. T Fish Brothors' Wagon, i' I Thiril aud JelTcr'fln, Piiouc;i59 torrTiiYiTiKut F. S Gunning, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. I, wife Offick at Vancouver, Wash,,) March iil, l'.W. j !otice Is hereby Riven that the f.dlowlng iiaineit settler liax tiled notice of his Intention to nin.e iiniil proof in support of his claim, nnd that slid proof will bo made before W.ll. Pesbv. Unltetl Suites Commissioner for District of i Washington, ut his olllcu In Uoldcndale, Wash., on Monday, May 7, lyOO, U: John G. MnDonnld, H. K. No. f093 for the northeast quarter section 15, township 3 north, range l.'t cist, W. M. He names tno foliowiUK witne-ses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: camuel L. Courtney, Harry Pennington, Ell t.'opeland, of Hartland P. O.. Wash.; and Nelson II. 11 roots, of (JoIdendalc,vu9h. V. li. DUNItAK. tnai28-I lieBlster, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, nor. Second & Lan&In. Tnoiie 151 ..ghas. mM Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kwps on draiiKlit the cclebrattsl C()1.1'.M1IIA llKF.lt, acknowl edged the best beer In The Dalles, at tho usual price. Come In, try It and be convinced, Al.o the Finest brands of Wines, LI-)uor and Cigars. Sandwiches of all Kinds always on hand, We Put... NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Land Office atThf. Dalles, Oiikoon, .March VJ, UUO.i Notice Is hfreby given that the following' named tcttlcr lias iile-1 notice of his intention to make final proof In support of Ills claim, and that said proor will Ijo nnido before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday May 5, viz.: Helnrich Lubljirnr,o(Tlio Dallcs.Or., II. K. No. ls7J, for tho SW'V,. section 17, town bhlii 1 north, range 12 east, W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon, and cultivation of hi lil land, viz.: John l-ttKmaii, Henry Itlrldcll, Jllcluiel Doyie, Charles Kllmert, all of The Dallas, Oregon. I AY P. I.Ut!A3, matSI-II Iteulstcr, NOTIOK FOH PUBLICATION. Offick at Yakcouvru, Wabii..) lurcli b, 1!J00. j Notice Is hereby given Unit the following tmiaed cttlr has II led notice of his Inleii. Hon to make final nroof In suntxiit of his claim, md that said proof will wi made b.'foro v, it. riesoy, uiiiiei nuues i;onimisioner lor uistiieio! uiiniKto!i,at insole in (ioldun dale, Wash., on Monday, A pill J, I'jOo, viz: Herman Eouoiko, H, E. No. fe'JI, for the northwest quarter of section It!, toivuthip 3 north, of rungu it east, Will. Mer. He name the following wltnessts to prove his contlnuou residence upon and cultivation ol wild land, viz: Henry HUcker, William Wilkltnon, Dictrlck If. Htexman, of Centerville P. O., Wash., and Henry K. 11 rune, of The Dlle P. O., Oretrou. w.u.pVnhaii, marlOll lleglster. ovory bit of twonty years exjiorionco and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & UBITOH, Jtoliablo I'roscriptionists T. BROWN Hi Li, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Public. Collections promptly, attendetl to. Monav to loan, C. E. Bayard's of flce, The Dulles, Oregon, C. p. Stephens .Donlor In.. Dry Goods, Clothina. lloots, Bhoes. Hats, Caps, Notions. Afit. ,tu( .ouKian nnoe. Telephone No, M. 1.11 hlCOlld Ht., Tie Dalles, Or. Jasfc "What Yoa rjuant. New idena in Wnll Paper hero. Suoli wldo variety na wo are allowing never bo (ore graced a einirlo stock. Keul Imltn. lion creton effects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. bAairunt llnnuttH. tnnlnfnl nr,l.!..,.u . for a small price, at our storo on' third street. Also a full line of houso paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. $50. Many now features for 1000 which you cannot afford to overlook, Complete Line of "1900" Sundries. j Str. nomilntor. 111, vw II REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Portland H :ho HtennierM of tho llcftulntor l.luo will run as per thtlol IowIiik ehedule, tho Company reervliiR thu rlclit to chanje (chedule without notice. I.v. l'ortl.ind nt 7 a. i, Monday Widneday Kilday Arr. Dalles nt r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. IllUVV E I.v Dalle Ej at h A. l. k Tuesday S, TIiuimIii) K riatlirilay. h Arr. I'ortlaud C, ato r. m. : p Travel hy the KteamerH ol the ItOKiilator Line. Tho Company will endeavor to rIvc Its pat- w ronn tue tie.it nerviee poiiiiie. i'or itirtner iiiiorniitiiou amire.tH Str. Dnllos City. down I.v. Dal it H A. li. Moudiiy Wi'dnesday l'rldny.. Arr. I'ortlaud nt A v. M, or. l. rortlaod J iu7:uja.il Tnt.uliv Thurtlj j eainnur I Oil. VMl.U J atj:.T0r.i.,! FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 4 C. l'ortland Oillco, Oak Htreot Doek. W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. A((t. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen' rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY from 1!.75 to .(H) per imlloti. (4 tn 10 years old.) 21 IMPORTED 00QNA0 from $7,110 to lt!.00 por trillion. " (11 to 20 yeurH otl OAtiirOBNIA BRANDIES (mm .'.T lo (I.(I0 piTViinon. 14 to 11 yea're old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, and Vnl Ulats and 01yniim Heer in bottlM Imported Ale mid Torter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. flERVITA Rttot VITALITY, LOST V'GOFl AND MANHOOD Curefi Impotency, Niht Emltsdionr. and .ii.inK uiscasea, ail circcta ol Belt- ubiiHc, or excui-a and lndls crctlou. Anufvotoiiicund bl)td liulidur. UrlnjfB His Iilnlc (flaw to ;ialc chocks anc rCHtOrOH tilt fir fif vniith. ffliivSII By malU(cpor lms: boxea lor fHti.ttO; with u writtoti kuiuuh too to euro or roi'uiul t!to mouy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson ato., GHICACO, tLU C. S. Smith, THK D,H HUNTtWaTON imwiLunv HUNT1NOTOM di WIMON, dlov.rHtN.,.J,I!,l1'IJAU'K6'ORKU FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. IHAN8ACT A KNKKALIIANKINO 11UK1NKH Lettore of Credit Issued available in the Eastern States. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Olilcago. 8t. Louis. Han Fa-Ann r.J gon, Seattle Wash., and various points In Oregon and Washington. ColliHltlfinU llla'lu af ull iiaIhI. i orable terms. tlp-to-date(iroeer Frdsh I:gga and Crciiniory lluttor a apuuiiilty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270; J.W. Koiisnk, rrwiauut. First national Bank THE DALLES - - - v' A General Banking Busine b twjj Deposits roelved, subject to Draft or Check. Collections made and VePjT remitted on dav of """"Ktdci Sight and Telegraphic ExoMage jw New York, Ban Francisco an. w land, D. P. Thompson Jo. b; H. M. llnAi-i"