The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 17, 1900, Image 1

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NO 210
Humored in Cape Town That He Has
Defeated the Boers at Wepener
and Captured Their Arms As
Yet the Report is Unconfirmed.
Caw: Town, April 10. It is reported
that General Urobunt has defeated the
Boers ut Wepener, tind enpturod their
Diia.smhokt, April ML Fighting with
Genenil llrnlmnt's Horse, it Bummer
berg Drift rontinueB.
Coiniimmlniit Potrus Dewot is reported
to liavu tiiitiutid tronpB sent from Bloom
fontuiii to (imiorul Itrnbnnt'u assistance.
Thero has a ho been u hruah with a British
column advancing toward Uullfontein,
with decisive. results.
All foreign attnuhuH are now here.
I.ONHON, April 10. A Ludysmith
epscia!, dated April 10., Bays that natives
report that tho Doers in Eland's Laagte
District have rotirud hoyond Biggars
berg. This information rendu to con
firm the report that the Doors Mew up
three important collerles, near Wossel'R
Nok, completely destroying the aiune.
Loxiion, April 10. Conflicting reports
regardiue. the conditions at Wepener
continue, Imt at this hour there is no
definite or important iiowb from tiie
A Capo Town dispatch says nearly
3000 horses have heeu landed thure since
April III, which indicated that every
effort in being made to remedy a great
defect in the ltrltlsli organization.
The chief Doer delegate, Fischer, ac
companied by Dr. Leyds. visited the
president of the Dutch Gitbiuet today at
The Hague, but the doings of thu dele
gates creates little speculation in
Frederick Villlers, the veteran war
correspondent, whoarrived ntSouthnmp
ton today from the front, said lie be
lieved that thu worst of the war is over,
but that guerrilla warfare will continue
for some time.
A bulletin it-sued ut Pretoria, April 13,
reports that the burghers captured 500
lUtilihlored oxen at Wupener, and that
General Krouemau that day defeated the
British, causing thum to fly in the direc
tion of Wolverpoort, apparently over the
Orange Kivor.
Thu Irish. American ambulance ar
rived at Pretoria April 13.
Want it No vr Croud.
Nmv Yoiik, April 15. Kev. Dr. Chas.
I'arkhurst, speaking iu his pulpit in
Madieon-tjqiiare Presbyterian church
today, made a vigorous assault on the
Westminster confession of faith. He
(aid :
"Wo ought to have i new confession
o' faith. It is surprising that the Pres
tyUirlau church is able to do as much
it is doing with such nn incubus
trapped upon ub as wo Hro tottering
under in our present confession. Iu the
drat phice, the thing needed is not ft
'ysteni of theology, for that is what our
Wesont confession iH) but a simple, brief
swn statement of a half dozai of the
'itl ingredients of Jesus Christ's tuos
'W to thu world. I could got along
ith a confession of faith containing hut
"io little that Jesus said when he was
tryi"K to make a Christian of Nicode
'God ho loved the world that he
Mvo his only begotten Son, that whoso
ver lelluveth in him should not perish,
"ut have eternal life.' That gives to us
, 6 Joctrinu of God's unlimited love.
"a,nan guilt, the divinity of Ohrint, sal
,Uon through Christ, faith ia Christ,
immortality ; every word Snxon, three
JMrtera of t,0 wor(jB monosyllables,
PWouml enough for any elder, simple
At any rate, wo want a new creed.
wndiiiK thiH one will not meet the
Mltlea of the ca80, uollor gvo lt
it! i ,,,auu lu t,,u '""souin for what
tlmnhnok Itto pieces and revamp
u,0f what ilia not,"
WeJi K0WI i.rell0,lBr in.a,j,
Jf, April 10.-A Bpeoial to the
X.p " Jonvllle, III., says:
ouvSr ni,liBm J'
HI., one of the moat widely
known Methodist ministers in the West,
died yesterday, aged 80. Ho is credited
with being the first to suggest the idea
of thu Grand Army of tho Republic,
which waB afterward carried Into effect
by Dr. Ben F. Stcveneon.
Mr. Itutledgo was born in Virginia.
Ho had been in tho ministry for fifty-six
years, and at tho time of his death was
tho oldest member of the Methodist
Episcopal church confuronco. For tho
last six years he had been on tho super
annuated list, but did not give up active
work. Itev. Mr. Rutledgo was un inti
mate friend of Abraham Lincoln, Gov
ernor Yates and other leading public
men of this state, and during the Civil
war was famouB as chaplain of the Four
teenth Illinois regiment.
Itoiiiarkublo UurH nf ItiieutuutlHni.
From thu Vindicator, Ituttierfordtoii, N. C.
Tho editor of the Vindicator has hod
occasion to test the eflicaey of Chamber
lain's Pirin Balm twice with tho most
remarkable results In each case. First,
with rheumatism in the shoulder from
which he suffered excruciating pain for
ton days, which was relieved with two
applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the
partH nfilicted anil realizing instant
benefit and entire relief in a very short
time. Second, in rheumatism in thigh
joint, almost prostrating him with severe
pain, which was relieved by two appli
cations, rubbing with the liniment on
retiring at night, and getting up free
from pain. For sale by Blakeley &
Geiiornl Uorilnn uh nn Kxliortcr.
Houston, Tex , April 15, General
John B. Gordon, commander-in-chief of
the United Confederate Veterans, who
is on a lecture tour in Texas, attended
a revival meeting in Gatesville, and at
the conclusion of the sermon the evan
gelist (tailed on him for remarks. Gen
eral Gordon responded in one of the
most powerfcl exhortations, it is said,
that has ever been heard iu this state.
His remarks were addressed principally
to the Confederate veterans present.
Iu most eloquent terms he depicted
their grand and glorious achievements
as soldiers in the service of their coun
try, moving his hearers to thu highest
pitch of patriotism, and then made nn
appeal to them to take up tho armor of
Christ. At the close of this about forty
Confederates came forward. A touch
ing scene followed. The old, gruy
haired vuterans crowded around their
IIIn 1. 1 re Win Nnveil.
Mr. .1. K. Lillv. a nrominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says : "I was taken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was so
weak I could'nt even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of consumption, when I heard of
Dr. King's New Discovery. Ono bottle
gavo great relief. I continued to use it,
and now am well and strong. I can't
say too much in its praise." This
marvelous med cine 18 tne surest auu
quickest cure iu the world for all throat
mid Inni? trouble Keirulnr sizes oU cents
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
& Houghton'B drugstore; every bottle
Subscribe for Tim Cuhoniuk.
His Attention Fully Occupied in the
Free State.
London, April 10, 4:55 a. m. The
war oflice had nothing to communicate
to thu public yesterday. It was taken
for granted that the rumor of General
Brabant's victory at Wepener is pre
mature. With the remainder of bis
force he left Aliwal North Saturday for
Rouxville, and thero has scarcely been
time for an engagement. There is
practically no fresli news this morning.
All tho Bloemfontein dispatches, how
ever, breathe a confident tone. There
seems to be .a heavy demand on the
railway for so large an army leaves the
populace bare of everything save tho ab
solute necessaries of life. The fact that
the censors allowed Winston Churchill's
dispatch on the subject of remounts to
piiBS, speaks volumes for the condition
of the question and concerning the proe
pects of any immediate advance toward
Pretoria. The utmost Lord Roberts will
be able to do for some time to come will
be in the direction of clearing the Boers
from the Southern part of the Free State.
The dispatches announce the approach
of Winter. The first pinch of frost has
been felt at Bloemfontein, where con
siderable rain has fallen.
It is said that President Kruger has
visited the camp at Kroonstad, as well
as at Brandfort.
Winston Churchill telegraphs to the
Morning Post from Bloemfontein, under
Saturday's date, reiterating his opinion
that the war is bound to prove an ex
pensive business. He says:
"Two hundred and fifty thousand men
will be needed before the end is attained.
The question of remounts will contiuue
one of vital importance. Great numbers
are now arriving, but owing to the fact
that they Imve to be put to work before
time is given them to recover from the
effects of the voyage, their condition is
low, and the death rate among them
"Thousands, therefore, will be wanted
in addition to those now here or on the
way, and great resting depots must be
formed, together with ample staff to
nurse and evercise them. If that is done,
then about four or five mouths hence
you will be able to give your cavalry a
new lease of life and strength."
The Oxygenor gives increased vitality
to every organ iu the body, destroys ma
lignant germs, purifies the blood and
ussists nature in throwing off disease.
There can be no distinction between
forms of disease. The Oxygenor cures
at one and the same time every form of
disoaee with which we moy be atliicted.
All curable diseases are within its range
of power. And can be applied while
you sleep, No medicines ; no doctors.
Alu-nvs readv and always reliable. Sold
or rented by J. M. Filloon, The Dalles,
Oregon. opclwd&w
Clark & Falk's drug stock is new
fresh and complete.
$ i .oo per month.
Strictly first class local and long
distance telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will bo kept a secret
No cost for installing.
You get tho standard Hunuing
Long Distant Instrument,
Continuous day and night ervice.
Wo will accept your contract for
ton years and allow you to cancel
flame on giving us thirty cloys writ
ten notice,
This Isafac-slmileof the
Dress Suit
we are giving
to purchasers of Suits worth from $15
up. In addition to the above we of
fer our customers choice of selection
from the largest assortment of stylish
goods in the city.
No extra
for tailoring necessary to make suit a
I PI. WILLIfPS & 60.
to you..
For 30 days after April 1st, I will eell
all the Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Hats and
Caps, on a cut in price of
25 per cent, for Cash.
Now is your opportunity to get bar
gains. Do"n't miss it.
Successor to E. J. Collins & Co.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken interuully, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of the two ingredients ie
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg,
a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs,
colds, croup and sore throat One Minute
Cough Cure is unequaled. It Is pleasant
for childien to take. I heartily recom
mend it to mothers." It is tho only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results. It cures bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseases. It will prevent consumption.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Early Rose potatoes at Maier & Beh-ton'e.
la all Its stage there
should bo cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balui
cleanses, soothes and heals
tlia diseased membrane.
It cares catarrh and drives
away a cold la tho head
Creuin Balm Is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads
over tho momurane and Is absorbed. Belief Is Im
mediate and a euro follows. It is not drying docs
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 oents at Prug
Cist or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall.
HSY 1XK)TUKR8, 89 Warrca Street, New York.
English and German Physicians,
Will G-ive a Course of Illustrated Lectures and Ex
hibit their Museum of Anatomy
to Men Only.
Lecture illustrated with Paintings, Manikins and Charts. Dr. Meyers & Co.
will exhibit their Anatomical Museum all day for men only absolutely free of
charge. These eminent physicians will have offices at the Museum, where they
will consult with patients and make examinations daily from 'J a. m. to o p. m.,
Williams & Co.'a
Office and Museum in the Miller building, next to A. M
store. Consultation and examination free at the Museum.
Their Motto: Not a dollar need be paid till cure is effected.
For 3 days, - April 17th, 18th and 19th.
Mlsinarck'8 Iron Nerve
Was the result of ids splendid health,
Indomitable will and tremendous energy-
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
Voloauio Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold bv Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. " it
Rev. W. E. Sitzer. W. Canton, N. Y.,
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors and medicines
without benefit. I was persuaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me
from the start. I believe it to be a
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It
digests what ycu eat.
Sick Headache absolutely ami perma
nently cured by using Mokt Te.t. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts,
Blakeley & Houghton DrugglstF.
P, W. Knowles is now proprietor of
the Fifteen-Mile House and stables a
Dufur, where he is prepaied to accomo
date the traveling public in first class
style. Good table, good rooms, good
beds and the best of cure for man and
beast at reasonable ratei. m2-Mmw
Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111,,
writes, "I nevor fail to relieve my
children from croup at once by using
One Minate Cough Cure. I would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cures
coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and
Be sure and exuuine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying ele
where, as we have the latest shipment
made to thin city, now ready for inflec
tion at H. Gltmu Sc Co. V al7 lw
Dull Headache, Pains iu various parts
of tho body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishneas.
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug etore.
Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We
never feel fafe without Ono Minute
Cough Curo iu the house. It saved my
little boy's life when ho had tho pneu
monia. Wo think it is the best medicine
made." It cures coughs and all lung
diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and
gives immediate results.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. aud 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
Itagley Bros., have purchased a
thrjughhred JerBey bull, registered
stock. For particulars apply at resi
dence on Tenth street, near the fair
grouuds. Phone ;t85. SO-lino
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Timber Lind, Act June 3, 1878.
U. 3. t.ANIl OFFICK, I
The Pai.le, ()is Apr. 13, luoo. (
Notice lb hereby given that in couilluucu
with the provisions of the uct of congress of
Juno 3, 178, eutltleil "An net for tho salu of Um
ber lands In thu Mutes ol Cullloriitii, Oregon,
Nevada uiul Washington Territory,"
William K. Kotchuiu,
of Tho Dulles, County of Wasco, tituto of Oregon,
has this day tiled In this ollieo his sworn state
meat No. 159, for the purchase of tho 'a Nhu
imd N., SK's of Section No. :u, In Tp. I N. t.
No. 11 li W. it,, aud "ill oiler proof to bhow
that tbo land bought U inoru valuable (or it
Umber or atone Hum for agricultural purposes,
uud to establish hU claim to said land beforu thu
Ueglster uud Keeelver of this oalco ut 'Iho
Hulk's, Oregon, on
SuturiUy the Sil day of Juue, lOOO,
Ho names us witnesses! , J. B. Holt, 1). 1. Ket
chum, Joseph Huuuu uud Milam hpeueer, all
of Tho Dulles, Oregon. ,
Any and all persous oUimlng udverscly tho
above-described luuds uro requested to tile their
ululms lu this otllce ou or before uld'J3ra day of
June. 1UOU.
JAY 1. I.UOA8, KegUter.