Scrofula to Consumption. Any one predisposed to Scrofula can novor bo healthy and vigorous. This taint in the blood naturally drift3 into Consumption. Being such a deep-seated blood disease, Swift's Specific is the only known euro for Scrofula, because it is the only remedy which can reach tho disease. Scrofula npnoarcil on tho of mr Httlo jrrarutclillil when only IS months old. Shortly after breaUin;; out It sprend rapidly nil over her bodr. Tho scabs on thcsoies would peel oft on the slightest touch, and the odor that iTould arise ra.iue me at mosphere of tho room IckeninK and unbearable, riio disease next attacked the eves, and wo feared she would lose her sight. Em inent physicians from the mrroumiiuc country -were consulted, but could do nothing to relieve tho lit tle innocent, and r.ivo it as their opinion that tho ease waa hon?les3 and im-, nosslble to save the child's rvcslsht. then that we decided to try Swift's Specific. That medicine at once niado a speedy and com plete cure. She is now a younn lady, and has never had a sign of tho disease to return. Miss. Hum Berkeley. Salina.Kau. Scrofula is an obstinato blood disease, and is beyond tho reach of tho average blood medicine. Swift's Specific for niAj .ItoJJlUUU is the only remedy equal to such deep seated diseases; it goes down to tho very foundation nnd forces out every taint. It is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to ft was men and scholars tnzing to behold tho open umvo. From. "11 parts of tho world we see all eyes turned to him and tho millions receiving him. Old men are shitting 'Christ is risen,1 while young men and maidens tuku up the glnd re frain : mid over tho luml moro than 4,000,000 people arc calling him Lord and Master." In closing Mr. Hawk dwelt on the im port uf the resurrecMon to believers and the hope, joy and gladness which it brings to sorrowing ones, as well as to all the world this Easter day. In the oveuing appropriate exercises were given by the Sunday school, tho choir and others, which were not only fitting, but very well reudeied and l greatly appreciated. The offerings of tho day, which were generous, were devoted to nirsioiis. NEW TRAIN SERVICE. c e The double train servico to ho estab lished between Portland and Chicago April 22, in which the O. It. & N, the Union Pacific and the Oregon Short Line arc interested, will shorten the through time eleveu hours. Train No. 2, leaving Portland at 9:15 a. m., be ginning on the date named, will bo known as the Chicago-Portland special. Itj equipment will be new, making it fully the tqual of any train now in ser vice from the Pacific coast to tho East. It will consist of a mail car, baggage car, two chair cars, and a tourist sleeper. There will be but one change of cars to all eastern points. The full time wilt be three days through to Chicago, or contain no mercury, potash or other , our dava througl) to cincaso, or four mineral substance whatever. i . , , " . x. . Boohs mailed free by Swift SpeoIEO Company, Atlanta, Georgia, PEOPLE YOU AI V, KNOW. I davs and two hours to New York. The second traiu, known ae No. 0, will leave Portland at 0:20 p. m., con necting at East Portland with the South ern Pacific's overland train from San Fen Batty was in town yesterday on jHrancieco, and will carry through equip his way to St. Martin's springe. ,ment to Chicago via the Union Pacific V. A. Camnbell, repiesenting the aiul " Chicago ami Northwestern, and Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., is in ! also the equipment for the Washington the citv Hon. F. P. and Mrs. Mays, of Port land, spent yesterday in tho city, re turning home on this afternoon's train. Rev. U. F. Hawk was a passenger on the Regulator this morning on a short visit to his wife and son afSt. Vincent's hospital. Charles Fraluy, of Kingsley, is in the city. Ho says that tho grain crop3 on anything he ever saw in any country he ever lived in. Sherman Frank. Bert Baldwin and Charles Michelbaeh were passengers on the Regulator this morning on a short outing in the neighborhood of St. Mar tin Springs. CHRIST IS RISEN. An Easter Da)- Sermon at the Methodist Church. The interior of the Methodist church yesterday betokened the glad Easter tide and its celebration. The altar was particularly beautiful in its decoration of potted plants and white flowers, and tho exercises of the day were most fit ting. After the opening exercise of the morning, which included two beautiful anthems by the choir, the pastor, Rev, TJ. F. Hawk, took as his text the words "Now is Christ Risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept." By way of introduction he said that nearly 1900 years ago, as the first light shone over the Jud,'nn hills, there transpired an event which may well Le termed the event of the ages. But a day or two before a man from Galilee had been nailed to the cross, suffering death for a great cause. The body was laid in the tomb, and remembering the prophecy concerning his resurrection, the king's seal was put upon the door and a soldior placed on guard. But all in vain, for the power of the God abovo was manifest and an angel was eent to roll away the stone, and the Lord came forth. This great event we celobrat" today. It would seem that heaven and earth combined to make this event the most noted of the ages, and so understood by all men. After a trial in occord with nil tho requirements of the age, tho con demned was crucified publicly and be foie the great throng, which was present to attend tho paseover. While the peo ple gazed in wonder, the heavens and the earth bear witness to the import ance of tho event the sun clothed it self in sackcloth, the earth vibrated, the graves opened, while the veil of the Ictnplo whs rent in twain, After dwelling for a short time on tho crucifixion and the burial, the speaker described tlie visit of the women to the grave or. tho morning of the third day, and In connection said that it seemed to be ordained that with all such important events woman should havo an especial connection. While many had not dared to visit the grave and others had per haps forgotten, these two women were permitted to be the first to greet the risen Lord and iiear his loving voice. "But today what of this man of Gali lee who was shamefully crucified and hold in dishonor? This morning as we come to celebrate the Easier day, we ee the eyes of kings and princes, states- division of the O. K. & N., in connec tion with the Great Northern for St. Paul. This train will reach Spokane at 10 a. m. A dining car will be furnished for breakfast into Spokane, nnd for dinner on corresponding train leaving Spokane at 3:43 p. m. The now sched ule as arranged v i 1 1 supply the most complete service ever furnished on the O. It. & N., as it provides increased ser vice in Eastern Oregon, where it is greatly needed, and .gives immediate connection with the Washington divi sion at Pendleton. At this point there is a large interchange of traffic, on ac count of tho various mining districts of Baker county, the Cccur d'Alene, the Republic and Kootenai mining camps Portland is greatly benefited by this change, in as much as increased service is given from Eastern Oregon and Idaho No. 2 will nrrive in Chicago at 9:30 a. m. ; No. 0 at 7 :Ao a, in., as at present The Westbound train out of Chicago, corresponding with No. 2, is No. 1. This will arrive in Portland at 4:00 p. in. The train corresponding with the eastbound No. G is No. 3, out of Chicago. This will reach Portland at 7:30 a.m. Westbound train No. 1 will leave Chicago at 6:30 p. m., and Omaha at 8:20 a. in the following day. Tho time will be reduced two hours and forty-five min utes. No. 3 westbound train will leave Chicago at 10:30 p. in., and Omaha at 4:25 p. lii. the next day. The service on the Union Pacific on all these trains ir.clude Buffet smoking library cars, and dining cars. No. 6 will carry a daily ordinary sleeper to Kansas City, with change on route to ordinary cars to Chicago. Consult the nearest ticket agent for detailed information. W. II. HmtUIURT, General Passenger Agent. Obtained Certificate. There were twenty-five applicants for county certificates at the teachers' ex amination held at The Dalles April 11th, 12th and- 14th, with tho following re sults. Tho manuscripts of one applicant were sent to Gilliam county for grading and two wero sent to Crook county Certificates were granted as follows: First grade W. L, Harrington, The Dalles; J. M. Carroll, Mosier; Lelah Driver, Wamic. Second grade Lottie Covey, Dufur; Ada Bell, IJoyd; Jennie Parsons, Hood Rlyer; Rachel Morgan, The fiallee; Iiesaio Stakely, Smock; Katie Drogan, The Dallof; Maud Slgrnan, Dufur. Third grade Wilber J. lialdwin, Boyd; Grace I. Davis, The Dalles; Male Jones, The Dalles; James W.Powell, Dufur; Jesie McLeod, Klngsley ; David Allen, Dufur; Edith Underbill, Boyd. Your Opportunity, A tin (id CiiurIi Atrillolnn rnr Children "Ihavuno hesitancy In recommend ing Chf.ti.borlain's Cough Remedy," says F. P. Moran, a well known and popular baknr.of Petersburg, Va. "Wo have given ll to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, nnd it has ahva9 given per fect satisfaction. It was ircoinuumded to mo by a druggist as tho best cough medicine for children as it contained no opium or other harmful drug." Sold by Ulakeley & Houghton. "I used Kodol liyspepsiajCuro in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, Is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Ilartgoiink, Ovorisel. Mich. Di"gest9 what you eat. Cannot fail to euro. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are tho very be3t pills I over used for costh cues?, liver and bowel troubles." dusTness' LOCALS. Clark & Falk are novor closed Sunday Don't forgot this. Clarko & Falk have on sale a full lino of paint and artist's brushes. life Clarko & Falk'e quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the bead. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Fulk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your arocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo is tin equalled for piles, injuriesl'nnd skin diseases. It is the oriirinal Witch Hazul Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask fur DeWitt's Witch II-isci: Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and ekin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. They are dangerous Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Intl., says "DeWitt's Little Early Riaers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripo." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. Vatlt In oiir Ul;cu. All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1690, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after February. 1000. O. L. Pim.ui'8," Countv Treasurer Diiiti Jleuttuclio Oulcltly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel erv Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke A Falk, druggists. jan24-0w Campbell & Wilson have determined to close out their en tiro slock of millinery between now and the first of June. Call and get our prices. April 4 4i1-2a' Place your orders with tho McNeal Market, between Second and Third, on Court street. 'Phono 278. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints iew patent painters' and paper hangers' suits at the New York Cash Store. Fresli cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. incli25-ii Any of thoso $12.14 or $15 suits at Pease & Mays' for $8.95 this week. Nobagoknee trousers stretchers free with any suit at Pease & Mays'. Money savers. Those $8,95 suits. See Pease & Mays' window. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflciallvdlirfisrsthP f Anil Qnrl bMo rTaturo in strenathenincr nnri Knn. structinjrthe exhausted dlKestlve or- fans. It is tho latest discnvererl rl i Croat. auuauu tuuiu. uiner preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures gjauvuai, iumgeHuon, neartDurn, fatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea! SlpkHeadaclie, Gastralgla.Cramps, and wtiuwuci icouuaui lIliperieCTjQlgeStlOn. rrsparaa ny t. Uewit'. A CO.. CijICagO. lVTnptliopn Pinifi 11 U blUlQbWb Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DINING (Ult UOVTH 1'ltO.M I'OKTI.AND TO Tin: HAST. Till: ONLY UlltKW LINK TOTIIH YKI.I.OW- sioni; I'Aitic I Union D3poi, Firth and I sis 1 No. 'J. Kmtninll for Tiironm, I Scuttle, tilympln. tiriy' Jllmboriiml Hniltli llomli I points, Spokane. Iton-j 1 laml, 11. -'., l'ulliimn,; ! Mom'ow, Ulktoii, Ilut-i 11:15 A. Jl. falolliimpmliiliiKOouii 'try, llclcnii. Mimical")-' ills, SI. 1'aiil, Omaha, , k'nnsni Citv. Ht. I.oiiJh, I Chicago am! all point i cai mm fotiuicmi. aiiiiivi:. No. 1 y,M v. m. No. 1. 11:30 r. M No. :). l'uirct Sotiuit listings. for Tneoma ami r-witllo 7;00 A. M. land Intemiitlliite polnti.1 i i l'tillman llrst ola.s and tonrltt (deepen lo Minneapolis St. Paul and MKMiurl river points without chittiRO. Wstllmled train". Union depot eonncotlom. in all principal cities'. IIiutkiikv checked to destination of tickets. Kor handsomely lllmtiatcd descriptive matter, ticket, sleepliiK car roctvatlons, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant tieneral l'af-eticer Apcnt, 2. Morrison btiect, corner Thin , Cortland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Mica 'Axle Crease lightcno the load ohortena tho road. hcliw tho team. Saves wear and expeusc, bom everywhere. vim uv STANDARD 01k GO. JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Office ovr French it Co.' Uank I'hone H, THE DALI.Be, OKKUON iSoHta Pacific Co. Shasta Eioute Trains leave Tho Dalles for 1'ottlanJ anil way stations at I. Si n. m. and .". p. in. Leave I'ortlnml " Albany . . 8:fUn in .lU::XJn m Arrive Ashland l2:S!um " Sacramento .V.UJ p m " fcan lTanchco 7:l" p in Anlvc Osdon " Denver " Kansas lllty. " Uhlciutu .... fi:l'n m U:( a m 7 :'i u m ":l.ia in Arrive Uw Aimelcs ... " Kl I'.imi " Fort Worth.. .. " City of Mexico , " Houston ' New Orleans . " Washington " New York ... l:S0pm fi:tt) p in .. ii:M)ain ... u:.Via m ... I.UOa in . . n-.'Si a in .. CM'Jain ...1J: 1.1 pin 7:01 ii in 10. 50 p in 11. 30 n m I ;.V) a in 8:1') a in 1 1 l.'i n in U i) a in 7 n m If.:?) n m 7.0) a in f,:( p in ii:: u in U:.Via in l:(io a in r:' ii in I'. U'ii in J 11 p in I'lillm.i-.i and Tourist cars on both trains, rjhalrcars Sacramento to Oxdcti ami Kl I'uso, and toiulst ears to Chlc.iK'i, Ht Ijmts, New Or leans ami Washington. t.'onncctliitf at San Krancloco with .several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and .South Ameiiea. Hecajrcnt at The Dalles .station, or mldrta.s C. H. MARKHAM, (ieeeral l'mspuxcr AkciU, rortland, Or CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm RACE MARKS DCSIONO Copyrights Ac. Anrnno penilltn; n ftkotrh and ilnAorlntlnn tun Illicitly lurermln our oiiliilon frco del her a' Invcnllon Is prohahlr pnirntnlile. CimimiiiilrA tloiissirlctlrcoiilllntUI. Ilaiidbookon I'uicnW lent froo. OliliMt Hiiency for nccurniiT patents, l'ntci.ta taken tlirouuli ilurm & Co. recclTk rprciuiiwucc, TTiinou& cunrgo, in ino Scientific Jltnericatt. A hsndsonioljr ilhutrntpd wecklr. Ijireest fir. rulnllon of any nclentlUo journal. 'J'eriim. fl n rears four moiitlis, tl. Hold brail nontulPJlcm. MUNN&Co.30'8. Now York Uraucli Ofllco. (35 V HU Wnthloulun, J). C lie Coiuiia PaGkiop Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAOTUBKK8 OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON i)UIF.I) BEEF. KTO. Citation. ''llJceaIMo'.!'.0 M 01 1'",rlck ,,row''' To liellu C. lirowii, Aniia llrmvn, Mary II, WJ. V .v """ ' omul Druwiit urcciliiir ,i i'V,V!iVe , "'0" ! OreW., ym. !!r N..1. .vui.iivij ill iiiini'iir in HIU Hie ;uv cuisi uiui rofin uonnty Court of tlia Hlalo of Orvecin. for i n coiiniy oi VHtuo. at t in Mnv t.-ri., ,.f ...1.1 at tho court room thereof, at Dal us city, in h il county, on Tuew y, thuhth day of May Vaoo 2 O'C oclc in tlio uf Ii riiiinii , I. n i iiuii I f. ..!.'!. titlol Court, .llrectliiK Jjclia u. Brown, mirnlnl"" Oreiron. ' " witueiH the Hon. Hobert JUyn, JurlKoof the Mia t'ounty Court, with tho bwI of naM Court BllUed, thin yurl day of Ai.rll. a i. i-Si,1 A. M. KKLSAY, Clk, By H. IIQ1.TQW, Deputy, aci 3rr. I h f ! !2 ! b ' 51, ' .N- i ae : 'St ! !- t Ch I ; fx- , a ag 3k ;se isl 151: I 3fi ' In . 1 SK 1 't f Tho DallM, "ii The Chronicle, tlob Printets. Of. 3d n - J L m Wasco Wes ehouse Companj Headquarters for Seed Grain ofauwndt Headquarters for Feed Grain otpii kin Headauarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, s? Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pencil TOTI r l)T, Jiiisrionr ia niftiiuinciureu cxprwBiy tor udiij UWJJ' u-t ufio : uvorv wick in Ktiaruntt-ed to jjive istiiiutioi. W.i gull our (.'ooiIb lovvor tliait tiny iioiiKti iu the trudu, nnd if you don't ttiinkH can una cut our pri:tiB ami Ihi con v in cud. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. ' ' I ll ll M 1 1 nnri MfltflfS mm iiivtwi JIANUKACTUItlJII I1V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 00 SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars anil particulars furnialied on iipplicntioii. F. S. GUNNING, Agent. unliG THE DALLKS, OREGOX irr DEALEUS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies! CrandallS Burget UNDERTAKERS if EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, Bupial Shoes Ete, lNKAI.1 Attoit: FEED. W.WlUiON, ATTOHNHV.IT I i ' OfUoa ov., VU.I N.t. S UKUXl 0K INSURE WITH THE aw DqioD & Grown Fire insurance Go, OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1826. CAPITAL PAID UP 7,BOO,000. ASSETS 20,128,03B. Uiirpliu k)oiiil all i.lnljiHtluD u United ritiitux 621,160.28. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Ree, Agt. tuKiS: Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in The Chroni s