FOUR LEADING STYLES In our lino of Spring and Summer Shoo Specialties are hero represented. Ladies' Kid Laco, Turn Solo, now Shapes 4 rjn Ludics' Kid Laco, Turn Solo, vesting top ZZ"".'Z .. '. 4 00 Ladies' Kid Oxfords, Turn Solo, vesting lop, patent ieather tip 350 Ladies' Kid Southern Ties, vesting top ' 3 00 Theso are all now shnpos, very host material, and all women who value comfort love beauty and appreciate economy are invited to inspect theso Shoes. ' SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Ladies' Kid Turn Sole, button, square too $2.00 Shirt Waists. Dainty combination of Insertions and Tuckings, all-over laco yokes, etc; all white. Trices $4.25 to $3.50. Lawns, Ginghams or Percales; fast colors. All prices. Shirt Waist Materials. Percales, Dimities, Lawns, Import ed and Domestic Ginghams. New.. Summer Parasols. .lust placod in stock a complete lino of Summer Parasols. Home are Plain White. Some aro Very Fancy. All aro Good Quality. Cotton Coverts. Just the material for Outing Suits. Bicycle Skirts in popular colors at 15c and 20c per yard. Skirts. Fancy Braided Skirts of while or colored Pique and white or colored Ducks, colored Coverts of Linen, per fectly mado garments. Prices from 50c up. Tailor-made Suits and Skirts. A perfect-fitting all-wool Suit as low as $7.50. Others $10, $15, $20, etc. ...Skirts... Properly made; latest trimmings and newest styles. Prices from $4.00 to $15.00. The Everlasting Topic. After all, thoro aro few things quite as interesting as the question of dress. Whilo clothes don't mako the man, they afford a pretty good indication of their character after they aro mado. Time was when they told the story of their means, too; but that time is past. By confining your purchases to our store you can follow Shakespeare's advice, "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy" without bankrupting your exchequer, for wo have docidod to continue the special during this week of a line of $12, $13.50, $14 and $15 Suits for $9.85. See windows. All Goods Marked In Pltxln Figures. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. MONDAY APRIL 10, 1900 ! mjivcil In ) Oysters W . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Karl Geehwenduer, n nntlvo of Austria today took out It lu first citizens papora. Wo have juat what yon want in Hoft lintilor spring. Tlio New York Gash otm. (heat ilhcDunt milo in pattern Imte "ml boniifta ut Mrs. Phillips' millinery Parlor. irja-2t Have ou soon those $8,05 anlta iu feaso & Miiya' window. Thoyaro record breakers. Tlio II mwui Ui 1.1) VI (UUU IJV !n tow today, n aix-horso load from l0ln l'l'ollutto & Co., of Pnnevllle. Tim American market had on sale to- l.?Ln, ht crane, which hnd "een shot ln tho BUIoek neighborhood. Subscriptloiia are being raised by the tS"lH0,(J,,,,iPa'r Flat to oxtend the wPltoii3.Hi,e from Tyt,, ,0 Wnplnitin. Just arriveda new lot of neckwear w gentlemen. Latest designs and colors. "e sure and see them at the New York cli Store. Mrs. Pliilllpa is closing out the entire ""e of children's head wear t less ttmn 25 cunts on the dollar. Tho greatest bargains over known. Ki.i-L't Have you seen thoao "swell" shirts at tho New York Cash Store? All styles, atiir and eoft boseoms, just received. Come early and get your pick. Mr. Dalrymple, on the Floyd placo, reports an Increase of over ono thousand lamba from a band of less than a thous and owes, Including a email percentage that had no lambs. Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, leader and founder of the Christian Science church iu this country, Is reported seriously ill at her home in Concord, N. II., with a cancorous trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Murdock McLood aro In the city from Kingsley. Mr. McLood says no fruit has been injured in his im mediate vicinity, for tlio sufileieut rea son that tho buds on tho trees had not advanced far enough. Williams it Co. prophesied a nice day Kuster Sunday, and thoao of tholr cus tomers who bought an Kuster suit on their recommendation were not disap pointed, for in truth wo enjoyed as nice a day yesterday aa tlio most friendly weather man, with tho boat intentioiiB could possibly have furnished. -s. A. 15. Crosby, for many yoara the elll olent pharmacist in the,employ of D. J. Fry, Salom'a pioneer druggist, has ao cepted a position with Blukoley it Houghton, wholesale and retail drug- giats of Tho ItyleB. Mr. Crosby ex- poets to leave forThe Unties about way 10th and will hortly thereafter be lol loped by his family. Statesman. - Yeaterday morning the Regulator at tempted to climb Jthe rapids below the big eddy, so as to land a cargo of ties for the portage road, but failed. One at tempt was auflclent to convince Captain Alden that the thing was impossible at the present etage of the river. The ties will have to be taken across tlio river some other way. Tho Orpgonian tells of a naturalized citizen who wanted to register, but had not Seen his citizen papers since forty years ago when he sent them to Wash ington when making fin il proof on land, Dinger Hermann woe aeked to hunt up the papers and did so promptly. There is a pointer here for men wiio are in any measure similarly eituated. Frank Slocum and wife were passen gers on the Regulator this morning bound for Collins' Landing, where their sou, Frank, awaits their arrival. Ttiey arrived here yesterday from Minnesota, bringing with them thirty-two head of dairy cattle and six head of work horses, besides some household and other effects. They will make their future homo in Skamanl.1 county. Tin: Cinto.vici.K publishes a market report In each Saturday's souil-weekly. It includes tho leading staples handled here. It will bo enlarged na circum stances may require and every etfort Will bo made to make it correct and re liable. It will be carefully corrected paeh week just before going to press. It ught to bo worth to the farmers of iVaaco county tho whole price of the aper. The committee In charge of the Easier Entertainment and sale, to be held at the Baldwin on next Thursday evening, has been especially fortunate in securing Mr. John Hampshire, who will appear 'in an original comedy sketch, assisted by some of our best local talent. The sale tables will be loaded with article?, botli useful and ornamental, from blue Monday's clothes pins and bluing bags to Saturday's baking. Everybody in Oregon knows how in teneely President McKinley is hated by tlio editor of the Oregonian. Mr. Scott, strangely enough, was aidelegate to the Republican state convention. A Dalles delegote tolls that at ono timo when somebody in tho convention was reading a resolution indorsing the admiuietra tion of Mr. McKinloy, Mr. Scott, to the great amusement of the convention, made a rush for the door as if the vory Mischief was after him. Arthur Hodges, who was nominated by the Crook county Repnblicans for county clerk, has been in that office as deputy and clerk for eighteen years. Uncle Frank Nichols, the Republican nominee for treasurer, has been holding that office eince a while after Noah left the ark, and tho Crook county Demo crala have got so used to Uncle Frank's election every two years that most of tho time they cannot get a man to run against him. Among ihe productions to be eeen here tonight is "Have You Seen Smith," a farce comedy Eomewhat in advance of the old familiar stylo so much in vogue for tho paet few seasons. It was pro duced last season and achieved an in stantaneous success. The lietof artists engaged in tho presentation is particu larly strong individually and collective ly, and embraces such entertainers as Lew Carroll, Harry EaI, Edwards & Kernel!, Nick Judel, Grace Leonard, Maud Aiston, Mabel Williams, Adt-hide Starr and others equally well known. Wm. J. Landers, resident manager of tho Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance Companies, wishes to announce to the patrons of these companies that owing to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Bayard and the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourlay, their former agents, the agency for both companies for The Dalles and vicinity has been placed in the hands of Mr. Timothy Brownhill. Any business given to Mr. Brownhill will receive prompt attention and will be appreciated by the companies. Office in C. E. Bay ard's old stand. No. 85 Washington stieet, The Dalles, Oregon. alO-lrn Dr. Hudson, of this city, has received a letter from the asylum authorities at Salem saying that hopes are entertained that Dr. Hogan of Condon may be restored to health. It may be remem bered that Dr. Hogan was sent to the asylum from hero about a month ago with symptoms something like those of softening of the brain. The poor man's memory w.-ib a complete blank and the moEt pathetic tiling about it was the fact that lie knew his infirmity aud touchingly begged his friend, Dr. Hudson, to have him sent to some place where he would be taken care of. The Democrats nominated Judge A. S. Bennett for joint senator for Wasco, Crook, Klamath aud Lake counties. Hon. E. B. Dufur ia the nominee for joint senator of Wasco and Sherman. The nominees for representatives)?! Wasco, Crook, Klamath and Lake are: G. T. Baldwin of Klamath, G. Springer of Crook and S. P Moss of Lake. For Wasco, Grant, Sherman and Gilliam: W. J. Edward of Gilliam, T. R. Coon of Wasco aud Robt. Misener of Wheeler. No nomination was made for attorney for the Seventh Judicial District to op pose Frank Menefee, but one will prob ably be made by the central committee later on. The day of the plain pink and baby blue I'.ub gone and the theatrical sou- bretto taa been obliged to discard her regulation "fluffy" short skirt and adorn herself in more pretentious gowns. The growing demands of the lady patrons of the theater for the display of more at tractive dresses on tlio stage has been recognized by managers, and they aro making a bid for feminine trade by ex pending oneidorxl ia eums in tho pur chase of elaborate and costlv dresses. Rumor has it that tho female members of "Have You Seen Smith" company are setting a pace in t lie expensive wardrobe line. One exchange has gone so far ns to mention them as "symphon ic poems in bizarre confections." John W. Minto, United States deputy collector of internal revenue, haa been in the city for the past four or five days examining the records at the clerk's office. Mr. Minto compliments the county olfiulalB by saying that the rec ords as n whole are among the best kept lie has mot with. He found only two or IflS Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hns heca in use for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of and has been mado tinder his pcr- -rZt. sonal supervision since its infancy. - Allow no ono to ucccivo vou in tins. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing SyrupSt It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fcverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAUH COMMNV. TT MUMMY STREET, NEW VOHH CITY. when a mortgage contains a copy of the note for which the mortgage is security, a copy of t he mortgage must note on its face the fact that the note was stamped according to law. Nothing can better attest the steady growtii of The Dalles than the fact that at tho end of the preeent postoffice fiecals year, June 30th, The Dalle8 will bo en titled to free mail delivery. This is be yond any shadow of doubt. The cross' postal receiptB for tho pilst nine montlisi which includes all receipts except tlios trom the money order business, aro such' that, receipts from stamps during the next three months, if only a little over half what they were for ihe eoi respond ing months of last year, will make up the full amount required by law in order to ba entitled to free delivery, namely $10,000. Postmaster Riddel! is assurred they will be little short of $11,000. When the year is up lie will get up a petition to be sent to tlio department and have it placed in the hands of the congressman from this district, and there is every reusonable expectation that we will have free delivery before tho summer is ended. The other towns in t lie state having free delivery are Portland, Salem, Astoria and Baker City. The common council met Saturday night mid passed the sewer ordinance. The vote stood five to four. Thoee voting for the ordinance were W. A. Johnston, S. S. Johns, Frank Gunning, Charles F. Stephens and Jas. L. Kelly. Those voting against it were Dr. Shack elford, Fred W. Wilson, Andrew Keller and J. M. Toomey. Tlio ordinance con templates tiie construction of a sewer system below tlio bluir at a maximum cost of $30,000. It is believed, however, that the actual cost will not exceed much more than two-thiidsof that sum, The cost is to bo met by taxing the property to be benefited and the pay ments aro to be made in installcicnte during tho coming months of July, August and September. There is no doubt that the construction of a sewer system of such magnitude and at this particular time meets with strong op position, and no ono will be surprised if the opposition takes active shape. When a man has to go down in his pocket and pay .fli.SOO, tlio amount of one property owner's assessment, which is mentioned only as a sample, it is not surprising that ho should kick, Prcfci! Tuwiirilx Oriiiiniiilhiii. The young nion of the Students' Liter ary Club aro making steady progreeB towards organizing either u branch of the Y. M. C, A. or u society or club dial shall work along Y. M. C. A. lines, A three violations of tho internal revenue ; cominitto appointed by the Students' laws, whore the lawyer who drew up the deed or mortgage forgot to put on tho stamp required by law. In one case the omission was made by one of the oldest, ablest and best known members of the Portland bar. As these viola tions of the law wore evidently uninten tional, tho parties will be notified to conform to the law. It may be well for parties to mortgages to remember that Literary Club has conferred with the Commercial Club mid willi the leading religious organizations of the city. The result is the appointment of a com mittee from each of these bodies who will meet together Eome day not yet fixed this week aud agree upon the character of the new organization, II, W, Stone, secretary of the Y. M, O. A, at Portland, will stop over on his way horns from the Eist and give tlio meet ing the benefit of his knowledge of tho workings of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Stone promisej to leiezraph Mr. Brownhill when lie will be I erd ml a meeting of all the c unmittees will then to culled The following an th" committees of the several boilie?, the whole of whom con stitute what may be called a Committeo on Organization : Methodist church Messrs. Will Con don, N Whealdon, S. Bolton, Rev. U. F. Haak. D. C. & A. Club Messrs. C L Phillips and E Kurtz. Episcopal church Mossm. I) L Vnuee, -T A Hudson, J F Mnore. Congregational church J M Hunting ton, Miss Nan Cooper, Mr. Merrell, Rev D V Poling.. Baptist church Meesrs Woodworth, -Allaway, Johns, and Rev Clifton. Christian church Messrs Whotherall,, Egbert, O'Brien, and Rev G Rushing-, Salvation Army Captain Simmons. Students' Literary Club Dr. Sanders, Clyde Riddo 1, Timothy Brownhill, Joseph McArthnr. W. C. T. U. Mofdames Burnett, Parkins, Lemieon, Lonnell, Rushing. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Garden Hose Wo have laid in a largo stock of (Jardon lloso and aro carrying tho same brand of l loso that wo have boon carry ing for tho last fivo years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. We carry tho samo brand of lloso that tho Dallos City Fire Dopart mont has boon using for tho last twonty years. Tho Mal teso Cross Brand is without doubt tho host grado of -lloso on tho market. Call and got our prices before buying. IVlaieF & Benton Sole Agents.