. "1 'I . 1 -i XT i Por a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Ovcreaitln-or Knncy VesttuR 1 . i.' Kindly rail nnil examine my stock of 1m potted and D untie Woolen. A tine stock to elect from. . ....., Butt msde fromthc lowest prices to the ntBU ert grade. J. A. Eberie Fine Tailoring. IIli: DAI.LKi OliKGON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. you. The merchant litis it; ami I am informed that the tobacao trust of the United States owns it, and sends some of these poor Puerto lUcnn-Amcricnn people, if not Atnor. ienn people, over here to work for 'a fair show for Puerto Uico.' Three million pounds nt 51 5 cents a pound. If they could import it today, they would have that duty to pay. If that tobacco should come to the United States, paying af cents a pound, that would be 81,050,000 upon tobacco in the islands of the American Tobacco Trust." Secretary Gage has decided that the customs feature of the Pucito Rico bill goes into operation on the 1st day of May, 1900. This de cision was made necessary in view of n discrepancy in the bill as to the time the act should become operative. stJusciuriioN rnxcK. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 MONDAY APRIL 1C, 1900 "FUEL TRADE AND THE CONSTITUTION." Tn discussing the Puerto IUcnn bill the Jscw York Tribune calls at tention to some facts that must be known before one is competent to pronounce a fair judgment on the bill. The Tribune says: 'Puerto Uico tradesmen, we are told, cannot reconcile themselves to the tariff imposition.' They want free trade under the constitution.' But do they realize what that would involve in regard to their own interest? It would mean the imposi tion upon them, also, of our entire lnternnl revenue system, including the tax on tobacco, the stamp taxes and all the rest. Do the Puerto Eicans want that? We are told that they do not. In fact, they have protested against it as strongly n. they have asked for free trade. Put they cannot cut and carve the con stitution to suit their own taste and fancy. If the constitution is ex tended to their island, so as to make their tariff system a part of ours, it must be extended in its entirety, so as to make their internal revenue system identical with ours. Suppose they and their hot-gospeller friends turn their consideration from the tariff for a moment and fix it upon the internal revenue. They may find therein nutritious food for thought." With refreshing inconsistency the Republicans of Multnomah county "indorsed the administration of Pres ident McKtnley" and then indorsed Senator Simon for acting conspicu ously in opposition to the administra tion. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverislmess, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must he purified m order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elextr has never failed to euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other Wood diseases. It1 tainly a wonderful remedy and every bottle on a positive; i Blakeley & Hough ton's drug ... ' Why? per gallon for inferior paints vh ou .can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa!k, agents. ml" Tln'lnn mvttinmtliillH Killllllv dflVol- op dry catarrh; tlioy dry up the- 6ccrctions, which adhoro to tho membrane and decoui- ..no Miuli.nnfgi' CHrillt 1 H 1 mill)! (1 1 1 1IU1 tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- iug innaiants, mines, biuokcb mm aud uo that which clcauses, soothes and hettla. Ely's Cream Balm Is such n remedy .fill nnrn ontnrrli nr rnld in iho head It ... . ..... V-... -l - - - easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will ho mailed for 10 centa. All druggists sell tho GOc. sizo. Ely Brothers. Gt! Warren St., h.l. Tlio liaim cures wmioui pain, imea im. irrltato or causo snoozing. It spreads itself nvA n. IrritntAil mill nil TV KlirfllCO. rOllOV- iug immediately tho-painful inflammation. With Elv's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Day rover. .R.&N. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One flight Only MONDAY HI 1 MERE FACTIOUS OPPOSITION. The men in congress and out of congress who have opposed the Puerto Rican bill have not suggested any alternative, says the Salem Statesman. They have not said how the money should be raised to pay the costs of the government and the improvements in the island. When they have voted against the bill, they have voted to let the Dingley duties remain voted for 100 per cent instead of 15 per cent of the duties that hive been charged. The whole of the opposition has been merely an attack upon the ad ministration, coupled with an attempt to gain some advantage by the men j in this country favoring free trade. There has been no consistency, no fairness nnd no good business sense : in the opposition. The country is waking up to these facts, nnd the ! conclusion will be thnt tho very best thing has been done that could havo ! been done; and that the opposition has been contemptible. DEPART TIKK SCltKDULE, AllR'.VE ran From Dalles. Kiiom. Vast Suit Luke. Denver, Ft. Kt Mnll Wortli, Omaha, Kim- Mall 11:43 p.m. ms Cltv, St. Ixnils, 3:65p m Chicago and Fast. 1 Srokanc Walla Walla, Spokane,! Spokane Flyer .Minneapolis. St. l'aul.l Fljer. 7:C5p. ra. i)u lu t li, Mllwaukec.i 4:3)0. m Chicago and Fast. j S p. n. 14 p. m. From Vortlisp. Ocean Steaniihip. For San Francisco December S, S, 13, li, 23 j and '2s. I i I 1 I S p. m. ' ' l p. in. Kx.sund.iy, Columbia Itv. Steamers.' Es.hunda) To Astohia and Wayi Saturday Landings. 10 p. in. fin. m. Willamette Hives. 1:30 p. in. Ex.sunday Oresmi City. NewU-rs, E.x.aunday saleni & way Lrtml'j. 7 a. m, W1LL.IJIETTK ai Yah- 3:30 p. m. Tuci.Thur. hill Kivr.Bs. Mon.,W,d and int. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. aud Wny-l-millngs. 6a.m. ! Willamette Isivek. 4:S0p. m. Tuc.Thur,, Portland to Corvallis, Mon. Wtil and Sat. . and Way-Landings. ,ml Friday i Snake P.iver. Lv Itlpaila IUparla to Ijwistoti. rtaliy i 1.5-Ja. m. I I.EAVK LKWIVTON dally e:C0 n. m. Partie clej-kitii.' to co to Ilennncr houIit wKe.-n. !, leuvitig itio lMlle-s at T.o-i p. in makinj,' direct connections at Heppuvr junction Returning uinltingrilrectcnmiectiou at Heppncr Junction with No. 1, arriving at Tlie Dalles at -:5o t. in. No. ?2, tlirouRht freight, east bound, does, not carry passengers; arrives '2:W a. ui., departs 3:60 n. m. So. '21, local freight, carries passensers, east bound: arrives p. in., ileiuirtxS:15 p. in. No. '21, west bouiirt tlirough ircislit, does not carry passcngrs; arrives &:15 p in., departs 9:p.m. No. 2J, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. nr., departs h:C0 a. rn. For full particulars call on O. It. Ji N. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address w. ii. iiu nutt'iiT, fieu I'as. Aat., 1'ortland, Or, F- S. Gunning, Tlie now famous farcial query, HAVE YOU SEEN SMITH? More mirth and melody tn a minute than ever moved you in a mouth. Pricee, firat four rows 75c j balance of the house 50c. Reserved Keats on sale at Clarke A Falk's Drug atore. In a speech delivered in the lower house of congress February '27th, Joseph C. Cannon, of Illinois, made the following state moid, which ac counts for the tears which linve been bed by free. trade editors and speak ers over tho Puerto Rican tariff bill : "Who has this tobacco 8,000,000 pounds in Puerto Rico? I will tell OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUWT And CAFE, J. B. Orosaen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, dor, Second & Lansblin, 'Phone 151 Db-GUNN'S PILLS ONE FOR A DOM. TUmore PlnpUt, Vtv flllluuueu, I'uriO t tie HI Vara lldcbe ml i(p, Trot luod. A mavriunt n t Kb .r. We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded hero. Is it any reapon why i our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTOH, Koliablo Proscriptionists Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE:DRUGGIST. EVERYBODY Knows the merits of the COLUMBIA ) HARTFORD PATEE CREST) BICYCLES Mi $50. $35. $25. Mnny new funtnrea for 1000 whiuli yon cannot ufTortl to overlook. Complete Line of "1900" Sundries. 1 i;, I BROS ij. CKNKHAIi BiacKsmims ...AND... k' Wagon and Carrlago Werk. K Fish Brothers' Wagon. Horsesnoe rs I Third and Merlon, Phone;i59 ICAXiJ 0 ..GHfts. m- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kcotis on ilrmiitlit tho cclclimtcil COl.l'MIIIA IIKKK, nckiinw: tilKiil tho lit beer In Tlio Unties, HttheuMiuI price. Coine In. try It nnil t)t convlnotil, ,o tim Kliii-at brand of Wines, U juor huiI Clours. Sandwiches of utl Kinds ulwnys on hauil. C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Blioes. lints, C;ip, Notions. Act, .for I. IJouglus Shoe. Tcephoni Ko. NJ. 131 Ktcoiiil Ht., TUG Dalles, Or, Just What Yoa uiaot. id REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Portland & H :i to KtciiiucrK of tut, llcKiilutur l.ttiu-lll ritunspcr Ihefot-1 Imvlnc fcluilnli:, tlio Company reserving tlie tlxlit to chit'j rchctlnle wltlumt notice. Str. RoBiilntor. DOWN, l.v Dalles tits A. M. Tnenlay TlmiMlay .. . Hatniilay. Arr. I'lirtlaml lit o 1'. M. I.v or. I'nrtl.inil at. a. )l. Jloiiday . Veilneilay Ktlilny Arr. I (alien at r. x. Ship your Freight via RegTilator Line. Str. DnlluB City. IMIWN I.V. Dal III 8 A. H. .Miinilay WVilnesilay I'rlilay.. Arr. Portland nt ft !. it. or. l. I'OTtltCil iit7:(0i.i. luemlir Thtirxlij,! .etuM; Arr. Ualln at5:3Jr.. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 5 Travel by the Btenniers nl Hiu llrnlatnr Mne. Tho Comiiny will enileavor to clvc Iti pat- ron.i ine uvm teivien possnne. i-or limner iiiiorniiiiinii itunies.i ff. l'orllnnil Olllce, Oak-Htreet Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gun. Ant. Uxu r-X.r.T.Ya.y-1-Tj ru-r. i -y. l,y-i-x wyawtu .t t IiT.t TjjriJfcaTLtje.tT.i.T.Ttl uxJ C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen- rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY from yJ.Tfi to ?(1.I)U wr uuUun. (4 to ifi yejB old.) IMPORTED 00GNA0 from 7.U0 to 12.0 jicr itnUon. (11 to at) ytnrB old.' OALirORNIA BEANDIEB from l.'-Ti to tll.OQ per unllun. (-J to 11 yearn old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on ilruujjht, nd Vul IJlutz and Olympm eer in bottlei Imported Alu and 1'ortur. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. fur em. p T. BROWNHILL, ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notarv Public. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. 0. E. Bayard's of fice, The Dalles, Oregon, ii i i 'i r - I New ideas in Wall Paper, here, Such wmo variety as wo uro snowing never be fore uraced a slntsle stock, ileal imita. nuii ureiun eiieiuB ut oruiimry prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices, ciegniu uoaiKim, tasieiui coiorinKs, yours mr n muiuii price, ui our store on Third " " ' " iiuubo paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. D 8 HUNTINO.TON wuot( HUNTtNOTON A WIWON, AllOKNUVK AT LAW, UlMoverr.r.tNt.ffl'A'J'Kd'ORKl,OW PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. mervita: Btjttrti VITALITY, Luai uiiuh AND MANHOOD CurcH Impotcncy, Nljiht EiiiIhhIoijb and n.mimK uibCilHCH, ail 'JllCCtO Ol BCU JHtte.. .... House, or cxcct'H and Inil In crotion. Anurvotonicuiul iuoixi ImlltUir. Hrliurii the pink low to pale checks am restorer! the lire of youUt. f.m dill il. ...Ill . 1 f Willi It UI'lllOll KllitVUII- too to euro or roftuul tho inouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackbon Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. mm FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHAOTA KNKKAI.HANKINO IIUHINKH Letters of Cretlit issued available in the ,,. eastern Hiates. Trun.lura anl.l XT Wt . r ' u2, t o r. ".w ur WHICBBO, .w.m n nan., Huu various pointa In Oregon and Washington. ljnllMt inn. nuiil. .1 ..II t.. . oraule terms. C. S. Smith, Tin: (Jp-to-dateCJroeer Fresh Egijs nnd Creamery Uuttur a specialty. 3d Street. 'Phone 270; J. B, HCHHK, I'rcsiuout. First national Bank. THE DALLES OBEOON A General Banking Buolne"" J55 Depo.lt Mcelved, subject to Collection, made VST remitted on dav of l'Xdci Bight and Telegraphic Eff SU. ew York, Han Jfrancwco -land. D. P. Thommok. J0' ; 75 En. M. Wiiaiam, u0