The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 14, 1900, Image 3

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    Special Easter Offering
Gents' Furnishing Goods Department.
in Gloves and Parasols.
Our lino of Glovos in all the new shades and stylos has arrived, and during
the week we have concluded to make a good liberal cut for the benefit of all who de
sire to take advantage of the opportunity to supply themselves with their Spring
mid Summer kid Glovos. 1 ft
The SixtV-nine Cent line is especially interesting, and is deserving of
... . y0Ur careful investigation.
The eiglity-five Cent line is mado. UP of several lines merged into one,
anj wliilo the prices vary greatly, tho least
costly ones are very much reduced so that those who are capable of judging values
can get a rare bargain.
The ninety-five Cellt line is a V01y superior White Chamois Glove in
whito or black stitching, and a most perfect
shaped Glove.
White Chamois GlOVeS al seventy-five cents, for those who want a good
serviceable Glove for general wear.
One dollar and thirty-five cents. Theso aro the Kie You
can navo y0Ur cii0iCG 0f tWo kinds
dressed or undressed all at tho above named price; and as for shade, they are all
that one could ask.
NOW for the MiSSes' GlOVeS. Tho line is beautiful, and only C5c per
j - pair during this week.
PARASOLS. Your Easter Bonnet should be protected from the trying rays
1 of the Oregon sun, and wo have made it possible for you to
look your host if you will only take our advice and invest in one of our new Para
sols which wo are displaying this week at our store. They are dreams of beauty.
May strike it rich this week.
Jt "Wise lyEan making his calling and olectiou sure when the chance offers to
, ,, , - make money by sudden and judicious purchases. As a rule a
QOesn t delay merchant's necessity is man's opportunity. To realize on his
hopes a merchant must first realize on his goods, and when money must bo had
goods must be sold. Wc make a little stir in tho market for a few days with
Easter Offerings
Like these 250 Men's Spring Suits and Overcoats that aro worth in tho regular way
$12.50, $13.50, $14.50 and $15.50. Mind you, we do not tell you they are all $15.50
Suits or Overcoats, for this is a gathering of all sorts. The $15.50 Suits and Over
coats are here if you come for them in time. The assortment is mixed. Each and
every one this season's most stylish garment and your choice at $9.85.
N. B. A pair of the Celebrated " Nobagokneo" Trousers Stretchers, best in
the world, free with every pair of Trousers.
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone A'o. J.
SATURDAY - - - APRIL 14, 11)00
mired lit
style by
A. N. Anderson him signed a contract
with K. II. Wnkutlul'I to build u hand
somu cottage on tbu lot lying west of tin
M. K. church. The preliminary work
of leveling tho lot ia in progress. "
Tim Nortluim Pacific's now electric- ..,.1 . i ....i .1., ..
Kmi'll, eiCilllflteaiCU UIIII1, tlOUl pint-
formed, croasea tho Cascades, oast
bwrnl, in dny time. Observation car
always found on rear ond of train. First
tram April lilltb.
bishop MorriH will officiate nt St.
Paul's church tomorrow morning nt
10:u0. Morning prayer and colobrntion
ol tho holy couttnunion. Please note
change of hour. Sunday school at tho
usual houi, 12:15. Eastor servlco nnd
cirols. No evening aervico.
F. A. Surgeant, who owns the old
Thompson ranch on 5-Mile, reports that
th Into frost nippod about half of hia
peaches hut ita effect was wholly
good, for there is etlll moro than enough.
ami what is lolt will be of better
Quality than if thero had been no frost.
Those nieinbors of tho Second Oregon
regiment who havo intentions of making
homestead entries will bo glad to learn
that a bill to mako such entries easier
'or (hum hna just passed the House, and
will undoubtedly boou bo put through
tho senate without any serious difficulty.
Tho demand for good farco coinody ia
mM hy observant theatrical monagore
to bo greater than over, tbo demand
'or poor fnreo comedy buinK Iubs eorroa
pondingly. With a viow toward satis
tying the former demand tho offering of
Have You Scon Smith" la made. Ita
"Pl'Mrmicn in tliia city will be an ap
preciated event.
The new D. P. A A. N. steamer Ito
"an was subjected to a bulidui's tost
yesterday by a run down tbo rivers as
fa Kahuna. Everything worked to
wo satisfaction of tbo D. P. it A. N.
olIIcIalB who woro on board. Tbo final
r'l will bo mado later. Meanwhile tho
l(M will bo furnished throughout and
mado ready for being placed on the run
between hero and Portland, an event
Hilch may bo expected in about ten
Tho Eastor entertainment and sale of
laul'a Guild will bo held at tho
"aidwln on Thursday of Easter week,
l"i 10th. The proceeds are to bo uaod
" the construction of a muoh-needed
""Ptovement to Kt. Paul's church, the
erection of a tower and front to the main
building, adding much to the beauty of
tbo building and to the Etrcet in that
part of town.
For one week only April !)th to 14tti,
inclusive wo are offering special bar
gains in ladiea' and children's muslin
undorwar. Tlieeo are new, freeh goods,
jiiHt received from the East, and conaist
of the latest patterns nnd designs in
lace und embroidery trimmed garments.
See our west window for display. Re
momber the bargains last but one week
ut tho New York Gash Store. .
A double runaway occurred in the
Eaat End thia forenoon. Tho driver of
a lumber wagon bitched his horeos to
tho wheel cf a buggy standing in front
bf J. T. Peters' store. Tho hind team
twlstod around till thoy upset the bug
gy, mo buggy team ran on una uraggou
tho bind team with them. In a littlej
while tho hitching rope broke nnd eachj
team took a separate direction, winding)
up ei c'l In a few seconds in tangled
masses of wrecked wagon, broken
harnesj and demoralised cayuse. r .
Next week Etnil Schanno intends to
make a tour of inspection over the fruit
diatricta around Tbo Dalles, so hb to de
termine for himself how much damage,
if any, baa been done by the Into froBte,
From all tho information Mr. Schanno
has received as tho result of inquiry, he
has come to the conclusion that the
proapect for a largo yield of all kinds of
fruit has not been better in twenty
years. Any material injury to early
fruit baa only been in spots, nnd owing
to peculiar local atmospheric conditions.
George Hilligon brought into town
today the bides and scalps of a female
coyoto und her six whelps. Ho bad
seen the old one enter a hole in bis
father's stubblefleH, near Donny Hol
low, and procuring a spado ho dug into
tho hole and captured the neat. The
bounty on the soven scalps brought him
$14 for a few minutes work. Notwith
standing the bounty, thecayotes, George
says,"ra quite numerous around Donny
Hollow. Tho farmers aro usually too
buoy to bother hunting them.
A freight car loaded with merchandise
for tho interior while standing on the
track last night botweou tbo freight
depot and tho Wasco Warohauso was
broken into and some of tho gooda
carried oil". Just how much was tnkon
Is not fully known, but it ia cortolii that
a case of shoes waa stolen and a couple
of socks of aomo kind of meal. On tho
north side of tho track opposite the car
wore found this morning half a dozen
empty paper shoe boxes supposed to
be of those tukon from the ear. Tho
railroad officials think the theft is the
work of local talent rather than of a
tramp or an outsider. ,y
Thoro Is a aigu on the side of tho gen
eral delivery window of the post office
boaring fioino such legend as "Please
don't smoke here." Young bloods who
love to blow cigarette smoke through
tho opon window, and old, sodden
tobacco fiends, whose breath has all the
fragrance of a stale tobacco factory, will
please remember that the notice ia no
arbitrary ruling of tho postmaster, who
indulges a little in the weed bimeelf,
but was placed there out of respectful
deference to the eensative allactory
nerves of the amiable and obliging lady
at the window, to whom the smell of
tobacco, coming from any source, ia ex
ceedingly offensive.
Tho wife of the man Bowers, who
nearly killed himself yesterday morning
by butting hie head against the grated
door of the calaboose, wns hunting the
Ihe marshal a few minutes before The
jGiiitOKici.B went to press to see if some-
ithing could not bo done with her drunk-
sen sot of a husband. When Bower was
discharged yesterday his wife took him
homo. Shortly after he procured a
bottle of whiskey and loaded up as be
fore. Then he wanted to cut bis throat
with a rnzK when MrB. Bower succeeded
in getting tho weapen away from him.
This forenoon he told her he would kill
bimeelf beforo night, but beforo ho did
that bo would first kill her. The mar
shal will doubtless attend to him. ,
C. U Snider, a Lakeview merchant, is
the owner of the oldest horse in the
county, possibly the oldest in the state,
and the liorso is doubtleea the best-preserved
horse in tho United States for hie
age. He was foaled in Jackson or
Douglas county in April, 18G8, and is
nearly 32 years old. Mr. Snider snyF he
is just aa young .now in life and spirits
as ho ever was. Mr. Snider has owned
him for 28 years, and ho has lived in
Lnke countyfor that length of time.
Every man, woman and child in Lake
county knows "General Crook," for that
is bis name, and he is known in all towns
eaat of here and from The Dalles to
Redding", California, and Reno, Nev.
Ho is called "General" for short.
Ond of the chief comedy evonts of the
caurrent season promises to be tho ap
proaching engagement of the widely
popular farce comedy "Have You Seen
Smith," which appears horo Monday
night. Thia attraction suddenly ac
quired a very important place among
the laugh-prodnoors last season, and
thia vear ia making a strong bid for the
top seat. It Is one of the few farces that
deals with humorous incidents of the
present day and introduces characters
with which one. constantly comes in
contact. The fantastical exploits of sev
eral peraanages lu tho course of the evo
lution of the farce cause untold amusing
complication?, and the disentanglement
affords rare opportunity for comical sit
uations and interesting tableaux. Inci
dental to the very palatable plot are
Introduced a perfect avnlaneheof bongs,
dances, marches and graceful envortinga
of every description. All- tho recent
novelties in tho line of music and mirth
iwill bo seen in "Have You Seen Smith,"
und to predict a rousing engagement
liero seems superfluous.
Subscribe for Tin; Cuko.nick.
Sola Their Grub far a Library.
A merry crowd left here last evening
in Ward & Robertson's wagonette bound
!or Miss Mabel Riddell'e school, two
nilea east of Mosier. An enjoyable ride
ttf over two hours brought the party to
their destination, where a warm and
handsomely decorated school house and
t, cheery welcome awaited them
The entertainment bean pro rptly t
8 o'clock, consisting of songs by the six
teen pupils of the school, recitation?,
dialogues, and a violin solo by Mr.
Middleswart. Every number was; ad
mirably rendered nnd showed that great
care bad been exercised in tho prepara
tion. A delightful hour and a half was
spent in this manner, when the lunch
baskets of the visitors and pupils were
placed on the platform and sold at
auction for the benefit of a projected
school library, realizing the handsome
sum of $30.20. Superintendent Gilbert
made an interesting speech explanatory
of tho methods he was pursuing to place
a library within tho reach of every
school in the county. Tho disposal of
the contents of the lunch baskets closed
the entertainment and after the good
nights had been exchanged thn crowd
wended their way homeward by the
cheery light of an April moon.
Those present from Ttie Dalles were:
Miseea Mabel Cross. Mae Burnett, Edna
Barnett, Bertie Hurtle, Millie Sexton,
Bertha Willerton, Jennie Martin, and
Messrs. Cyde Riddell, Clarence Gilbert,
Clay Uren, Nortbrup, Jame9 Simoneon,
Earl Curtis, Joseph Starr, Owen Brown
and C. L. Gilbert.
abnormal appreciation of the responsi
bility of Ihe office, and never lost an
apportunity to exerciee his prerogative
fof demanding that the peace be pre
One day his son and his hired man
got to fighting on a stretch of tho farm
near the boundary fence, and the justice
of the peace rushed out and mounted
he fence. Then, with head cocked high
nod the air of one who has but to com
mand, be shouted: "In the name of
the state of Indiana I demand the pres
ervation of the peace!" Just then tho
fence gave way under hia weight, and as
he went down with the fence toppling
over to the Ohio side, he shouted to his
son: "Give him lil Jim. I have lost
my jurisdiction.
ICiiKter nt tin, Mrthmllut Clllll-cli.
E.iUer Sunday will bo observed in an
appropriate manner tomorrow at the
Methodist church, when all are especi
ally invited to j An the services. In the
morning special music will be rendered
and the pastor, Rev. U. F. Hawk, will
deliver an address in keeping with the
occasion. At tho evening service tho
following program will bo given:
Anthem "Lift up Your Heads" Cltulr
Hymn Congregation
l'xuycr ltcv. U. F. Hiuvk
flScrlpluro Jtcuiilnt; Mrs. H. French
Hymn CoiiKrcKiitlon
Selection Kaster Though Is. .Mhs M. Whealdon
Kustcr i.'arol Class of Girls
l'.ccltntlon "Mary Magdalene. . Mlbs Knit Uren
Anthem "Joyous Kastertldo" Choir
Selection Faster Thoughts llrucd Johnson
F.xercise "Pennies for Jesus" Little Girls
At Corerugutiouut Church Tuimirruw,
Morning worship promptly at 11
o'clock. Evening service will begin at
7:43, instead of 7:30 as heretofore. At
(the close of the morning cermon a com
munion service will bo conducted. Re
ception of members will elio follow the
morning service. Tho Sunday school
hour will bo given tc special Eister ex
t rcisoH, To all of these services the pub
lic is cordially invited. Tho pastor's
morning subject will be "Success, tho
! Goal of Human Life." Mrs. Hunting
ton will for an offertory Wiegand's
"Avo Marie."
Tho servico in tbo evoning will bo one
of praise. Tho chorus of voices which
gave tho concert at thh eliutch a few
weeks ago, will furnish four special
Easter numbsrs, as follows:
"Seals Aro Shattered" Marrh
"Ulei-ECd is tho People" I'aiis
"Calm on tho list" ?miU..Uhonl
"Thu liarth Is tho I.ordV tttrA
Otlertory-"Vheii Thou Art Near"
Dr. 0. 1). Donne.
Itev. U. V. Hawk
A Good Co UK It Mctllcluo for Children
"I have no hesitancy in recommend
ina Chp.mberlain'e Cough Remedy,"
says F. P. Moran, a well known and
popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We
have given it to our children when
troubled with bad coughs, also whoop
ing cough, and it has alwaj a given per
fect satisfaction. It was leommended
to mo by a druggist as the best cough
medicine for children as it contained no
opium or other harmful drug." Sold by
(Jlakeloy A Houuhton,
School Itxpurt.
LiUtt HI" JuiUdlctloit.
Justice Brower the other day told a
story of an Indian justice of tho peace
who owned a farm, says the Lew Is ton
Evening Journal. One line of his fence
formed the boundary of tho states of
Indiana and Ohio. Like others in rural
districts, who hold that office, ho had an
ENDEifjiiv, Apr. 13, 1900.
Report of school In district No. 28, b r
the mouth ending April 13th; pupils
who have boen neither absent nor tardy
are: Grace Southwell, Maud Southwell,
Willie Htrrlinon, Georgo Ilarrlman,
Johnnie Harrlmau, Edwin Wagoublast,
Ruby Covert, Altha Covert, Gertrude
Ojvert. Luna Mkkuymax, Teacher,
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of 1
Catarrh Cannot bo Cured
with local applications, aa thoy cannot
reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, nnd
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, ond acta directly on
tho blood nnd mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine..
It wa3 was prescribed by ono of tho best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular ptescriptitin. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purilieia, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients ia
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonial
F. J. Ciie.vey & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7nc.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. 12
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking nt tho pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feveriehness,
Pimples or Sores nil positivo evidences,
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so It must ho purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elesir has never failed to cure Scrofulous)
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It ia certainly a wonderful
remedy and wo sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Wakeley& Hough
ton's drug store.
Garden Hose
Wo havo laid in a largo
stock of Garden Uoso and aro
carrying tho samo brand of
IToso that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tose Cross Brand. Wo cany
tho samo brand of IToso that
tho Dalles City Firo Depart
ment has boon using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
toso Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grade of Hobo
on tho markot. Call and got
our prices boforo buying.
fttaief & Benton
Sole Agents.