Special Easter Offering in Cloves and Parasols. Gents' Furnishing Goods Department. Our lino of Glovos in all tho now shades and styles has arrived, and durin" the week wo havo concluded to make a good liberal cut for the benefit of all who de sire to tako advantage of the opportunity to supply themselves with their Spring and Summer kid Glovos. 1 " The Sixty-nilie Cent line is especially interesting, and is deserving of y0Ur careful investigation. Tlie eighty-five Cent line is ma(lc UP of several linos merged into one, . and while tho prices vary greatly, the least costly ones are very much reduced so that those who are capable of judging values can got a rare bargain. The ninety-five Cent line is vo,,y superior White Chamois Glovo in white or black stitching, and a most perfect shaped Glovo. White Chamois GlOVeS al seventy-five cents for those who want a good serviceable Glove for general wear. One dollar and thirty-five cents. Th,eso aro tho Kine Boes- You can have your choice of two kinds dressed or undressed all at tho above named price; and as for shade, they are all that one could ask. NOW for the MiSSes' GlOVeS. Th.e line.is beautiful, and only Goc per pair during this week. PARASOLS. Your faster Bonnet should bo protected from the trying rays 1 of the Oregon sun, and wo have made it possible for you to look your host if you will only 'tako our advico and invest in one of our new Para sols which wo aro displaying this week at our store. They are dreams of beauty. $9.85 2.50 May strike it rich this week. A "Wise Man maKinS '1S calling and electiou sure when the chance offers to , , make money by sudden and judicious purchases. Asa rule a QOesn t delay merchant's necessity is man's opportunity. To realize on his hopes a merchant must first realize on his goods, and when money must be had goods must be sold. Wo make a little stir in the market for a few days with Easter Offerings Like these 250 Men's Spring Suits and Overcoats that are worth in tho regular way $12.50, $13.50, $14.50 and $15.50. Mind you, wo do not tell you they aro all $15.50 Suits or Overcoats, for this is a gathering of all sorts. The $15.50 Suits and Over coats are hero if you come for them in time. The assortment is mixed. Each and every onp this season's most stylish garment, and your choice at $9.85. SEE WINDOWS. N. B. A pair of the Celebrated "Nobagoknee" Trousers Stretchers, best in the world, free with ever' pair of Trousers. AH Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Telephone. No. 1. FUIDAY APRIL in, 11)00 - . MTVCd III I Oysters I . . . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A new cannery in in course of erection fas Itiostcr Kick. D.iy Brothers ure orranging to atnrt a large sawmill ut Cascade Locks. That chicken lor your Sunday dinner I cm lit) found ut thu McNeill Market. Gill up "78. N'mv potatoes, tho first of the season, from California, are on sale in this mar ket. They retail at live contfl a pound. The McNeill Market for tho choicest fmitH, vegetables, iish and poullrv. 'Phone 278. The Indies of the M. E. church will have on sale, next Saturday in tho vacant etoru next to A. M. WllllaniB plot-, wkes, fcalt-rieinu bread, cookies, etc.; olso decorated Easier eggs, lit Sotile liros., piano tuners ot Portland, ami successors to W. 8. Garey, will re main in The Dalles until Monday, April 10th. Orders muv bu left ut JucobHen's or Niekolsou'a music storos. opl 13-lt Census enumerators will be required 10 perform tholr work botwoon June 1st a'l 15th. I'ersoiiB who expect to be absent from homo at that time should arrange to ho included in the count. - rao.net, of Woplnitio, brought load of fat hogs Into town today which he Bold to tho Columbia Pucktng Co. for HS5. TWo loads belonging to Phil Knowles, of Dufur, wero sold to Wood "foe. at thu sumo price. Culumhu Lodge No. 5, I. O. O. F., will have team work tonight in tho llret "e-iroe. Other biiHlnesn of more thau wdlunry importance demands a full fit tendance of members. By order of - A. Holders, Noblo Grand. About $100,006 a month will bo spent 011 Public improvements in Puerto Rico 'ram the $2,000,000 recently appropri ated. During tho coining year the isl 8I' will roaluu more than over tho gen lty of the American poople. Electric fans will keep tho dining and "'ervatlon cars on the new North wt LliuIteNorthorriPaoiflc-cool "M comfortable. Eleofrlo lights will B t them at night Electric berth 'Wis hi StandardPullman sleeping nii u big dpfoe light on rear ob "uon ear pla W. J. Kelolnun mid J. B. Golt have "trmurned from the country at tho 0( Nosier, where they went to HOI't up and run the lines on a home stead and timber claim for Mr. Kutchum. They succeeded, of coureo, ub any two cruisers bearing such names ob Ketchum and Goit might ho expected to do, The three jail birds who were sen tenced tho other day to twenty-live dayB in the eocnty jail for carrying concealed weapons, had their pictures taken today at tho cost of the con nt v. Tim sheriff thinks they are escaped convictef or at least old offenders, and the pictures are intended to adorn the rogues' gallery. Tho Glacior says: "The engagement of Chas. N. Glarke of Hood River and Misfl Eva Lillian Slusher of Pulur is announced, and they will he married at tho residence of the bride's mother, near Dufur, on Easter Sunday, April 10th. Everyone acquainted with Mr. Clarke and his intended bride will wish them much joy." The Hood Itivor Glacier says very little damage was dono to fruit by the late cold spell. Strawberries in bloom were killed. In some localities peaches, prunes and cherries were thinned out. tho early strawberry patches berries had formed and would havo been ripo in ten days more of good weather. Kipo struw beiriea will bu two weekB later on ac count of the frost. The three Japs who assaulted Section Foreman Murphv near Colilo Wednes day wero examined today. W. 11. Wilson ond a Japanese lawyer from Portland defended them, whilo the stuto was represented by H. II. Riddell, with J. F. Monro as associate council on bohnlf of the O. K. & N. Co. They plead guilty to common assault and were finod $40 each. For one week only April 0th to 14th, inclusive we are offering special bar gains In ladles' and children's muslin underwear. Those are new, fresh goods, just received from the East, and consist of tho latest patterns and designs In laco and embroidery trimmed garments. See our west window for display. Ro member tho bargoins last but one week at tho New York Cash Store. Georgo Sing, mi old-time farmer resi dent of Sherman county, now of tho Willamette valley, was a passenger on the boat for Portland thifl morning. Georgo says if ho only had tho chances bo abandoned whon he sold out his in terests in Sherman county he would glvo everything he owns to got back. And that's tho way with all those Web. footers who ever had a taste of E.iatorn Oregon. Several members of tho Scottish Re serve, boforo leaving for tho cape, wero entertained at a farewell Buppor tho othor evening by their workers In Dun dee, Scotland. "Now, boys," eaid tho chairman after nn appropriate speech, "treat what is on tho table as you would the Boors." As the feast ended one of the Reserves was observed by the chair man stowing away a bottle of whiBkey lu his pocket. "What's Mint ye'ro doein,, Tain?" shouted tho chairman good humoredly. "Oh," replied Tarn, to the great amuaement of all, "I'm only obeyin' orders. Ye tell 't ua to treat the Btipper as would the Boers. "Tand ye ken, what we dinna kill we are tae tak' prisoners." This year thero will be three eclipses, two of tho sun and oue of the moon. Tho Orst is a total eclipse of the sun May "Oth, visible throughout the United States. This eclipse will begin about 7.28 and continue about two and a half hours. Tho stcond is a partial eclipse of the moon June 12lh, visible through out the United States. The annual eclipse of the sun November 21st will not be visible in America. The Oiegon Lumber Co. at Viento has 250 men employed in the mills and lum ber yards tributary to their business. Last month tho company shipped 2, 300.000 feet of lumber. Their two mills on the Washington sido have a capacity of 103,000 feet of lumber a day of eleven hours. After next month the mills will be run night and day. Men in their employ sometimes! get in, in extra time, thirty-two days in the month. Two families by the namo of Tompson and Daniel took possession of tho wait ing room yesterday, between the arrival of No. 2 and the departure of tho Elgin train, says the La Grande Journal. They were from West Virginia and wero bound for Promise, Wallowa county. In the two families there wero just twenty children, mostly boys. They were a lusty lot and we commend them with "all their hopes of future years" to the fortunes of the land of Promise. W. M. McCorckle, the veteran miller of Tygh Valley, arrived in town last night and left for homo this forenoon. Ho informs The Ciiuonicle that the fruit in the valley has not been serious ly injured by the late frost. Peaches, prunes and cherries were thinned out but aa far as his own orchard is con cerned there will bo more than enough of these left. As regards Waraic and tho Waplnitia Flat hia information is that earlv Irult is eeriotiBly damaged if not, in most places, ruined. Here is n Bamplo of tho boilor plate editorials that havo appeared of lutein our Democratic country press. It must he read in tho light of the fact that un der the Puerto Rican tariff bill Puerto Ricau sugar ond tobacco como to this country ftee. The name of tin paper is omitted out of respect for the alleged editor: "The president of a Porto Rico tobacco company states that the fifteen percent tariff Bliuts their tobacco out of the United States. A fine way to treat the producers of our latest ocquiied ter ritory! It is all in thu interest of thu sugar ond tobacco trusts." Peoplo who believe that there can never be too much fun in this work-o-day world will do well to make note of the appearance in this city Monday night of the most successful, ol nil recent farce comedies, "Have You Seen Smith." This piece has been well de scribed by a western critic as tho "best existing exemplification of honest' fun." It is all fun from the first rising to the last falling of tho curtain. The ludi crous characters, the laughable happen ings that follow one another in swift sequence, the essentially funny plot, the 'fresh and merry specialties intro-' duced, are what combine to makeup entertainments of this class, and "Have You Seen Smith" is said to be one of 1 the happiest blendiugs of the aliove- ! mentioned ingredients that our stage J has seen in many a long day. i Illume Grass. I Now that the range is being fenced in, the fanner is beginning to turn his thoughts and mind to an investigation of the grass problem. Owing to the ab sence of rain through the summer sea son, the great difficulty has been to find a grass well adapted to such condition ; one that would live and reseed from year to year and remain green the year around. A"dozen or more varieties of Oriental grasses wero given a trial, but they were all objectionable in one way or another, until finally the Russian brome gra68 was given a thorough test, and from all reports it is certainly the grass for this country. In Dmilasa county there aro fields of this grass that have not been resown for five years, and a nicer stand of grass could not be found anywhere. It is very deep rooted and covers every inch of the ground, forming a stiff sod, and will stand grazing the year around without the slightest injury to it. When kept pastured down, it re mains green through the dry season, and if allowed to mature, grows to a height of a Don t three feet and produces about two tons of bay to the acre. The hay is said to be very nutritious and much relished by horses and cattle. Tlils supplies a long-felt want with farmers who are cut off from outside range and otherwise would be forced to do one of two things sell their cows or feed them grain hay the year around. The supply of this gras9 seed seems to bo very limited, but all that can be procured la being put into the ground, and within thu next year we hope to see green pastures In every direction. Dig Rend Empire A Tcinneruncu Lecture. A man named Rower, who has been working for Andrew Keller as baker, was arrested lust night by Mr, Phirman for being drunk ond disorderly. Uower baa been on a spree for a week. He was arrested Wednesday by the marshal and kept in tho ealaboosj till he had slept off hia debauch, when he was turned loose at the request of hia wife. Ho had $5 30 iiv hia pocket when arreBted last Wednesday, and this sum the marshal turned over to Mr. Keller so that MrB, Bower might be sure to get it. This morning Bower, still under the frenzy of alcohol, butted his head againet the grated iron door of bis cell, whether with the object of butting out his brains or forcing the door is not known. Bower may have intended to end his life for it is said he made a similar at tempt some timo ago. At any rate ho came near ranking a complete j b ol it, as he cut and bruised his head frightfully and lost so much blood from the wounds that when a physician was called the man's pulse beats and heart action were so weak that tho doctor for a moment thought he was gone. Ho rallied, how ever, in a short timo under tho doctor's care ; out a sight of him, as ho lies on the jail pallette, p.ilu and haggard and smeared with his own blood, is a better temperance lecturo than any that ever fell from the lips of a Gough or n Fran ces Willard. The worst of it is tho etupid brute has a wife and three little children depending on him for their daily bread. llfpulillcuii I.cglslutl vh Noiiilnntloim, At the Republican state convention, which met in Portland yesterday, the following state legislative nominations were made for the counties jointly asso ciated with Wasco. For the Ninth senatorial district, con sisting of Waeco, Crook, Klamath and Lake counties J. N. Williamson, of Prinevlllo. For the Twentieth senatorial district, consisting of Wasco and Sherman coun ties T. Jl. Johnston, of Dufur. For tho Twenty-first senatorial dis trict, consisting of Wasco, Sherman, Grant, Gilliam and Wheeler counties W. W. Steiwer, of Fossil. For the Twenty-first representative diitricv, consisting of Wasco, Crook, Klamath and Lake counties A. S. Rob erts, of The Dalles; T. H. McGieer, of Antelope, and Emmett, of Lake. For tho Twenty-eighth representa tivn district, including Warco, Sher man, Gilliam, Wheeler and Grant coun tiesGeorge Miller, of Arlington, and George Cattanach and Barrett, of Grant. Aliuut tlio Cow Canyon ICouil. Tim: Dai,u:h, Aprfi 13, 10C0. Knnoit Cijhonjcu:: In answer to thu fellow who signs himself "A Travelei" and makes a little talk with regard to my father's toll road, permit me to say that I was sent there over two weeks ago to work and I have a good hand at work on (ho road now, and we did clean nut all the louse rock, as I have dono hundreds of times before. I can think of no other substitute for that "Traveler" except it was a tramp who called a few nights ago for free lodg ing and free mealB and got them, but mourned next morning because we had no eggs for breakfait. John J. H.UGirr, Mr. Mooily lio-Nuinluutoil. Ponri.Axn, April 18, 1000, To Hugh Goujij.ay, Eduoh Dau-ks Ciihoniclk : Malcolm A. Moody, re-nominated tills morning for congressman by acclama tion. Max A. Vocit. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, MilesLurg, a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and soru throat One Minute Cough Curo is uneqnaled. It is pleasant for childicn to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It ia tho only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Bli'tiyed. A black horse weighing about 12.j0 pounds and branded 25 on the left shoulder. Same strayed from the farm of John Brookhouse, which Is situated aix milea beyond Dnfnr. Liberal re ward offtred for information regarding recovery. Address S. R. Wina.vs, marT-lmw Dufur, Or. Clarke & Falk iiaye received n carload of tho celebrated James E. Putton strictly pure liquid paints Garden Hose "Wo havo laid in a largo stock of Garden lloso and aro carrying tho same brand of Hoso that wo havo boon carrv ing for tho last fivo years, which is tho colobralod Mal tese Gross Brand. "Wo cany tho same brand of lloso that tho Dallos City Firo Depart ment has boon using for tho last twonty years. Tho Mal tese Gross Brand is without doubt tho best grade of J Tostt on tho market. Call and got our prices boforo buying. jirlaieF & Benton Sole Agents. n 1