IrM' IT1 For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Pantinjr, Ovcrcorttin-or Fancy Vesting. Kindly and examine my stock of 1m potted and 1) Liestic Woolens. A fine stock to elect from. , . Bulla made from the lowest juices to the high, wt grade. J. A. Eberfe Fine Tailoring. TIIK DALLEs OllEOON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BDBSCKirXlON I'KICE. One week $ 15 One mouth 50 One year 6 00 FEIDAY - - - APRIL 13, 1900 "We publish on the first page a short synopsis of the Puerto Kican hill that has just passed both houses of congress and is by this time, doubtless, a law of the land. It will be seen that as amended b the senate the bill removes all restric tions on goods coming into the United States from Puerto liioo, be sides putting on ttie free list nearly everything in the line of necessary food products that go from the United States to Puerto Eico. And this, briefly, is the bill that Senator Simon voted against because he had been reading the Oregoniaa's sense less tirade against it and the Repub lican administration and imagined that when he became recreant to his party he was floating on the swell ing wave of popnlar acclaim. Instead of that, to borrow the phrase of Senator Payne, he has allied himself with the "creatures of Noah's ark" who propose nothing because "no voice comes from the tomb." The nomination of Malcolm A Moody to succeed himself has been so long a foregone conclusion that to speak of it editoi hilly is like re ferring to ancient history . The lie publicans of the Second Congres sional District could have given no stronger expression of their estimate of Mr. Moody's work and worth than to nominate him a second time by acclamation. In this estimate The CiutoNicLE joins heart and ban J and no man in the second district will work harder for the success of the ticket which Mr. Moody shall bead, and for every name on the ticket than the editor of this paper. insistence that n direct tax upon the islanders, under tho existing condi tions of abject poverty and distress, would be practical confiscation, is a Democrat. But unliko his Demo cratic brethren in congress and the noisy free traders of all political complexions outside, Gov. Davis had the advantage of a practical win CI.KANSTNO AND Hi: AM NO cum: ion CATARRH CATARRH Ely's OtMBalrail Easy and pleasant to I use. Contains no In- liirionn ilrui?. It Is quickly absorbed. Olvcs Hellef nt once. knowledge of what he was talking tho nmi i'n.acet. COLD 'N HEAD about. The Times-Mountaineer pro pounds tho following conundrum: "In a republic all subjects are citi zens. Under an empire all citizens arc subjects. "What arc Oregonians ifjl'uerto Kicans are subjects." That's easy. About two-thirds of the Ore gonians arc Republican sovereigns over the greatest empire under the stars. The other third are "subjects" of the hallucination that Bryan is going to be elected. 'ow give us something real hard. All ira 1iil1nimtCM Heals and Protect I ho Membrane. Ilcstorcs tho Senses of Tasto and Smell. Largo StM, 80 cents at DrueirUt or lr mall; Trial Slue, 10 cents by mall. ELY BKOl'lIKKS, 60 Warren Street, New York. For Sale. 40-ncre tract, 3J. miles from Tho Dalles, 4-room house, barn, all fenced, orchard of 300 trees, running water, (jood range for cattle adjacent, 10 acres bottom land fine for berries or pardon. Price reasonable, terms easy. Cnll at this office. m'Jl-ilwlmo Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sunproof painte for $1.50 per, gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & . Fa'.k, agent. nil" VOGT Opera House CLARKE, Manager. One flight Only MONDAY It may not be generally known that the last Oregon legislature ex tended the official terms of district attorneys and county superintend ents of schools from two to four years. The law will become effective on July 1st next, and the first bene ficiaries of the net will be the gentle men whom the Republicans will elect next June. The legislature should have done tho same thing for the assessors, and with more reason, but then the assessor is one qf those poor devils that is neither beloved of God nor regarded of mnn. Hpril 1 mom 1 M V T 1 No IllRlit to UkII''. TIio woman who ti lovely in fnco, form anil temper will always have friends, but one who would lu attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous nml Irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Hitters is the beat medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It wl make a good-fooking. charming woman of n run-down invalid. Only 60 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. , , Itartlflclallydigeststhefoodandnlds Kature in strengthening and recon- p BtructinR the exhausted digestive or- tf, ,jans. It is the latest discovered digest-, iv uuiitiiu luiuu. .Liu uuiui picpuniuuii i mil nnnrnncli It. In nrtlniniiptr Tt In. ' Df nntlt. VAtlA.rn. nnrt r.. n I . ai . uyspepsm, inaigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadache, Gastralgi a. Cramps, and all other results of imperfect digestion. . Preoantd by E. C. OeVJItt A Co.. Chicago. ft Complete Cine of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDRUQGIST. crAui i A'l ii.;mi jkvxt (IKNKK.U, LJiacKsmiins p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & LansWin. 'Phone 157 ..AND. Horsesnoe is Wagon and Carriage- Work. Flch Brothors' Wagon. i Third and Moron. Piione:i59 Cmsai el jATira at cur i.Tjxy.Lrj.yj.Tj if iiwrd The now famous farcial query, HAVE YOU SEEN SMITH? More mirth and melody In a minute than ever moved you in a month. Prices, first four rows 75c; balance of the house 50c. Heservcsl Scats on sale at Clnrke & Fnlk's Drug Story. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUHAflT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Proscription that's compounded here Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLAKELEY & HOUSHTOH. Reliable Prescriptionists Citation. Important Announcement The l)i.ker City Democrat is jjq yf)U nnritlior nt I linen nrnl.ii(iiiiillii ' ..... w. ,, ljutui itlljr gifted journalists who see through Mark Hanna's Utile scliemo of putting up Dewey to defeat tho nomination of tho Hoy Orator of the Platte. Omnipotence ulona enn hide its schemes from thofce gifted sons of Deaaocraoy. Governor General Davis, of Puerto .Bico, who moro than any other man is responsible for tho tariff feature of the Puerto Rlenn bill, through his In the County Court o tho fitntoof OreK.jii Tor the County of Whico. In iho umtler of thu ettnto of 1'alrlck Ilrown, ToIMInC. Ilrown, Alum ilrmvn, Miiry Jt. Leo liiircl, hfitht;rlu l.scey. l-r.nil: Drown, Anna Ilrown, Alk-o Ilrown unit Ilrown, (jtt-elln. In tho mime of tno htato of ore-iron, vnu hh. herchy elteil niul it'ijulrci to iipiiear In Ihti County Court of tlu Hiutu of Orvcon, for tho Comity of Whco, nt the May term of nrl court, ... iij.j umi i luuiii iijcii-iii, iti iHfjt i : 1 1 y , in knlil county, on TiicKlny, thoMli day of liny, iwo, at '.'o'clock In tho aftfrnoiiii ol that iIhv. Hu.h i.h.i I thvru'to how caukc, If any llicro bo, why an or Idtrof walo Ikiii1(1 not ho rnaily hy tho ahovo en tltlcil Court, illrvclliiK Uella i; Ilrown, uiimlnlx tnitrlx of ti.ihi estate, Jo at private -iIe tho follnwIiiKilt'ecrlUil real iiniK-rty ol mill .eitnte. Ito-wlt. Lots A. II. c. i. H. l'. r: ii. i i i.- i i,; i t.f ..i lv.. ii.. ti....' " -I". ... .ii . , , , , , , . ,,, ,, : uiiKHHt, m rou I'wici. n itDiry Itenervation in I-or JO days after April 1st, I will eell on, ' ' all thu Dry Uoode. ClothiiiL', ISools and )iuH ,,,u "" Hotx-rt May, Jmlgoof tho Shoeg. lloslerv HlHiiheli. H.itu 1 Oaiuty Court, iillh tho enl of w.hl onuee, uuau rj, ijHjlK6lli, tlate ami Court atllxn , h Jml i ay of April, A. U. I'XO. Caps, on a cut in price of kb.w.i Alte t' A. M, K1M.SAV, Clerk, pjitv Jtj-ft. IIolton, Ilcpuly. 25 per cent, for Cash. Now la yonr onuortunitv to iret Imr- Kains. Don't miss it. S. It. BROOKS, Succesior to . J. Collins & Co. Jlyft. Holton, Dcpntj, "S".A?Dllie r Batchers and Farmers Ki-cpson ilraiiKht the colchrate-l C()I.I'.MI1IA IIKKIt, iicklinw:. oliriil Iho boat beer In Tho IMIlex, at tho usual price. Conic In, try It and be convinced. AUo Ihu Finest brands of Wines, Liriuor and Clirara. Sandrjuiehes of all Kinds ahvMj-H on hand. C. F. Stephens ..Donlor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hata, Caps, Notion, .for V. L. UoiikIhh Hhoe. Telephone No. 88. 131 Second Ht ABt. TIio Dalles, Or, Jast What Yoa uuant. New ideas in Wall Pa nor lion. wide variety as wu iiriHlinuiM.,u.,... i,.. fore urnced a emu u Htoc.k. i...i. t oil ereton elleeta ut ordinary priuee. Good panels at cheap paper prices. Elegant deaiRiiB, tasteful colorinus youru for a small nrlce. at our Hior nn ti.i..i street. AUo a full line of bouse paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St Fur Null, Turkey eggs. Price 60o a setting. In quire of Mrs. W. W. Rrwboii, on 3-Mlle. Long distance phone 913, in212wks - " j n, & nsioria n&v.&s Portland Htciuucrn of tho llCKUlator l.lno will rtmMlK.,lv , , IowIhk kdinliilo, Iho Comimny renervliiK thu tliht t l n'ludulo without notice. Str. nofjulntor. llOWN. I.v. Dulles U at.s .1. M. h" Tueiday . . . H.TIilllMliiy k Siittiniay . ,rr. I'oruaiMi lltii V. M. Ul. I,V. n 7 A. Mi Monday .WuluevlHy . . I'rlday Arr -llalleii ntfl;!Ml'. . Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles city. ImwN. - at 8 A. U, iV.'SfN i i ... Ill I OQi w Arr. l-oVtlaml ' at B l'. ii. -V'A FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE I C Travel by the Hlenmer of tho UcKtilntor I.lite. Tho Cnmpiiny will endeavor to clre(tii E' rous the servlco polble. lur fnrtliur lidorinatlon aililrem KlTemll- l'orlhind Olllee, Oak-Hlreot Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. At. DEALUIJS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Cratidall&Barget UNDERTAKERS pjs EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. 1 Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agon' rthe Greate American Licinor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY from '.7f to l).l)0 jmr Ballon. (Ttonmi old. i IMPORTED 00GNA0 fnun 7.1)0 to J.12.UO pur "ualloh. cil to lit) ytnm old.' OAIiIPORNIA. BRANDIES mni :i.'-'f lo(l.tlO pur triUfon. ( lo 11 yeart old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER n draught, ami Val liluts and Olympia llecr In bottles j importuu Aloand rortur. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds TTn A -.- .i. . T- ri nnd all klndi xicautiuartcrs iur Dma, oiiurtb, f mill feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-; tOIl Flmir ThlsFlonr is manufactured tixprusely br rt r . ' us: evorvHack is Ktinranteed to ivo B5hitect a soil our kooiIb lowor than any Iioiibo In tho trado, and If you don't tnlM" ; ton nun kui our pricce and no i.-onvineed. Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Gr ooer. KERVITA mm Re,lM VI I AUITY, AND MANHOOD CurcH Impotency, Nluht EnilsHlonn and waatmtf dlbcabcu, all siTccto o self- nnusc, or execyu nnd Ind h. crutlon. A nurvo tunic unit Wood builder. DrliifjB the punt Riow 10 mle chficluiaiK' rcHtorcii the fire of youth. Bv mall nr.r luiv! it 4mi .lit Kit.,. 1 . . . ' ' ... wim u wniuiii Kimmn- too to euro or ret'imd tlto juouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton ft Jackson Hto., CHICAGO, ILU FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'HANHACT A KNKHAI.IiANKINO 1IUH1NHH Letters ol Credit Usued Available In the oJKir. """" " " poi"u " " C. S. Smith, TIIK Up-to-date Coeer Fresh Kbbb n"'1 Cr''nlIie,,y Utittor ti epuulidty. 2d Street. 'PhonejffO. JTSboiuThk, "m'Bc!1&i 1'rfnlOont. FM national Baofc, THE DALLES - - " i n...i iianwin, linnlnoaB trwff DepoaiU received, anbjoot to cm Oolleotion made and PJfiT remltUd on day of HJtfei Hlaht and Talawapldo Jixcliang, New York, San Frauciflco an- ;anu. D. P. Thompmoh. J a: t t. Eo. M. Wui.uva, . G"0' ' u