The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 12, 1900, Image 3

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    Special Easter Offering
in Gloves and Parasols.
Gents' Furnishing Goods Department.
Our lino of Glovos in all the now shades and stylos has arrived, and during
tho wok wo have concluded to make a good liberal cut for the benefit of all who de
siro to tako adyantago of tho opportunity to supply themselves with their Spring
and Sum trior Ivid Glovos. 1 n
The Sixty-nine Cent line is especially interesting, and is deserving of
your careful investigation.
The eighty-five Cent line is mado. UP of several lines merged into one,-
an(i while tho prices vary greatly, tho least
costly ones are vory much reduced so that those who are capable of judging values
can got a raro bargain.
The ninety-five Cent line is a vo,,y superior White Chamois Glove in
white or black stitching, and a most perfect
shaped Glovo.
White Chamois GlOVeS al sovonly-fivo cents for those who want a good
serviceable Glove for general wear.
One dollar and thirty-five cents. Thoso aro tho Kine Bces- You
can have your choice of two kinds
dressed or undressed all at tho above named price; and as for shade, they are all
that one could ask.
Now for the Misses' Gloves. Th.e auiifui, and only gsc per
pair during this week.
PARA.SOLS. Your Easter Bonnet should bo protected from the trying rays
-1 of the Oregon sun, and wo have made it possible for you to
look your best if you will only take our advice and invest in one of our new Para
sol which wo aro displaying this week at our store. They are dreams of beauty.
May strike it rich this week.
A. "Wise Man makig calling and olecliou sure when the chance offers to
, , . make money by sudden and judicious purchases. As a rule a
QOesn t delay merchant's necessity is man's opportunity. To realize on his
hopes a merchant must first realize on his goods, and when monoy must be had
goods must bo sold. We make a little stir in the market for a few days with
Easter Offerings
Like thoso 250 Men's Spring Suits and Overcoats that aro worth. in tho regular way
$12.50, $13.50, $14.50 and $15.50. Mind you, we do not tell you they arc all $15.50
Suits or Overcoats, for this is a gathering of all sorts. Tho $15.50 Suits and Over
coats are here if you come for them in time. The assortment is mixed. Each and
every one this season's most stylish garment, and your choice at $10.85.
N". B. A pair of the Celebrated "Nobagokneo" Trousers Stretchers, best in
the world, free with every pair of Trousers.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
Telephone No. 1.
APRIL 12, 1900
Ksrvi-'J In
style by
The usual dance will tako place at tlio
lulilwin Saturday incut.
Tim Moro Loader announces its own
(llMlliue in tliiu vvi'i.L-'u iuuiiia
Attention, Maccabees I Regulur meet-
Iliiliup Morrie will hold service in St.
iaul h hiiacopnI church Easter Sunday
Thnt chick!!! lor your Sunday dinner
lilll I.M 1 1 Hill f I fl t IhA M n V .in 1 nf bill
. H w.
The racltut utoro will move into tho
wtfll ilnnri lmllitttwv mwirtuW f f nrwl a
.... uitun i
J. A. 0. Itniut. formorlv editor of tlio
Vancouvnr Columbian, line purchaaod
tlio Independence Went Side, formerly
owned by Mr. Pontlnnd, brotbor of Mra.
S. L. Urooka of this city.
Tho ludieH of tlio M. E. church will
have on Saturday in the vacant
toro uuxt to A. M. Williams', plee,
eakes, ealt-ris!ng bread, cookies, otc;
lso decorated Una tor egga. iit
fit) Klistcr eiltertnlnmpnt. mill unlit tn
h given by tho 1 tdlea of St. Paul'
Guild will bo liold on Thursday oLEustor
Week at n,u Hnldwin opora house. Tlio
entertiinniont in in good hands nnd will
of high or(Juri
Mrs. 1 I,' Onnnnllu will Imlil flrat.
Deaioroat medal eontost in tho Chris
l'a elm oh of this city next Tuesday
evening cotnmonolng nt 8 o'clock. A
""ill admission fuu to pay for tho silver
'""I'll will be churned.
Mre. M. A. Effing wJll movo hor
jacket store next week, east of Mays &
"wu'h, under Mrs. lion Wilson's pho-lo.-raph
gallery, whoro sho will bo
Pleated to see hor old customers ns well
49 boat of now ones. al2-ltd&w
'M'rll 2Utll is tho (Into Mutt. Hin Nnrtli.
" Pucliio imuignrates its new double
tervleo daily. A. D. Charlton,
,m , A" nt Portland, will answer nil
(jwiloiw asked lain about It. Write
lor onr North CoftJl Unlted leuflet,
11 18 generally understood, says tho
1 " l"t-lntegencer, that George
' "akor, of Klickitat county, will bo
Z1" tl,u Hopubllcan national com
" Weenmn. Mr. Baker wab elewted to
me ?'"tU l0laHlure ol 1807, being a
In is !a'i' 11,0 hoUBeo' repreientatlvea.
,lt, was elected (or the term of
four years in tlio state sennte, taking
his seat in tlio upper body of the legis
lature of 1800. lie is a business man of
Tlio McKcnl Murket for tlio choicest
fruits, vt'ijotablee, lifih and poultry.
Phono U78.
"llufiineaB tnoii,"s'.ys the Astoria News,
"givo their patronage to the Columbia
laundry because tho money paid out
weekly in wages tiiero quickly finds its
way back into circulation, and it is not
so with money given to the Chinos?."
Wonder how it is with Tho Dalles laun
dry. Dismissing tlio tour ofWilliam .Jen
nings ISryun through Washington, tho
Spokane Outburst says: "Trimmed of
tho foliage of diction and flower of
imagery Mr. Brynrl's appeal is like that
of Jim Corhott fter tho lMtzsimmons
victory at Carson City "Give mo one
more chance."
Tho Umatilla county Populist conven
tion split in two, 52 delegates Hunching
into tho Democratic county convention,
where they wore given seats and partic
ipated as Dumocrats in tho nomination
of a county ticket. Fifty-aeyon dele
gates remained in session and nomin
ated a people's party ticket.
Mrs. Smith French had u loiter a few
days ago from the Kov. Mr. Simpson,
who was pastor of the M. E. church at
Hub placo eomo ten years ago, announc
ing the death from diphtheria of bis
son, Kenworthy, aed 0 yours. Tho
death occurred on Umlaut day of March.
Mr. Simpson is stationed at Scranton,
Proeident IS, E. Lylle, of tlio Columbia
Southern, denies that there is any truth
In tho dispatches that have eminatcd
from Baker City to the ell'oct that his
road is making arrangements to connect
with tho C. H. & Q. Mr. Lytlo says the
interests of tho Columbia Southern aro
too closely allied with those of. the O. R.
it N. to mako ench a deal desirable.
Tlio Astoria Push Club lias taken
stops to establish a direct lino of Bteam
boats between Astoria and Tho Dalles,
Tho morohttiits of that town havo taken
tho matter in hand nnd appointed August
fichenipckau n committee of ono to visit
The Dalles and consult with tho Com
mercial Club as to tlio feasibility of tho
project. Mr. Scherneckau is duo hero
any time,
A telephone message reached here
from Portland this afternoon announc
ing tho nomination today, at tlio Repub
lican state convention, of Frank Mono
fee ns attorney for the Sovonlh judicial
district. The nomination wus made on
the eighth ballot. Tho seventh ballot
stood N. U. Slnnott 18; Frank Mouefoe
13; blank 1. The closiug ballot Blood
Frank Menelee 11, N. U. blnnott lji.
Einlle Sohanno, of this city, member
of tho State Board of Horticulture, kept
n cloae watch on tho thermouioter dur
iug the late cold nightB, and he is quite
certain no damago has been done to
early fruit in the imtnediato neighbor
hood of 1 lie Dalles. Tho past two
nights have been quite mild and the
prospects never were better for an enor
irous crop of peaches and cherriee.
Experiments at tho Washington agri
cultural college have demonstrated that
a bushel of wheal can be turned into
twelve pounds of hog, which nt the
prices prevailing for stoek on tho hoof,
would make tlio wheat bo transformed
worth 00 cents a bushel. Where the
feed is mixed, wheat with vegetable re
fuse, the results are even better. It has
also been thoroughly demonstrated that
it is not diflicult, with ordinary precau
tions, to keep tho swine free from dis
Senator McBride has been aeked by
the Portland chamber of commerce to
withdraw his amendment to the sundry
civil appropriation bill, providing for
the expenditure of tho full amount rec
ommended by the engineers for the im
provement of the Columbia river. The
action was ordered at the regular meet
ing of tlio trustees of the chamber of
commerce, after the subject had been
freely diseueeed by those present. It
was feared that tho amendment would
fail to get through, and would thereby
injuro the cause more thau it would
thereby Injuro the cause more than it
would benefit it.
Last night Fern Lodge No. 25, Degree
of Honor, celebrated their sixth anni
versary. After a short buelnees cession
the doors were opened to Workmen and
their families and the following program
was enjoyed : Vocal solo, Miss Elizabeth
McArthur; reading, Mrs. Maud Eddon;
piano solo, Miss Pearl Grimes. The
gueEts were then invited to the banquet
tables nnd after having sampled the
good things prepared, Mrs. C. F.
Stephens delivered an address and Im
promptu speeches were inndo by Messrs.
Phillips, Moore, Douthit, -Mre. Filloon
and others. The occasion was greatly
enjoyed by all present.
Representative Moody has been as
sured by Commissioner Hermann that
the fownal order permitting tho grazing
of shoep nnd cattle on tho Cascade re
serve would be issued forthwith. The
tonne for tills Eeason will bo practically
the same as thoso enjoyed by tho stock
men last year. Permits will be granted
to sheepmen according to the previously
established custom. If congress should,
aa has been requested, nuthoilze the
secretary of tho interior to impose a
nominal charge for grazing, he may ex-
orolso that right on tlio Cascade reserve
along with other reserves; but oven if
granted it is doubtful if nny charge will
bo made (or tills year's grazing privi
"Hove You Seen Smith," one of tho
soasou'd chief fnrce-uomedy successes,
will muko its debut In this city shortly.
The play is billed as "the fnrco-comedy
surprise," and that it is a genuine
novelty tti the universal opinion of all
who have witnessed it. Iu constructing
the work, the author is said to have dp
parted entirely from the well-worn
methods bo long employed in the build
ing of similar pieces, and the result is a
production that unfailingly tickles the
palates of all classes of theater-goers.
White-whiskered "gag?," old-fashioned
devices like trick stairs and siphon
bottles, and all tho rough and tumble
concomitants of the average farce
comedy have been rigidly excluded ;and
in their place is found freeh, spontaneous
humor, legitimate comedy situations?,
and a myriad of novel musical features.
Marshal Hughes arrested three drunks
yesterday afternoon, who had loaded
themselves with bug juice out of wages
they had earned on the Paul Molir port
age. One of them tried to escape and
ran into the Oregon saloon, when one
of the proprietors, as the marshal
claims, made an attempt to prevent the I
man's arrest. The marshal took him
along, however, and lodged tho three
men in the calaboose. Ono of them was
discharged this morning, another was
lined $5, and tho one who attempted to
escape was fined $10. The fines were
not paid and they will be worked out on
the streets. The marshal subsequently
ariested the saloon keeper, and he will
bo tried before Recorder Gates tomorrow
afternoon on the charge of resisting an
Traveler Cinnplalus of the Wretched
Condition of TIiIh Thoroughfare.
A Jupuuesu Assault.
Three Japanese sectiou hands, work
ing on the road east of town, assaulted
the section boss, W. J. Murphy, yester
day afternoon with shovelB, but fortu
nately did nothing more serious than
inflict a few bruises on Mr. Murphy's
back, a light cut on the hip and a
sprained wrist and bruised left arm.
Mr. Murphy came to town and, lodging
a complaint with Ned Gates, secured
tlio services of J. II. Jackson, went back
to whore tho men were up tho road and
had his assailants arrested and brought
to town where they were lodged in the
city jail.
Mr. Murphy was working a gang of
sixteen Japanese. Ono of the tiireo
arrested had refused to work nnd was
ordered to tho car when another of
them commenced the assault by striking
Mr. Murphy on tho back with a shovel.
Moat of the gang made demonstrations
of tight but as soon a Mr. Murphy got
his hands on a shovel and made a dem
onstration of defense, the gang slunk oil'.
The company promptly discharged tho
entire gang, although Mr. Murphy says
a few of thorn were good men nnd did
not join in the assault. The three men
arrested were the leaders in the assault.
They were committed this morning to
tlio couuty jil and wiU be examined
before Recorder Gates tomorrow at
10 o'clock.
Mr. Murphy hud a fiuo gold watch in
hla pocket which, ecc rJlng to the
estimate of a local watchmaker, waa
damaged to an extent that will cost Its
owner $5 for repairs,
The Dalles, April 11, 1900.
There are ills we know of and ills wo
know not of, but if one is compelled to
travel over the Ilnight toll road from
Bakeoven to Trout creek he will con
clude that all the ills the human race
is heir to have been heaped upon him.
From Bakeoven to the head of Cow
canyon it is one continuous jolt over
rocks and into ruts. It does not appear
that a rock has been thrown out for a
years. The dragging of heavy loads
over the roads has worn out a rut on
each side of every rock. This makes n
trip over this excuse of a road hard on
teams and disagreeable to drivers.
But tho road company never fails to
collect toll from travelers, 50 cents for a
two-horEe team each way. Now, Mr.
Kditor, I want to know if there is any
way to force tho owner of the road to
put it in lit shape for travel or quit
charging toll. If there is not, the
charter should be forfeited. The con
dition of the road is an imposition upon
the traveling public aud the charging of
toll a bit of graft. For one, I would Bay
cause the charter to be forfeited and the
road thrown back to the county as a
public thoroughfare, or force the owner
to keep it in decent shape for travel.
A Tkavelek.
Liuls Klinger, of Dufur, left on the
afternoon train on a trip to Portland.
Mre. George A. Liobe left on this
morning's boat on a visit to frienda in
Jay Lucas, of the U. S. land office,
made a trip to Portland yesterday morn
ing, returning on tho night train.
Notice of DUaulutlon.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Fonts & Johannsen has this day been
dissolved by mutual consent, P. F. Fonts
letiring from said firm. The business,
heretofore conducted by tho said Kouts
& Johniinsen,will from now on be owned
and managed by C. P. Johannsen, The
said Johannsen will collect all accounts
duo said firm aud will pay all bills duo
Ditod at The D.illes, Orogon, this
10th day of Match, 1000.
P. F. Fours,
nilO lm ' C. P. Joiianpsek.
P, W. Knowlea is now proprietor of
the Fifteen-Mile Houso aud fat ! les a
Dufur, where he is prepaied to accomo
date the traveling public in first-class
style. Good table, good rooms, good
i buds and tho best of cure for man and
I beast at reasonable ralec. m2-Mmw
Placo your ordeis with the McNeal
I Market, bstwee.i Second and IhirJ, on
' Court Etreet. 'Phone 278.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Waoco warehouee. Finest kind of
chicken feed, mcb25-ti
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milcsrurg,
a., says, "As a speedy cure for conghs,
colds, croup and sore throat One Minute
Cough Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant
for childieu to take. I heartily recom
mend it to mothers." It is tho only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediatu results. It cures bronchitis,,
pneumonia, urippe and throat anil lung
diseases. It will prevent consumption.
A black horse weighing about 12o0
pounds and branded 25 on the left
shoulder. Same strayed from tho farm
of John Brookhouse, which la situated
six miles beyond Dufur. Liberal re
ward ofttred for information regarding
recovery. Address
S. II. Wl.S'ANH,
mai7-lmw Dufur, Or.
Clarke & Falk hayo received n carload
of tho celebrated James E. Patton
strictly puro liquid paints
Garden Hose
Wo havo laid in a largo
stock of CJ anion IIoso and aro
carrying tho samo brand of
Hoso that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last (ivo years,
which is tho colobratod Mal
toso Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho samo brand of Uoso that
tho Dallos City Firo Depart
ment has boon using for tho
last twonty yours. Tho Mal
tese Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grado of l loso
on tho markot. Call and got
our prices boforo buying.
YIaier & Benton
Sole Agents.