For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'antlufr, Ovcrciwtlii-or Kancy Vostlng. 7 1 At Kindly mil nnd cvxnmlue my stock of Im ported and D identic Woolens. A tine stock lu elect from. Suit made (roia the lowest prices to the high est grade. J, A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. Nasal CATARRH In nil Its ntngca there Iiould bo clcaullucii. to the presidency in 180G." Or such n resolution ns this: "We, the Dem ocrats of Wasco county in conven tion nsactnliled, domain! the restora tion to the siifforinR people of this J Ely's Crcnm Ilalni nation, burdened bv plethora of,oothcandheis the iliicved membrane, the ClirrenC of the money OCtUpilS, It cures catarrh and ilrlrcs and ground under the plutocratic "id in the head heel of nn increased gold per capital Crcnm Balm Is placed Into the. nostrils, 6preads , .... . . i otct the mcmbrano and Is abs orhed, Helleflslm- and a still more grinding oppression. ' n,clllat04nJnciirefo,lmTS n,9 not dryins-ioc. an alarruingl- augmented per pocketn, n restoration of tho grandly prosper ous Democratic regime under the Immortal Cleveland, when the great masses of the common people, the bulwark of the nation, were relieved of the cares and burdens incident to labor nnd furnished free soup at the cost of a bloated aristocracy." HIE DALtr.'j OllKGOX. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SDISSCItll'TION THICK. One week ? 15 Ono month .- 50 One year C 00 "WEDNESDAY APRIL 11, 1900 JS THIS A SLAP IX THE FACE "We indorse," says the Multnomah Republican platform, "the ollicial career of Senator Joseph Simon, Multnomah county's representative on the Oregon congressional delega tion. "We honor him for his ability, for his fidelity to the inteiests of his constituents, and for his energy in their service. We point with pride to his courage as a public man and to the large measure of national re spect which he has aheady won." This is piling it on pretty thick, in the fierce light of immediate aur rent events. The compliment to Mr. Simon's ability and enerav is deserved. But what is meant by in dorsing the senator's "ollicial career" and pointing with pride to his courage" if it does not refer to the most important act of his "official! career," his desertion of the party i that made him all he is politically and going over to the free trade Democracy? It doubtless takes 'courage of a certain kind to do n thing like that. But if this is the import of the resolution, then Mult nomah Republicans, in order to honor a man who has done more to corrupt the Republican politics of this state than any other man living or dead, in order to honor him, that is to say, for taking his stand with free-trade Democracy, nre will ing to slap in the face the three other members of the Oregon delega tion, who had, each of them, a far higher type of courage, the courage to do right as God gave him to see the right. From a dispatch in another place it will be seen that the Republicans of the First Congressional District renominated yesterday Thomas II, Tongue for congressman on the first ballot. Tongue is a man of un questioned ability and his prompt renom ination is a testimony to the gootl sense of the Republicans of his district. Tongue voted with his party on the Puerto Rican tariff bill, His constituents have renominated him on the first ballot. Malcolm Moody did the same thing. His constituents will renominate him tomorrow by acclamation. Thus the bogey man that scared Simon proved to be very much of an apparition. Ales Kirchciner, of Antelope, writes us to correct the soft impeach r.ot produce (needing. Lutro Size, 60 cents at Drug ln or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. lt!V lXWTlIEltS, 5fi Warren Street, New York. No Hlght to UrUum. The woman who is lovely 1 face, form ami temper will always lutve friend?, but one who would bu ttttriietive nuiBt keep her health. 1 she is weak, Bickly and all run down, elm will be nervous and irritable. If she 1ms con stipation or kidney trouble, bur impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, Hkin eruptions and n wretched com plosion. Electric Hitters is the beat medicine in tho world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives 8troii(; nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It wii make n good-looking, charming woman of a run-do n invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakelev & Houghton's drugstore. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE?DF?UGGIST. Dalles, Porliann & Hstoria Hav. cb Hti'iiinerN of tlit RcKUliitor l.liio win , . limine M'lu'ilnUt. tliu Comimnv imitvIih. m... .i.....'. ""'"l-l M'liiilitlu without notlcu. M 10 chl1 Str. Rotfiilntor. DOWN. I.V. linllca lltS .1 . M. rvTwilny TimtMiny .. Hutiiriliiy . Arr. 1'iirtliiml lit r. M. Ship your Freight via tir. I.v. rnrtl.iml m 7 A. M. Mmiiliiy Wiilm-Mliiy Arr .ffi- Regulator Line. nt 0:: v. . t Str. DtUlos City. j linwN. I.v. Dnlln, "t H A. (, Mniuluy WfilnoHilny , Friday. . Arr. rnrtliiinl at ft r. M. Jl: MS:;),.?,; FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, C Tnivcl by tho SU'ium-ri ( tho Uwulatnr l.liio. Tht Compiiny will omtcuvnr to clvo (t. ... U rims tho bunt iirvlu poanllilo. l or fnrtliur Itifornmtliiu iutilrc ,'ltel"rt- , IMrtlnml tillW, Oiik-Hlnttl Hook. W. C. ALLAWAY, don. Arc. tixix riTJjri.To.TA--'" Tt.TiJri..LT. T.Tjr-t-T xtt. wmr: ,t y it. It artificially d igests the food and aids B xTature in strengthening nnd recon-' E Btructlng the exhausted digestive or- t ans. It is the latest discovered digest- 'P, ant nnd tonic. No other preparation B can approach it in efficiency. It in-tN mum. iuuuuHuiiii mane in inese . uyspepsm, indigestion, Heartburn, ' k columns a few days ago that he was IlS0"?0' . Soi,r Stomach, Nausea, t all other results of Imperfect digestion. . Praoared by E. C. DeWltt A Co.. Cljlcago. BROS (KN'KIlAIi I)Kali:i:s in fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall & Barret UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS Tho Dallas, Or. Ijobes, Burial Shoes Etc. GiaGKsmiins .AND.. the Republican candidate for com tnisstoner. The Chuonicle ought to have known better and it here and now deliberately kicks itself for the mistake. However, we did not go out of the Kirchciner family, but should have said that it was Alex's brother, Peter, the Republicans had so honored. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jatnes E. Patton strictly jiure liquid paints VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One flight Only MONDAY F- S. Gunning, Horsesnoe rs Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. SgcoM & Laiblin. 'Phone 157 The Cinto.vici.E has carefully icad "The Hearings Before the Senate Committee on Pacific Islands and Puerto Rico," which formed the raison de'etre for the attitude of the Republican majority on the Puerto Itican tariff bill, and we have come to a point where wo nre prepared to iu3ist that any conceivable system of direct taxation on the islands, under existing conditions, would have been impossible. This was tho deliberate flBIlt I6III I We Put... The now famous farcial query, HAVE YOU SEEN SMITH? More mirth and melody In a minute opinion of every man who appeared i ian JV0'" moved you in a month before the committee, who was Prices, first four rows 75e; balanco of familiar with the situation and was tllt' ll0,,su 50 not directly interested in the policy that might be adopted. Ilfst-rvcd Keats on ki!c nt C'lnrkc & Fulk'is IruK Store. every bit of twenty j'ears experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it anv reason whv our prescription biusinens is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLHKELEY & HOUGHTOH. lioliablo Prescriptionists Citation. In tho County Court of tho Unite of Oreon or tho County of Wutco. In the iiiiilter of the estate of I'alrlck Ilrown, iJtfCCHMrf, citation. ' To Delia (J. Ilrown, Anna Ilrown, ilary il. Ii-o. null., lymti-uiv ,.01-ey, r rmiK ilrown, Anna UMK. nte ti... County Coil r tot tin rit.ite of (irtiron. for ttm Louuiy or Miteo, nt the May term of tald court, The Chiionicle deeply regrets that the committee on resolutions of the Democratic county convention did not think it prudent to submit n nlatforir or resolutions for the ap proval of the convention. Wo would ! Lave been pleased to see tho Demo crats of Wasco county '-Point with pride to tho transcedent sei vioo dono by thit great tribune of the people, William Jennings Iirj on, to this great nation by not having himself elected i OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUHAflT And CAFE. J. B. OroBsen & Oo., Props. 67 Seoond Street. Ilrown, Alice Ilrown anil lithel Ilrown, Krvetlnii In the mime of Win htat of Oiwni, ou nr hereby filed ami rerjulrnl to iii.,ear In tli County Court of llu rit.ite of Ortton, for th County of Wilteo. nt the Mnv l-rm if .ni.i ..... .. at the court ronn thereof, nt Dulles City, in mid county, on TutiiJay, thefth ilay of Mny. I'jjt), t JO'C ()Ck In t ol it,..;. ..Vi. I there to nhow ciiute, If any iheie bewhy mi or j ilcr of kale nhouhJ not bo r.imle by the ubnve en tltlii Court, illr:tlii) IH'Ibi C Ilrown, i.HiiiIiiIs IratrU of iuld entitle, to tell at .ilv.ile ,il , the ' followliiKdenerlbKi rea' tiroirty nl mid .eitale. ,; l.ot A, !).( . it, K. I-, (J II, I, J, K, l,,u , block tit, of 1-ort Dalles Jlllltary iteservatloi 1 i OreKon. j Wlmeks tho Hon. itobert Jlay. Juduonf ihn ui.i County Court, with ibu nn f k..i.i .V.n altlt.u fl.lU .!.,. ........ ..... . .'. . "". Wagon nnd Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I Third anil JcfTcrnn. Plioii059 SC. J. STUBLING Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash r '? 2 i Whiskey. B ' WHISKEY from $U.76 to Sti.OOjior cullnu. (4 to 15 ytturH old.' C ' IMPORTED 00GNA0 from 7.00 to lL'.tKrp;r I-atUn. 7n"to I'D yearn olrh; g. , OALIFOENIA BKANDIErtun JJi.'-'f) Iti QUIP per li'idlon". (4 to 1 1 years old.' Hi r.i.r i.TT i t--.yu. ri.,rl.T'ru.'ri.i liauol ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. r ..G,Hfls. m- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Krep on draught tho celebrated COU'MlllA HKi:i' iickumv.'. ctlued the tat bwr In The Dalles, t the usual price. Come In, try It and be convlnceil. AUo the Finest brands of SVInes, 1.1-juor mid Cluars. Sandtuiehes of all Kltiili always on hand. OLYMPIA BEER on draught, lttiiorte(l Alt' and I'ortor. and Vul ltlatz nnd Olyiiipin Beer in bottlei JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. 1 C. F. Stephens .Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hutu, Caps, .Villous, for V. U DoiiKlas Hhoe. Telephone No. lilt fcecond Ht., The Dalles, Or, AkI. I Just What You uaant. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s? M?LL FEED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. TIuh Hour la nmnufnctnrud cxiirensly for famllj lino ; uvorv Hut!k In KtinrunUiuu to kivo BotiauicwQB. e 1 Bell our cootls lowur than nny Iioiiho in tlio trado, nnd H you dou't ttiink eo call and uut our jiricue and uu convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Court hIIImiI, thin unit day of A mil. A. 1). luto. Attot; A. if. KIM-SAY, f lrk, "I'iJ-'lf Iiy . lloi.To.v. Dcimly, Wfjj m PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-rocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. flR.ftllWN'C ONE FOR A DOSE, nil I ft will ull uoipT. rrHrTr fall hoi In tinrm man Now Ideas in Wall Pnpor lioro. Such U'il (I IMnlalu .... ..I foro uraced a Binulu Hti...t i...i I....7. i j v uiieiui p iper nr ceB K I'UHnt. ilea ..oi..r..l .. 'i, J"i-i.n, r.; u.;.ii " iuniikb, yourn Y . . inwyi av our Hiore pn Third Btroot. Alio a full lino of Iioubo parit8 D. W. VAUSE, Third St.' ftERVITA Fr Hale. Turkey eKgf!. prce 60c a ettlnK. I,,, quire of Mrn. W. W. Kawson, on 3-Mlle. Long dlitnnce jihone 913. luSl-'Vkfl Bwioin vi V AUITy. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Imjiotcncy, Nlu'ht Hmlsnloiui and w.iaunir uiaciBiju, all viTcetu of aclf nijusc, or excesa and indlu cretion. A ncrvo toufutmd iiiooa DiiUUur. Jji-lmro tin idnk glow to iale chcekH ant reatorcH the lire of vmiili By mall fiOc -,..- itatla ... wiiri)i.U iui fjH.iu; witn u wi'IKtm Kiiuran to to euro or rofund tho money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sto., CHICAGO, IVL. FRENCH & 00 BANKERS. TJUNHACTA KNKKAIj HANKINll IIUH1NKH Lottem of Credit lBucd available in the olll fcaHtorn States. OlUllt EvillinnuH anil 'Pl I. Tra,n,fer8 80)d "on New" fig Ht. LoulB. San Frane Uco. I'ortUn.i nS Coliectiona inad at un orable torroi. ' u" ,mv' C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer rruuli Kkbh nnd Crcninory llutttir a Hpccinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. H. U0llNK, I'rc.ldcnt. First National Bank. . THE DALLES A n I ti traD a. uuiiurui okukiuk "UD,V olht JJepotntf rooelvea, auujeci. w urut or uiiuun.. lf remitted on dav Cnilnntlnna hiuIh and uroC'COUd P' RV Of COUOCUUU. Sltfht and Telegrphiu Exolilf w York, Ha Franoiueo land, DIHBOTOHS: .. ,. D. P. TiioMFHOM. Jno. B. waujr U. 31. UUAl.t..