1) c Dn II cg VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 11, 1900. NO 205 II MENTS FORWARD Boers How Control All of Orange Free State East oftbc Railway Awl Are Active in North Natal, SITUATION AT MAFEKING Ilocrs Arc Continuing Their Fight Against Brabant at Wcpcncr and Have Two Thousand Men on the V.iy to Spritigfontcin. Ladymmitii, April 10. Heavy firing wae heard thin morning in the direction of Sunday Itivor. It continued for a fun- hours. No detail,) of engagement have been received. I'iKTiiiiMAitn.iiuita, April 10. Heavy cannonading commenced this iiiorning in the vicinity of Elttndslaagtc. 1!i:tiii'i.u:, Orange Free State, Monday, April 10 It Ib expected the Boors will endeavor to retake und dettroy the bridge over the Orangn river. Con Ei'ipiunliy, extraordinary precautious liuvuliceu taken. A force of Boers is lucntud twelve miles ennt. Ah a mutter ol fact, the lloera practically again hold the Free .State oitBtward (if the ruilroud ami uru greatly encouraged by their sue CMdi'B at HeddorBborg and Korn Spruit. London-, April 10. Tho Boer attack on General lira bunt 'a force nt Wopener waB resumed ntdnwn today, Tho cnemy'B attack on two or three Hides on Monday lasted until 2:.10 in the afternoon, when firing reiiHed and it wan believed tho enemy had been heateu ofT, but it was announced thia morning from Aliwul North that fighting had again been be gun. Urabant'e force, uninberlng form 2000 to liQOO, holds positions in n rough country. It is not known what the numerical strength of the Boers is, but wliutovor it may bo, it is being rnpldl y augmented. A body of 2000 is inarching towards Springfontoin from Smithllold, between Wopener and Bpringfontoin. 1'VuiiIh in the southeast portion of tho Free State have paused the Eighth division, which had been ordored to Fourteen Streams to bo diverted to Sprlngfontein. The mysterious movements of troops ot IMoeinfontoin nro proceeding. News papers' correspondents nro not allowed to telegraph their destination, aud tho pereniuptiou is that Roberts Is making a disposition ot troops to cut oh" tho raid ing lloer forces when they try to with draw to tho northward from the pursuing Hritluh columns. llenppenrancu of tho lloeis in tho oc cupied country has caused a revival of tl'o warlike feeling among tho Freo Staters of tho Faurosiiiith uud Phliippolle districts. Federal ugentsare busy, getting tlutailB of surrendered Boers, und, owing to the Irish garrisons being withdrawn 'foin these districts, tho British residents "ro uneasy. Hours uro reported to liuvo vontured south of lliggarsberg, and to be posting heavy gnus four miles north of Elands 'angle. Thoy are also said to be forti fied in the vicinity of WeBsolsnok. (iotieral Garriugton has reached Cape Town and is going to Boiro, Portuguese, 'iwt Africa, forthwith. The war ofllco proposes to land at Capo Town before the end of May 20,000 horses, flioy will bo convoyed there in twenty weo stenmors, sailing from New Orleans, Buenos Ayres und Austrullnn ports. Hopurt oMMumer'i right, Hum.uwayo, April 3. Colonel Plutner enaiied th0 Boers between Katnath abamn and Mafeklng on Marcli 81. The "oerB appeared in considerable force six julles fiom Mafeklng, and to prevent bo nK outthuiked on both sides, Plutner u to withdraw on Raroathlabama, itjwcqnently retiring to his base camp. 110 "B"Roment lasted three hours, Rud tpsxmtamtA 'An .i jet EVERYBODY Knows the merits of the BICYCLES COLUMBIA HARTFORD PATEE CREST $50. $35. $25. Many new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook. t Complete Line of "1900" Sundries. :v...if.i-ii-iiiii;";:LYLri.-n r.i.T!T.lTi,T;iJ the retirement waB carried out in good order under n heavy fire. The above diBpatsh is the British version of the defeat of Colonel I'lumer's force, announced April 5, in a dispatch from Lourenco Maiques. A dispatch from Gaberones, dated April 1, gives the British losses in tho abovo engagement uh killed, three ofliccrs and seven men; wounded, three oflicers and twenty-four men ; missing, 11. Munition at Alnfeklnc. Bl'M.uwayo, March 31. Colonel Baden-Powell wires from Mafeking, March 21, confirming the report that the Boors had been pushed back so far that the town wits comparatively out of runge of tho musketry. He concludes with say ing: "All promises well for eventually cutting oil this force of the enemy, if we can hold Shyman here.'' .loliu It. Mul.onu Climierd Ills Mind. New Yonic, April 10. A Washington special to tho Evening World says : It Ib asserted this afternoon, on what seems to be good authority, that Admiral Dewey has decided to withdraw as a caudiduto for the Presidency, aud that within n few doys he will formally an nounce his decision. His brother-lu-law, John It. McLoan, is alleged to be re eponbible for this latest move. Within forty-eight hours, Dewey bus been in consultation with Democratic leaders and others antagonistic to Presi dent McKinloy, and tho opinions they expressed, together with the unfavorable views voiced by tho newspapers, decided him, it is aeserted, to withdraw from the contest. Nut u Wlol.ld I'Uoe. Washington. April 9. A defense of the administration of aU'airs at Manila is contained in a report just made to the wnr department by Chapluiu C. O. Pinmo. This officer particularly antago nizes tho ex-Chaplain of volunteers who has been severely crltitclslng tho morals of the American troops in tbePhilippincp, making charges of wholesale intoxication and telling of the enormous increase in the number of liquor drinking Baloons in Manila. The Chaplain declares that the figures as to the number of saloons have been perverted; that the American saloona took the place of nn untold number of native gin shacks which dis pensed liquid poison with deplorable ef fect upon the American troops, and that the substitution of the regimental canteen haB resulted in an improvement in the sobriety of the troops. Chaplain Pierce also speaks in terms of praise of the reformation of sanitary conditions in Manila, resulting iu genera! improve ment in health. A Goul Couch Mtullcluo fur Children 'I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says F. P. Mornu, a well known und popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, and it has always given per fect satisfaction. It was iccommended to me by a druggist as the best cough medicine for children as it contained no opium or other harmful drug." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Aiiinrlcmi I'lnte-Ultisn Trust. Pittkuuug, April 8. The American Plate Mirror Company was chartered at Harrisburg Saturday, with a capital of $50,000,000. This company is composed of well-known plate-glass men, aud is looked upon as the beginning of a de termined move on tho part of tho Amer ican plate-glass men to wrest the trade In thia country for plate mirrors from foreign manufacturers. Mrs. Harriot Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup at once by using One Minate Cough Cure. 1 would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe nnd ull throat und lungdiseases. $i.oo per month. Strictly first class local end long distance telephone service within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You get the standard Hunnlng Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night ervlce. Wo will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00S, REVISING THE PENSION LAW Important Legislation to Be Brought Before Congress. Washington, April 9. The most im portant piece of general pension legisla tion before congress, that of revising the pension act of June 27, 1890, and other general pension laws, was passed npon in a tentative manner today by the bouse committee on invalid pensions, and the sense of the committee talcen on reporting the bill to the house and plac ing it on tho house calendar for early consideration. The revision has been advocated by delegations of the chief officers of tiie G. A. R., and Pension Commisesoner Evans has been heard at length on the subject. Tho committee decided today totaka the bill of Senator Gallinger as a basis of action, and to make Beveral amendments. The details of the changes are not made public for the present, but it is understood the most important of these increases the age limit on which pen sions are to be allowed and fixes a slid ing scale between the ages of 62 and 70, viz: ?0 at 02 years, $8 at 65, $10 at 68, and $12 at 70. Another important amendment increases from $90 to $250 the amount of annual income which a widow may have without forfeiting the right to n pension. As amended, the bill is to be reported, but Chairman Sul loway is given considerable latitude in the matter, in order that an opportune time may be chosen to secure practical results in the house. Chilli Scalded tu Death. Ashland, April 9. A distressing fa tality took place on Wagner creek, three miles south of Talent, Saturday, the victim being tho '2.-year-oltl daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. George Low. Mre. Low had been arranging to scrub the floor of her home, and placed a good sized tub filled with scalding water and a pot of concentiated lye on the floor. She stepped outeule the house to get a bucketful of cold water to cool the scald ing water, and while so engaged the child, Fanny, who was playing in the room, approached the tub and fell head long tiuto the eealding water and lye. Ttie agonizing cries of the child recalled the mother, but too late to save the child, who lingered in great agony for twenty-four hours before death came to her relief. The funeral took plaoe to day. ' Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, runniug and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. 2 Strayed. A black horse weighing about 1250 pounds and branded 25 on the left shoulder. Same strayed from the farm of Johu Brookhouse, which Is situated six miles beyond Dufur. Liberal re ward offered for information regarding recovery. Address S. It. Winans, mai7-lmw Dufur, Or. Mrs, Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Curo is unequaled. It is pleasant for childieu to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consumption, Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea, A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestiou, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 25 cts. nnd 50 cte. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists, Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco arehouHe. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-ti Nhw (latent painters' and paper haulers' hiiiih at the New York Cash Store. III B L. t t 5 5 (jeptlenep: Buy a fleu Suit for a$ter apd buy it l?er.... We've made arrangements with the weather-man for a nice day Sunday, and if lie hasn't lost his grip we'll have it. We have also made arrangements with a leading manufacturer of leather goods, br which we are enabled to offer as a special premium Eleai?t Suit 5ase pree of 51?are.... with every suit worth $15 or over. ggg C3S6S aiG mac "KeratoV the . only perfect substitute for leather, having all tho wearing qualities and sub stan liability as well as the appearance of leather, and in addition is absolutely water-proof. No single detail that would help to make these Cases satisfactory to tho user has been over looked. Made with solid iron frame, substantial patent brass lock and clamps, heavy leather-bound corners, stitched leather handle, holland lining a perfect case, and cheap at our marked price of $2.50. fo 5(?ar$e for tho same to Suit Customers. See Uipdou. INSURE WITH THE Law Union & drawn Fire ipiance 60. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1826. CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS $20,126,036. Surplus bc)oiid all I.lnbtlttlea hi United States $621,166.28. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Res. Agt. 'l'linne 111. The Ualles, Or. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle m