For a Nice Suit of Clothes. rnutin?, Oxcrcontln-or Fancy VcslltiR. Kindly mil and examine my stcck of Im ported ud 1) i;eUc Wooltus. A fimj stock to elect from. , ..... i Butts made Irom tho lowest prices to the MRU est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE DALLli j I liKOO.N. The Dalles Daily Ghponicle. SUBSCRIPTION l'KIOK. One week $ 15 Ono month SO One year 6 00 TUESDAY - - - APRIL 10, 1900 A DMIXIS Til A TION POLICY JUSTIFIED. The plea urged by Republicans in justification of the Puerto Rican tariff bill is entitled to candid Re publican consideration. The' insist that until n local system of govern ment is organized no other way of providing for the immediate and pressing necessities of the island is possible. Puerto Rico is more dense ly populated than any county in Europe. Of its million inhabitants 800,OUO derive their living directly from the soil, anil 900,000 can neither read nor write. A wide spread and grinding poverty, un known in Europe or America, has prevailed under Spanish rule. In a majority of families the heads are unmarried because under Spanish rule thej had not the money to pay for the marriage ceremony. They have no roads, no school houses and no public improvements. They live in huts consisting of one room, and have wot I: only during the coffee, tobacco and sugar season at wages of from 10 to 30 cents a day. They subsist principally on fruits and most of them have never known bread and meat as they are known to the very poorest Americans. The land is owned in 43,000 estates and the owners nre mostly Spaninrds, English, and other foreigners. Their principal exports are, in the order of their importance, coffee, tobacco and sugar. Just as - the 'introduction of American methods had begun to produce beneficent results n calamity occured that has no parallel ns affect ing the whole people of a country. A hurricane swept the island and destroyed nearly the whole of the coffee plantations and brought wide spread, alt'jough less serious, disaster to the sugnr and tobacco plantations. The coffee planters being, all of them, in debt had no credit and no re sources with which to repair the ruin the hurricane had wrought. In twenty-four hours 800,000 people were left without occupation or means of support, and the planters without credit or means to clear their farms or employ the labor ihat was clamoring for woik to keep them from starving. Had not the island been under the generous care of the United Slates there would have been suffering and starvation that would have qpp'illcd the civilized world. It was under these conditions that it became necessary to provide means for conducting the government of the island; fcr providing work for the people; for repairing as far as the (government might the waste and, ruin the hurricane bad wrought; for building school houses and making cfber public improvements that cx liting conditions made Imperative. How shall this necessary revenue be raised ? That was tho question. Ko ono proposed that n draft should be made on the United States treasury because no ono wanted to tarn the Puerto Ricans into an island of mendicants. Two other methods were at the choice of the administra tion. A custom duty on imports and exports between tho island and the mainland, or a direct tax in the form of internal revenue. The former method was adopted for these two principal reasons. To collect n direct tax off the islanders required elaborate governmental machinery that was not in existence. To organize this machinery required time, nnd immediate relief was im perative. But an adequate direct tax was, under existing conditions of distress and" ruin, nn utter impossi bility. General Davis, governor of the island, testified before the com mittee that, UA general system of taxation to produce revenue enough to carry on the government of the island would amount to confiscation." Other testimony confirmed that of General Davis overwhelmingly and the administration, that had con templated immediate free trade with the island, was compelled to yield to the force of circumstances and adopt an 85 per cent reduction of the Dingley tariff till such time as a local government has been established in the island when .absolute free trade will rule. We submit in nil honesty and candor that the admin istration could not have acted other wise than ns it did ; that the bill is most considerate and generous and that the opposition to it, where its history is properly understood, is in the highest degree factional and unreasonable. If the sugar and tobacco trusts arc so dreadfully anxious to have their imports of raw sugar and tobacco from Puerto Rico taxed why don't they ship at once the two crops of these products the associated press correspondent says they hold in the island, and pay the entire Dingley rates as they would have to do at the present time? If they want taxed raw materials, as Democrats and certain alleged Republicans say they do, what in the name of good ness nre they waiting for? And why nre they suing the government for the 82,000,000 of taxes paid by them on Puerto Rican imports since the annexation of the island ? A subordinate scribbler in the Ore- gonian charges The Ciiiiomclk with having made several ''attacks" on Senator Simon. Tni:'OiiitoNieu: has not "attacked" the senator. It has impugned his judgment as a young member of the senate in deserting his party and voting with the opposi tion. The right of the senator to join in the unreasoning and senseless clamor against the policy of the party that created him and thus put the administration "in a hole'' is conceded. Did you over honr how Mr. , of - strcot oamo to buy n wheel for Ms wife? Well, he oamo homo ono evening, nnd saw her slttlnc on the balustrade of tho porch, ns shown In tho picture. Ha.nimlo up his mind then and tlioro that she would look Just too Rwcct for nnythtnc on a bloyolc. And she does. Hut tho kind of bicycle hns a Rood deal to do with looking sweet. So If you want to look sweet, buy your wheel (as did Mr. ) of tho atjotu for 1 CRAWFQRDS J Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . S40 and $50 We Imvo handled the above line of wheels for eevurnl years. The uunranteu on'thenUovo wheels nre eiiuh that no one need to hesitato to buy either of them. JVlaier & Benton Sole Agents. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor, Second & Laiblin, 'Plioiic 157 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. . ii j m ii ; MrHuciiiyaigesra tne looa and aide The Kind You Have Always Boiuiil i2S V5f5S2.!l.!S- a. ii id iiieiiuvibuiBcovereuaigest and tonic. No other nreDaration We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. 1IEEIE! & peiTOH, Reliable Prescriptionists Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Complete Cir?e of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THEnDRUCGIST. BROS ryATiVTATAVJE IXIHTXTATJ CTV.TA'JJ (iKNKUAI, Bianiifis ...AND... Horsesnoe rs Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I Third and Mown. Phone" 159 ..ghas. mM- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kvupxmt ilriuiuht tho celebrated COl.L'MIIIA IIKKH, iiukumvi. eclKi'il tho U-or in Tlio Dulles, nt tho ttmiil price. Comu In. try It ami be convinced. Al tlio Finest br.tnd of Wines, Lienor nnd Ciiturt. Sandtaiehes ot till Kinds always un hand. Boars the Signature of pproach it In efficiency. It In- -cmr7JZ -e&e4K can an - .-. . - - ewirfuu III" Btantly relieves and permanently cures B.v. W . K, w. Canton, N. Y. tCWSt lUKneuuuuiieaHtraiKia.urnmps.and all other results of ImperfectdlKestlon. II'., a Co., Cblcaoo writep. "I had dveneusia over twentv years, ami tried doctors and medicines without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cunt nnd it helped 1110 from the start. I bnlltivo it to bu a panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It uiuesta what yr.n oat. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUWT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Oo,, Props. 87 Second Street g ratuiuiiias, oour oioraacn, nausea. BIckHeadaclie.GastralKla.Cramps.and UUVIICI ICOUIUIUIIIII Preoortd by E. C. Of VJ NOTJCli FOR PUBLICATION. liXtsu Qrncr. at Vakcouvkis, Wmii ,1 ..,.. . Miiioiiai, nw. Jiotlco I hereby Riven Unit Hiu fi.llnwliijr- ; nuineii n'Uier iiuh Mien notice of his Intention . to nmfce II J i ii 1 iirool In tnpnort of Ids ehilm, nnd Unit sild proof will ho miido befoio W, 11 1'ienbv. i United Hoi I e, (.'oinnilskloiicr for lihttiet of , WiisliliDttoii, tit his olllee In (loldomlulo, Wh1i., III! JIIJIKlll, IIIV , IVW, VIJSS John G, .McDoniild, H, K, No. 10'JI for the northenst ittnrtcr kecllijii 15. lowntlilp a north, rmixv l.'i umt, W, U, Ho iniines die following wltiiu-tes to vrovo liK t'otitlnnoin reldeuce upon, mid ciilllvutlua of C. p. Stephens .Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes, lints, flips, Notions. Ast. for V. I.. Uouglus Hhoe. Bifsffisss The Dalles, Or. Just What You tuant. tmiuiel I.. Coiirtnut, Uirry rennlnKton, Kll iiiirUHiid t ,. Wuiii,; nnd if I ll ii ii 1 1 f I u lit U'nili (I I'iruihi nil if Nelton II. Ilrooks, of (joldeiidHlo VaIi. W. II. UUWlAIt, inartii-J lllitler jpif UKiMKNIXIKKrKIt Physician and Surfijeon, BptcUl tkntlon clvpn o iurery. lUxjm'K 21 Ud ii, Tel. 32S Vcjct Uluck New itlcBB in WhII Papor hero. Such wide variety na wo tiro allowing nuvur bo lore uraced a hinylo Htock. Jteul iuilta. tion creton eiTeetH tit onlhitiry pricoe. Cicod pnnuiB at oheap papur prlceS, Elegant d(aiii8, tasteful colorings yourn for a email prjee, at our store on Third street. Also a full lino nf P. W. VAUSE, Third St. Vur Halo, Turkey egg. PrlceUOo a letllnu. in quire of Mrs. W. W. Rawaon. on a.Mllo Long dijtuncu piionu 913, - iu21-2wks ,11.1 -.---w- '! !! KliiCjrUJLATOR LINE. Dalles, Pflfliami 4 Bsloria i n KtonmurH of tho UcKUlutor l.ttin will run flR II.. . . IowIiik scliedttlo, tlto Comimuy rworvliiK the tluht tn M'hednlu without notlco. u M,S Str. noftulntor. DOWN. I.v. llnlles nt 8 A. l. Titwdiiy , ThniMluy ... Hiitnnliiy . 1 Arr. I' irt In til , id o v. m. til'. l,v. I'ortland lit 7 A. H. , . Mnndity . Wi'dlicvlHy . l'ridiiy Arr. Hiillcii nt R:W v. M. Ship yonr Freight via Regulator Line. Str. DuIIob city. & Down. I.v. llallen HtH A. M. Molality Wrdni'itdiiy rrldny Arr. I'ortlntid at r f. it. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the HtomncrN of tho UeKiibitor I.lnu. Tho Company will pndeitvnr t glvclti ml I lmu ' inns tho bent nervlco possible, lor fnrthor liitormittlnn mldreM """""Wt-J l'ortlniidOmfe.Oak Htrectlioek. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. Agt. U.TJ DEALKUS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall Burget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Tho Dallas, Or. 3L Robes, Burial Shoes Ete. C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY front f'J.TG to li.t)(l Mtr uallon. (4 to 15 ytnut) old.) IMPORTED C0GHA0 front 7.l)0 to f 12.00 pr gallon. (11 to '.'0 ytarn old. OALHOENIA BEAHDIEB limn .'t.'-'5 to ttl.OO iir gnllon. H to 11 yenri old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, mid Vnl Hlutr and Olytnpin licer in bottle imported Alo nnd J'ortur, JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Co in pan) Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds TTcior1iini4- -P. nn. nnd all klntU iioauviuai UCi a AUl IDL VLLL, OliUl tb, of MILL FEED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOllf This Flour ih manufactured exprt-sHly for fimllj m ' UHt1 : ,,v'rv Huok Ih Rtiftrantoed to givo BaUaactiM. & i eoII our tjoodB lowor ttuwi mtv lioitfie hi tho trade, ond if you don't Wun uu uuu uur iirict'H twin do convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Gr ocer. mm BlfeBlIBI 1 f'l AND MANHOOD Curefilmjiotcncy.NiirhtKiiiiKslonsfinil w.tnunir umeaBCB, ail jllcctu ol tjulf ituusc, or exectti and lndln crutlon. Aiturvo Unite uittl bloort Iiuihli'i-. HriiiKH thu lduk kIow to talo chcehsnnt rcstorcH thu lire of youth. Hv niiilUiOciirM- li.i v t 1,ivi.u lor $15.1t); with a wi-lM 1)11 OMIII'DII. too to euro or ruflmd tlto intiuoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton ft Jackson tits., CHICAGO, ILL, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. niANHAOT A KNKKAMIANKINU HUblNKH Lflttere of Credit (saued available in th Sight Exojmnge and TeleKraplnc C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date Croeer Frush Eggfl ami Creamery lluttur u Bjiueinlty. 2d Street. J.H, bOIIHMK, rrMiuoit(. 'Phone 270- FiPst National Bant THE DALLES - - - oBJ A Genoral Banking BuainMi f"!j, , nr rillltl'lt. Oolleotlpni mde aid I'";0.' remitted on dv of i02itfldi aiHIU MIU IMMNIiuii' ' . -J Btft. Kw York, Smi Vnuoim w ' land. En. If .'Wimim. GkO. i w" U,1. tlBALU.