Catarrh is Not Incurable III 1,1 fo Wan HRTril. Mr. .1. E. Lilly, n (imminent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had n wonderful ! deliverance from a frightful death. In j telling of it hu save : "I was takon with i Typhoid fever, thai ran Into pneumonia. Jhtt it cnn not bo cured by sprays, ' My luiijia beet mo hardened. I was so washes and inhaling mixtures which Weak I could'nt ovon sit up in bed. throuch the blood. S. S. S. is the only e of consumption, when I henrd of remedy which can have any effect upon j Dr. Kiny-'e New Discovery. One bottlo Cntavrh; it cures the disease perma- gftVo great relief. I continued to use it, nently and forever rids the system of ;,) ,MV m wu a,ui 8tro. I can't every trace of the vilocomi.lniiit. too much ,n u j Th, Miss Joslo Owen, of Motitpolier, Ohio, ...... . writes: "I was a, f- J """Vi "loua iiieuiuiiit; is uiu unreal, uuu rtlctcd from infancy quickest cure in the world for all throat with Cntnrrh, and no j nmi ana trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents one can know the , d $l Tria, b , , Ulak;f ley Raftering it produces .,,,, . better than I. The Houghton's drugstore; every bottle sprays and washes guaranteed. prescribed by the doc-' tors relieved me only 1 tempo ra r 1 1 y, and t'&rp though t used them constantly for ten years, the disease had n firmer hold than ever I tiled a number of blood remedies, but their mineral ingredients settled in my bones and pave me rheumatism. I was in a lamentable condition, and after ex haustlnRall treatment, wa declared incurable. SeeiiiR S. S. S. advertised as a cure for blood diseases, I decided to try It. As soon as my system was under the effect of the medicine, I bejran to improve, and after taking it for two months I was cured completely, the dreadful disease wa eradicated from my sys tem, and I have had no return of it." Many have been taking locnl treat ment for years, and find themselves worse now than ever. A trial of S.S.SJrLBlood will prove it to be the Tight remedy for Catarrh. It will cure the most ob stinate case. iiooks mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. - f l'KOI'LK TOU A I.I. KNOW. Pratt, of Wamic, was in town E. S. today. Mitchell Smith is the guest of the Umatilla House from Kaker City. Mr? I. J. Norman i registered at the "Umatilla House from Hillshoro. Mrs. .7. T. Peters left on this morn inu'e boat on a short visit to friends in Portland. W. F. Bird, of Vientn, was in town to day on business with the county super intendent of schools. Miss P.iieio Allaway left on the boat thia morning to resume her studies at the Eugene universary. M". John Michel) was a passenger on the R-gulntor this morning bound for Portland on a visit to tier mother. Elder 15. F. llonney and wifp, of Wa mic, left on the boat this morning on a three months' visit to Keye, Wash. James Benton, of Maier & Benton, wfnt on the boat this morning to Stev enson to receive and measures several cargoes of cord wood. Thomas Harlan, of Mosier, who will be a candidate before the coming Demo cratic congressional convention for con gressman from this district, is in the city. Mrs. McIod, nee Mrs. DeYVolf, left on tho boat this morninc with her hus band lo t heir home in Newhnll, Calfor nia. They were Accompanied as far as the leeks' by Mrs. C. F. Stephens and Mrs. Dawson. L. E. Crowe and wife have returned fiorn an extended eojourn at the Arkansas ami Wisbiiden, Indiana, hot springe, whither Mr. Crowe went to obtain relief from rheumatism and from which lie derived decided benefit. 1IOKN. In tin's city, this morning, April 9th, to t lie wife of J. B. Golt, county sur veyor, a son. He Tried a Sample Bottle Nearly every dav nconln come Into dnia ttorea and ask tho Druggists to recommend , the firm name of Lane Uros., ie this day eome medicine for their trouble. Very dieeolveU bv mutUftl con6ent L. L. fuse to do so, Because, as a An UiintMt Medicine fur I.a Orlppc. Georgo W. Wait, of Gardner, Me., says: 'I have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one bottlo of it and the chills, cold and grip have all left me. I congratulate the manu facturers of an honeit medicine." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Messrs. Howard S, and Stanley S. Soule, of the firm of Soule Bros., piano tuners of Portland, will arrive at The Dalles Monday, April Oth. Orders may be left at eitiier Jacobsen'e or Jsickelsen's music store and will receive prompt and careful attention. aG-lt I.uolc Out At Night For the big electric lighted trade mark on the rear end of the Northern Pacific's North Const Limited. It will burn nil night and leave a trail of splendor be hind to astonish the natives. Send to our agents for our Noith Coast Limited leaflet. I. out. List night between tho boat landing and the Payette feed yard, a email hand valise, containing three ladies' wrappers and other things. Finder will oblige by leaving it at this office. ap7-4t BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. A full iine of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk l on will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your crocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve is un equalled for piles, injnriesjrnnd skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. To secure the original witcli hazel salve, ask for DeWitt's Witcli Hizol Salve, well known as A" certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of wortli less counterfeits. They are dangeroue Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says "DeWitt's Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, care my headache and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver '!l used Kodol Dyspepsia'Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv the dyspoptie'e best friend,' save E. Hartgeiink, Overisel. Mich Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. HInsoluiloii of I'artiierslili The business heretofore existing under rule, they do not believe it proper to ad viseanyoneto take a patent medicine of which they do not know tho Is tho physi cian's Duel nesss to pre scribe. Sonio make an ex ception, how- a v o r . w 1 1 r n anyone baa a cough, cold or throat and lung rouble. "I always recommend Ackcr'H Knn- inn nemeuy, necau-.o l Know just wiiat it jvlll do. It lias cured every case whero I Jiavo seen it tried. It is tho best expectorant md tonic I ever handled in my 11 years' experience. I will plvo just one instance of gentleman vno Had been trounieu lor years with a nxstv. hiickini' couirh. I ad- Vised Acker's Kngliab Remedy, lie trlod a r.amplo bottle, and was cured beforo ho baa taken half of it, ut no cost whatever. This Is an exceptional case, however, as it usually uKrc iwo or uireo uoiticv (Signed) A. U. Coo:: Uellefontaino, Ohio. Bold at 25c.. 50c , mid SI a bottle, through out mo ujiiieu bimri an I Canaan; aim in England, nt lrf.'.M.. i. 3d.. 'Is. ltd. If you are not bulinlkil uflcr IuivIiik, return the uoiiiu u your uruegut, aim get your uiuuey back, i We avOwriM the above guannlet, W, U. MQUUi it COm ftvurkton, Km York. Nolle, Livery stable for sale at Centervllle, Wash., $100 per month business. Will ell at a bargain. ni27.ini A. It. Giiaham. Lane will conduct the business at the old stand, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of the firm. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as soon as possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900. L. L. Lank, Imdw N. M. Lank. Win. Orr, Newark, O., save, "We never feel fafo without One Minute Cough Curo in tiie house. It saved my little boy's lifo when he had the pneu monia. Wo think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediato results. Early Rose potatoes at Maier & Ben ton's TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice Is heroby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may oiler themselves hb candidates for teachers uf tho schools of this county, the county school miperln tPiulent thereof will hold n public ex amination at the court house, The Dalles, Oregon, commencing Wednes day, April 11, 1000, at 0 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Friday, April lllth, at 4 o'clock. imioukam. Wednesday Penmanship, history, or thography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arithme tic, physiology, civil government. The foregoing for county papers. Commencing Wednesday, April 11, ut 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Thursday, April 12th, at 4 o'clock : Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra phv, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods. The foregoing for primary certificates. Dated this 31at of March. 1900. C. L. Gimikut, 31-td County School Supt. Catarrh Cannot lio Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and ucts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined witli the best blood puritieie, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, freo. F. J. Ciik.nky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. Lam Office at Vancouvbu, Wash.. March H, l'JOU. Notice is hereby given that tho following named fcettkr Iiuh tiled iiotlcoof his inten tion to m)ko final proof In tuppoit of hl ciaun, im uiai mm proof will to iiiuuo wloro W. II. i'reahy, United Htatox C'oinmUtloiier for Wstiietof liUotlleo In Golden dale, Vmh on Monday, April iU, I'M, viz: Herman Eugelke, II. K. No. SS9I, for the northwest nuarter of wciloniB, township 3 north, of range It eat, He namei tho following wltnekua tii nrnvo hl continuous realdenco upon and cultivation of said land, viz: ilenry HUtckcr, William WlUlnnoii, Dlctrlck 11. Hteginan, of Centcrvlllo i'. O., Waiii., and Henry f. lirune, of 'i'hc Unllei J'. O., Oregon. W. It. UUNllAlt. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of tiie body, Sinkinc ut the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverisliness, Pimples or Sores all positivo evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified m order to obtain good Ileal t li . Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. A Ouod UoukIi Meillcluo for Children "I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says F. P. Moran, a well known and popular bakor, of. Petersburg, Va. "We have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, and it lias always given per fect satisfaction. It was lecommended to me by a druggist no the best cough medicine for children as it contained no opium or other harmful drug." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. o ItlKlit to DrOiicki. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will ulwaya huve friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and Irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, llvor and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety ekin, rich complexion. It wi make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-do n invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. HtartlliiK CIuIiiih, Eighty-five per cent of all persons de dared incurable or given up to die by physicians can be cured, or their lives greatly prolonged by tho benoflcont powers of tho "Perfected" Oxygenor King. This startling assertion is sus ceptiblo of 'proof. Wo have it in the form of letters from nil classes of people "residing far and near" who are do. lighted to testify to the marvelous cura tive powers of this latest and most per fected home oxygenating instrument. For sale by J. M. Fllloon. The Dalles. Ore. mMwd2w Kggs ror Mule. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock eggs, per setting $1,00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or address, Sa.ndhiih Biioh. Box 047. The Dalles, Or. Bagley Bros., have purchased a tbnughbred Jersey bull, registered stock. For particulars apply at resi dence on Tenth street, near tho fair grounds. Phone 385. 3 0-lino Paint your houso with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Subscribe for The Chronicle, D.R.&NJ DKinr.T ron TIMK ."CIIKlillLK. K 110 II lUlXK.V Altlf.VK 1'IIOM. Kii-t S'dt l.rtki. henvor, M.I Wet Mull Worth, OiniiliH, Kiin-I Midi ll:Up. in. '! mtv. lmls,i U:f- i I Br diitue Flyer T:0J p. lti, b p. m. S p. m. Kx.suiulny Saturday 10 p. in. Wnlln Wiilln, Rpokiine, .Mlliiieiipiills. Ht. rnnlil till Inth, MlluiiiiUiv, (;lilcai!0 mid Knst. Kuom Poivtlanii. Ocean Hteamslilps. Knr San l'taiielvro December :l. , i:i, IS, ami --i. Columbia Uv. Hteamers, To Asthma and Way landing. On. m. ! WlLLAUBTTK ItlVKIl. Kx.hinnlaylOreKon Wty. NewlierB, I Halem A Way IjiikI'b. Himkane Vlyer. 4 :'2D u. in I p. in. 1 p. m. Kx.buuda USD p. m. Kx.Hiitutay " n. in, Vii.lami:tt: ani Yam Tues.Tliiir. mu Kivkus. and bat. Oreiion City, Dayton, and Way-IjoullliKS, .'tiPjl p. in. 1Miiu.,Vli1 anil 1T1. fin. m. ! WII.LAUKTTK UlVKII. I:ln. in Ttie..Thur.ll,ortlaiiil to Corvnllln.. Mull. Wrd and Bat, . ami Way-IjuullriKs. and l-tlilny I.V Itlpntln! iluliy 1 l.'.Mn. m. Rkaki: r.iVKit. Ulparia to IvuwI.ttuii. I.KAVK t.XWl(iTIIN dally Si.-XIn. in. tV" l'.irlles ihvtliniK to so to Ilepnner hIioiiM take No. I, leavlliK 'the Dalles at 7.0. p. Ill iimklnir direct connections nt Ilcnnner Itinrtion Hctliriilui; makiiiKdireclcoiiuectlim at lleppner junction uithNo. 1. iirrlvlng nt The Dalles at i. in. Si). tliroiiuht freleht, east bound, diws not rnrry paeogersi arrives '.':CiJ n. in., departs .i:.-Aia. in. No. local Irelifht, carries pasfeiicers, east bound; arrives l::i i. in., departs h:1.'i p. in. No, '11, wvil bminil throtiRh freight, does not carry passengers; arrive!. h:15 p m., itearts 'jv.ii p. in. No. 33, west bound loeal freight, dirties pin seiiKers; arrives Q.i; p. in., iteparts u. in. Kor full particulars call on O. It. c N'. Co.'o ngent The lliilleti. or address W. II. IIlTItl.lll'ltT, (ieu 1'ils. Agt., Portland, Or SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE inACE IV1ARKS JE8IQNS Copyrights &c. Anyono scnillng i sketch nml rtescrlntlon mn' quickly ascertain our opinion free whether i' liivfiilinn Is prolinbly ivttiMitiilila. ( ciniiiiiinlcf lions Jlrlcllycimllilcnllnl. 1I.iiii1Ihh)!cou I'alcntt ?ent free. Ohlust agency for semrtnj? pat.Miu. r.Uoi.ts tnken throuifh Mumi li Co. recclvo rprrlut notice, ullliout, cliari:;. In tin) Scientific American. A linnil?otnclr llhi'tralwl weelily. Ijiruest clr. tiilntlnii of any sficntiuo loiirnal. Terms. IJ n rear: bold byall nowsdenlers. MUNN & Co.3C,Droi:i)wav. New York llruncli onice. CU V HU Vaiblnulon. 1). V Tne CDlumnia PackinoCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTOKKHH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON x)RIKD BEEF. ETC. Mica 'Axle Crease lightens the load shortens tho road. helps tltc team. Save wear and expense, oom every wlicrc. MAjiib ,ir 8TANDARO OIL OO. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. J.AHI) OrKICK ATTlIK 1IALLKH, OllKUON,) February an, luoo. ( Notlco Is hereby given Hint tho following, named net tier bns illi ii nnilci. ni ini,.i,n,r,. Vi' ,nak? i"""1 ,""1n" 8,1lixrt of-hls claim, mid i"""' iju niuuu inioro uiu iteulslur and itecclver at Tlio Dalles, (irpuon. nn tTi,... dny, Aptii 7, 1W0, viz; John Frederick Waltlior, of Tho Dulles uregon, 11. K. No. Um. for tho NWl dor it i,.,.,.i.i.. lnoutli, rutiifo la east, W. M. Ho naiiies tho following witnesses to prove Ills continuous retldunco iinon anil .,ililu.i.... of mid lind, viz: W. Wolf, Joliii Obilst, r-ratik Obtlst, William OhrUt, ull of The Dalles, Oregon. feM. JAY l. 1.UOA8. lltBlu..r. T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OP T1IK PRADK W..... Public. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. C, E, Bayard'a of fice, The DalloB, Oregon. 3i, -S ! it!i 3'.: , f ar.i n i ,. Cl I X 1 5 i 20 1 C I fflE ! SH ! ,SH 3 I Si :se 5 i f i The Chroniele, Job PrintePs. 1 ; 1 i 1 I The I J DotluB, !f On, it .13 ,1 0.i,iijtitttMU',!',Uli?.,!Ur'!'tSLMW,jJ'l! i and Motors JIANlTAfTtlltUD 11V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC CirciilarH mid particulars furnished on application. p. R. O-TTTSTNTNG. Arrant. Hiilifl THE DALLES, OHEG0S C. C. COOPER, MANLTACTLMIKIt 01' High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. iii:ai,i:k is Tenta, 'ii(;on Covere, and all articles usually kept in a lirat-elusH barneus shop. TIIE DALLES, OHKIiON. Opposlli) .Moody's W'lirelioiine, This Stamp n Guarantee ..6O0it MAKER 1 of Quality. ilium Pa cilic Yellowstone Park Line. TlIK JUNIN'O OAK ItOCTi: ntOM i-outi.a.nd TO TlIK KAr. TUK ONI.V UIItKCT LINK TO Till: YHM.OW HIONIC 1'AltK SOUTH and EAST via Mn Pacific t Shasta Route Tniliu leave Tho Dalles for I'ortlund aul J nUiIIoiih nt ivlb ii. in. ami !l ! m iKivi;, No. 11:15 A.M. No. i, UiSO 1'. 31, Union Depot, firth audi Sis j .umm:. Hint mull for Taeoina,; fceattlo, Olyiniilu.Oray'K IlatborniMi Houth lleuil iiolntH, Kiokiino, IIoik-1 lam), II. (;., I'niiiiim,, Moeinv, tattiNton, lluf. fiitiilliiiiii. tuiiiiiiK coun-! try, lleleint, Jllnneapo-1 in, m. iiuh, uinalia, hiinsiiH Oily, Ht. ImiIn Oil Icaun nml nil ,.ni..i eiwtiiiul niiitlieimt. riiicei hoiniil Kxprem and iiitermiilliito poinb, No, 1 fi;.'0 1. M, No. :). 7;tt)A. 31. to lOllllN I'liiimiiii ii... .. ... . invirI?;!!!cV,,!u',i,,W,l,,'m "u,,,lt ''' IJi'KKaKe ohecked to ileitlniillon ol tloketH iierj.,,,!!i;1i"1J,s,i,'i!'' wrlto " ,vv' """"""i ei., eau on or A. D. CHARLTON, AulHbuit (ieiieral 1'imseiiKur AKent, JSU .Morrinon Hlieet, corner Third, lorruil,' Oregon. IjlltKU. W.WIliiON. : ATTOHNKV-AT LAW, Ottleoove, Wnt N.t. ,U,,,'k6, 0HKt,0N l H WiLSOM B H HUNTINOTOM HUMT1NUTON 4 WUJJON, m ov m.tNt.Vk 0HKU0W Unvo I'ortliiml h;aoam 7:Wpg Allwny I'-'tsu " 10;W"3 Arrlvo Anhlanil lKlinm llJg " Hituriuiienio fttWM'Hi :f2 S " Han Kriinolico 7 IM"1' tUu Atilvo OkiIoii fi. I.'i ii w iJg " louver KiuiiiiKiity J"A 1 I'la " (JIiiciko 7 lJm 'suu Arrive Uw Angoles l-.'i inn " Kl I'omo (WHIP m " Kort Worth Opium " City of Aloxlco utMnia " lloiutou .jiUOiim " New OrlemiM " n. " WiiHliliiKton ,',;.r." , " Now York r.'iiapm 7:CDw f,:.Wlil !!; l :uo ia IliilSpM (pt!m lJ'UpW 11 iillmn:i nml TourUt cars on l"''ll...r,l'1J'. Jhnlr cnrH Hunraiiionto to Omlen aim 'or. nml tonrUt earn to CIi1chk, Hi "'"" ' leaiiN and WbhIiIiikIoii. vcni Kteiuimliiii C'onneotliiB at Hun Knuie co w w t iteiuinilili Iinon (or Honolulu. Jl ; L,"u 'hllliiini, Uoutral unil Houth AmeiK'1- Bee agout at The UuIIch stutloii, r '"lllr(M C. H. MARKHAM, aoueral l'Msengcr Agent. lurUM 0i. JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Omco over Kreuoh & Co.'u . ... ..uirilOM marlOll Kwliter. IMione 6, TlIK DAW""1!