Sit dciffoiicy "uuuaa n&tiSRpiami Tax I Czxvcxjl naiitc ii:- clu 5wni-S-Wsr-ui- 5a iScciui feu 5&s- uia :iruJ tibii. 13 tTf. iit St ana;1i:r sa Jii- 1 For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Jxuanir, wKMbuta.- tc I inter i"tur- REGULATOR LINE. Cams. PorlUiH 4 isioria Ksi.ft ! i 3 Sbi ;nsias eiciiriaa wScci -v:u satin s - 13& d 3.urc& src3Ci:iiti Site t&L (Wmar inriiSLr!.ti!i . 13. xjr-asscra- t tmn. : -Tin l3 iatoid ittifiJittCdC 1 iitw tin- Czii2 Suiii ir-zci P.atri CJitytirrrtriissravr?T-S2r 1 In- t2larjasiit 3aJa3re4C saejurtiL iu au"rr jj. sin -jHrcir-t. Z.r an 2a ?aa nrtna nr tastacar 3n?piJi6. JUsif ilia 3is Sit ISai f 3.' irytit l:u 2 jtnt Trias sarnie itv-jiis. acr yuar Tii CRAWFORDS , J.A.Eberi6 M lit n-in iciiai iitS lie Ciiitd iccay. ii ritwravi is Out -tineas frci j-ui x'lir tilt p'-ffiigf of Zlii iiS ao The BcilrS Dsilv Cbrosiels.- --i a&saf Golden Eagle. S2o Crawford . . . S30 Cleveland. . s-to ft Complete Cii7e of at J. t ' Ship your Freight via Sir. Daj:e City. ;.. xrr iSjS Regulator Line. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, W. C. AULA WAY, Cn. Aft. s a ;t rtKWIO ftlCE. Oce -fisia: Oat sioKi. Oa j fctr 4tjf,, Paier & Bentoo M. Z. DONNELL, THE- Hil kinds of r- i r r - ;cstaai3t tttrj- Troiii 2Tr Lit tbrzz (tczsrms?. itzs.s'zcr- ccVK in tis ifer Twin ateTif has: to: WKf. xaa i. F S. Gunning, BROS.. 5 j ft Crandall&Borget UNDERTAKERS EMBAX.MERS Tho Dalles. Or. Robes, Banal Shoes Etc .XXiil cjjta tsr sro2sd tlti tit caastiia- cet-'i it, Ti na rb&l Blacksmiih, Wagon Shop, f Horseshoeing, i r . -mm - - - W ri,f ,..-J.- . j lV,. i DtJki, ts lest Irors Pt-dltton 10 ' rr BlaoKsmiiiXs Horsesnoers WS55ft .-;; Carriage Werk. r C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ag-en rthe Greaie American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, D?0ZI2i 6 ia IT to il2-i0i rtltvu. Tl to r9 ywt oid CALI-OZSIA IS15IHS "t-v iT-i lo 15 10 tx clSci to 11 inn old. Suit." to note l5il tbt iltir.tiSi ia iiie cai .' It oacU to be fcsrwai CnMoncix tk" fc or x i T l -t jt r r jtfflji rtu-rtau iieuraa-. -iniiiroas v.,r,UV, Ai fcrtefcsfccl Brvtsiit coalers rvr- j & DessM. One cf lbe tiriaant! L., a-. t ca Scetr EeSiiiBS Coapisr. Ueti DeweT i4 t d-p-kidj u tbeeorpwftte atice of tbe Aaeri- of tbe McKix&rUa to doKa; BSag-Tnat. Of tbe tiro aiDioas UB oi iSSjestUjA na. j aai over iordired in iht mi-, ftzse j rfcS. " ; eisiitfeea lirodrtd tbottiiitd dollars repreieci tLe datits oa sor ' iIore lare eit!-i biTe CODe Et" stri toliftcso. Kowlbeoppoaejts"of!PBMtes,lUn" lbsD was Tfc7! lbs Puerto Ti-CKs U.ri2 ucsiiiooailv j L'rre 15 liaalog of a ert tbit tie cLiD2e of froct in tbe : prWeatik!j adaiintstrilioD axsd iiooug admiLU . tr&tioit lifpubHctn tb&t TtrnhtH in ; tariff oa tbe products of Puerto Eiso ir&s brouaLt feboc. lbs de SBssd of tbe U2Jr ssd tobatco trcsts. We Put... ; jj everr bit of J ientj' years experience j and Cmi' :rjo".vk-dire niti even j Frescripdon I ihsi's compounded here.! Is ii 2m rea?on vhj oor prescription basin ess , is increasiurg so rapid! v? : Asl: your plnjcian ; if we are reliable. ..CBflS. FRflfJK- Batchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. OOLTltiiJL illt txufn. ts ttrf uriot Cua a- ary Uvut tit Twjr.oei a.w Sit Sanduiiehes ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LH?LL 3ZZE oa 3rtzch:, sad Vl BUts ad O'josps Er is bottlH JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ? u kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, aj kinds ! Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, EtSAm Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton Flour. CASTOR! A Tor Tnfantt and Chilsres. Tbereare three tfaioss irivolved io. Tl Kl TBS HlK AiWiJTS BSIfht Basrs lie bljiqe & mum.:! j ctt car pnett fctd be avi-d. j! C. F Stephens j; Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats TL Kkar if tonufctaml exprottiy ior family "VT f. oar pocdi ,owcr tha any bor.&e io Use tnule, and ii too doa't tamk j d f. cor ;r:&r atd U- c&aviil. .Dealer In... gigyftrnrs of 7 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAURAJ1T And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. fe7 Second Street tbi uuomption tbat dern&nd tipla- j nalioa Firit, bow h H tbat of tbe i fifteen dele'-ttes from Taerio Eitoj wbo bare been in WaihtDglon es-' deavoimg to icanDfotture free trade ympatbj for tbe island re Dad Judge Finley, a Kritisb inbject, owoer of one of tbe b(t euaar plsntatloni on tbe itland, a Lsuker nd vice consul of Great Britsin; E. F. Ltitner, mercbant and planter and consul of Anttna and Hungary; and Artnro Bravo, ricb planter and mercbant, and tbat every one of tbe ' fifteen delegate- is pejfeouaUy inter esled in eugar and tobacco or otber products tbat free trade with tbe United States will materially benefit? Second: Wbytbould tbe sugar and tobacco trusts ask to bave a tariff TlllTOtTlf placed on these products when all UJ-iJKJj- want tbeir -iritemt He tbe otber way? Arm OH Tl fPTT PT1 f. When was it ever known tbat a trau raf in favor of tanffied raw ma- j tenuis ? And, lastly, bow can any reasorinj being believe tbat tbe; trusts tiic in tbe United Stales courts 1 tut' O'jwI, Clotbing, liouinu ..... i .., brx-s Hohtt, Iilnkfete, Hate a conprcs to impose a duty on raw , eugar and unmanufactured tobacco iaiported by them into .Ne-rYork,! and At tbe same time have a lobby! ?ow J? ?"nr opwtnnity to get but , a.. . . Ile. iWt :ul it. in auii'iwi uiitouuiiug me lis Reliable Prescriptionists Kodol U Dry Goods, Clothing, U Cents' Furnishings. Hunt, iiwt-KxU. ( cpt. XoUom. Art. ior V l Itvcgia tUx. gsE"- tis Diss, Or. Dyspepsia Cure. r nincc ah Oast what I; ItartiSdallydlgestetbe food and aide mature Id strengthening and recon structing tbe exhausted digestive or-, pans. It is tbe latest discovered d igesV ant and tonic Ho other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in- tantly relieves and permanently cures Drspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, JTausea, SickHeadacbe,Gastralgia Cramps.and ; aU other result of Imperfect digestion, s Pord byte OrVin' Co- Cfelcog. You uaant. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to.snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. I. SOTJCE fOK J-CBLICAflOX. I l.otlt It iKTtur ir-'vei tbJ 'tie I..)ltrliiff. I named H-Jtler liu CiJ Kitjce ) J.j :titfi.tla ' , to irjai- litJal inf lu cju-t i.t bi rJim. nd ' UiBl liu Will ! IIiaQr Mint v. . ii jtvUr. ' L'lllltrf r.UiMt nitfii!..iiili. r fur lilttrn.t ,.f i Wb.bltiirtu, at lil I'Sift Jo Oulavbdelcr, Wtuh.. i Fur 'M day after April lei, J will tell '",,i t. MrDanMd, 25 per cent, for Cash. Mm NERVITA Vsi At.lT, ( LOST V'GOr J AND MANHOOD ! C. S. Smith, THE Cures I-spotency, Kieht Kmitions ani ' wasting dUeabes, ad eiltcts o eclf-' a-ju-e, or exctts and lnd'.D-1 . blood builder. Br;nj tht . K VJI uw' pink glo7 to -ale c'let-ks an- J t r a 11 c Ire 01 you til- fri-sn ftggo ana Vrean :Byaaa!lfiOenT ls.-;tu.v Uuttt-r a iecinltv. ior; Witb a written simi-aii- ! teo to cure or refund tho money. New idea id Wall Paper here. Such iid j E .'i.'jt!iortleaurtlMt juru-r ttctloa I uu-e V6r!fc 8! wo are tho ing never be- ,,(l!'yj'"U'Sn('tb. iciistisenw. v.. . j fore jrraced a tickle stock. P.ta! imita. I M IvTr rVTOXT '10 JIei,,ir.ti-f.ilov.iiiKBitr MtU.triu ,Uon creton eUtctB at ordinal r.S- XCililM UU 2d Street. WERVITA MEDICAL CO. vu.wr. k nuvnaon &ts WM1CAGO, ILL. f "Phone 270. H. St. position oi a duty on these products? Till tbee queUone are answered in a Banner that will commend itself S. L. BROOKS, Saccewor to . J. Colline & Co. laid land, viz. Good papeie at cheap paper prices!1 BANKERS. & CO.,; ! First national Bank. . OREGON Ifill!2vl W. Jt. ucsbak. laufcl J- t.imi.e;, iirr l'euiilfistoii, kii i JJIegant designs, tastefulcolorhige, rou D. W. VAUSE, Third St I tmo,CffirTsuilable ,n tLi WSfiL Ife.'pi-'t I ci i i !r "";w r. vuicauo. bt. Loula, fean Franciaco, Portland OrJ Kon. beattle WMh,.and tarious oolnS Phygieiau aud Sarfireou, bcal attuUoii glvco Io itryiT7. Kjum Z! tad Tel. Si-, Vm:i Block Fur Turkey et. PrlcJ0c t setllng. In qolr o( Mrf. W. W, Kmwaon, on 3.MIle. Lung dituutw pboue B43. iu21-2wks kuh, or.iwe nun,, ana tar ou polnU Collectlont male at all point oo far. arable Uraii. THE DALLES - aeactd 1 Rankin. Ril.tnMPf trttlB iMpcaiu noMTM, tUDjeci kj ex Draft or Check. , CollacUoaa made and proceed promptV rauitUd oa 4ar of oollocUon. 8lght and TalatTsphlc JExcbange wW w York, Baa Frasciaoo and porl laad. o. M. WiU4Ati, Gao. A. U U.M. Baatu