Catarrh is Not Incurable But it csn not be cured by sprays, washes and iniinJmc mixtures which reach only the Mirfnce. The disease is in the bid. and can otilv be reached throuch the Wood S. S. a. is the only remedy which can have any effect upon Catarrh; jt cure? the disease perma nently and forever rids the system of every" trace of the rile complaint, iliss J 3e Owen, of 3!oatwIler, Ohio, write: "I was af flicted from infancy with Catarrh, and an one can know the suffering It produces lettrr than I. The srsr and -was he 5Nl tors rcli-el a! only Ss33 teiaporarlly, and though t wed them constantly for tea 7 ears, the cUeafe had a firmer "hold than evr. I tried a number o! Wood remedies, tot their mineral ingredients settled In my bones and cave ae rheumatism. I eras In a lamentable condition, and After es haustlncall treatment. -wa delated incurable, feeelns S. S. s. advertised as a care for blood .1 3KI 5- s-fkstI OUR CHURCHES Christian Science meeting in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at llo'clorfc. Calvary Baptist church Rev. "W. 1). Clifton, pastor. Rejnlar services nt 11 a. m. anil 7:30 p. m. Yonnj people's meetin? at 0:30 p. tn. Sunday ?choo! nt 10 a. m. Christian church Ninth and Court street?, Rev. G. Rnshinp, pastor. Preaching morning and evening, at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 10. Christian Endeavor at&Mo p. in. Congregational cbnrch corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning service at 11; Sunday school at i-:lo; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. ni.; Christian Endeavor, 630. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Morning subject, ' "The Rslution that Religion Sustains to TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice Is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all jersons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold public ex amination at the court houte, The i Dalles, Oregon, commencing Wednes day, April 11, 1000, at i' o'clock a.m. and continuing until Friday, April 13th, at 4 o'clock. rnoccAM. j Wednesday Penmanship, history, or I tbography, reading. : Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. ! 1-riday Geography, mental arithme tic, physiology, civil government. The foregoing for county papers. Commencing Wednesday, April 11, at 9 o'clock a. tn., and containing until .R.&H. r.l"ifcT r ts TIH f MEHCtK. KlUlX I' Kat ?lt l.Lr. Ihrnrcr. It. Mult Worth, Omaha, Kn Jl Is ji. in. Cltv, St. 1-nuU. Chicago and IUL r.r. vr Mill ;..v j r Penmanship, orthogra- flnman Prrvf-co " T-!rni,ir -,TIia Prnnh.rr of PaYrn Similar Mnrnin,- : Thursday, April 12th, at 4 o'clock offertory, cornet solo, "The Palnis." Special nuic in the evening. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Rev. U. F. Hawk, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. Wednesday- phy, reading Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods. The foregoing for primary certificates. Dated this 3!st of March, 1000. C. L. GlLIIEUT, 31-td County School Supt. Srrtatic Klyet Tittji ra, Walla Walla, Spa" JfPu,M! , JltnuefcW,!!. -t. 1'aul. Flyor. - iu lu t b, Jtflwautto., i:2 ni j Chlcaco ktid Kant. ; 6 p. m. p. ra. Kr.OM i'OETLASII. Ocean Steanwhtt. iK-vtstnber S, s, 13, H. 3K ad rilsi-M. I rlptfTid-d In trr ft An ennn n s?v system c-a? tinder the effect of the medicine, : ond 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at I lran to improve, and after tailnc it for . 10 a. m. ; class meeting at the close of two months I was cured completely, the morning service; Junior League at 3:30: drcadfal disease -was eradicated from cr tys- . , , . tern, and I have had no return of it." j Epworlh League at 6 :30. Many have been taking local treat- i Divine services will be held at Zion mnnr in- Ttww mil tinri rhomcitlrM T .!. v. 1. -r 1 . 4 -1 fui. 1 eiowJthrnevrrSrfof r . ' r:. " ''' is a hlood or constitutional disease, SJ.S.rleBlood to be the richt remedy It will cure the most ob- Tvill pr-ve i for Catarrh. stm&U case.. Ti ks mailed free to any nddress by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. J Catarrh I'nnuiit he Cured , with local applications, as they cannot ! reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ntn! at p.m., instead of Sunday at 2:30 in order l0 core it yon must take inter p m.. as was announced from the pulpit. :nfl,relned.eE- Ha,,,B CaUrrh Cufe This change is made to give the Germans : uken 5nternulv Hnd act di.ect,v 0 , and all who may attend, the opportunity the b)ood an(J Qcoas snrface8 jjBj,,8 to hear the Rev. A. schoen berg, from Qajafrjj Ctte is not a ouack medicine. .YiacEsuurg, uregon, presiaent 01 tne Kj.auiiilaylOoftiml'l Itv. Stcnmor4Ex:Bnde To asthma aim wcyi tntday luidlugv 10 p. tn. t p. m. Ca. m. Wiu-AVKTrt Ktvrn. j t:.tOp. ra. Kx.auttday, Oregon City, Newlwrs, Ex.Buntlnj eali-m i Way land's. T a. m, Wjuuvtrrt xnn Vah- 3:S0 p. m. Tuf.Thur. mu. Ktrrnx Moti.,Ved end ie Oreroa City. Dayton, and l"ri. end Way-Ijjudliifrii. fia. m. Witunnrt Itircn. 4.10 p. ra. Tue..Thur, fartlaixl tn (airvMlik, Mon. Wed and Bat. and Wnv-Latidtngs. iaiid Krlila German Oregon Synod of the Lutheran church. All cornel W. Brener. Lv Uiparia oatiy l.Ja. m. ' KVACE IttVEC I'i)arla to lwlkton. Ukave l.nwisT)t dally ( .31) a. in. ItrFpectfulty Declined. I'EOPLE TOE ALL KNOW. The Dalles, April 7, 1900. B. S. and Mrs. Huntington left on the ; To the EniTon: ooat thi? morning for Portland. j 1 note in your issue of last evening Mrs. M. Bulger went on the boat this that 1 was nominated in the Prohibition -morning on a visit to Mrs. Warner at convention that met here yesterday for "White Salmon. .jie 0gC(1 0f COunty judge. Permit me James Mackin, a pioneer settler from , to sav to the good people of this countv Southern Sherman county, is registered that 'mr name wag Uie withont mV at the L matilla House. 1. . j I knowledge or consent and that 1 am not L. O.Hawn went oown on the fcoat j a caatfid3te for that ofice nor any other this morning to visit his familv, who , are stoppin? at the spring below" Wind 1 ln tl,e of tbe people, river. j E. J. Collins. , It waE was prescribed by one of the best ; 1 physicians in this country for years, and 1 ib f,rp"nlnr ntnenrintmn It tc ffimnnapH 1 . , . , ( : of the best tonics known, combined with ! ' j the lst blood purifieis, acting directly i riin de,lrlc tnro . Utw,,IPr,hlMlU on the niUCOUS surfaces. The lerfect take So. 4. leavlni; Ihc Halle at 7:05 p. la 1 ... , , ,. . - mafcinv direct connectiimi. at iliipiiucr luiictum t combination of the two ingredients is . itetumlut; roai.insdlreetDiimiw.mim at Ucppner ( what produces such wonderful results in 1 curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, 1 free. Si AS 1 to - The I DHIta, , Or. l! The Chronicle, Job Printers. 7: George Walfcington, one of the solid Look Out At 'lht farmers of Elickitat connty ie in the; For lhe hj g electric j; phted lrade mark - U V-V.' M U 1 i. " JJ lit. IUIV. W A4 . 1 borne front a five-months visit with friends in Forest Grove. Frank Leihlin, of Kingslev, J. G. Potter, of Wasco. E. W. Childers, of Coiumbns. Antone Bowers, of Boyd, Mr M Hiainbotham and M. C. Huck and daughter, of iloro, are registered at the Umatilla Honse. 3IAUUIEU. Tasdav evening, April Cth inst., at the Obarr hotel, Rev. U. F. Hawk rffi--elating, Mr. Eimer S. Remmington to Mrs. Anna Knighten, both of Wamic. IIOILV. At Dufur, April 4th, to fhe wife of Me.'vin Siguian, a son. lVorklu Congressman fur a I'ortac;ts ltnad. Wilson, of Idaho, sends F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drrnggists, price 75c. Hall's Familv Pills are the best. 12 on the rear end of the Northern Pacific's North Coast Limited. It will burn all night and leave a trail of splendor be hind to astonish the natives. Send to our agents for our Xoith Coast Limited leaflet. Lent. Last night between the boat landing and the Payette feed yard, a small hand valise, containing three ladies' wrappers and other things. Finder will oblige by leaving it at this office. ap7-4t BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. A full line of Eastman films and sup- & long communication to the Lewiston Tribune tellins what is beine done hv himself and others for the improvement i Plies JQSt xiv b.v Clarke & Falk. of tbe Columbia river at tbe dalles. Mr. j You will not have boils if vou take "Wilson appeared before the river and Clarkt! Felk' enre cure for He. harbor committee and urged the claims I Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are I the best. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feveriehness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. of impure blood. No matter how it j became so it must lie purified in order to S obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeleyi: Hough ton's drug store. A Good Cougli Medicine fur Children "I hove no hesitancy in recommend ing CtiRiriberlain'e Cough Remedy," says F. P. Moran, a well known and popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We! have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop-' ing cough, r.nd it has alwajs given per- , feet satisfaction. It was lecommended ' to me by a druggist as the best cough medicine for children as it contained no , opium or other harmful drug." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. i junction with :.'u. 1. driving at Tbe Dalle ut z.x j. 13. y-o. si, through! freight, cnl bound, diie nut carry Mseagei :riivt ":&0 a. m., depurU 3. SO a. ra 2io 21, local lreicbt, carries pajfengerK, coat bouud: arrive -:;u p. m., depart S:l& p ra. N'o. 21, wiMt bound through trelabt. dii- not carry jxitacnscJM arrives a:16 p in., diurt &:? p. m. No. 23. WMt bound bx-iil Irclcht. carries pa senKcrt.. arr!re j Vi p in., dciwtrtib.SOn. m. for lull particulars ca!! on O. l' i N. Vo.'t agent The Italka, or uddtcs 11 urni.nt'UT, den Art.. Portland, Or. and Motors MAKir.UTTUKn 11V ikkmld 50 YEARS' IEXPERIENCE (mm "lHr Trace AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and Bunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke & Falk. DeWitt's Witch Hansl Salve ie on equalled for piles, injurieeJIand ekin of a portage road in preference to any thing else as that which will best meet the immediate wants of the In'end Em pire. Mr. Wilson showed that the es timated cost of a canal and locks waB $4,000,000, a boat railway ?2,2C4,4C7 and a portage railway only $454,390; that the last recommendation from the U. S. engineers department favored a portage road, and that as there are over $220,000 yet available from the appropriation fcr a boat railway, it would require only l . .-1 -. . . fnM.l c . ... nni.,i. . i . r. :nt. xr , -1 1 i 1 . . 'esB counterfeits jut. n neuu unewcicu titc uujeuiiuu 10 a nortai'e road because it would (if thp enterimr wedtre to povernment nwnpr. AJeu Itt e Little tarly chip of railwavs by saving that "this ! brin8 certain relief, cure my headache would not be a railroad" in the common ! and never Bpe" They gently, cleanse acceptance of that term ; but would be ' and Invigorate the bowels and liver. a mere incident to the improvement of 1 usea .ouoi uyepepsiauure in a great national waterway, with which ! mraiiy witn wonderlul resulte. It gives Marks CoPrRICHTS &C. A"Tone em!!ri5 a kelrh nnd descrlpthm n nm K'r ueortnlii imr oimiton Jree whetlier a leren'nn I pr 'babir I'Hteniuhlc. iimuiunlr tiniuittrlctlyiiiinilcnti.iL llandtxiokon 1'nteuu lent f-ee. ic"' Keener f'J' teeurtnir patents. l'a'.ei.u tnien thnmcb A'.nnn A Co. receive tpeuitnctlee, wjihuut chnrro, tu tbe Scientific American. A handfmt'T WnttniJed reeklr ljirtrc-it rlr nil,i;if:n i f ntir neicriiB'- '"umnl. Terms. t3 a tear; l iur m-jtitba, lb told byall ncwjdealeTn. BflUNN&Co.SB,B"d-New York llraricri Office C5 1' lt ;VMhlngtun. 1). (' SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. P. S. GUNNING, Agent u- THE DALLES, OREGON So Klght iu UEllnrm. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will- always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If ehe is weak, sickly and all run down, ehe will be nervous and irritable. If ehe has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin It is the original Witch Hazel eruptions and a wretched complexion. diseases Dive. .ueware 01 an counierieus. vAecirin V. ttrs i !,. ,i.a,. ; To. secure the original witch hazel the world to regulate etomach, liver and salve, ask for DeWitt's Witch Hze! kidneys and to purify the blood. It Salve, well known as a certain cure for gives Etroug nerves, tiright pyes, emooth, piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth-! velvety skin, rich complexion. It win They are dangeroue. make a good-lwking, charming woman Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says, ola run-do- n invalid. Only 50 cents Risers alwave at -Ulakeley & tlongbton'e drugstore. . TBe coiumDia PacKiDg Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF JIA.VDFACTDKKRU OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. C. C. COOPER, .MAM l ACTl ltKli 01' High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DK.VI.I.'H l.V TentB, Waoii Covers, nnd all articles usually kept lu a first-class harness shop. THE DALLES, OKEGOX. Opposite Jlijudy n Warehouse, This Stamp n Guarantae . MAKER j of Qunllty. SOUTH and EAST via Htartlluc ClMluik, j Eighty-five per cent of all persons de-1 jclared incurable or given up to die by mb tun ie vuicu, Ul VllCtf IJVCBj greatly proloncea IjV ihfi lifnpfipMnt the qtieetion 01 uovernment ownerehip j nnmeuiaie reuei, ifc pleasant to taK and powerg of the "Perfected" Oxvgeuor of raiiwaye had absolutely nothing to ! trulv the drafieptlc's le&t friend," ; King. Thte ctartling aeeertion U eue do, and that any criticism of this project j E. Ilartgerink. Overieel. Mich, j ceptible of 'proof. Ve have it in the irom mat eiandpoint could as well be mgeBw wnai you eai. uannoi lau to mmt in anv imrirnvomurif ulutti. t... ! CUte Mica 'Axle Crease IT il T ' u I'll PPn MQniTin ..:.n.' lightens the load ehortcng the road. canals and locks or by railway.' ill for the Candidate. Iseing ill for the paet week and con finer! to my bed, I had no Idea that my rrohihition friends had the least thought ' ... V """""" " " of placing me in nomination for coroner I ld et"nd' "nd ,C feCtna" nor any othor office, as no intimation of their political intentions was given me. Not desiring to accept the nomination, i I herehy declare that I am not a candi date for that office under any conaidtra tion nor cn any ticket whatever. Wm. Michell, The Dalles, April 7, 1000. Millie. Livery stable for sale at Centervillp, Wash., 100 per month business. Will sell at a bargain. ni27-lm A. Ji. GiiAHAM fiubfcrlbe for This Ckkoxic'e. , Ulnaulutlou of J'rtnerlili. The busineee heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane Bros., ie this day dieeolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct the business at the accounts and pay all hills of the firm. All parties kuowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as eoon as possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1000. L. L. Lank, lin-0J(W y. M. La.vk. 1 Wm Orr, Newark, O., eoys, "We never feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little boy's life when he had the pneu monia. We think it is the beat medicine made." It cures couirhs and all lunv I diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. form of letters from all classes of people' "reEiding far and near" who are de. lighted to testify to the marvelous cura tive powers of this latest and most per fected home oxygenating instrument. For sale by J. M. J-'illoon, The Dalles, uu-iwuzw helps the team. Saves wear and expense, bold everywhere MADE BY STANDARD OIL CO. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Ore. for hale. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Kock ejgs, per setting $1 .00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or addre&e, liAXIiriih Bkoh. Uox C17. The Dalles, Or. Eagley Broe., have purchased a through bred Jersey bull, registered stock. For particulars apply at red dence on Tenth street, near the fair grounds. Phone 385. 3 6- (mo Paint your house with paiuU that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke &. Falk have them. I.AKIJ OlTlCl: ATTllE DAtLKH, OllKClO.H.I Kebruurr '.'C, lywi.j Notice U hereby filven Hint the followtnir-nurni-d toltler tint illn! tmiic. .r 1,1. ..,.....".. lnukS'ii,lul ',,,0"11' ""I'trt ol claim, and . i . w.." '."uc ""'nine m-Kimor mid Ktceivw t The iMlltn, Oregon, lu fcalur day, Aiinl ., YfXi, viz, John Frederick Walther, of The Drtlles Oregon, H. E. No. VfrC. for the N'Wu 11 (,.,. .,1.1. lwutli, ra'ixe ISeaM, V. l, He immtit the lollowliiK witiimen to t.rrivo hU coiiliiiuoua realdcncc uiMm nnd eultlvatlon of aald lmd, viz W. WoW, John OhtUt, Frank Ohrlat. Wllllm, OhrUt, all of The IH, OrtKoq. ' 'K-i JAV V, I.UtfA8, itcgUtcr. Yellowstone Park Line. THK D1N1NO CAP. ItOl 'lK KHOM 1'OltTl.ANO '10 T1IK i:.kt. THE ONLY DIltKCT MNII TO THK YKI.I.OW BIONK 1'AltK Trillin leave The Dallen (or 1' rt!nnil utiitloim nt 1 :Ji u. 111. mid 3 i. in. A 11111 VK. No. 1 i.avK. t Union Dsfjot, Firih and I sis ; ho. 2. , Fnt )u f0r TiiMHim,' fiuiUIu, Olymphi, (ini-n llntlKir niid Hiiutli lloml, iiii, hikiiiii', Hush-1 laud, 11. C 1'iilliiiiin, 11 Ij A. M., fHlolliiini inliilliKConii- &J50P..M, try, lleltnu, Miiinciiiio ht. l'fliil, own in, ' KHIlinN f1 If iit 1 ....1. ' (CllR'IILfn ft til nil i.,,!.,!. No 11;S0 p. 1 , l'"Ket fiounil' i:.xire.s.s , 31.' 101 -'lacmiia mid hi-attlc! 7; I llllliiaiV IKIlllId No. il. CO A. M. Subscribe for The Chronicle. T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Poblic. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. C. E. Bayard's of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. ' I'Ulllnilll Ilml.nl11.11 .. . lnNUKil!,!,V'&.r,,,lm '"""t 'U. IJ'iKKHKt) ohwikiit to ck'.itlnalKiii of tlcketH .hVl.'.i"".""0"1'1' "'ltl l .t Ivoi mtter. wilta Wvi'inK Cttr rewrvatlim., etc., c.ill cm or A. D. CHARLTON, AuMMmit (i(illtT)ll l'liUKCiiKur AKfHt.'.'. Morrlunn htieet, corner '1 liltd, I'ortlaiill, Orison. W.W1UON, A l iUHMSY.AT LAW, OBlocove, t N.t. ffi UM,,'EH( MW- HUNTJNOTON 4 WHJON, ATTOKNEYH AT LAW, m ore, First N.t. VAU'Kis 0REU0N Leave l'ortlnnd. " Albany .. Arrive Ashland " Kucrmni.'iito " huu Krunt'Uco u 111 1 a 111 11 111 111 11 111 I I'lU Arrive Ogdnn " Denver KiinkimOlty. ' Ulilu.nro ... Arrive U Angola ... " Kt I'HkO " Kort Worth . . " City of Mexico , " llouatnn " New Ork'tum " WiuhlliKlon .. " Now York 6 ham jho n 111 ' 11 m , 1.1110 1 -itpm r, ou p in c um 1 i.) 11 in l ui II in 0 .'.ni in n r.'iim l.'l"n 7;Wp8 Jti:pn 11:3)10 4 ; o 11:130 l. Ill ID .jjjjiti 7:00 it m diOOpB l:oo 0:25 CiltS IJP0 I'llllmil'l mirl TmirUt r,ir (ill bilttl J'''!- Oluilr ... ilumninuiitn lo Ou'lk'll Hi"1 .V ... nr. lllll'l cuu mid lonrlht cam to CIiIohko, M lutim uuu WhhIiIiikIoii. .dih wveril uoiiiivfiiuiK 111 nun riv 'i. , Hteiunithlp Ilium for HoiioliiliN Ji "M"' I'litltpiilitea, Ooutrul and Huutli AiMlci- Heo ngent at The Paltca ntutlou, or C. H. MARKHAM, aeueral P.menger AuMit, IMtlU1'0'' JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Deutist. OlUce ovar French (.' mt Phone C, TIIKDAl.'i"-