The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 07, 1900, Image 3

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    Gentlemen !
Tis to your interest to
visit our Clothing De
partment before buy
ing your Spring Suit
or Overcoat.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Flguros.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
WjMifiitif Vn. 1.
SATURDAY - - - Al'RIL 7,1000
hvrri'd In
htylts by
for sweet, juicy iininB v.o to .1. n.
(W. upr7-10
H.ure will bo u regular adjourned
meeting of the common council tonight.
Don't wear shabby huts. Don't fail
to itu thy now Blylrc jufit received nt
IViiue A Mays.'.
A, ,'. liriuha in, of Oufur, Is now a full
fltilKutl Democrat. That's whut comes
of monkeying with tho true silver lu
nacy. The iioetoflico at DeMoss Sprina will
liotliHiioutiiiued uftcr tho 1-lth of Ajirll.
Tho citizens of thiit plaeo will reeoivo
llioir until t Moro.
Henry .McGroernnd soup, of Antelope,
Imvo sold to Jolin Little their mutton
licP ut if3 GO per hundred pounds to bo
delivered at Shaniko on tholOthof May.
Mormon mooting. The Lntter Day
Saints will hold uieutiiitfB in the snuill
K. of 1'. l,n tomonow ut 2 und 7:80 p.
in. A cordial invitation la extended to
Hate. Headquarters for nil kinds of
IirIb mid cups. Tho late styles, and only
tlie latest at I'unee & Maya'.
Died, Friday night, April 0th, on
Five-Mile, 0f consumption, Laura Uul
'ock, mtcd id j.,llrH Tno fuerui Wi
inltu pluco t Sunset cometorv tomorrow
t 2 o'clock p. m.
There will bo work in the second and
tl'ird rank at tho K. of P. lodge Monday
"Wit, to be followed by a smoker, to
which all Knight, especially visiting
hrethorn, uro invited.
Tlie Sentinel ways President 15. JS.
'ytlo lma aiuiouncud that as soon aa
I'" uradlnn i8 flnlBhod on tho Columbia
oouliioru tho ontlro force of graders will
, ,,int 10 work on the Lyle and Golden
lule road.
,I"tB 1 Htnl Huts I Just received
a lri!n consignment of tho very latest
nd newest Btylea at Pease & Mays.'
Tho "Old Koostor" who edits the
. oro OWrvor annouucee that "youug
"jns will bo taken on account" nt ttie
uoeerver ofllee. Is Urother Ireland
B to start a harem or a chicken
ranch? Which?
'U i,o m, K( church tomorrow ti,
J,8 ,or "v. U. F. Hawk, will occupy
Hi pit mornlnii! and evening. In
comifcction with the morning service the
f ,Bacr'"int of the Lord's Supper
uu lulmluistered. Subject for the
evening eermon, "What is the Higher
If a durkey waiter should drop a plat
ter Af turkey, what four great calamities
would befall tho earth? Auswer Tho
downfall of Turkey; the overthrow of
Greece; the breaking up of China and
tho surprise of Africa.
Tiio Goldendalo Sentinel soys the long
distance telephone is hiring extended
from Goldendalo to iloekhonde and
Camas Prairie. A line will also be built
across tho Simeoo mountains through
the reservation toNorth Yakima, fol
lowing tlio old injJitnry road.
Messrs. Howard S. and Stanley S.
Sonle, of the Hrm of Soulo Bros., piano
tuners of Portland, will arrivo at Tho
Dalles Monday, April 9th. Orders mav
be left at either Jneobeen's or Niekeleen's
music store and will receive prompt and
careful attention. af -It
C. Loreneen, who claimed to bo a
laborer on his way from Portland to
Spokane, stopped over here yesterday,
fell by tho wayBlde and was duly hauled
up by Marshal Hughes this morning
before his Honor Judge Gates and fined
$3, which ho paid and went his way.
Charles Hicks, who had mode arrange
ments to start the Shaniko lllihee, has
changed his mind and bought out tho
Arlington Advocate, Tho Moro Leader
has been purchased by Sheriff William
Holder who will take the plant lo
Shaniko and establish a paper there.
Tho Telegram suggests tho following
ticket for the next nutional campaign :
"For president, MrB. George Dowey; for
lirBt assistant president, Arthur P. Gor
man ; for second and third assistants,
John H. McLean and Richard Croker;
for parade exhibition, Admiral Dewey."
Willie Hale, the latest Importation
from the London Alhambra Theater, Ib
tho most wonderful pei former in his
lino in existence. Ho performs some of
the moBt remarkable feats of elub jug
gling while running on a rolling globe.
Ho is one of tho features with tho Har
low Minstrels.
Zellu, Iho "Human Ophidian" na ho
ib termed, Is the most remarkable con
tortionist In existence. His perform
ance at tho Olympic theater last night
was tho feature of tho already strong bill.
He works like lightening and must bo
Been to bo appreciated. Chic igo Herald.
Zolla Ib with tho Harlow Minstrels.
The Graes Valley Journal i responsi
ble for the story that upon tho return
homo of the Wasco delegates to tho late
Uepuhllcan county convention at Moro
tho city authorities of Wasco fined each
of them .f5.75 and placod them in quia
nntlue till they were thoroughly fumi
gated. Tho Btory needs confirmation.
Seventv years ago there were twenty
elx distlilerieB in Peun'e Valley, Penn.,
and now only one remains. And yet
neither Pennsylvania nor any of tho
neighboring states has had legal prohi
bition. The growth of temperance sen
timent and practice is duo to social ud
Our first invoice of those nobby
garments lias arrived and is now on
sale. Wo invito your presence to pass
judgment upon these goods, as they
are the latest cut, stylo and finish that
the loading suit house of Now York
City has been able to turn out. They
were somewhat delayed, owing to the
fact that these garments were made to
our order and could not bo turned out
hurriedly; besides their workmanship
will stand the most rigid inspection.
Are also among this shij mont, and arc
in perfect keeping with the suits in
style and workmanship. One of these
garments worn with our late shirt
waists is just the thing during these
delightful spring days.
religious influence in the direction of
higher molality and more enlightened
General John Bidwell, prohibition
candidate for president in 1802, died nt
Iiis homo near Chico, Calif., Wednesday,
from heart failure. General Bidwell
was a pioneer of 1841 and tho founder of
Cluco. He was eighty years of age and
a native of Chautauqua county, New
j ork. Ho leaves an estate valued at
$1 ,000,000.
Three tramp?, or probably highway
men, giving their names bb John Strange,
Joseph Scott ond Wm. W. Skidmore,
were arrested last night by Nightwateh
meii Phirmau and Alisky and today
sentenced to twenty-live days each m
the county jail for canying concealed
weapons. Each man carried a big six
shooter, with every chamber loaded,
besides, scattered among them, a quan
tity of powder and cartridges. Tho men
pleaded guilty.
Tho Oxygenor gives increased vitality
to every oigan in the body, deEtroys ma
lignant germs, purifies tlie blood and
assists nature in throwing olf disease.
There can bo no distinction between
forme of disease. The Oxygenor cures
at one and the i-anie time every form of
disease with which we may be nillicted.
All curable diseases pre within its range
of power. And can be applied while
you sleep. No medicines; no doctors.
Always ready and always reliable. Sold
or rented by J. M. Filloon, The Dalles,
Oregon. ap7-lwdotw
Johnston Bros, have pi t in a new
wheel and pump for the purpose of
foicing water from 15-Mile creek up to
their farm a mile and a half from the
creek. The pump is tlie invention of P
M. Wing, of Boyd, aud 16 claimed to bej
the superior of any pump in existence;1
besides possessing superior pumpinu
powers, Its simplicity oi construction
prevonts it from being continually out
of order us is usual with most of the
pumps. It is understood that the Dufur
water company intend putting In one
of these pumps in the near future.
Dufur Dispatch.
Tho Barlow Minstrels, which ap
peared iiere last night, opens up a new
era in minstrelsy. Tho performance
was devoid of bolsterousness, and the
usual rough and uncouth hingtiaue,
which is common witli some of tho eo
eUliued first-class companies, yet the
vivid portrayal of tho unique attributes
and the violant humour of the genuine
dari-ey, was charming in tho extreme.
The vocal numbers were ull given in a
maimer t hut took tho audience from the
etiUt, while tho orchestra was all that
was claimed for It. The Barlow Min
strels will always find a cordial welcome
awaiting theu here. Salt Like News.
Last inght Cedar Circle had its third
birthday and its members were out to
help celebrate the occasion. After the
session closed a program was given,
followed by refreshments. After the
inner man was satiated, Neighbor
Brownhlll spoke of the Women of Wood
craft, of which Cedar Circlo is the local
order. Mr. Hrownhill gave a brief his
tory of tho order, aud Mrs. Stephens
spokoof "Our Woodmen'in her usual
happy manner. All present paid Bticli
pleasant gatherings servo to weld tho
bonds of fraternity stronger, and hoped
to have mch another evening toon.
Some months Ago a cow belonging to
Alvls C. Martin, of Victor, swallowed a
butcher knife that was in a pan of
sliced pumpkins that Mre. Martin had
abandoned for a moment in tho yard
near where the cow happened to be.
Tho cow, which was u very valuable
one, is still alive, notwithstanding that
tho knife has been in her intestines for
over tlx montns. J ne animal is very
poor anil tho knife seems to bo working
its way out. ns there is a festering lump
on her side, through which tlie macer
ated food from her stomach is emitted
when tho animal cougha oris exposed
to any unusual exertion.
A Tnle of
tho RrucmIo I-odd Orphan
A fiy lu in.
The county jail got a new inmato last
night who has all the ear-marks of a
slick customer. He had worked the
town yesterday in the interest of an
alleged orphan asylum at tlie Cascade
Locks that, he claimed, contained,
300 children. He pretended thnt he
belonged to "God's Regular Army,"
an. ollsnoot Irom the fealvation Army.
He bad a letter-head bearing ti.e written
signature of "Rev. Wm. Brown, Major,"
and claimed this aa his credentials. He
says Brown lias chargo of the work at
Seattle and that Brown recently ordered
him to come to The Dalles and solicit
contributions for the orphanage at the
Locks. When asked if ho did not know
that tiiero was no orphanage there ho
eaid he did not know and was only
obeying tlie orders of his Biiperioi, who
wrote him from Seattle that the orphan
age had been started there about two
weeks ago. From inquiries made by
tho sheriff and Deputy Sexton it appears
the fellow actually collected money on
this pretext, thin aa it ought to have
appeared to Dalles folks, from eight or
ten persons whose names, if they ap
peared in print, would cause a good
laugh among their friends. The Ciiiio.v
ici.i: man heard of the fellow's doings
yesterday afternoon from one wiio had
just heard of him soliciting subscription
from a party in the postofllce.
The sheriff was notified and tome time
after dark Deputies Sexton and Alisky
touud this soldier of God's Regular
Army in Fonts' saloon consuming forty
road lightening like a veritablo Son on
Belial and lucking tho slot machine
with the funds collected for the orphan
age for alL there was in it. He was
placed under arre9t, where he remains
pending an inquiry being made by tlie
Portland chief of police to tee if lie is
not the same fellow that, according to
a Telegram report, had been working
Portland along the samo lines a few
days ago. The fellow gives his name ae
H. B. McAlister and claims to bo a Scot
by birth ; but his speech betrays him,
for he talks liko an Englishman. How
ever that may be, ho is undoubtedly a
fraud and it is to bo hope the law may
be nblo to get a good grip on him and
Bend him over the road.
Teachers' Kxcurslon to Ilootl Itlvcr.
Following is the list of the names of
teachers, pupils and their friends who
joined in tho teachers' excursion to
Hood River this morning from The
Dalles district :
Supt C L Gilbert and wife, Chas.
Dietzel and wife, Jay P Lucas and wife,
Mra C J Crandall, Mra M Z Donne!!,
Mrs E M Wilson, Mra John Micliell,
Mra Emma Thompson, Mrs Olivia Mor
gan, Mia Brooks and friend, Mis J T
Peters, Mre French, Mra T Hrovuihill.
Mrs Meyere, Mrs Ella Ball, B A Gifford,
Earl Curtis, Clarence Gilbert, Francis
Sexton, Ola Norman, Mabel Collins,
Maude Micliell, Constance Whealdon,
Martha Whealdon, Lizzie Shorrer, Olive
Slate, Maude Gilbert, Betsio Snipes,
Blanche Emerson, flattie Glenn, Wasco
Morris, Pearl Jo!es, Minnie Kartell,
Maude McLeod, Hannah Schwabe, Lll
lie Kelley, Mamie Buchlet, Ruse Buch
ler, E II Merrill, Bortha Willerton,
Misses Annio Taylor, Nan Coper, Em
ma Roberts, Eta Wrenn. Mary Douthit,
Elsie Ball, Mrs Katie Ruche, Misses
Sallua Phlrma'n, Tena Rlutoiil, Louise
Rlntoul, Minnie Michel), Melissa Hill,
Prof. J T Nefl'j Supt. J K Landers.
The following excursionists ajo from
the Dufur district: It R Allan! ami
wife, Geo W Brown and wife, Misses
Maggl i 8igman, Eva and Ada Heisler
uud Aimy Johnston, Fred Quinn, Will
Gnilliford, Clarence Heisler and James
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havi Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always
lu uso for over 30 years,
jWy'rfjs sonal supervision since its infancy.
f-C&S4 Allmtfiin nnn to (lnnnlvn voll in hl.t.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good aro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Cnstorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worn
ond allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
It Has Never Failed
Mr. C. S. Peaslec, the well-known druggist of
Morgan City, La., is highly thought of in his neigh
borhood because of his skill ami care in filling pie
sctiptions. The best physicians in the pla:e fend
their patients to stcrc'wlieiievcr they can. Any
tiiiug -.vtiicli Mr. IV-uke tuny say enn'l'e depended
upon iibrul .U'lv !; a letter fo'W. II. Hooker &
C i., Kv.v York Citj , proprietors ot Acker's English
i;tdy. 1 v.' r-.iy-. ' p,in nil my man vycais' tspori
". 11 ' '1 u--;::ist. II ?.vi never handled a medi-
: MM.f :i:n- liauiro th t ynvc such complete
: ie .on ii: Acl. i's ICujilisli K mcdv forThror.
i l iu ; i nr.imv :;. i r.oio nunnreus
bi Am, u::d have yet t learn of a single case
w'.i io 't failed t eti'-e. In
i roup. H acts vitn a-cer-i..i
ity ti.nt in really mar
veh ii i. My wife does not
take much steel: in mcdi
ci but she has absolute
f uitli in Acker's Unglish
Remedy, always having it
at her 'elbow in case tlie
children aro attacked by
croup at night. It is a
positively harmless rem
edy, as 'I can personally
tcs.ty. i Know ot a muo
irirl who r.ccidcntnllv drank a wholo
stomach lor a short time, but the sickness passed away, and then tlie child was
in better health thnn ever before. I can understand why Acker's English Rem
edy is so efficacious, because I am a druggist. It is not n mere expectorant,
but a strengthening, invigorating tonic as well. While it heals the irritations
of the mucous membrane-, it also builds up the constitution au.l purifies thvi
blocd. I endorso it absolutely."
Sold at 25c, 50c. and$i a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
and in England, at is. ad., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d, If you are not satisfied after buying,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
We authorUe the above guarantee. It'. . HOOKER A CO,, Pfojirtttort, XewYoik,
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Miles! uri.',
a., saye, "Aa u speedy cure for coiiuIib,
colds, croup and sore throat Or.o Minute
Cough Cure is uneqtialed. It ia pleasant
for cliildien to take. I heartily recom
mend it to mothers." It h tho only
harmless remedy that produces, iin
inediato results. It cures bronuliitic,
pneumonia, urippo and throat and 1 u tin
diseases. It will prevent comu nipt ion.
Sick llend-ieliQ absolutely and pornm
nontly cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant hcrbdrink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you cut, sleep,
work and happy. .Satisfaction guaranteed
or money buck. 2 cts. and fit) cie.
Blakeley & Houghton Driblet".
No Ilagokuee. Your trousers once
prossed alwuys pressed. It takes a
minute, Heet pants stretchers in tho
world, Seo IVasu & Mays' window,
Oni) of the l)!!st numbers of tho year
of tliH May I)i)lginr now ready for (lis.
tribution at I'easti k Mays',
Clarke A Falk have received u carload
of tho celebrated James K. Put ton
Btrietly pure liquid paints
Walcli this paper for date of hiu mus
lin underwear sain at t lie New York
Cash Store.
M. 1). Smith, limternut, Mich,, says,
"DoWitt's I.ittlo Karly Hieors tiro the
very best pills I ever used for costheness,
liver and bowel troubles."
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Bought and which lias been
has horno tho signatnro oS
has, been inado under his pcr-
Signature of
''ft- ij
Sho was, of course sick at her
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager,
One flight Only
Miini'gi'mciit Hnrty Want,
35 White Artists 35
New sr New
Q Brass Bands 2
See the Grand Street Parade
Prices, $1.00, 7oi', 50o and Son.
Kcnervctl Beats on mlo nt Clurku A FmIW'n
DruiS Htorc.
Kill Mi3
Ml (111