Catarrh is Not Incurable Bat it can nor-bo cured by sprays, ; I.J'.ironl? : thronch the blood. S- S. S. is the only ; remedy which can hnve any effect upon Catarrh ; it cures the disease perma- nently and forever rids the system of every trace of the vile complaint. Miss Josie Owen, of Mostpdler. Ohio. Y !' , f . 1 fllctcdl Jrora infancy ' u-ith Catarrh, and no one can know the vir thm i. The sprays and washes ; prescribed iy the doc- con; Uood remedie: but their aiteral ingredients settled la ray bones and cave me rhtumstisa. ' 1 wa la a lamentable condition. nd. -Uteres. haustlnpali treatment. wa? declared lnearaKe. S-ein 5. S. 5. advert;?ed as a cure lor blood . H-:.t I rl.-iHn tn irr It. As soon as ar ,5 -,r fystem was -under the effect of the medicine, ' . . 1 . . - V. 1 . . t . js .v.- dnadlnl difease was eradicated from mysys- tern, and 1 UsTe had no return of it." j Many have been taking local treat- raent for vears. and find themselves, worse now than ever. A trial of ; Tor Dlft, gM TheUlUUU II ; will prove it to be the right remedy for Catarrh. It will cure the most ob stinate case. Books mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Gu. rEOI'LC Tr ALL KJ'OtV, G. C. Vinton, a wealthy farmer from Grass Valley, is in the city. W. A. Carapbeil, the veteran life in mrance man, is tn the city. P. Normite, a California miner, is in the city on his way to tne Snmpterconn try. "VV. L"idel. the Goldendale watch- msk-r nnd iaweier. was in the city last i T ia-S7. tors re..fru at dsij , ,. . , ., . . . , r;rSSf-' teianorarilT. and equalieu tor piles, icjunesj.ana scia interest thereon irnnt i yc; F r5irvft itnpor.iuj, i.u , 1 . , , 'trannnm end the orcnitiic coets, end b. 1.21 : 2 VI thoo;:!l 1 nied tte:a dtwases. It is the original itch Hazel i f, jate-et at the rmc ot 10 j-or cent ir annum j ; Ft6ay :or ten yrar. iw aa . 5alve. iieware 01 ail cosnterieits. ( wu;u.; ' , Vj-dV.;: and cr hoid than ever. 1 tried a cncitr ci , ..... ..... . 1 ri .i.v.,...'-.,. r .u.rih.wt onrrip?. ' ' night accompanied by Mrs. Leidtl. be an anEna meeting of the stockhold H. T. Johnston, the leading merchant hers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria of Dnfnr. is in the city accompanied by "Jscaviuaiion Co.. at their offic2 Saturdav. i. ancerpool and Alex, rieisler. f Hi n ..... 'of Arizona, and an old-time resident of The Dalles, is registered at the Umatilla House. J. A. Cba.ielle. a prominent GclJei eale merchant, spent last night tn th city and left ior home on the stage this morning. Chas. Derham, a saw mill man from Hay Creek, Crook county, was in town lai night, the fuest of the Umatilla House. Colonel B. F. Pike, the Sherman county assessor and Republican nomi nee for that office to succeed himself, is in the city. "Win. Hughes, the brick mason, who is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever, went down to Lyle on the ooat this morning to spend a few weeks with friends. Advertloert Letter. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dallee un called for April 6, 1000. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : LAIMES. Cowan, Mrs Henry Norton, Mrs John Crouse, Mise L ' Rogers, Miss Eva Fitzgerald, Mrs E C rikelton, Dr Ida Eoontz, Miss Ella Tenard, Mrs Edna GENTLEMEN. Ate, Uayard Acbennan, M lijwe, Harry Clinoi:, F H C ichran. Jas 'Z) Cruise, G A Aallugher, Aavis Garber, Geo Gocdell, Mr Nrttnburger, I L (2. Negrenere, A A Harris, J A Knrlon Emannue! Slnrrav, Hubert Schous, Pred St Atnel, Henry Tuvlor, G S Wagner, Charley Gow, Aleck H. H. P.IDlJELt., P. M. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination nt the court house, The Dalles, Oregon, commencing Wednes day, April 11, 1900, at 9 o'clock a. tn. and continuing until Friday, April 13:h, at 4o'clock. I'llOGEAM. Wednesday Penmanship, history, or-! thography, reading Tiiureday -Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arithme tic, physiology, civil government. The foregoing for county papers. Commencing Weduetday, April 11, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Thursday, April 12lh, at 4 o'clock : ' Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods. Tho foregoing for primary certificates, Paled title 31et of March, 1900. 0. L. GlI.BEET, Sl-td County School Supt. Lout. Sit. all pnrse containing a hey. Fifty ; 1 cents to the finder on return of the same ' to this offira npifi It BUSINESS LOCALS. CUnfce it Fait have on sale a full line U Chrkeft Fa.k'squinine hair tome to keep dandruff from the hed. . .. .. . v,.m. , eaD. : , A uac .' ? ! 1 1 ,1 piles jnsi received by Clarke A Falk. , Yon will not have boils if vou take . Clarke fc Falk's sure enre for boils. t n-lo f- Falt' Stvorinc extracts are 'a ce rolk s "'Vorinc csiracs a.c 1 the best. Ask your crocer for them. j ... . Fiornl .olinn n-.II enre nrind cnarminc and sunburn. . . , . . . j-,. . t Manufactured by Lcrfce . & Fait. n ,vll,,. wi.h h,.. c.i.- :s nn secure onglui salve, R5K lor uetli s ucn nszsi Si - !Ve. well known as a certain cure for ., d 5khi diseases. Bsware of worth- f . . . less couaierieus Thpv Rr dancerons. L-iwis Ackerman. Goshen. Ind.. savs. Little Earlv Risers always btivg certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gentlv cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver, ,.T . , T. , . . . 1 nEeu wyepepsw ure u., 1 famt'v witn woncertnt results. 11 gives immediate, relief, is pleasant to take and j is trclv the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgetink, Overisel. Mich. Di?ests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. ISUmarck'a Iron .SrtTt ! Was the result of his splendid health. I Indomitable will and tremendous energy" I are not found where stomach, Hver, I bidntvs and bowels are out of order. If rou want these qualities and the success thev brintr, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. - Stockholder. Slectlut;. Notice is herebv civen that there will , .: -nnn , . . . , co l U i j l PUVj ni JJ. UI Uiu ui electini: seven directorh. and trans- acting such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Ddlies, March 15, 1900. L. E. CnowE, Secy. Dissolution of 1'artncrolilri. Tiie business heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct the business at the old stand, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of the firm. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to sef.le as soon as possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900. L. L. Lane, lin-daw N. M. Lane. Wm. Orr, Newark, O., sajs, "We never -feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved inv little boy's life when he had the pneu monia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless nnd gives immediate results. Kev. W. E. Sitzer. W. Canton, N. Y.. writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was periuaded to use Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea for all forms of indigestion." It digests what vou eat. ; . ... I hy pay flwo per gallon for inferior : paints when you can buy James E. j Patton's sun pnof paints for f 1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark it I Fi!k, agents. ml" New patent painters' and paper j hangers' Bnite at the New York CaBb j Store- j Earlv Rose potatoes at Maier&Ben- i . ' lo" e" I Bicycle sundries and fishing tackle at , ,, , , . , u Maier & Benton's. S-lotf i Nasal CATARRH In a1' tlmt boald be cleanlioetf. Ely's Cream Bala deaoet , a ootbes-and heal the diteaied membrane. It cures catarrh and ddree away a cold in the lead qalclciy. Cream Balm fi placed Into the nostril, fprtad over the membrane and Ii absorbed. Belief li im mediate and a euro follows. It la not drying dots not produce sneezing. Large Size, SO cents at Drug gists or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall UKV JXiOTIiKIlS, Si Warren Buaet, New York. T. BROWN HILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, is'otary Public. Collection" promptly attended to. Money to loan. C. E. Bayard's of fice, The Dalloe, Oregon. Or Sheriff's Sale. lit vlrtneof an ex'cution ued cot of the Contitv,ln nlt therein jMj.tlnK wherein Mnitn i Krone Is plaint! a and Kmeltn Davis. Xirv , or E. mnm. ill. Uuie J. h , invm, imam ti, A.ait .i-. . r. , s. LsuihUn. administrator of ib-e.atc.. mim --1 2 200, ,my or April, iixo. at the Court Hoiue door in Daik niy. Onsos. j l'ubJlc ,D t!,t Wchct Wddjr ioi ch J dccjhi trrctsot laud situated in said County ! Xei.ltr!lir?I";S; BIlii lac north half of the northeast quarter and 1 u,lat qusrtCr ot the northeast quarter und the tiortbea-t quarter of the southeast iur I icr 01 section ii. lownsmp su,v..'- j. 1 ..t. W. M. to satistv the sura ot nndiu- toret at e ier cent I'or nnnum jmm jjiurii 10li1 .h.. .n ri kvjjs nnd lnterwt thereon ! a't 10 icr cent per annum trom Ndd dale, and j (thoiim nf ii"il . and lnteret at 10 iwrccut I t-er annum irom ssia caic aim wwv aii.uc; i let, and 116.41- CNi cud dllureinents and j aricr of the junthcssl t quattct .i said wh n mwunii' ! ' J"J !r TES I cnum iron: ftJjyS""1 ! balance oi taid s-umt of SUI1.9S, MO Oi,f . i'iv :n. mti.ji and FKWiU hid Interest upon I cacn ropeeuveiv, aj. amrrejiiu; nuu i-w i, ' o' bioct . f Paiies City, urcson. to tisfy the ! ram id t..4 and interoi thereon at the rate of f. per cent jer annum irom iitrcn imv, and the nistisaed orUoii ! Mild Rnm. JST1 -a, fift.i. $ t-jtast. tizn.'i nd f.49, and Hie intereftt ujn each rol-eotivrty. a aforeaid. aid alc ill be for cash in hand to the highest Md.ler. BatwJ lhi irth day of M arch. 1! X KOHEKT KELLY, mei l Hhcrtfi'of W'tioo county. Or. Citation. In the County Court ol the State of Oregon lor the County of Wajco. In the matter of the eta:c of I'atrich Brown, dfeeacd. citation. To IeHa C. Brown, Anna itrown. Mary M. Leo nard, Catherine Lecey. 1'rant Brown. Anna Brown, Alice Brown oad Ethei llrowu, (rreetinc. In the name o! tae Mate o: uiecon. you aie i tcrebv cltod end required to appear in the j Couutr Court of th- slate of Drecon, fur the ! County of Wnseo. at the May terra of f aid court. ; at the court .room thereof, at i ; ; o'clocl: in the afternoon ot that day, then and : there ;to show caufC. it any mere iw. ny an or dcr ol mle should not be made by the above ea- j titled Court, dtrectinc lella C Brown, admiuiv . tratrix of said estate, to soil at private bale the followiiip described real property ot said .estate. I lowlt: Lots. A. It. ( . !.E.r.(i II. 1, J. K. L, In ; block f.7, of Fort ltalle Military l'.e?ervatlon in Oregon. Wilne!s the Hon. KoberlMays, Judge of the sold Count v Court, ith the mmI of Mild Court BtUxed, this 2nd day of April, A. 1). 1X0. EAI. Attcit: A. 31. KELSAV, Clrt, ap'i5ir By t, BoLTo.v, Deputy. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. V. s. Land Orncc, at Tue Dallf.!-. Oce., FCBKCABT S. ltW. Notice i hereby Riven that the fullowirjj; n.nw! j,?l- hnstltMl ,u,l?M.ffcf !i!r intpnlirin tn maVe ilncl pnof in tupjrt of bU claim, and that .nid proof will be made before the UeziMcr i aud lltcelver at The Dalles, Oregon, on VVedne. i day. April 4. !..), viz- William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or. j Homestead Entry No. 527. fur the i'W;-4, R-ctSoa 11, township 1 Njiith, ranct 11 east, W. ii. , He nnnieo th-foltowins wltaen to prove his continuous rc&iaence ujon cnu cumration oi said land, viz: A ll:r: Turner, Charles Goton, Charles smith, C. A. bibon, ail of Ihe Dalles, Ortxnn. JAY I. LCi-AS. feb2-i Kesiitcr NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. La.mj orncE atTiie Dalleb, obwion, Ft-bruarr 26, lti.t JCatice if hereby civen that the follovriiii; camed settler llltd notice of hit (mention to make final proof in huppurt of bi claim, and that said proof will he made before the Itesriiter and Beceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on ealur day, April 7, 1KO, viz: John Frederick Walther, of The Dalles Oregon, II. E. i.'o KM, for the K"Si Hcc. 11, township 1 nouth, ranire 12 et, W. JI. He names the foUontiig wlliifnes to pr.ive Ills continuous residence UKn und cultivation of "-aid Nnd, viz: t. Wolf, John Obi In. Franc Obriat, WUliaru ribrlst, ull of The Dalit. Orrfon. fcb2vi JAY 1. Ll'CAH, BCiistcr NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. i LAKuOrricc at Vasicveh, Wash i 1 March fc, I'M. j Notice is hereby cltrcu that the foHowiuK rinir.ed fettbr has tiled notice of hi Inter.- tlon to make iiiml proof in mppon of his ' claim, and that mid pnmf will made before W. B Frtuby, Vulud etctos Coininlrlorier for Dietiictof Uatbliirrtoint hi o'licc in Golden dale, Wab.. on Monday, April -i, I'M, viz. nerman cagetKe, t ' -0- "'r the iiorlliuest quarter of .section 22, township 3 north, of range 14 tust, "ienamcK the foiiowini; witnossdi to prove hli ; ia"2nVtir laenw Upm UIld cultivu!loa 01 , .Henry fatacker, William Wilkinson, iiietrlck ii. nieKuinii, oi i,enierviiie r. u , n asil., and tienry r. nrune, oi rue ituu- j'. o otemiii. rcario-n w, 1;. Dl NBA It, I'.vsbiter, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice l hereby uiveri thut tho undeiticued hu ien ainKiimtd by the county court, of the tatc of Oreson.for Waico countv.'adiulnliitmior fortbe eaUite of i-utilck Brown, deceased. All persons haviriK ci hereby notified, to verifieVt, to me at uininis uitainst sniu estate are picscut sjiiu ciittns, properly the office of slmiott A Kluuntt. ill Dulles CttV. Ore., within six months from tint aate tuereoi. Dated Junnary Z', l'.U. DELIA C. IlItOWN, nn27-ll Aduiliiitrat4r, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is bc-rebv elven Unit tbo iitiflri.lvtivl baa been duly appointed administrator ol the estate nf J. C. Baldwin, otcensed. All iicrwins baring cUiina against sutd estate nrc hereby nodded to present the same, properly verllled, in mcorlo my attorneys, Dufur A: Meuefec, lu Tho Dalles, Orenon, within six months fioin the uaiooi mis nonce. Dated this 1 tth day of February, VM. K. 11. MKIilULL, AftinlliUtMir ti thi ..utxtc. .f I I liul,1.ul.. dvotused. ' ' fcbl7-l EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Klven thut the undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court ol the state of Oregou tor Wasco county,, executor with the will annexed of tbo last ulifnf Jane Beezley, deceased. All persous havlnsr claims SKsInst saldeauteare hereby notillcd.'lo uresent them to me with Ihenrnu-r vonrhi-r mt my office in The Dalles, Oiegon, within six jiiuuiua iruui iiiu uaiu tnvrvoi. xiateureD. m, vm. B. H. HUNTlKflTOV. fcb2l-il Executor. iitrtrr iir TiVr. J-CKKIiVLt. A nr. ts I nt f!t Ut: -, Poavrr.. TU Xtll Worth. Onuiha, Kn 11 J p. mi City. M. lulv . Chienyo ftad KU rt Mult .56 ra S;kanc iWalla Walla. ?jvkene, Svwjv"c Mrer T6'?. as.t ii u 1 u t b. MtUaukiv.i a. in Chicago and Kail. . 5 p. in. p. tn. ) Ocean Slinmhii. t . For n IVaneikCO 'lVcntr , S 1. la,W I and S. j I p. ra. : t 4 p. m. Ex.j'UadR.r'.Oalurflbia r.v. SUncn.!Ex.fcUuanj To .Utokijl and Wcyj fcturday Ijnidingi. t 10 u in. f,a.m. Willakettb Ktven. i 4:."S)p. xa. Ex.aunday Orecon City. KewtwrCi Ex.sundaj sclem i Way Land'a. 7 a. in, Wiixaxctte rD Vw- o.Mp. m. Tuet.,Thar.' kili, itivcaa. Mon.,wcd cad at. Orcpon City, Dayton, and KrL and Way-lJiadinpi. 0 a.m. . Wiujimrrrr !:ivcr 4:39 p.m. TucTliur, Portland to (lirvnlRa, Jlon. Wcl andsat. and Way-Landlng. 'and Friday Sst r.tvrn. l.T r.ijurin Elarla to lninUin. dciiy 1 .) a. m. 1j:xve Lewisto:; daily i t.rso a. tn. rarties destnuc toco to Ileppner should take No. 4. leavinc The Dalle at 7:06 p. m making direct connections at llcppncr Junctiun r.e'.urnliif inaklnsdlrectcoriticcunu nt Ileppnt r Junction with No. Larritin; at The Dalles at 2.56 1. m. No. 22. throucht freicht, east bound, do n'-t carry jissenscrs; arflvea 2:50 a. in., dejrt S .V) a. ra. No 2t. local freirht, carries ia.'-c::i-r, cast bound: arrive4:3up. is., dejiaru p. in No. 21. wot bound throcch freicht. dcH-s not carry jtscCEer; arrives h:15 p m., depurtt 9:SW p. a. No. 23. w est bound local frcicbt. carrle pas- ' w:)Kcr, arrives 6.1b p. in., desrts S :3U u. m. ; For full particular call on O. IL N. I'o.'t nsent The Dalles, or address W. H. HCRLBCKT, Gen 1'as. Art.. I'oriiaud. Or. Important Announcenient to 3ou. For 3 days after April 1st, I will sell all the Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Hats and C3ps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now is your opportunity to get bar gains. Don't miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. Colltne & Co. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE RACE KIARRS Copyrights &.c. Anrone nendlnc a sketch and dt-ticrintinn mi onlelf overlain nor opinion fruo wlietlicr a inrnnti Mi I probablr iienl.-ililc f'omiuuntc-s. tloKantrictlrconndeiitUl. liundtKiokon I'alenu jeut leu. nMt aireiicr for accurtiiK PulvnU. i'atei.ts takjn through Munn & Co. rccelrb tjxelal nul'.u, without cbarne, in tbo Scientific Jfttterican. A handsomely illtntratwl weekly. Ijircut rlr Terms, t'i a rnar: four niuutlia, It bold bjrall ncwkdcuiluni. MUNN Co.8" New York miaiion i any snicniiuR lonrimi. oraucn owe, cj r ru vat:iibKion, I). L THe GoiumDia PacRiop Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUKEK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JR1ED BEEF. ETC. Mica lightens the load abort cna 'Axle 'Crease the road. helps the team. Save wear and cxpeuae. ooia everywhere TAIMAH OH. OO. as '3; K fnWiiitijiiyrttrtiiiriiitrriiiiitirtfijyrjitntriTOijn JIA.VCJACTt'llED BY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars F. uiiUG ' C. C. COOPER, M,M TACT fit Eli OK High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. I1EAI.KII IN Tente, WHgon Covers, and ull articles usually kept in a firel-cluss harness shop. Op)!!? Mojdy' Warehouhc, TUB DALLES, Yellowstone Park Line. THK DINING (.All UOt li: KI10.M BOltTMND 10 TUK K.IBT. 1IIK ONLY DIIti:cT LINK TO THL VLLLOW BtONi: PA UK I-eiyi:. , Dillon Depot, rmbandisis AI'.IIIVC. '! i I Fast mall for Taeoinii, i No. 1 Kcuttlc, Olympln, Gray s , I Iliubor aud Kouth itt-ml JKilnts, bpukiitii', Uos- Iniid, B. f I'uUmnti,' Moscow, Leu Utou, lllif . alolluinpinlniiiBCouii- f,M V. M. , try, Helena, MlnneaiKi-, Us, St. Paul, Oiniilia, Kansus flly, Bt. LmU, ChlciiKO mid nil points, east ii nd southeast. No. 8. niKct Bound Kxprcsh, , for 'lueoimi nnd hvattlc ";0U A. M. i and IntenniillHte jkiIius No.: 11 15 A. M No. I. 11;0 I', it vi!!iw,"5l?i ,1",,cIft, tl tourist sleepers to wUhoutd!,11bKe,"UU,'d Mbwurl "vnlnu l!SlrcL!;,llW' ,,C,K,t ntMon. BiiKKiiKf ohecliMi to destl imtlon of tickets. vi-flic .'iiiutm, vii;., can on or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant cientrul huinnr Morrison fatitct, corner Third, IVtfitnd, On-jton. 171KKD. W.WII:ON, " ATTOKNEY-AT IJVW, OOlc ove, Kirs, K.t S UAU' KKGON, nun L1 rH SnnffiQrn PsinifiR R(l B HUHTINOTOM H H wnsoi, HUNTINGTON it WILSON, ATTOKNKYH AT LAW, m orer First Nat, Ba'uk UAU'K&' 0KKU0W 1 (IS (is 4 The Chroniele, The Dallea, Or, dob Printers. and Motors furnished on application. S. GUNNING, Agent. THE DALLES OREGON This Stamp a Guarantee p. GOO MAKTR flILLESv OltEGOX. of Qua Ity. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trulns leave The Dalies for I'. -rilanl and rJ stations nt 1:20 ii. m, and ii p. ni. Leave I'ortland " Albany , Arrive Asldand " Bacraineiito . " Bnu Francisco l.'juaiu 10:WPS J2 ra 'IS!" 7 l.j. m Arrive Ogdon " Denver KiiiisnsCity. " Cblcijso ... . 7 1 ,B A rrh c lis Angeles " Kl l'aso " Kort Worth . . " City of Mexico , " Jlouston Now Orleans " WfihliKtoii. ,, " New York . 1 . p in C m p in 0 30 it i" , i M a in 4 a i" C iluin G l-'iim 12 IjI'W 7.(08 0:00 r" r,;:B icsiso 4;U)B C-liS" I'ullmaa and Tourist cars on J'fS, Chair cars Hncraiuento to OKdt'ii "a S'-np and tourist cuts to fiucago, oi lpfltlS Mllfl WflHlllllVtOll. CoiincctliiK at Ban Knclco fi! steamship Iliici for Honolulu, Ju lu I'hllli.pliies, Cciittal colu rtmv bee agent at Tho Dalle station, r '1,lrtU C. H. MARKHAM, AMit. I'ortland. 0- JJ. 8TURDEVANT, lieutisi. .. l, I'n'a Uifllt umcc oyer rouvu - - t nntGO i.i...n. r. TIIE Muut9 a muuv w